Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 217 Carrot has an appointment, Hanhan is not free

Saturday, rest day.

United Financial Building, Jessica's office.

"Our big boss is really enough. He dared to use this kind of words to perfuse me, and said that he would definitely do it next time. This is simply a white prostitute. No, it is not as good as a prostitute. I miss him well, I pooh!"

Zhang Wei was very upset, very upset!

Once he is upset, he has to find someone to talk to.

Jessica is his best confidant and one of the few friends in the East who can tell the truth.

"I've also heard about Lin Xiangtian, he..."

Jessica rested her forehead with one hand, thought carefully, and said, "Although he is in a high position, he can be said to be a top-notch figure in the legal circle of the Oriental Capital, but there are rumors that he is actually a second-generation ancestor."

"I can see it!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded.

In fact, through contact yesterday afternoon, he also saw some clues about Lin Xiangtian.

First of all, although the big boss of my family stands in a high position, he does not rely on himself to stand up, so his aura is slightly insufficient.

Secondly, how can there be a big boss of a law firm who plays golf outside every day?

In the end, the big boss gave Zhang Wei a dove!

When he thought of yesterday, when he went to discuss terms with Lin Xiangtian, but was blocked by the other party's perfunctory response, he felt very upset.

"Zhang Wei, right? I know you are very good. In fact, I also know that there are not many lawyers who are better than you in Jincheng Law Firm. You are worthy of an office."

"Recently, you have signed several clients, and many junior partners don't have your skills. You want to be an independent lawyer within the law firm, which is theoretically enough."

"However, you are still a trainee lawyer after all, and you haven't reached the one-year full term. If you are allowed to become an independent lawyer rashly, wouldn't the rules be broken?"

"Well, next time, next time for sure!"

"I, Lin Xiangtian, keep my word. When your internship period is over next time, I will immediately make you a regular and let you become an independent lawyer, just like Bai Meiqi. How about it?"

These are what Lin Xiangtian said. He probably felt that he had given Zhang Wei enough face by saying so much.

Unfortunately, in these words, Zhang Wei only heard perfunctory.

"Next time, next time for sure!"

He murmured these words, his five fingers clenched slightly into fists.

In this world, is there anything more perfunctory than this?

Maybe there is only "not necessarily next time"!

"In my opinion, Jincheng's big boss treats you a lot perfunctorily. He seems to be afraid of breaking the rules..."

Jessica opened the handwriting and began to slowly analyze for Zhang Wei.

"Oh, isn't he the big boss, why are you afraid?"

"Fear comes from people's fear, or fear. Lin Xiangtian must have something to fear, so he didn't agree to you on the spot."

"In my opinion, Zhang Wei, with your skills, even if you join any law firm, you can stand on your own, but Lin Xiangtian took the risk of offending you and didn't agree to you immediately. He must have concerns!"

Zhang Wei rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

From yesterday's contact, he could also see that Lin Xiangtian had concerns in his heart.

He originally thought that Lin Xiangtian was worried about himself, and he was afraid that after agreeing to the request, he would ask for more.

But unexpectedly, after Jessica's analysis, Lin Xiangtian seemed to be worried about something else.

But that is Lin Xiangtian, a top figure in the legal profession in Dongfang Capital, he can even be said to be standing on the top of the mountain, and he can see all the small existences at a glance.

What else could he be afraid of, whom else could he be afraid of?

"Could it be his old man?"

Zhang Wei made a joke.

Lin Yumeng once said that Lin Xiangtian was his father, and the only thing his father was afraid of was his grandfather.

But isn't it natural for a son to be afraid of his father?

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Zhang Wei's mind.


It's only natural for a son to be afraid of his father!

If I could convince Lin Xiangtian's father to speak for me, wouldn't the big boss have no way to object?

"I'll ask my little apprentice on Monday, what does her grandfather usually like to do, and I want to make a face in front of him?"

After making the decision, the unhappiness in Zhang Wei's heart really subsided a lot.

"Thank you, Jessica, I think I know what to do!"

Seeing Zhang Wei swept away the haze, Jessica showed a flower-like smile.

But she felt a little strange in her heart, she always felt that the method Zhang Wei came up with didn't seem to be what she expected.

Time passed quickly in the pleasant chat between the two.

Soon, the consultation time is over.

Although somewhat reluctant, Zhang Wei also knows that Jessica's time is very precious.

He couldn't delay the other party's work, so he could only say goodbye and leave.

After walking out of the United Financial Building, it was almost afternoon, and Zhang Wei had nowhere to go for a while.

buzz buzz...

Suddenly, the phone rang and someone sent a message.

He opened it and saw that it was a letter from V.

[Luo Xiaobu: Zhang Wei, are you free tomorrow? 】

【Luo Xiaobu: I would like to ask you to accompany me to a place (tweaking.jpg)】

Seeing Luo Xiaobu sending out such an emoji, Zhang Wei had such a picture in his mind.

A fat man with a fair face made a shy expression like a girl, and then looked at himself, asking for something from himself.


This picture is simply inconsistent to the extreme.

Zhang Wei shook his head frantically, throwing these pictures out of his mind.

[Zhang Wei: Tell me, what's the matter? 】

[Luo Xiaobu: Zhang Wei, it’s not a big deal, I just want to ask you to help me strengthen my courage (expectation.jpg)]

[Zhang Wei: What the hell, what are you afraid of? 】

【Luo Xiaobu: ...】

Looking at Luo Xiaobu who didn't reply to the message for a long time, Zhang Wei was speechless for a while.

This guy must have hooked up with another female anchor. Female internet celebrity.

No, talking about hooking up is flattering him, and he must have been slaughtered by another female Internet celebrity as a fat sheep.

[Luo Xiaobu: Actually, I fell in love with a girl recently, but... I am a little timid, I dare not confess my love to her, so I just...]

Looking at Luo Xiaobu, who was hesitant for a long time before typing such a half-sentence, Zhang Wei felt even more speechless.

[Zhang Wei: All right, what time tomorrow, where are you going? 】

[Luo Xiaobu: Zhang Wei, I knew you were my good brother, let’s go to this store together tomorrow [Coordinates: Love Kitchen]]

【Zhang Wei: This place is not what I imagined...】

[Luo Xiaobu: Oh, I almost forgot, you have a girlfriend, of course you can take the girl with you! 】

[Luo Xiaobu: I heard that this place is also very suitable for couples to go together. Of course, a single dog like me can only...but you can bring Xia Qianyue with you (looking forward to.jpg)]

【Zhang Wei: Oh, all right, I'll ask her later. 】

【Luo Xiaobu: Well, then it's settled, you must come tomorrow, but you must not let me dove, definitely! 】

【Zhang Wei: I have always been punctual (wiping sweat.jpg)】

After putting down the phone, Zhang Wei was speechless and helpless.

This Luo Xiaobu is really, really looking for something for himself.

This guy hooked up with another girl, and ended up finding himself as a wingman.

No, talking about hooking up is flattering the other party, it can only be said to be his wishful thinking.

Anyway, Zhang Wei decided to take Xia Qianyue with him, otherwise he would really be hooked up by this kid. If he was alone, he would have to eat dog food for a day.

"Exactly, go see your father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Thinking about it, Zhang Wei bought a fruit basket at a fruit shop on the street, and then went straight to Dongjiang Yipin.


Dongjiang Yipin.

In a high-rise building with a luxurious river view and a flat floor.

Li Qinghua sat on the spacious balcony. After making herself a pot of tea, she drank tea while admiring the scenery by the river.

The river view in the distance is naturally excellent.

And this is a place that she didn't even dare to think about before, but she didn't expect to get it like this.

In the final analysis, he still relies on his daughter, or his nominal son-in-law-Zhang Wei!

Thinking of Zhang Wei, Li Qinghua felt a headache.

On the one hand, this kid didn't respect her at all, and on the same way, she felt a little uncomfortable seeing him.

On the other hand, Xia Qianyue liked the other party, and Xia Donghai's attitude towards Zhang Wei was also good.

Originally, Li Qinghua would never agree to Xia Qianyue and Zhang Wei being together, because this boy gave her a sense of unreliability, but since this boy let their family live in Dongjiang Yipin, this little unreliability Also disappeared.

"Li Qinghua, Li Qinghua, why are you so unbelievable? I just bought you a room with a river view?"

Every time she thinks of this, Li Qinghua secretly scolds herself for not living up to expectations.

Fortunately, you are from the Li family, and you can be regarded as a lady of everyone, but you have never seen the world, so you should have rejected Zhang Wei's courteousness at that time.


This son-in-law gave too much.

This is a first-class river-view house in Dongjiang. Only a few people with status can live here in the entire East.

In the first few days when she moved here, she wandered around the community, but the people she met were all people who could only be seen in the newspapers of Dongfang Capital.

They also smiled and greeted themselves, and even a few people who looked like rich wives even greeted and talked with themselves.

The quality of rich people is different.

Although I don't want to admit it, living here is much more comfortable than living in a family building like a dormitory.

The people here are nice to speak, and they are very qualified. They are greeted by people like housekeepers when they travel. It’s not too comfortable~

No wonder rich people want to buy high-end residential areas and live in high-end villas after making money...

"Mr. Zhang Wei, welcome home!"

At this moment, the door opened automatically, and finally Zhang Wei appeared.

The door locks in the community are all equipped with an intelligent recognition system, and Zhang Wei can enter directly by swiping his face.

This system also comes from blacksmith technology. The business of Zhao Qingyan's company is so extensive that it penetrates into almost every aspect of life.

"Hey, where is your mother-in-law, where are your mother-in-law and Xiao Yueyue?"

"Lao Xia is on duty outside, Xiao Yueyue, you also know what she is doing!"

Li Qinghua rolled her eyes, looking unhappy.

But this displeasure was not with Zhang Wei, but with his daughter Xia Qianyue.

Although Li Qinghe came to provoke that day, some of what the other party said did make sense.

Just like Xia Qianyue, she should get married and have children early, and fight and kill all day long, what a shame.

She is a girl in a family, but she is with a group of old men every day, and she also goes to fight criminals. Isn't this dangerous?

Thinking of this, Li Qinghua's eyes locked on Zhang Wei.

The only way to get Xia Qianyue to leave the serious case team was on Zhang Wei's side.

"Xiao Zhang~"

Zhang Wei's heart suddenly "thumped".

"Mother-in-law, I'm a little uncomfortable when you suddenly call me that!"

"Is there? I have always been so polite to people."

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes in his heart, didn't you, Li Qinghua, treat me indifferently before, but you are suddenly so polite today, you must be asking for something.

"Mother-in-law, please talk about it, we are all from our own family, so don't hide it."

"You boy, who is your family!"

Li Qinghua was about to scold, but when she thought of her own daughter, she was forced to hold back.

She put on a "kind" smiling face: "Zhang Wei, I just want to ask, when are you and my daughter going to get things done!"

"What's the matter, what should I do?"

Zhang Wei froze for a moment, then thought of something.

He scratched his head and said with a smile: "If the mother-in-law is talking about that, then I can do it anytime, but your Xiaoyueyue's time is only..."

"That's right!"

After hearing this, Li Qinghua nodded, with a look of indignation on her face, "Girls are always going to join the serious crime team. If I knew this, I shouldn't have allowed her to apply for the criminal investigation major!"

"Zhang Wei, I didn't make the request. I suggest that you and my daughter's affairs should be done as soon as possible!"

"How about this, I will pick an auspicious day next month, and you can get ready. I will notify relatives and friends when the time comes, and we don't ask too much. It can be done simply!"

"Also, after you're done with your affairs, it's best to put the child's affairs on the agenda. I plan to have a grandson in the past two years!"

Li Qinghua is like a machine gun, catching Zhang Wei is a hit.

Hearing his mother-in-law's request, Zhang Weina felt dizzy.

He didn't object, but he knew better that Xia Qianyue didn't like this.

Especially when she got married and had children so early, if Hanhan could really agree, she wouldn't be Hanhan anymore.

In the same way, he could also see that although the mother-in-law was obviously trying to match the two, her real purpose was to not keep Hanhan in the serious case team.

Li Qinghua wants Hanhan to transfer to a civilian job, but Hanhan will definitely not agree.

The mother and daughter are likely to have conflicts.

When he thought of this, he had one head and two big ones.

"It seems that I have to be the villain!"

Zhang Wei decided that the tone of the tone caused Xia Qianyue and Li Qinghua to have conflicts, so he might as well do it himself.

"Mother-in-law, you can't force things like feelings, and I don't plan to get married recently, so it's better to wait a few more years for the matter with your Xiaoyueyue!"

"Zhang Wei, what did you say, you agreed just now!"

"It was just now. Now that I've thought about it carefully, I don't think this matter should be rushed!"

"Zhang Wei, what do you mean? Do you look down on my daughter, or do you have another woman outside, and you want to eat it all and dump my daughter!"

Li Qinghua's complexion at this moment changed suddenly, like Lei Gong Yasha, full of haze.

It has to be said that no matter that woman is extremely good at changing faces.

At this moment, Li Qinghua does not have the image of a good mother-in-law who was "reasonable" just now, but now she is transformed into a female Yasha.

Seeing that Zhang Wei refused to agree, Li Qinghua immediately thought of a lot.

Zhang Wei must have a woman outside!

"Zhang Wei, you..."

"Mother-in-law, I still have something to do, let's go first!"

Zhang Wei didn't intend to continue to bear Li Qinghua's firepower, so he immediately decided to dodge.

He quickly escaped into the elevator and left Dongjiang Yipin's house.

But after he walked out of the community, he felt a little strange.

This is my own house, why should I run away?

"Forget it, I came here to find Hanhan, but unfortunately I really want to tell my mother-in-law that Hanhan really doesn't have time for marriage!"

"By the way, business matters!"

After confirming that Xia Qianyue was not at home, Zhang Wei immediately opened the V letter and sent Xia Qianyue a message, asking if she was free tomorrow.

After almost half an hour, Xia Qianyue finally responded to the message.

The reply message only has two simple words, no time!

Zhang Wei sighed, because he suddenly felt that his mother-in-law seemed right.

"What should I do, Luobo said that I want to bring a female companion, and that place seems to really need it, but Hanhan is not available!"

In desperation, Zhang Wei could only open the address book and start looking for a suitable female partner.

After thinking about it, there are quite a few people he can invite, but those who can come out with him tomorrow...

at the same time.

Inside Dongjiang Yipin Residence.

Li Qinghua returned to the balcony again, holding a teacup in her hand, but she couldn't drink the tea no matter what.

"No, there must be something wrong with this kid!"

Thinking of Zhang Wei's abnormality just now, doubts flickered in her eyes.

As a person who works in the criminal court, she, Li Qinghua, also has the ability to observe words and emotions, so she can naturally see that Zhang Wei has fear in his heart.

This kid, it's possible that he really wants to be a scumbag, so what does he think of my daughter!

"Although my daughter is a little reckless, a little stupid, a little bad attitude, a little less well-bred, and a little disrespectful to her elders, there is nothing wrong with that, right?"

Li Qinghua decided to check Zhang Wei carefully.

Investigating this kind of matter must naturally be left to the professionals.

Xia Donghai has been working in the martial arts association for 20 years, but he is qualified for this job.

But when Li Qinghua called and explained Zhang Wei's matter to Lao Xia, Xia Donghai refused.

"Zhang Wei, kid, I feel pretty good. He's not that kind of person. What are you guessing? You don't need to worry about our daughter's affairs!"

These were Xia Donghai's original words, and Li Qinghua was very angry after hearing this.

Well, you old Xia, when your daughter is dumped by Zhang Wei and then cries in front of you with a big belly, can you try saying this again?

Zhang Wei is still honest, that kid has a problem at first glance!

Since Lao Xia is unreliable, Li Qinghua thinks in his mind, who else is qualified for this job, to help him monitor Zhang Wei.

This person has to be reliable, after all, it is his own family business, and he cannot ask outsiders for help.

And it has to be reliable, after all, this kind of thing has to be done by a professional.

After thinking about it, a person suddenly appeared in Li Qinghua's mind.

If it is the other side's shot, it must be foolproof.

And the identity of the other party is absolutely trustworthy.

This man is his good son!

Li Qinghua immediately took out the phone, and the moment the phone was connected, she said in an angry tone: "Hey, Xiaojun, your sister is being bullied, hurry up and help!"

"I see!"

On the other end of the phone, Xia Qianjun's face darkened, and he instantly understood the seriousness of the matter.

In his eyes, there was a layer of evil spirit.

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