Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 222 Don't think you have won, but sue you for slander!

(I found a close connection in the author's community, and work is going to be busy again. In addition, the epidemic situation in various parts of the country has been fierce recently. Readers should also pay attention to epidemic prevention preparations, wear masks, wash hands frequently, it is best to go out less, try not to go field and risk areas!)


In the civil court.

"Jury, may I ask if you have made a verdict?"

"Your Honor, our jury has made a verdict!"

"Well, let the chief juror announce it!"

The chief juror got up, and under the watchful eyes of both the plaintiff and the defendant, he presented the verdict and announced:

"After deliberation and confirmation by the jury and the judge, the behavior of the defendant Luo Xiaobu in this case did violate the tort law and violated the legitimate interests of the plaintiff Hao Cleaning Sanitary Ware Company. Therefore, after deliberation, the jury ruled that the defendant Luo Xiaobu should compensate the Hao Cleaning Company, including The rent of the exhibition hall, the compensation for the cleaning of the sanitary ceramic furniture, the salaries of the employees on the day, the expenses of the appearance of the guests, the Internet public opinion caused by this matter and the subsequent public relations expenses that the plaintiff will spend... totaled 500,000 yuan."

"This court announces that the verdict is over, the plaintiff wins the case, and the defendant Luo Xiaobu needs to pay 500,000 yuan in compensation!"

As the judge hammered the announcement, Attorney Tian on the plaintiff's bench laughed, as did the representative of Good Clean Sanitary Ware.

In the dock, Luo Xiaobu's face was ashen, and his expression became extremely ugly.

In the hearing booth, many people cheered. These are the employees of the good cleaning company who came to support.

They are naturally happy that their company won the lawsuit.

But Zhang Wei, who was sitting in front, looked indifferent.

He was not surprised by the loss of his roommate Luo Xiaobu.

"Sure enough, for Luobo, it is still too reluctant to confront the veteran lawyers of the top ten firms for the first time in court!"

Zhang Wei felt that it would be a ghost if Luo Xiaobu could win the lawsuit.

Lao Tian is the lawyer of Yongjie, one of the top ten firms, and he is also an experienced old lawyer.

No matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to cover everything, plus the opponent's on-the-spot adaptability.

Luo Xiaobu, the defeat is not wronged!

Now that the verdict has been announced, the court will naturally be dissolved.

Luo Xiaobu walked towards the hearing stand with a bitter face.

"Zhang Wei, what should I do... I want to pay them 500,000 yuan in compensation. If I tell my family, they will beat me to death!"

"Don't worry, I already expected this!"

Seeing that Luo Xiaobu was about to cry to himself, Zhang Wei quickly interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

In fact, although he had some expectations for Luo Xiaobu, he didn't expect Luo Xiaobu to really win at all.

Pinning your hopes on the almost impossible is like gambling, and Zhang Wei can win without gambling!


Luo Xiaobu froze for a moment, what the hell are you talking about?

Isn't the case already lost? If you talk about it, I will lose, but what can I do?

"Are you still planning to appeal?"

"No need, I have a better solution!"

Zhang Wei gave Luo Xiaobu an inscrutable smile, and then calmly walked towards Good Cleaning Company and Lawyer Tian.

At this moment, Good Cleaning Company is still immersed in the joy of victory.

They won the lawsuit, and they were finally proud, and they made the fat man who ruined their promotion plan pay the price.

The president of Good Cleaning Company had a smug look in his eyes.

In fact, what happened last weekend was not all negative impacts on them, Hao San Sanitary Ware Company.

Even, the public opinion on the Internet has played a certain role in promoting their company.

Originally, their company's products were designed to deal with **.

Although seeing the name of their company, they will think of **.

But in the same way, once the public sees that the toilet is blocked by toilets, will they immediately think of them as a good cleaning company?

Everything has two sides. Although the weekend exhibition failed, the influence of online public opinion is also unpredictable.

The PR department of their Good Clean Furniture company has already calculated, although the loss on Sunday is hundreds of thousands.

It is precisely because of this incident that the popularity of their company's online discussions continues to increase, and the income from online promotion has almost reached hundreds of thousands or even millions.

It can be said that because of this case, Good Clean Sanitary Ware passively accepted a vigorous promotion on the Internet.

The key point is that this wave of promotion is for free prostitution and does not require money.

"It's decided. We won the case this time. When the time comes, spend some money and have several media outlets in the Oriental Capital report on this matter. Maybe the popularity of our company will last for a few more weeks!"

Thinking of the rising popularity of the Internet, the president couldn't help laughing.

It doesn't cost a lot of money to find media reports, plus the heat of winning the case.

This time, they can save millions of promotion expenses in exchange for tens of millions of profits.

No matter how you calculate this deal, you won't lose money!

To be honest, he should thank that fat man.

Without each other, they would not have so much popularity on the Internet.

"Lawyer Tian, ​​thank you very much this time. We will transfer the legal fee to your company account later!"

Then, the president began to thank Lawyer Tian again.

The other party is worthy of being a lawyer from the top ten firms. As soon as the case was launched, it was really easy to catch.

"Where is that..." Attorney Tian naturally declined a few words with a smile.

What is there to be proud of when you win a rookie.

To be honest, the one Attorney Tian actually wanted to win was the person sitting at the hearing.

But he knew that if it was the opponent, it would not be as easy to win as before.

Oh, right.

It is said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here, and Zhang Wei just came over.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are..."

The case is over, and Zhang Wei is not involved in the case. Attorney Tian is very curious about what Zhang Wei is here for.

A group of good cleaning company also looked at Zhang Wei curiously.

They remembered that this kid seemed to have something to do with the defendant, and the two of them had said something just now.

"Lawyer Tian, ​​and everyone on the plaintiff side, hello, my name is Zhang Wei, and I am Luo Xiaobu's representative lawyer. This is the lawyer's letter I wrote early in the morning. Please accept it!"

As Zhang Wei said, he handed a lawyer's letter to Lawyer Tian.

Attorney Tian took the lawyer's letter and was about to open it, but the employees of Good Cleaning Company couldn't bear it anymore.

"What the hell, a lawyer's letter?"

"You're going to sue us, isn't the case over?"

"Good guy, does that fat man still want to appeal?"

Zhang Wei ignored them and just smiled slightly at Lawyer Chaotian.

The latter opened the lawyer's letter, scanned the content with his eyes, and then his pupils shrank violently.

"What, you want to sue us for defamation!"

At this moment, even the president who was so clean was stunned.

Attorney Tian handed the lawyer's letter to the latter, and the two of them read it all.

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean?"

"Old Tian, ​​you don't pretend to be confused, do you?"

Lawyer Zhang Wei Xiangtian blinked, then sneered:

"In the company of your client, some employees released a lot of processed videos. The text descriptions in them damaged the image of my client, and even misled the public opinion of the notary office in Zhongcheng District of Dongfang Capital, so I only represent My client will file a defamation claim against you, and of course I may also contact the notary office in the Midtown District of the Oriental Metropolis later on to discuss jointly claiming compensation from your client's company..."

Threats, naked threats!

Zhang Wei almost engraved the words "I'm here to threaten you" on his face.

"You say our company is slanderous, what's the basis, and I can't control what videos the employees want to post!"

"Who said that if the video is posted by the employees themselves, your company's logo will definitely not be printed on it, and I also watched that video account. It is basically your company's promotion account. All the videos in it are similar to your company's logo. product related!"

Zhang Wei sneered, and looked at the president who was so clean, "Boss, you don't really want to open your eyes and tell nonsense, do you?"

"You..." The latter was speechless for a while, because this matter was really hit by the other party.

That video number is indeed from their company's public relations department, and he even ordered it to be sorted out by himself.

After all, it is the Internet era now, and the traffic of various live broadcast platforms and short video platforms is very impressive, so their company naturally needs to have one.

The aspect of network traffic is also a way to increase popularity, and many companies attach great importance to this aspect.

"By the way, I'll show you the video, so that you don't realize the seriousness of the problem!"

Zhang Wei said, turned on the phone, and started playing the video directly.

In the video, Luo Xiaobu appeared, and he was being blocked by the employees of Good Cleaning Company.

"What are you doing, I'm a notary in Midtown, and I'm a judicial officer!"

He was flustered, and his expression was indescribably ugly.

"Hahaha, this little fat man said he is a judicial officer, so funny~"

"That's it, is it considered a notary?"

"If you don't say it in public, you're still shirking responsibility, I think it's almost the same if you eat it!"

"The little fat guy in Gou Ri still wants to leave, stop him for me, and let the big guys see, the disgusting things this kid did!"

"wqnmlgb, you want to leave after ruining our exhibition?"


The video is full of swear words, and many people uttered swear words.

The title of the video was also magnified by Zhang Wei.

"With such qualities as a notary, do you insult others in public? "

The video is only a few minutes long and finishes playing quickly.

At this moment, Attorney Tian also realized the seriousness of the problem.

If Luo Xiaobu is the only one in the video, that's fine.

But the problem was at the very beginning, Luo Xiaobu revealed that he was a member of the notary office, and the employees of the good cleaning sanitary ware company obviously did not pay attention to this.

The subsequent swearing and insulting attacks have never stopped.

Some of the words even slandered Luo Xiaobu's unit.

"How about it, have you finished reading it?"

Zhang Wei smiled, walked up to Lawyer Tian, ​​and met the latter face to face.

"Old Tian, ​​I'm not an exaggerated person, so I just sued you for defamation on behalf of him, and the amount of compensation is not high, exactly 500,000 yuan."

"But if you don't cooperate, then I may contact my client Luo Xiaobu's work unit, and then..."

When Zhang Wei said this, he paused for a while, and said in a low tone, "Lawyer Tian, ​​when that time comes, it will definitely not be able to handle 500,000 yuan!"

He and Lawyer Tian's eyes met, and the latter even saw the firmness and threats in Zhang Wei's eyes...

Lawyer Tian thought that if he was 20 years younger and a vigorous young man, he might really not persuade Zhang Wei.

But now, when he thinks of Zhang Wei's stalwart record of defeating the black-legged Hu Yaode and the local prosecutor's headquarters, Lan Gaojian, he feels terrified in his heart!

As for what he said just now, that he wanted to fight Zhang Wei, it was just that he had just won the lawsuit and was very high-spirited.

Really can't fight, really can't fight!

This young man doesn't talk about Wude, he may use any kind of insidious tricks.

This is really unbeatable!

Especially since this case involved the judiciary...

What the other party said is well-founded, and there is the most critical video, he won't win 99% of the time!

If you can't win, you may be fired by Zhang Wei, and you will be attacked by the opponent in court...

After weighing the pros and cons, Attorney Tian felt that he really needed to compromise.

He took a step back, pulled the president of Good Cleaning Company aside, and said in a low voice, "I think we should reconcile with each other!"

"Lawyer Tian, ​​you..."

"Listen to me, this case can't be fought. If it really goes on, that kid can do anything. If he is dragged to the Zhongcheng District Notary Office, it's not defamation. It may involve insults and threats, and the case may rise. To the extent of a criminal case!"

Lawyer Tian said earnestly, "This is just a civil lawsuit. You don't really want to go to jail, do you?"


The president is also confused, why did you give up before fighting, and why did this case rise to the level of a criminal case.

But Lawyer Tian didn't think so.

You haven't seen Zhang Wei's method, isn't that the case of Zhu Tianying before.

Originally, Ren's Films hired Zhang Wei to discuss compensation with Zhu Tianying, and Ren's Films planned to pay 300 million in compensation.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei sent Zhu Tianying to the prison directly, and it was still a first-degree murder, so it was impossible for him to get out in this life.

So, don't offend Zhang Wei if you offend anyone.

If the other party is unhappy, doesn't your company want it?

Do you also want to go in and squat for a few years?

Lawyer Tian said, I have already given you very pertinent suggestions, so don't be too hard on yourself.

"Brother, listen to my advice, you can't afford to offend Zhang Wei!"

Lawyer Tian patted the cleaning president on the shoulder, he had already said what should be said.

If you really want to continue the lawsuit, I won't take this case.

Anyway, he has already won the previous claim case, and the next case that he knows he will lose, you can go to whomever you like.


The president also hesitated. He glanced at Lawyer Tian who was about to retire, and then at Zhang Wei.

Gritting his teeth for the last time, he suppressed the anger in his heart and finally made a compromise.

"Okay, count yourself as ruthless!"

30 minutes later, at the gate of the civil court.

"Zhang Wei, thank you so much. They actually gave up the 500,000 claim and even apologized to me. How did you do it!"

"It's nothing, I just gave a condition that they can't refuse!"

Faced with Luo Xiaobu's thanks, Zhang Wei just waved his hand.

However, the former had an excited expression on his face, clenched his fists with five fingers, and couldn't help shouting up to the sky.

Originally, Luo Xiaobu was almost desperate. After all, he had to pay 500,000 yuan in compensation just because of diarrhea on weekends.

Moreover, the case was lost, and the judge ruled that he must pay 500,000 yuan. It is impossible to lose it, and he felt so uncomfortable.

As a result, Zhang Wei gave a word of comfort, and then chatted with Hao Cleaning Company for a while, and the matter turned around.

After 30 minutes of "friendly negotiation", Good Clean really gave up its 500,000 claim against Luo Xiaobu, and also established a document.

what is this?

Originally, his life fell from heaven to hell, but now he has risen from hell back to heaven?

Anyway, Luo Xiaobu really thanked Zhang Wei, if it wasn't for him, he might be doomed.

"Zhang Wei, I don't know what to say anymore..."

"Then don't talk about it, just remember, the next time you encounter this kind of thing, you should find a lawyer instead of doing it yourself!"

"Yeah, if I encounter this kind of problem again next time, I will definitely find you!"

Luo Xiaobu agreed, and immediately patted his chest to promise.

Zhang Wei shook his head secretly, hoping there would be no next time.

Just be honest and don't get into any lawsuits, because I'm a criminal defense lawyer.

The two chatted for a while, and then returned to their units.

Now that the case is over, Luo Xiaobu has to go back and inform the unit that he is fine and can resume work.

And Zhang Wei, after dealing with Luo Xiaobu's matter, also went back to the law firm to report.

The only pity may be that this case did not count Zhang Wei's achievements.

He just came forward to negotiate and let his opponent withdraw the case.


The next few days were spent in a dull state.

In the last week of April, the criminal team wasn't too busy, but Zhang Wei and the others didn't intend to fish.

He took several public interest cases, and all of them have achieved complete victories in court.

After all, the big cases of 300 million yuan were won, and several small cases, for Zhang Wei, it was easy to catch.

He performed well, and even the performance of his little apprentice and Xiao Li was also quite good.

In the last week, everyone sprinted headlong, which greatly increased the winning rate.

Although the criminal team has done a big case this month, they are the department in charge of criminal cases after all, so they must not forget their roots.

Tie Ruyun was also very happy when he saw the summary of the last month's cases.

Because of the excellent performance of the members in the group, the performance and winning rate of the criminal group this month may have to crush the litigation department.

Sometimes Tie Ruyun had to sigh with emotion that letting Zhang Wei join the criminal team was really one of the most correct decisions he made in his life.

"Old man, today is Friday, I get off work early!"

But near four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Wei suddenly yelled.

Well, it would be even better if this kid had more respect for the leader!

Tie Ruyun rubbed his head and sighed again.

"Your boy is my father now, so you can do whatever you say!"

"Well, don't, I'm not married yet, and suddenly I have a son like you, and I feel uncomfortable. But in the law firm, I don't mind having multiple sons around me, what do you think, old iron?"


After Zhang Wei made a joke, he left work with a smile.

He left work early for no other reason than to visit his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

After buying some fruits and gifts on the way, Zhang Wei came to Dongjiang Yipin, the house under his name.

Unfortunately, neither the father-in-law nor the mother-in-law were at home.

Zhang Wei waited until eight o'clock in the evening, but neither of them showed up.

This time, Zhang Wei was confused.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law have been so busy recently?

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