Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 219 Breaking up the kitchen, Xia Qianjun becomes a pervert?

Southeast Pedestrian Street.

Love kitchen interior.

Auntie is patrolling the public kitchen.

This is her job and her obligation.

After all, many of the people working in the kitchen are young couples.

Young people nowadays, how can anyone know how to cook?

Every time the kitchen is open, if these lovers don't cause some accidents, she will feel strange instead.

Sometimes burns on hands, burns are minor accidents.

She still remembers a time when a couple was cooking a meal, but suddenly they had a quarrel, and they even made a move in the end. They almost burned the kitchen down.

God knows how they live at home, even cooking a meal can burn the kitchen?

So Auntie also knows that she has a heavy burden. There are more than a dozen couples in this public kitchen, and he has to watch every couple.

"If I didn't take your money, I wouldn't bother watching you cook!"

With a trace of disgust, the aunt patrolled the couple's room.

"Honey, come and beat the fish scales."

"No, husband, come here, this fish has a fishy smell and blood, I'm afraid~"

"Okay, okay, I'll come, then you cut the tofu."

"Yeah, okay, I'll cut the tofu~"

"Wife, be careful with the knife!"

"Oh, I cut my finger, woo woo woo..."

Auntie rubbed her forehead. The couple's behavior is quite normal, and they are a relatively normal couple in the love kitchen.

They seldom cook, and they come here not to cook, but to enjoy the fun of cooking together.

But they don't know that cooking is not fun, and it's tiring.

This is also a common problem of contemporary young people. Instead of wasting time cooking, it is better to order a takeaway, or go out to eat directly.

Cooking is really time-consuming and laborious, and without that technology, the meals made are unpalatable, which will dampen the enthusiasm for cooking next time.

Therefore, among young people, there are very few who are proficient in cooking.

The aunt looked at the couple, but there was no surprise.

Because this pair performed well.

She then turned to the next few tables.

"Honey, come and cut the meat!"

"You cut!"

"Why do I cut it again? I also wash and chop vegetables, and I also prepare ingredients. You don't even know how to cut a piece of meat?"

"I never cook at home, and you promised my mother not to let me be wronged a little bit!"

"But we paid for it, and you didn't do anything, isn't it justified?"

"I don't listen, I don't listen..."

At this table, the woman was more hypocritical. She didn't plan to cook from the beginning to the end, and she didn't even touch the tableware and knives.

The man is also a little helpless, or suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, he can only take care of it himself.

Who told him to find a delicate little fairy?

After seeing this pair, my aunt shook her head again.

Fortunately, they are also "normal" couples who come here.

These days, girls are all delicate, and there are too many women who don't touch the spring water with their fingers.

As long as you don't quarrel, everything is fine...

"Husband, chop vegetables!"

"Husband, cook!"

"Husband, make soup!"


"Stop! Why am I the one here, and you can't even press a rice cooker?"

"Why do you want me to come? With you here, what else do I need to do?"


"What about me? She is a little fairy and doesn't go into the kitchen. Also, I didn't say that we should book a restaurant for candlelight dinner on weekends, but you insist on coming here, and we have to cook by ourselves. What's the matter? OK?"

"Hey, let's break up, I don't think we are suitable..."

"Ah, what did you say, do you dare to say it again?"

"I said... let's split~hand~!"

"Well, you beast, you took my body yesterday, and you are going to break up today, are you going to eat it up and kick me out!"

"You say yes, I'm tired, hurry up!"

"I, you, qnmd...¥ @%¥\u0026%..."

Seeing this pair, the aunt finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Although the woman was aggressive at the beginning, the man had no intention of coaxing him at all, and actually proposed to break up with the trend.

This is not good, now the couple has started to scold, and they might have to do it later.

Once done, the kitchen may be affected.

The aunt hurriedly winked with her colleagues not far away, preparing to outflank the couple to prevent the couple from fighting.

Because once they fight, the kitchen can easily become a battlefield, which is very dangerous at that time!

"Get out, get out!"

"Hmph, let's go!"

Fortunately, the quarrel between the couple did not escalate into a fight. The woman cried and cursed, and the man shook his head and walked away without nostalgia.

The woman stood where she was, looking at the man in disbelief as soon as he left.

When the man's back disappeared, she cried, crying loudly.

"Girl, do you still cook this meal?" The aunt approached in a low voice and asked.

"I didn't see that all the men ran away. What kind of food are you still doing? You want me to cook it for the dogs!"

The woman cursed and ran out of the kitchen crying too.

"It's okay, I didn't fight..."

Auntie sighed again and began to clean up the table.

But she was muttering in her heart, this is the first couple, and she hopes that there will be fewer couples having conflicts today.

Every time in the past, there were many couples who came to cook every day, but after cooking together, there were also many couples who broke up, with an average of three or four couples per day.

It's no wonder that "love kitchen" is called "breakup kitchen" on the Internet.

Just after the aunts cleaned up this table, the couple at the next table also had a conflict.

"What are you, you can't even cut a dish well?"

"What about you, don't you know you need to put oil in cooking?"

"What about you, can't even tell the difference between sugar and salt?"

"You still said to me that you need to add water to make soup, but you poured oil?"

"You ¥%\u0026!"


Don't talk, it's arguing again.

Auntie shook her head inwardly. Anyway, after arguing, the final result was nothing more than...


"Score it!"

This pair was quite tough, and they broke up when they said they would break up, without any hesitation.

The two turned their heads, then flung their sleeves and left, one in front and the other in the back, both out of sight and out of sight of each other.

Come on, another pair.

Auntie started to get busy again, and she was no stranger to these things.

After packing up, the aunt continued to patrol.

"Zhang, how are my potatoes cut?"

"The cut is good, each slice is the same thickness, as expected of a former surgeon, the knife is good!"

"Thank you for the compliment. By the way, you said that after the potatoes are cut, they should be placed in water to prevent oxidation and wash off the starch on the surface?"

"Yes, that's it. You can also cut the carrots by the way. I'll scale the fish and cut the fish fillets!"

"Yeah, your knife skills are also great, and your proficiency in boning and cutting meat is very high."

"Thank you for the compliment, but my practice makes perfect, which is incomparable to your skillful hands."

"Zhang, the rice seems to be cooked?"

"OK, I'll put the stewed rice ingredients on it, cook for another 10 minutes and it's ready to eat."


This table is naturally Zhang Wei and Jessica.

Auntie was very relieved, because she couldn't remember the last time she saw such a harmonious couple.

The pair never had any conflicts from beginning to end, and the relationship between the two is very good.

Jessica cut the tomato and handed one piece to Zhang Wei's mouth. The two looked at each other and smiled happily.

My aunt is envious when she looks at it. If her husband can cook like this when he cooks by himself, he will be happy just thinking about it.

For some reason, Auntie felt a little sour in her heart.

The only pity about this couple may be that the young man looks a bit ordinary, while the woman is blond, beautiful, and has an explosive figure.

But it's okay, the young man is not handsome, but down-to-earth.

Auntie nodded in relief. This is the customer that Love Kitchen needs.

Thinking so, she turned her head again, only to see a scene with hot eyes.

I saw two men staring at each other, neither of them had any intention of doing anything.

"Gao Yang, are you here to cook?"

"Luo Qi, when did you have the illusion that I can cook?"

"We were on a mission together at the time, weren't you the one responsible for heating the food?"

"It's all canned food, and it can be eaten after being burned on the fire, so there's no technical content!"

"Then don't look at me. I'm on a mission outside. I've eaten raw meat and drank muddy water, but I haven't cooked myself. The most I can do is roast the meat on the fire after hunting!"

"What's the matter?"

"Don't ask me, I won't either!"

If the previous couples behaved normally, and Zhang Wei and Jessica belonged to a clear stream, then this pair is a mudslide.

Auntie was also depressed, how could two men really come to join their love kitchen.

The key is that you have come here, but you are cooking.

What's the matter with being stuck in the kitchen for a long time without even touching a grain of rice?

If you hadn't paid the registration fee and the material usage fee, I really want to drive you out of this hot-eyed pair.

But now...

It's better if you don't move anything, earning your head fee for nothing!

The aunt saw that the two were still staring at each other, so she also turned off the meaning of reminding or guiding them.

In the end, Auntie came to the last table, which was also the table with the biggest problem for her.

"Handsome, why don't you talk?"

"Handsome, I cut the fruit, would you like to try it?"

"Handsome guy, our Guoguo is still single now, do you have a girlfriend, if not, consider us?"

"Yeah, although the people chasing me can line up hundreds of meters, if it's you, I can think about it~"

"handsome guy……"

I saw Guoguo and Chengzi, the two daughters, walking around Xia Qian's army, striking up conversations from time to time.

It's a pity that Xia Qianjun ignored their courtesies and kept his eyes fixed on Zhang Wei's table.

"What's the matter with this young man? The two big girls have taken the initiative without any reaction?"

"I remember that he got up with that one pair. Could it be that he also..."

Auntie turned her head and scanned Gao Yang and Luo Qi's table, a very bad guess came to her mind.

Hey, these days...there is everyone.

It's a pity that these two big girls don't even know that what they are doing is useless.

In fact, not only the aunt, but also Guoguo and Chengzi, who were involved, were depressed.

Especially Guoguo, as a female anchor with hundreds of thousands of fans all over the Internet, she is still very confident in her appearance.

Otherwise, the audience in the anchor room would call their wife, goddess, and fairy every time. Doesn't it mean that they are attractive?

It's a pity that after coming to this love kitchen, she suspects that her appearance doesn't seem to be so "fightable".

Especially when he saw the handsome guy he was looking at, staring at the table not far away without moving his eyes, this trace of suspicion was infinitely magnified.

She followed Xia Qianjun's gaze and saw Zhang Wei and Jessica.

The man looks ordinary, neither ugly nor handsome, Pass!

Guoguo thinks that Xia Qianjun is definitely not looking at Zhang Wei, because this man is too ordinary, there is nothing worthy of attention.

Since it's not about men, it's about women.

Guoguo looked at the blond woman with an explosive figure, and then looked down at herself.

Can't fight at all!

Whether it's appearance or figure, the other party kills him by a few blocks.

Damn it, why is this woman so big and tall!

She naturally thought that Xia Qianjun was attracted to that woman, so she was honest with her.

But in fact, she was thinking too much, Xia Qianjun had no feelings for Jessica.

Although this woman is very attractive, Xia Qianjun is a character who prioritizes tasks, and his eyes are always locked on Zhang Wei.

"It's disgusting to have a little sister and come out with a foreign woman!"

Xia Qianjun stared at Zhang Wei, becoming more and more hostile.

In addition, he also likes to ignore the initiative of the two girls around him.

Maybe the men at other tables envied him for having two girls who showed his affection.

But Xia Qianjun was different.

It can only be said that people's sorrows and joys are not the same, he just thinks they are noisy...

After 30 minutes, Zhang Wei's table has already prepared a meal.

The delicious smell of the food made the nearby couples look sideways with envy.

Although they have survived until now, many of the ingredients have not been cleaned.

It turned out that you were lucky, not only did the food cook, but it also smelled so delicious, and now you are ready to eat it.

Naturally, Zhang Wei and Jessica would not care about the gazes of others, and after they sat down, they feasted in public.

I have to say that the fruits of my labor are extraordinarily delicious to eat.

After having a delicious meal, Zhang Wei and Jessica naturally walked out of the breakup happily... No, it was Love Kitchen.

When they left, Xia Qianjun naturally had no reason to stay, so he followed them out without shaking his head.

"Handsome guy, handsome guy!"

"Has our meal been cooked yet?"

Seeing this, Guoguo and Chengzi yelled anxiously, but finally had no choice but to chase them out.

"Brother Jun left?"

"What are you doing in a daze, chase after me!"

Luo Qi and Gao Yang naturally acted together, after all, they were all following Xia Qianjun.

When the group of them walked to the pedestrian street, they saw Zhang Wei and Jessica walking into another coffee shop, and chose a seat by the window to sit down.

It's also a good thing to have a drink after eating!

"Grass, this kid really knows how to enjoy it!"

"And he still came out with such a beautiful woman. I remember that he seems to be the boyfriend of brother and sister Jun?"

"Brother Jun, you have to hold back, but you must restrain yourself. Although that kid deserves death, this is the Eastern Capital. If you want to make a move..."

Luo Qi and Gao Yang were both envious and jealous of Zhang Weina, but also worried.

You kid did something wrong, went outside behind your girlfriend's back and got caught by Xia Qianjun.

You just wait to die!

Inside the coffee shop.

Zhang Wei didn't know that he was jumping repeatedly in front of Lord Yan.

He only cares about when Luo Xiaobu will arrive.

"What's the situation with Carrot? I sent a few messages, but why didn't I reply?"

Looking at the gray profile picture on the V letter and the call records that no one answered, Zhang Wei felt helpless.

Luo Xiaobu, is this lost contact?

He, Zhang Wei, was released as a pigeon?

"Zhang, think about it, your friend didn't come, can you let me occupy you for a while?"

Jessica, who was sitting across from her, smiled. That smile was like spring, and with a well-timed joke, it made people feel warm in their hearts.


It is too high!

Zhang Wei's heart felt a little moved.

"Yeah, if this kid doesn't come, it's cheaper for me. I can spend a day with a beautiful woman like you. This is a good thing that no one else can ask for..." Zhang Wei also smiled.

Looking at the problem from another angle, maybe a bad thing can become a good thing.

Luo Xiaobu released his own pigeons, and now it seems that it is no big deal.

Just when Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei were fighting each other, Xia Qianjun and the others on the other side were a little unhappy.

They also entered the coffee shop and chose a location not too close to Zhang Wei.

Similarly, Guoguo and Chengzi also came, and looked at Xia Qianjun with resentment.

"Damn it, how dare this kid, there are beauties cooking and chatting with me, I'm so envious!"

"Brother Jun, I've changed my mind. I'll find a place where no one is watching. If the three of us do it together, I've wanted to beat him up for a long time anyway!"

"That's right, this kid has your sister and is still hooking up with other women outside. This is a heinous crime!"

Luo Qi and Gao Yang had a fierce look in their eyes at the same time.

Xia Qianjun's face was still gloomy.

At the next table, the two girls, Guoguo and Chengzi, also had a gloomy expression.

"No, I can't just let it go, I can't swallow this breath"

Seeing Xia Qianjun staring at Zhang Wei's table, Guoguo couldn't stand it anymore.

"Guoguo, what are you going to do?"

"Of course it's to create some trouble for this man and let her remember me in her heart!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Guoguo's mouth, although he and Chengzi began to discuss.

At the same time, the coffee ran out.

Zhang Wei and Jessica got up at the same time, ready to leave.

"Catch up!"

Xia Qianjun ordered secretly, Gao Yang and Luo Qi took the order, and immediately began to follow them.

Xia Qianjun sat there for a while, thinking whether he should contact Li Qinghua now and tell him Zhang Wei's numerous crimes.

"Forget it, let's take a look!"

After thinking about it, he decided to keep watching, and got ready to get up.

But just as he lowered his head in thought, his hand seemed to touch something.

"Ah, there are perverts!"

There was a scream that was heard throughout the coffee shop.

Xia Qianjun was also depressed, why was the screaming sound so close to him, and why were so many people staring at him?

"It's you, you pervert, you bullied our Guoguo!"

A yell brought him back from his thoughts.

He saw a somewhat familiar woman pointing at him and scolding him.

"Oops, mission!"

Xia Qianjun didn't want to talk to them at first, because he still had a mission.

"You are not allowed to leave, you have bullied our Guoguo, and you still want to escape!"

Cheng Zi immediately stopped Xia Qianjun with an angry face.

Not only that, other people in the coffee shop also gathered around and pointed at Xia Qianjun.

For a while, the whole coffee shop became lively.

And Zhang Wei, who walked out of the coffee shop, didn't know that his uncle seemed to be in trouble.

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