Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 223 Father-in-law is hiding something, big brother-in-law is causing trouble?

What Zhang Wei didn't know was.

Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai are not busy today, nor are they working overtime.

Even they are not in the unit.

The husband and wife both asked for leave today, and now they have come to Chengbei District, and Zhang Wei is also familiar with the place.

Aoki Law Firm.

Upstairs, in the decision maker's office.

At this moment, there are four people sitting in this well-decorated office.

Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua's husband and wife, Zhang Wei's aunt Li Qinghe, and Li Qingmu, the decision-maker of Qingmu Law Firm.

All three brothers and sisters from the Li family were present, including Xia Donghai.

As for Zhang Wei's uncle, Wang Dayang, he was sitting outside waiting, and the visiting son-in-law was not qualified to come in and talk.

"Sister, brother, about Xiaojun..."

As soon as Li Qinghua sat down, she couldn't help it.

Although she doesn't like to come to Qingmu very much, because every time she comes, she will be reprimanded by Li Qinghe.

But this time is different from visiting. Her son has been involved in a lawsuit recently, so she had to come to Aoki for help.

Fortunately, Li's family owns a law firm, so Li Qinghua is not worried. No one has taken up her son's case.

"Sister, what's the matter with Xiaojun, molesting girls in public, he can do such outrageous things?"

"I said at the beginning, he shouldn't have been allowed to join the war department. It's been ten years since he left, and the place is full of boys. I guess this kid is crazy?"

Although Li Qinghe restrained a little, she still muttered something.

Xia Qianjun's doing such a thing made her, an elder, feel ashamed.

Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua's faces were equally ugly.

Although Li Qinghe's sarcasm was a bit harsh, the two also felt that Xiaojun should not have been allowed to join the war department in the first place.

If he disagreed with life and death at the beginning, Xiaojun might have married a wife a long time ago. How can such a thing happen now?

"Qing He, don't open your mouth yet!"

Li Qingmu, who was silent before, also rubbed his forehead at this moment.

"Qinghua, what do you think of this case, did Xiaojun tell you anything?"

"Brother, I don't know anything, so Xiaojun called me and said that he was accused of harassment by a girl, and then..."

Then she brought Xia Donghai to the northern part of the city, and found her family.

"So, you don't know the details of the case?"

Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua both shook their heads.

Li Qingmu's brows, which were already tightly locked, were deeply wrinkled into a word "Chuan".

This case is neither big nor small.

To put it mildly, it was just an ordinary civil dispute, maybe Xia Qianjun had some physical contact with that girl, and then the girl felt that Xia Qianjun was trying to harass her.

Generally, in this case, if you make an apology and apologize, the boy will take the initiative to admit his mistake, and it will be over.

But the problem lies in Xia Qianjun's identity. He is a retired member of the war department and is still a member of the special warfare team of the Wushu Association.

That is the person of the Dragon Country's law enforcement agency, and once such a person makes a mistake, it will affect the whole body.

"What about Xiaojun, he is also one of the parties involved, what does he say?"

"Xiaojun seems to be locked up by the special operations team. If you want to visit him, you need to apply for approval. Lao Xia and I were planning to go, but he said that he would come to the north of the city to discuss with you first..."

Li Qinghua said, and looked at her elder brother again.

Now the woman has made it clear that she wants to file a lawsuit, and even sue Xia Qianjun.

So to solve this matter, our own side also needs a lawyer to come forward.

The person who can litigate in Qingmu Law Firm is naturally the elder brother Li Qingmu who is the safest and most powerful.

"Understood, we, Aoki, will follow up on Xiaojun's matter. If necessary, I can also be Xiaojun's lawyer myself!"

Seeing that his younger sisters had arrived in person, Li Qingmu naturally expressed his attitude.

After all, he is his nephew, so his family has to take care of his own family, right?

"Then thank you, brother!"

Hearing Li Qingmu's promise, Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai's sorrow dissipated, and they finally smiled.

In the past few days, they were so worried about Xia Qianjun that they couldn't eat or sleep.

Now if Li Qingmu came forward, it would be easier to talk about it.

At least my eldest brother should not let Xiaojun be wronged.

Li Qingmu nodded, and was about to order the secretary to come in and help collect information about the case.

But he paused for a moment, and then asked: "Talking about Xiaojun's case, does Zhang Wei know about it?"

The word "Zhang Wei" made the atmosphere in the office quiet for a while.

The three brothers and sisters of the Li family are all very familiar with this name.

Li Qinghua looked embarrassed, Li Qinghe gritted his teeth, even Li Qingmu felt a headache when he heard these two words, and he secretly hated him.

This kid, who ruined their plan of Aoki's rise, is simply hateful.

However, this kid is still the son-in-law of his third sister, and he can be regarded as half of his own.

Being slapped in the face by one of his own people, he couldn't take revenge.

Is there anything more helpless than this?

I heard that some time ago, Li Qinghe went to look for Li Qinghua, and was also cured by this kid.

Anyway, Zhang Wei is the nemesis of their Li family.

It seems that the Li family can't please Zhang Wei here.

"Zhang Wei..."

The corners of Li Qinghua's mouth twitched. When she thought of this troublesome guy, she...

"I haven't notified him about this, and I haven't seen him much recently."

"No way, you didn't live together, the house in Dongjiang Yipin didn't belong to Zhang Wei?"

"It's his, but he still lives in the rented house."

"How is it possible that you can't live in a good house, and you have to go outside to rent a house?"

Li Qinghe was taken aback for a moment, a little confused about Zhang Wei.

He can't live in a house with hundreds of millions of dollars, and rents a house to live in. Is there any reason why he has to live outside?

"All in all, this matter is our family matter, so don't inform that kid, he..."

Li Qinghua opened her mouth, but forcibly held back some words that came to her lips.

After all, he is his son-in-law, so it's better not to speak ill of him in front of his family.

"Then... I'll leave everything to Big Brother!"

Li Qingmu nodded and decided to take over the case.

But he had to figure out, who was the opponent he was going to face this time?

The woman is now suing Xia Qianjun for indecent assault. This is generally a civil lawsuit, but if the circumstances are serious, it may constitute a crime of indecency. If this is the case, it is a criminal case.

Once it becomes a criminal case, the prosecutor will be prosecuted by the local prosecutor's office, and Xia Qianjun may go to jail.

In the case of a civil lawsuit, Xia Qianjun doesn't need to go to jail, he just needs to make an apology.

The question at this stage is to ask my nephew what happened at that time.

"Qinghua, you and your brother-in-law should contact the special operations team and ask them when they can arrange for us to visit Xiaojun; in addition, if the woman decides to sue, I also want to know about the situation of the opponent!"

"Okay, let's do it now!"

Now that Li Qingmu took over the case, Li Qinghua felt relieved a lot, and immediately urged Lao Xia to leave.

They also have to hurry up to make arrangements to visit their son.

Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai left quickly, obviously not wanting to delay for a moment.

"Brother, are you really determined to help them?"

When Li Qinghua and his wife left, Li Qinghe joined them.

"Xiaojun's status is quite special. Although this case is just a case of indecent assault, it sounds like it won't have much impact, but there are many aspects involved, and it even involves the reputation of the special operations team and the war department..."

"I know what you want to say, but after all, Qinghua is the younger sister of you and me. If my family doesn't help me, wouldn't it be a little heartless?"

For Li Qinghua, Li Qingmu still gave face, not to mention that this case was a case of indecent assault.

It's impossible. Such a case can alarm the lawyers of the top ten firms, right?


Oriental Capital, downtown.

William International Building.

As a multinational company, William International not only has its own group building in the East, but also has its own law firm.

At this moment, inside the William International Law Firm, in a certain reception room.

Ji Guoguo, his friend Zhou Chengzi, and his parents, a total of four people are sitting here, waiting for someone.

"Lawyer Chen is here!"

Under the guidance of a female receptionist, a middle-aged man with semi-bald hair, obvious Mediterranean, and slightly brown curly hair on both sides walked in.

"Sorry for keeping the four of you waiting, I'm Paul Chen, you can call me Lawyer Chen!"

As he spoke, he saluted politely to the four people in the reception room, and then sat opposite Ji Guoguo.

"Lawyer Chen, hello..."

Seeing the person in front of him, Ji Guoguo nodded his head quickly.

"Miss Ji, why did you find me? If you want to file a civil lawsuit, there are a lot of lawyers in the East who can handle this type of case. Why do you have to invite our lawyer from William International?"

"Because the man who harassed me has a special background and is related to the Wushu Association and the War Department. I'm afraid to hire a local lawyer. They..."

"It has connections with the Wushu Association and the War Department, no wonder!"

Hearing Ji Guoguo's explanation, Paul Chen immediately understood.

The other party is likely to be someone from a law enforcement agency, which will indeed be difficult to deal with.

If you look at it this way, it is normal for the client to find him and William International Law Firm.

"Lawyer Chen, you must make the decision for our daughter. She is still the eldest daughter of Huang Hua. This matter has been widely spread now. My daughter's reputation is gone. How can she marry in the future!"

After seeing the lawyer, Ji Guoguo's mother couldn't bear it anymore and started crying on the spot.

"Yeah, Lawyer Chen, please help me, otherwise, what kind of person am I!" Ji Guoguo also looked sad, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"I understand. If that guy is still a man, he should realize his mistake and apologize to Miss Ji!"

Paul Chen nodded solemnly, and promised: "Okay, Miss Ji, I can help you with this. We will take over this case with William International!"

Seeing that the other party agreed, Ji Guoguo and Zhou Chengzi looked at each other and smiled.

This one is obviously stable!


Dongjiang Yipin.

When Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai returned to their residence, it was almost 10 o'clock in the evening.

They made a lot of phone calls and made a lot of connections before they finally made an appointment for the weekend to visit their son in the special operations team.

All in all, Xia Qianjun had already been imprisoned for almost a week because of this incident.

Although the special operations team said it was to make him reflect, anyone with a discerning eye knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

After this incident happened in the special operations team, Xia Qianjun's follow-up punishment is still on the way.

"Hey, why did Xiaojun do such a thing?"

"Old Xia, tell me, shouldn't I have agreed with him to join the war department?"

"If he doesn't join the war department, there won't be such a thing, and I can find a place to hug my grandson, and the family will be happy?"

"Even if it's like now, every day is frightened, not only the son is busy outside every day, but the daughter can't go home for a few days a week, their jobs are so dangerous, they are afraid of just one thing, they just..."

Before entering the door of the house, Li Qinghua couldn't help complaining.

Xia Donghai also sighed, walked to the door, and began to brush his face.

"Mr. Xia Donghai, welcome home!"

The scanning equipment at the door quickly scanned Xia Donghai's face, and immediately opened the door for him.

"Old Xia, you have something to say. I heard what I said along the way, so you should at least express some opinions, right?"

"What do I want to say, things have already happened, no amount of complaints can change the ending, I... Shhh!"

Xia Donghai replied half a sentence, but as if he saw something, he quickly booed Li Qinghua.

Because the former found that there seemed to be someone in the house.

Seeing her husband's reaction, Li Qinghua's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the family has been burglarized?

its not right!

This is the first grade of Dongjiang, so how could it be possible to be thieves with such a tightly monitored security facility?

And how did the thief get in? It's impossible to climb over the wall from the outside. This place is dozens of stories high. How courageous is the thief?

The words in it are even more impossible. This monitoring device can only scan the faces of my family, and if there is a problem with the system, the housekeeper will find it immediately and notify the owner.

How did the thief get in?

"Hey, oh, it turned out to be Zhang Wei!"

Fortunately, Xia Donghai yelled, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

Then he pulled Li Qinghua over, his eyes hinted a little bit.

"It's Zhang Wei!"

Li Qinghua also forced herself, squeezed out a smile that was not much better than crying, and greeted the people in the house.

But Zhang Wei in the house found something strange.

Something is wrong!

Something is wrong!

Today's Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua are a little abnormal.

Who is he, he is good at observing words and expressions, so he can naturally see that the expressions of the two people in front of him are somewhat artificial.

Especially the mother-in-law, when she sees herself on weekdays, she doesn't give a good face.

But today, contrary to normal, he gave a "smiling face".

Sometimes, when a person behaves slightly abnormally, this person must be hiding something behind his back.

"Father-in-law, where have you been today?"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, and his words were a little more tentative.

"Where did we go?"

"Really, why did I call the court, Judge Chen told me, mother-in-law, you have asked for several days of personal leave?"


"And my father-in-law, I asked about the relationship with the martial arts association, and they also said that you used the accumulated annual leave for a few days, and the strange thing is that you haven't taken a single vacation after working for 20 years. Why did you suddenly Want to take your annual leave?"


Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai were both speechless when asked at the same time.

Well, you Zhang Wei, you have investigated this point, is this trying to force us?

Li Qinghua wanted to ask such a question, but now facing Zhang Wei, she has no confidence.

"Well, our husband and wife are too tired from work these days, so we plan to rest together for a few days, and we suddenly moved into a big house. We are not used to it, we are not acclimatized, and we need to adjust..."

"Not acclimatized?" Zhang Wei looked at Xia Donghai in a daze.

Lao Xia, your explanation is a bit far-fetched!

Aren't your old house and your new house both in the east?

Can this also be acclimatized?

"By the way, Zhang Wei, is Xiaoyueyue back?"

"Not yet, I haven't seen her anyway..."

"You really are, Xiao Yueyue seems to have been busy with the serious crime team these days, and you don't care about others!"

"Father-in-law, when you say that, it seems to be true. It's really inappropriate for her to work so hard every day."

"No, when it comes to my girl, I feel distressed. It's harder than me to go out early and return late every day..."

Xia Donghai knew Zhang Wei's ability, so he quickly changed the topic.

And the best way to change the topic is to pull the girl out.

Sure enough, when it came to Xia Qianyue, Zhang Wei's attention was really diverted.

"You, hurry up and call and ask, when will she come back today?"

Xia Donghai pushed Zhang Wei to the balcony, and then asked, "By the way, are you going to live here today?"

"No, I'm here to visit you two elders today, and then go back to where I live now."

"Oh, then you should go back early, otherwise it's too dangerous to be alone at night. Your mother-in-law and I are a little tired today, so let's take a shower and rest first!"


Seeing that there was a lot of perfunctory in Xia Donghai's words, Zhang Wei didn't intend to delve into it.

He called Xia Qianyue in front of the other party, and then stood alone on the balcony and waited.

"Hey, Zhang Wei, what do you want me for?"

"Hanhan, what have your parents been up to lately, do you have any idea?"

"Ah, what are they busy with, I don't know?"

Soon the phone was connected, and Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue chatted quietly.

Five minutes later, the call ended, and Zhang Wei frowned a little.

After talking with Xia Qianyue on the phone, he confirmed one thing.

Hanhan didn't know what happened to Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua recently.

Zhang Wei didn't go into details either, because he knew that Hanhan was not smart enough to make out words.

Moreover, Zhang Wei already had some guesses.

He bid farewell to the second elder and left directly.

But on the way back, Zhang Wei had already started to think about what the troubles of Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua had been recently.

"What's the matter with my father-in-law? The East has always been the city with the best security. He is still a field worker of the Wuxi Association, but he told me to be careful when I go home alone, and pay attention to safety?"

"The streets are all in their charge, so he doesn't know the level of law and order?"

"There is also the mother-in-law, her face is very strange, I have come into contact with a lot of sighs, it is usually the expression of the victim's family members?"

As an elder, what worries him the most is naturally his children.

If he was worried about Xia Qianyue, his father-in-law and mother-in-law should have gotten used to it, and it was impossible for him to become sentimental all of a sudden.

If it wasn't Xia Qianyue...

The father-in-law and mother-in-law also have a son, so the answer is obvious.

It must be that Xia Qianjun has caused some trouble recently, which made the elders worry.

After returning to the Lin Mansion, Zhang Wei went straight to the second floor.

"Xiao Zhao, can you do me a favor?"

"It's Xiao Zhao again, why don't you call me Second Girl, if you need anything, just tell me!"

"That's fine, second girl, I have something to ask~"


Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately closed the door and gave Zhang Wei a snub.

"Hey, second girl, dad will make you a whole roast leg of lamb tomorrow, with cumin and spices, it must taste great~"

"Tell me, what's the matter!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao opened the door again, and seemed to be swallowing saliva.

"Hey, the second girl's mouth is finally raised by me!"

Zhang Wei knew that he had finally grasped Zhao Xiaoxiao's weakness, which was gluttony.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I want you to help me monitor my father-in-law and mother-in-law. They obviously have something to hide from me..."

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