Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 218 Radish breaks appointments, are they all lovers?

Weekends, days off.

Today is also the day when Luo Xiaobu and Zhang Wei agreed to meet.

Early in the morning, Zhang Wei left Lin's mansion and went straight to his destination happily.

Zhang Wei is quite familiar with the place that Luo Xiaobu made an appointment with him. It was the Southeast Pedestrian Street where Xia Qianyue and Xia Qianyue were murdered together.

This pedestrian street is quite popular in the East, and the roadside shops are very popular among young people, and it belongs to the Internet celebrity street.

It is close to the commercial area, with large supermarkets and shopping malls nearby, and the traffic of people is not small.

It's the weekend again, people come and go, it's so lively.

The place Zhang Wei is going to is called "Love Kitchen". It is said that it is a well-known online celebrity shop. Many couples come here to cook and exchange feelings.

Of course, after searching some information on the Internet, Zhang Wei discovered that this place actually has an elegant name called "Break Up Kitchen".

Because according to netizens' comments, most young couples nowadays don't cook, and even if they cook, many of them don't taste good.

Many couples come here for the name of Love Kitchen. They just want to spend a weekend with their significant other, but they don't think about cooking.

And cooking is not an easy task, especially if you have to cooperate with your partner, so there will be a lot of conflicts in the kitchen.

As for young couples, there is no one who does not quarrel. This is because of the kitchen matter. After arguing and arguing, they broke up face to face.

This is a common occurrence in the love kitchen.

So many netizens renamed this place "Break Up Kitchen".

"The radish actually picked such a place, it's really..."

Zhang Wei shook his head, a little speechless.

This kid, I don't know if he made an appointment with the female anchor that he hooked up with last time, but he actually made an appointment with this place.

"Zhang, I'm here!"

While waiting, a gentle voice sounded beside his ear.

Needless to say, Zhang Wei's appointment has arrived.

It was none other than Jessica.

She is wearing a red V-neck dress today, with a stalwart chest that makes people unable to take their eyes off her. Under the white sun hat, she has beautiful long golden curly hair.

Walking on the pedestrian street, it attracted the attention of passers-by.

Among the several couples who passed by Jessica, the man's eyes seemed to be locked, and he couldn't look away from her no matter what.

This scene naturally aroused envy and hatred from the female companion, and even the way she looked at her man changed.

This actually caused Zhang Wei to make a meme on the Internet. The man was attracted by the beautiful woman passing by, and he couldn't look away for a moment, while the female companion around him was full of murderous intent.

When these couples got home, he guessed that these men were either kneeling on keyboards or durians...

Jessica and Zhang Wei meet.

"Zhang, is this the place?"

"Yeah, Love Kitchen, I'll make lunch for you later!"

"That's all right, but where's your friend, when's he coming?"

"Hey, I'm also surprised, the time that guy said is now, why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Thinking about it, Zhang Wei quickly sent a message, but unfortunately there was no response.

After a while, he called again, but no one answered.

Zhang Wei was speechless. Could it be that Luo Xiaobu let him go?

Is this ready to cuckoo?

Just when Zhang Wei was muttering about Luo Xiaobu's personality, there was a coffee shop across the street.

"Brother Jun, you called us out so early in the morning just to see that kid give us dog food?"

"Yeah, I was thinking that I don't have a mission on weekends, so I came to the Central Ring of the Oriental Capital to meet a girl, but you brought us to perform the mission!"

"What do you know, this task is very important!"

Facing Luo Qi and Gao Yang's complaints, Xia Qianjun seemed not to have heard it, and just put it in a perfunctory sentence.

His eyes were always locked on the two people across the street.

"Good guy, you actually dated a woman. Are you doing this to my sister?"

Xia Qianjun looked at Zhang Wei who was talking eagerly with Jessica, and a strong evil spirit flashed in his eyes.

Eating pots and pans, and was caught by himself.

Just wait to die, Zhang Wei!

"Brother Jun, you don't really intend to follow this kid for a day, do you?"

Gao Yang looked at the two people on the opposite side of the street, there was no evil spirit in his eyes, but envy and jealousy in his eyes.

He Gao Yang is tall, burly, and powerful, but why can't he hook up with girls?

Looking at Zhang Wei on the opposite side, he not only hooked up with Xia Qianjun's sister, but also had a close relationship with such a blonde girl, how could this not make him jealous.

The same is being a human being, why is there such a big gap?

"Brother Jun, if you want to catch this kid, you have to take some evidence, otherwise you, a witness, can't really beat that guy with your unilateral accusation. If he denies it, you have no evidence ah?"

Luo Qi on the side also pointed to the opposite side. It sounded like he was quite familiar with the process of investigating and testifying.


Xia Qianjun nodded. The task he received was to catch Zhang Wei.

But the two people on the other side of the street haven't done anything excessive yet, they're just talking on the street.

Even if he told Li Qinghua and his sister, Zhang Wei could still use the excuse of "I happened to meet on the street, and the two chatted as friends for a while".

If you want evidence, you need real hammer!

"Our task today is to monitor that kid. As long as there is any excessive behavior, we will leave evidence!"

Xia Qianjun pointed at Zhang Wei with a serious expression on his face.

"No way, Brother Jun, do you really want to monitor him for a day?"

"This is the weekend. The special operations team usually has such heavy tasks. It's rare to have a day off today. I still want to ask a girl to relax..."

Xia Qianjun ignored the complaints of his two companions, but said coldly: "If you want to leave, you can leave, I won't stop you!"

Although the meaning in his words was not to obstruct, both Luo Qi and Gao Yang knew that what he said was actually ironic.

If the two of them really left, there might be something terrifying waiting for them when they returned to the special operations team.

For the sake of their lives, neither Luo Qi nor Gao Yang dared to make any changes.

While they were monitoring Zhang Wei, the two girls at the next table were also looking across the street.

"Guoguo, what's the matter with that boy? It's past the agreed time, why haven't I sent you a message yet?"

"Is that boy not going to come? I remember he is your big brother this month, right?"

"The chat history you showed me before, that boy licked the dog properly, and he actually let you go!"

"We women have always been the only ones who let men dove. How dare that man?"

"Shh, Orange, keep your voice down!"

The girl named Guoguo ignored her companion's complaints, but signaled her to keep her voice down.

Only then did Cheng Zi realize that her friend had already looked away and was not looking at the other side of the street.

She quickly followed her companion's line of sight and saw a man sitting in a corner.

That man was very handsome, with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, and was very heroic. Just sitting there gave off a sense of sternness.

Handsome guy, and a temperament handsome guy!

Orange understands in seconds!

Guoguo is looking down on that Pong Yi, and now has a new goal.

But I have to say, the guy in the back is really a handsome guy, should I also kick my current boyfriend and try it?

Cheng Zi was thinking in her heart, if the handsome guy didn't like Guo Guo, would she also have a chance...

As for the incumbent, the two parties were just playing for fun, and the big deal is dumping.

Just when the two women had different thoughts, Xia Qianjun acted.

It should be said that Zhang Wei on the other side of the street moved, and Xia Qianjun naturally had to follow suit.

Xia Qianjun saw that Zhang Wei and Jessica walked into the shop with "Love Kitchen" written on it.

"Go, let's follow!"

He didn't dare to neglect, and led his two brothers to follow.

"Go, Cheng Zi, let's follow!"

Xia Qianjun acted, and the two girls at the next table also acted immediately.

The two groups of people, one after the other, also walked into the store of Love Kitchen.


Love the kitchen.

The person in charge of receiving Zhang Wei and Jessica was a woman with an apron around her waist.

"You two are a couple?"

"um, yes!"

Zhang Wei and Jessica looked at each other and smiled, and they both admitted.

Temporary couples are naturally considered couples.

"Oh, okay, okay, I really envy you, young man, you are still a foreigner to find such a beautiful girlfriend!"

The woman smiled and quickly led the two into the shop.

Love Kitchen has a large store space. It is a large open kitchen with several tables and a special area for cutting, washing and preparing vegetables.

At this moment in the kitchen, several couples have already come, and everyone is talking in their own places.

After Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei arrived, Jessica's good looks naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the kitchen.

No matter men or women, all eyes skipped Zhang Wei and stayed on Jessica.

Afterwards, many men felt a sharp pain in their waists. It turned out that the female partner next door was jealous.




Zhang Weineng heard many women scolding inwardly, these women were blatantly jealous, they were really vulgar.

It's funny to think that you can't control the people around you, and you have to blame other people.

Zhang Wei glanced past these people, took Jessica and picked a vacant seat.

After choosing the location, he began to look around and found that Luo Xiaobu hadn't arrived.

"What's the matter with Carrot, I thought he had already come in?"

Zhang Wei was depressed, could it be that Luo Xiaobu really let him go?

Just when someone was depressed, the woman in charge of the reception at the kitchen entrance was also depressed.

"The three of you are... a couple?"

She stared blankly at the three people in front of her, they were Xia Qianjun, Gao Yang and Luo Qi.

"My dear, are young people so open?"

She rubbed her eyes, looked at the signboard she hung at the door, and double-checked that it was "Love Kitchen".

"What's the situation, we're here to find someone!"

Xia Qianjun replied coldly, then pointed to the kitchen inside, "Did the couple who came in before go in?"

"That couple before, was it the one with the blond woman?"

"It seems that I really went in!" Xia Qianjun squinted his eyes and walked in.

"Boy, you can't go in!"

But the woman stopped in front of Xia Qianjun first: "Our kitchen rules require two people to enter in a pair, but three of you can't, you can only enter with two at most!"

"Besides, our lovers are a man and a woman, even if there are two elders among you, it would not be a suitable scene!"

In the same way, the woman complained in her heart: "I'm afraid the people inside won't be able to accept it. Although the times are advancing, people like you won't be able to be accepted in a short while!"

"Handsome, do you need a girlfriend?"

But at this moment, a female voice came from behind Xia Qianjun.

The two girls from the coffee shop before finally mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation with Xia Qianjun.



This scene naturally caused Luo Qi and Gao Yang to exclaim.

They knew that Brother Jun had a good face, but they didn't expect to attract two girls to strike up a conversation casually.

Our military brother is too strong!

But Xia Qianjun, who was the person involved, frowned instinctively.

Because he doesn't like being approached by women very much, especially now when he is on a mission, being approached by a woman means that accidents are prone to happen!

"Handsome guy, this is a couple's kitchen. You have to be paired to enter. If you don't mind, I can be your temporary female companion!"

Guoguo took the initiative to attack, not only sticking to Xia Qianjun, but also rubbing Xia Qianjun's arm.

The meaning of this collusion is already obvious.

She even looked forward to the scene where Xia Qianjun promised herself and then accompanied her into the kitchen.

It must be very cool!

"Yeah, handsome guy, our family Guoguo has 500,000 fans on the platform, and usually those big guys on the list want to ask us out but they can't. Today I just give you a chance because I see you look good! "

Cheng Zi also immediately chimed in, staring at Xia Qianjun even more.

"Brother Jun, all the other girls have invited you like this, why don't you just agree!"

Gao Yang and Luo Qi on the side were all anxious to death, and quickly hinted with their eyes and urged them verbally.

These are two girls. Although their makeup is a bit thicker and the perfume on their bodies is a bit stronger, at least they are still in good shape.

The key point is that they are delivering it to your door. If you still refuse, are you a man?

But to be honest, Xia Qianjun really wanted to refuse, because these two women were in the way.

Especially since they are pestering me now, it will affect the task very much!

"Young man, do you want to go in or not? Girls don't mind partnering with you. You still pick and choose. What do you mean?" The woman on the side also followed suit.

"Brother Jun, you should bring one, don't you want to go in, the aunt also said, only couples can go in!"

Gao Yang and Luo Qi also participated in the assists.

"Okay, I promise!"

Xia Qianjun was helpless, but in order to complete the task, he decided to make a sacrifice.

Now that he had a girlfriend, Xia Qianjun walked into the kitchen without looking back.

Seeing that the handsome guy agreed, Guoguo was even more ecstatic in her heart, but she still put on a reserved look.

"Handsome, wait for me!"

After she finished speaking, she still didn't forget to tell her companion: "Chengzi, why don't you just find..."

Cheng Zi glanced back at Gao Yang and Luo Qi, and then at Xia Qianjun who walked into the kitchen.

Disgust, complete dislike.

Chengzi thought to himself, Guoguo can be around a handsome guy, so how could she stretch her hips when she came here?

No, you can't wrong yourself.

"Auntie, let me go in with Guoguo, we are both the girlfriends of that handsome guy!"

Chengzi immediately abandoned Gao Yang and Luo Qi, pushed Guoguo and chased Xia Qianjun, and walked into the kitchen one after the other.


This scene left Luo Qi and Gao Yang speechless for a while.

The two of us were disgusted, so why did they help so much just now?

They also planned that if Xia Qianjun agreed to one, they would still be able to strike up a conversation with another girl.

As a result, the other girl directly disliked the two of them and followed Xia Qianjun in.

The two of them are now in a mess in the wind, wishing they could find a corner to squat down.

"Hey, you two can go in too, I won't stop you!"

The aunt on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and finally decided to let go after the inner battle between heaven and man.

Under Auntie's strange gaze, Gao Yang and Luo Qi also walked into the kitchen.


In the kitchen.

Zhang Wei and Jessica were chatting. They had already prepared the ingredients and were discussing what to do for lunch.

As a result, out of the corner of Zhang Wei's eyes, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure flashing past the kitchen entrance.

"Good guy, this is my brother-in-law!"

When he saw the person coming, he was stunned.

Because Xia Qianjun actually entered the love kitchen, and there were two women chasing after him.

Although they have heavy makeup on their faces, they look pretty good overall. They are tall and have long legs, so their appearance should not be low.

Now, it was Zhang Wei's turn to look at Xia Qianjun with strange eyes.

Well, brother-in-law, either you don’t hook up, or if you hook up, hook up with two!


Too much scum!

But then, two more people walked into the kitchen, two men to be precise.

Their appearance also completely attracted everyone's attention.

The couples in the kitchen all opened their mouths wide and looked at the two who walked in.

Good guy!

This is a love kitchen, only couples can come in, that is to say, the relationship between the two people here is...

"To be honest, this is even more exaggerated than my brother-in-law!"

Zhang Wei also looked at Gao Yang and Luo Qi in a daze, but thought in his heart, could it be the high pressure from the war department that changed the sexual orientation of both of them?

It's no wonder that the eyes of the three of them were not quite right at the beginning, it turned out that it was because...

Regardless of Zhang Wei's lingering fears, after Gao Yang and the two came in, they also chose a seat to sit down.

The two couples nearby felt their hair stand on end, and the girl leaned into the boy's arms in fear.

"Honey, let's change places quickly, I want to wash my eyes!"

"Honey, we won't cook this meal, let's go out to eat!"

The two couples ran away quickly, trembling while running, their faces full of shock.

"Fuck, we seem to have been misunderstood, the eyes at the next table are not right!"

"You are not talking nonsense. I have already noticed it. It is all Zhang Wei's fault. If you insist on picking this kind of place, it is all his fault!"

"Yes, it's all Zhang Wei's fault!"

Gao Yang and Luo Qi hated Zhang Wei to death.

If it wasn't for him, the two of them wouldn't have to be misunderstood and watched with strange eyes by others.

They then looked in Xia Qianjun's direction, and saw that the two girls had been accosting Xia Qianjun, but the latter put on a look of indifference, and his eyes were fixed on Zhang Wei.

They don't even have any girls, but Xia Qianjun still despises them.

Sour, so sour!

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