Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 216: 300 Million Lawyer Fees, Negotiating Conditions with Lin Xiangtian

Friday, work day.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Headquarters, the Office of the Serious Crime Division.

Originally, Monday was the time for the morning meeting, and Friday was the time to finish some cases.

But because of a recent case, Zhao Chunming had to announce a morning meeting early in the morning, and Guo Wufeng, who was in charge of the Misdemeanor Division, also came here.

"Yingying is a child. In fact, she performed very well in our misdemeanor division, so I was quite reluctant to let her join the felony division..."

Guo Wufeng read the manuscript in his heart, trying to force a little smile on his face, to be honest, it was really difficult for him.

Tan Yingying, who was being commended at the side, rolled her eyes in her heart.

Director Guo, didn't you want me to leave back then?

Why have you learned to open your eyes and talk nonsense now?

Don't give up?

You scolded me every day at the beginning, but now you say that I performed well, are you really shameless?

Although Tan Yingying despises Guo Wufeng in her heart, she dare not show the slightest bit on her face.

Guo Wufeng spoke eloquently, and after talking for a full 5 minutes, he almost wrote on his face that Tan Yingying's excellence was due to his own teaching.

Finally, it was Zhao Chunming's turn.

"This time, Xiao Tan has indeed made meritorious service. Not only did he investigate the whole process of Ren Xinwei's murder, but he also found conclusive evidence of Zhu Tianying's murder. His contribution is also indispensable; similarly, our felony division can be regarded as elated, sweeping away the haze, and the local prosecutor After the headquarters cracked this case, the word-of-mouth in Dongfang Capital has improved!"

"By the way, the Chief Prosecutor also called early in the morning to ask a few questions, and he spoke positively of you!"

Zhao Chunming praised Tan Yingying in his mouth, and even mentioned the greetings from the chief prosecutor.

"Thank you supervisor, I will urge myself and work harder!"

"That's right, I just need this energy, keep it up, this is the end of today's morning meeting, let's all go back to work!"

Zhao Chunming waved his hand, the morning meeting is over, it's time to break up.

Tan Yingying returned to her work station with a slightly happy expression on her face.

After all, she was rewarded, and this was something she had never experienced before.

But she is happy here, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng in the office are not happy.

"Fuck, it's Zhang Wei again!"

Guo Wufeng's face was gloomy, and he even gritted his teeth, which was in stark contrast to the expression on his face when he praised Tan Yingying just now.

"Yes, although our local prosecutor's headquarters caught the real culprit this time and brought the murderer Zhu Tianying to justice, in fact, you and I both know that Zhang Wei is behind this case!"

"He helped Xiao Tan win the public prosecution case, and it was only for his own benefit. Once Zhu Tianying goes to jail, Ren's Pictures behind him can also get enough benefits. Although it sounds like a win-win situation, our local prosecutor's headquarters has also been arrested He took advantage of it!"

Zhao Chunming's complexion was also very ugly.

After all, whoever is used as a gun will be upset.

Especially the person who used them as gunmen was also the arch-enemy Zhang Wei, so this unhappiness would naturally intensify.

Although the case was solved, they were happy.

But the enemy Zhang Wei was happier, and they were unhappy.

"No, we can't just let it go!"

Guo Wufeng's temper is very hot, and at this moment, he naturally said harsh words: "Since this kid has made his mark in the legal circle of Dongfang Capital, he has won many prosecutions from us, even Lan Gao's prosecutor. If this does not kill him Isn’t the arrogant arrogance of the sky against the heavens?”

"Old Guo, I understand what you mean, but Zhang Wei's strength in the court trial is really great. Even if the higher-ups send a high-level prosecutor to take action, is it really sure that he can win against him?"


Hearing Zhao Chunming's worry, Guo Wufeng frowned.

Indeed, Lan Zhengye was also considered a titan in the high-level prosecution. He even suppressed Zhang Wei for a while during the trial, but he was turned over by the opponent in the end.

Even Lan Gao's prosecutor can't figure it out, is it necessary for the Chief Prosecutor to fight this kid himself in court?

"Since that's the case, let me do it next time!" Guo Wufeng's frowning brows relaxed, showing a trace of fighting intent.

He and Zhao Chunming were able to take the positions of office managers because of their qualifications.

In this class, they can only stay in the headquarters if they do well, and those who do not do well are sent to the district prosecutor's office.

So whether it is Guo Wufeng or Zhao Chunming, they all came out of the "battlefield" fighting all the way.

"Okay, since Lao Guo invites you to fight, then I will let you fight next time!"

"Okay, next time for sure!"


9:00 am.

Jincheng Law Firm, Criminal Division Office.

The local prosecutor's headquarters is full of beacon fire, but the atmosphere in Jincheng Law Firm is harmonious.

Today Zhang Wei woke up naturally after sleeping, so he was in good spirits.

It was almost 9 o'clock in the morning when he arrived at the law firm.

Almost clicked.

"Hey, Zhang Wei, you have fallen..."

He himself had to sigh with emotion, isn't that bullshit if he still wants to compete for the outstanding employee of the year?

Not to mention the outstanding employees of the year, Zhang Wei started to get busy when he came to the office.

After greeting Lin Yumeng, Tie Cuilan and Tie Ruyun, he sat down at his desk.

Although the case is over, the contract with Ren's Films is not.

The other side hasn't given the money yet!

"Zhang Wei, people from Ren's Films are here!"

Tie Cuilan has been paying attention to the situation on the personnel side, and when the front desk sent a message, she naturally wanted to notify the master.

"Xiao Li, let's go!"

Zhang Wei said hello and went downstairs with Li Yueqin.

25th floor, VIP reception room.

Mr. Ding came here with legal affairs and finance, and they were also two women, both around 30 years old.

I don't know why, some big companies like to use women in their financial and legal affairs.

It may be because women are cautious and cautious in doing things. Although they can't do big things, they can ensure that they don't make mistakes in small things.

All in all, Mr. Ding came with the person in charge.

"Lawyer Zhang, let's cooperate more in the future. From now on, you will be our consultant lawyer of Ren's Films!"

The contract Mr. Ding came to sign was naturally a project consultant agreement, and Zhang Wei was hired as a cooperation consultant for Ren's Films, responsible for handling some matters that the company's legal affairs could not handle.

"Where is it, Mr. Ding should support us a lot in the future!"

Zhang Wei naturally responded politely.

"By the way, we can settle the legal fees this time!"

Mr. Ding hastened to get financial action, 300 million in legal fees is not a small sum.

On Zhang Wei's side, Jincheng's personnel and finance were also in charge of the handover, and the two sides started operations in the meeting room.

After a while, the 300 million payment arrived in the account.

This also means that Zhang Wei and Li Yueqin directly increased the criminal team's performance in April to 300 million.

A performance of 300 million can kill the entire litigation department in seconds.

After handing over the matters, Mr. Ding did not intend to leave immediately, but approached Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't know if you have a private account. We still have a thank you gift to call you..."

"Thank you?"

Seeing Mr. Ding sneaking around and even avoiding his own company's finances, Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

"Yes, thank you..."

Mr. Ding didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Didn't Ren Dong sign a prenuptial agreement with that woman before he was alive? He has to pay her a total of 50 million. It's still the last year, but what happened..."

That woman, of course, refers to Zhu Tianying.

50 million in 5 years, and the last year, which is 10 million.

"Zhu Tianying definitely won't be able to get the money, but Director Ren also withdrew the money from the company's account. Later, our board of directors voted unanimously and decided to hand it over to Lawyer Zhang."

"This, it's not good, after all, I will take another 10 million for no reason..." Zhang Wei declined.

"Yes, yes, lawyer Zhang, you can't refuse!"

Mr. Dan Ding shook his head, and quickly explained: "Think about it, without you, Director Ren would be charged with murdering his wife. It was you who cleared his grievances, and the money belonged to Director Ren." , if you don’t take it, who will take it?”

"Hearing what you said, I think it makes sense!"

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and actually felt that he really couldn't refuse.

It's not that he thinks 10 million is a lot, but that he helped Ren Xinwei to rehabilitate and avenged him after all, and put the murderer Zhu Tianying in jail. He took the money with peace of mind!

"Yeah, Lawyer Zhang, don't refuse. You can send me your card number later, and I'll let the accountant transfer the money to you directly!"

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, your affairs are over. Now Ren's Pictures still has a lot of things that I need to go back to deal with, so I won't bother you any more."

Mr. Ding said a few more words of politeness, then got up to leave.

After all, the chairman just died, Ren's Pictures has a heavy burden, and Boss Ding is also busy.

"Nading always walk slowly!"

"Lawyer Zhang, you're welcome, take your leave!"

After seeing off Boss Ding, Zhang Wei and Li Yueqin returned to the Criminal Division, and they naturally looked at each other and smiled on the way.

300 million in legal fees, 300 million in performance, and finally got it.

After returning to the office of the Criminal Division, Zhang Wei had one thing to do.

"Xiaomeng, do you know which golf course your father is at now?"


Lin Yumeng opened her mouth wide, as if an egg could be stuffed inside.

She couldn't figure it out, the master went out to sign the contract, why did he ask Lin Xiangtian's whereabouts when he came back?

But what she didn't know was that Zhang Wei had been planning this day for a long time.

Just after Zhang Wei signed the contract with Ren's Films, the middle and senior management inside Jincheng Law Firm also got to know the news through some eyeliners arranged in the personnel department.

Among them, Shen Zhengyi, the head of the litigation department, was naturally the one who bore the brunt.

Even if he didn't want to know, the other senior partners he knew would come to "congratulate" him.

"What, it's Zhang Wei again!"

"You think I'm surprised, that's 300 million in legal fees, can I not be surprised?"

"This kid, you're so fucking fierce. Up to now, the cumulative sales of our entire litigation department haven't reached 300 million!"

Shen Zhengyi can't remember, this is the first number of calls he has hung up, anyway, there is only one message, and your litigation department has made another big order.

It's a pity that Shen Zhengyi couldn't be happy, because the person who settled the order was not his direct descendants, but the criminal team.

Thinking of the fact that he invited Zhang Wei to join the business team some time ago, but was rejected by the other party, Shen Zhengyi's face was very ugly.

"Not only did this kid not join the business group, but he also settled such a big case. This is simply beating the business group and slapping me in the face!"

Thinking of Zhang Wei's record of solving the case of Ren's Films and defeating the local prosecutor's headquarters again, Shen Zhengyi felt extremely dreadful in his heart.

This kid didn't choose to accept his olive branch, but chose to stay in the criminal team. Why?

Could it be that he is going to...


at the same time.

Dongfangdu, a certain golf club.

Listening to the big belly, Lin Xiangtian held the golf club tightly with both hands, his eyes became extremely serious.

In an instant, he raised the club in his hand!

I saw the golf ball fly out a beautiful arc, and then fell into...

On the sand about 20 meters from the hole.

clap clap...

Behind, there was applause.

"Mr. Lin, your golf skills have improved again. The last time you fell into the water, this time the ball actually stayed on the shore!"

"That's right, Mr. Lin, the ball you hit, the flight trajectory, I can't believe it. It's really a perfect golden arc, comparable to the rainbow in the sky!"

"Mr. Lin, you can't find anyone on par with you in the entire Eastern Capital for your golf skills. You really know how to be the best, and you can see all the mountains and small ones!"

"Boss Lin..."

Lin Xiangtian was not surprised when he heard these praises.

Seeing him wave his hand, he said modestly: "Where, where, this week I only play for 3 hours a day, and my hands are rusty."

"Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? With your skills..."

His words naturally attracted all the dog legs around him to flatter him.

"Boss Lin!"

But at this moment, a waitress ran over.

"Why, my mother-in-law called again?"

"No, someone from your law firm is calling!"

"Oh, bring it here!"

Lin Xiangtian waved, and the waitress immediately handed over the phone.

"Oh, what's up, I'm playing golf?"

"What, 300 million, and the criminal team where my daughter is?"

"Ren's Film Industry, the case of Ren Xinwei, what is the woman's name, Zhu, Zhu..."

"Yes, yes, Zhu Tianying, I remembered. I didn't expect it to be her. This Ren Xinwei is really unlucky. Not only did he marry a vase, but he was also killed by him."

"Back then, I went to his wedding banquet with that woman. At that time, my wife said that this woman is not a good person..."

"Okay, okay, I know, let's do it!"

Lin Xiangtian hung up the phone, but didn't think much about the matter on the phone.

Isn't it just a 300 million contract, signed with Ren's Films? He, Lin Xiangtian, doesn't care about such a small amount of money.

If you have so much free time to worry about this, why don't you play two more shots


After handing the phone to the waitress again, Lin Xiangtian started to swing again.

"Boss Lin!"

But after a while, the waitress ran back again.

"What's the situation, won't it be my mother-in-law this time?"

"No, someone outside came to look for you by name, but he doesn't have the VIP of the club, so the manager didn't let him in!"

"Looking for me, no VIP?" Lin Xiangtian looked strange.

There are too many calls today, and who could it be?

If you are an acquaintance, you should know the rules.

His rule is that when playing golf, the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu can't bother him.

Similarly, the rule of this golf club is that no VIP is allowed to enter, and Lin Xiangtian is a frequent visitor here, and many partners will apply for VIP at the club when they come to find someone.

So the person who came to him this time must not be an acquaintance, nor his partner.

"Did he say his identity?"

"He said his name was Zhang Wei"

"Zhang Wei!"

Hearing this name, Lin Xiangtian was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized it.

The 300 million contract mentioned in the previous call, as well as the signing lawyer with Ren's Films, seem to be all this guy.

"Let him come over, remember to bring it to me, I just happened to meet this kid!"

Although he didn't care much about Zhang Wei, after all, he was an excellent employee in his own law firm recently, and Lin Xiangtian felt that he might as well meet him.

In addition to the conflict between the other party and Lin Yufeng some time ago, he really wanted to say something to Zhang Wei.

Soon, Zhang Wei was brought before Lin Xiangtian.

"Boss Lin!"

"You are Zhang Wei, you did a good job in the mock trial with my son!"

Lin Xiangtian put down the club in his hand, wiped off the towel handed by the waitress, and walked to the recliner beside Zhang Wei to sit down.

Picking up the juice from the table, Lin Xiangtian took a sip, and said with a relaxed face, "I answered the phone just now, did you settle the case of Ren's Pictures?"

"It's done. Not only did Zhu Tianying go to jail, but he also signed a consulting agreement with them. Unfortunately, they hired me alone. The annual consulting fee is also 20 million."

"Haha, don't get in the way, don't get in the way!"

Lin Xiangtian waved his hand and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter the size of the order. Anyway, our Jincheng relies on the base number. How many big companies in the East are cooperating with us? It's just 20 million. Sprinkle water~"

As he spoke, he hooked his fingers to one side, and immediately a waiter stepped forward to fan him gently.

Lin Xiangtian narrowed his eyes with enjoyment, and then asked Zhang Wei: "Tell me, why did you come to me, kid? You didn't just come to report to me to ask for credit, did you?"

"If that's the case, then I can only say that you are a little eager for quick success, thinking that you have completed a mere 300 million performance, so you are qualified to have a face-to-face conversation with me, right?"

300 million is an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

But to him, Lin Xiangtian, it was just a series of numbers with 8 zeros at the end.

"Mr. Lin, you have misunderstood. I am not here to show off to you, nor to prove myself to you..."

"Oh, what's that?"

"Boss Lin, I'm here to negotiate terms with you!"

Lin Xiangtian's fat face twitched, he just lay down, but suddenly sat up again.

Good guy, a little lawyer, actually came to negotiate terms with him!

"You kid, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Mr. Lin, I just want to tell you that although Jincheng is a big ship, I, Zhang Wei, am not willing to be an ordinary sailor, and I have already proved my ability to you!"

"But you're a trainee lawyer!"

"But Jincheng has no regulations, so trainee lawyers can't have their own stage?"

"Oh, what stage do you want?"

"Mr. Lin, let's be smart and don't speak in secret. I want to have my own office like Lawyer Bai, and have the qualifications to accept cases independently!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's request, Lin Xiangtian's eyes flashed with surprise.

This kid is really a lion.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, stared at Lin Xiangtian fearlessly.

My request has been made, now waiting for your feedback.

Will you give me this qualification?

This time, it was me, Zhang Wei, who forced you, Lin Xiangtian, into the palace.

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