Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 224 Go to see the uncle, the opponent is William International!

(It’s cooling down, it’s cooling down, yesterday was summer, and today it’s winter, readers, keep warm, the epidemic has been fierce recently, and colds and fevers are also troublesome!)


Weekends, visiting days.

The sea area near Dongfang Capital, the base of the special operations group.

As the secret operation base of the special forces, this place naturally cannot be in a city, and it is not even on land.

The base of the special operations team is quite far from the east, and it is an isolated island in the sea surrounded by the sea.

Even if you take a special transport boat, it will take more than 40 minutes.

As soon as they got off the transport boat, the two sisters, Li Qinghua and Li Qinghe, felt their feet go limp at the same time, unable to hold on anymore.



I have to say that the two sisters still have many similarities, such as seasickness...

"Why is this transport boat shaking like this?"

"That is, can you drive more steadily?"

The two sisters were holding on to the fence of the pier while retching, their faces pale and frightening.

Seeing Xia Donghai and Li Qingmu at the side, they could only shake their heads secretly.

After 40 minutes of shaking, their legs couldn't hold up, not to mention the two weak women.

After Li Qinghua and sisters took a break, the four of them finally entered the base of the special operations team.

Passing through layers of checkpoints and entering the interior of a fortress-like building, the atmosphere gradually becomes depressing.

"Entering the base of the special operations group, I believe that you all signed the non-disclosure agreement, but I still want to remind you that everything you see today can only be known to you, and even the closest people cannot tell... "

The members of the special operations team who were leading the way were still warning the group of four with an indescribably serious tone.

After going through several checkpoints, they stopped outside an almost completely enclosed room.

"This is the confinement room of our special operations team, Xia Qianjun is in confinement here!"

As he spoke, he knocked on the door: "Xia Qianjun, your family members have come to see you. I'll take them to the meeting room, and you'll follow me later!"

After finishing speaking, he murmured to the three members of Li's family, "By the way, can you make an appointment together to come to visit people? If you insist on coming in two batches, we still need to arrange time for you to come together!"

"Two batches?"

Li Qinghua was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what this person meant at all.

Aren't they just one group? Could it be that Xia Qianjun still has parents?

After dispelling this unrealistic idea, the Li family and his party were brought to the meeting room.

But it is said to be a meeting room, but it is actually a cafeteria. The place is spacious, but there is a slight smell of oily smoke.

After all, this is the base of the special operations team, not a prison or a detention center, and there is no special place for them to meet.

But here, Li Qinghua immediately knew who the other group of people were.

"Mom and Dad, uncles and aunts, how are you!"

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle and aunt, hello!"

Xia Qianyue and Zhang Wei greeted the four of them at the same time.

This scene made Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai look astonished.

Li Qinghe and Li Qingmu were a little bit better, Xia Qianyue would appear, they were not surprised, but after seeing Zhang Wei also, there was a little discomfort on their faces.

The four of them murmured in their hearts at the same time, why did this kid come, and brought Xiao Yueyue with him.

"Girl, and Zhang Wei, what are you..."

Li Qinghua's face was a little ugly, showing a guilty expression.

"Mother-in-law, you are enough. My brother-in-law has such a big incident, why are you still hiding it? If I hadn't asked some acquaintances from the investigation department and the court, I really didn't know about this incident."

"Yeah, Mom, it's fine if you keep it from Zhang Wei, but you still keep it from me!"

Xia Qianyue on the side also frowned displeasedly, with an angry face.

Her brother had an accident, and her mother didn't even notify her, which would make her feel that she was very incompetent as a younger sister.

Of course, Xia Qianjun, the elder brother, was incompetent.

"Hey, girl, I don't want you to worry. Who knew that Zhang Wei could even find out about this kind of thing..."

Just as Li Qinghua was about to say something, another person came out at the entrance of the cafeteria. It was Xia Qianjun who was the person involved.

"Xiaojun is here!"

Li Qinghe greeted quickly, and Xia Qianjun walked into the cafeteria under everyone's gaze.

"Xiaojun, what's the matter, they didn't bully you, did they?"

"Mom, here are all comrades-in-arms, they won't bully me, and the confinement was proposed by me on my own initiative, and it's not about going to jail. It's the special operations team who considered the influence of the media and agreed to my request!"

"That's good, that's good!"

Hearing this answer, Li Qinghua finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, let me introduce you. You haven't met them much yet, this is your aunt, and this is your uncle."

"This is Xiaojun, I haven't seen him for more than ten years, and he has grown so big."

After seeing Xia Qianjun, Li Qinghe seemed like an ordinary elder, asking for his health.

It has to be said that Xia Qianjun inherited the excellent genes of the Li family, so he is a handsome man.

Even Li Qingmu who was at the side couldn't help feeling that this kid has the demeanor of my youth.

At the same time, a question arose in my mind.

Is it necessary for a handsome guy like Xia Qianjun to molest a girl?

With this condition, many girls will strike up a conversation with him if you walk on the street and tickle your fingers, right?

Thinking back when Li Qingmu was studying in law school, he would receive countless love letters every day...

"Ahem, gentlemen, I'm sorry to disturb you, but reminiscing about the past can be done at any time. Shouldn't we talk about the case?"

At this moment, an untimely cough interrupted Li Qingmu's thoughts, and also interrupted the greetings.

The three brothers and sisters of the Li family said inwardly, "Damn it!"

As long as you don't look at the occasion when you talk, don't you know how to behave?

But what Zhang Wei said was correct, Xia Qianjun was only locked up for self-reflection, and he was not imprisoned, he was still very free.

The most urgent task now is naturally the case itself.

After everyone sat down, Zhang Wei was the first to ask: "Brother-in-law, I heard the news that a woman seems to be suing you for indecent assault?"

"I have never done such a thing!" Xia Qianjun immediately shook his head in denial.

The conscience of heaven and earth, he was in the coffee shop at the time, and he didn't react at all. The woman grabbed his hand and said that he molested her.

He is so confused!

"Is that so, are you denying it?"

"Nonsense, I haven't done it, why should I admit it!"

Xia Qianjun's performance can be said to be upright, there is no such thing at all.

"Were there any witnesses?"

"Luo Qi and Gao Yang acted together with me, but they all walked out of the coffee shop at that time, and they didn't see the situation behind them. I happened to be right behind them when the incident happened!"

"Coffee shop, are there any other witnesses?"

"I don't know!"

Seeing Xia Qianjun shaking his head, Zhang Wei knew that he had to find the witnesses himself.

"You and that woman probably don't know each other?"

"Of course, I don't even know them, let alone why they pester me!"

"Maybe, that woman has taken a fancy to you?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Xia Qianjun shook his head suddenly, with a righteous look on his face again.

"That's right, what are you kidding, if that woman can take a liking to our Xiaojun, she will use all these things to come out!"

Li Qinghua couldn't help it anymore, and gave Zhang Wei a blank look.

What time is it now, you kid still dare to joke.

But Zhang Wei always felt that he seemed to be right.

But it doesn't matter, since the girl chose to sue Xia Qianjun, the two sides can only go to court.

"Xiaojun, we will investigate the woman's side, but you have to tell uncle clearly that you really have no intention of molesting girls?"

After Li Qingmu finished asking the question, he fixed his eyes on his nephew.

He needs to know an answer, a definite answer.

"Uncle, I really have never done it, and I will never do such a thing in the future. I am a member of the war department, and my sense of honor tells me that I must not do things that endanger others!"

"I understand, then this case, uncle, I will take it!"

Li Qingmu nodded and decided to help Xia Qianjun.

"Actually, I can take this case too!"

But Zhang Wei suddenly made a sound and muttered weakly.

"Go, don't be greedy, boy, with my big brother here, what will happen to you in which round!"

Li Qinghua snorted coldly, warning Zhang Weishao to intervene.


Zhang Wei was helpless, but he didn't intend to disobey his mother-in-law.

Besides, this is really a small case, and I think my uncle can handle it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei felt relieved.

If Li Qingmu couldn't even handle such a case, they Qingmu would simply go bankrupt.

Everyone chatted for a while, and they also asked a lot about the case.

But soon, the content of the chat became more commonplace, and Li Qinghe greeted Xia Qianjun even more, acting as a qualified elder.

It's a pity that Xia Qianjun's attitude has always been very cold.

And because of this case, he was not in the mood to be courteous to his elders, and kept a cold face the whole time.

In Zhang Wei's view, his brother-in-law is really aloof.


In the afternoon, Aoki Law Firm.

After the group returned from the base of the special operations team, they returned to Aoki Law Firm.

"Boss, someone is looking for you!"

As a result, as soon as he came back, Li Qingmu's female secretary greeted him.


"I don't know, he said his name is Lawyer Chen, but he is not from our local area."

"From out of town?"

"More outside..."

The female secretary said, pointing to the reception room.

"More outside, from abroad?"

Li Qingmu signaled the others to go upstairs first, while he walked into the reception room, but when he saw the person in front of him, his expression became even weirder.

"It's lawyer Li Qingmu from Qingmu Law Firm, my surname is Chen, a partner of William International Law Firm, you can call me Lawyer Chen!"

The person who came was none other than Paul Chen.

Although he is not from the Dragon Kingdom, he speaks the Dragon Kingdom language very fluently, and even calls himself a humble person.

But at the same time, he also has another identity, that is Ji Guoguo's attorney.

"Oh, it turned out to be Lawyer Chen, you came to see me..."

"Your Majesty is Miss Ji Guoguo's carte blanche attorney. This time I came to Qingmu Law Firm because of her business."

"Ji Guoguo, that girl!"

Li Qingmu instantly understood that this was the name of another party involved in the case.

This Paul Chen in front of him is here for the afternoon.

However, Li Qingmu was also a little surprised that such a small case really shocked people from the top ten firms, and it was William International, which ranked second.

What puzzled him even more was how could William International, which was clearly focusing on overseas affairs, intervene in this emperor's civil dispute?

"That's right, it's that girl. I'm currently serving as Miss Ji Guoguo's carte blanche attorney, responsible for coordinating this case."

"Then you came here because..."

Li Qingmu looked at the visitor with suspicion.

Paul Chen waved his hand and said politely, "According to my investigation, the defendant in this case, Xia Qianjun, is the junior of Lawyer Li, right?"


"Na Li lawyer took over the case?"

"You're right, I just signed the contract today, and I'm the sole agent like you, so I'm Xiaojun's lawyer!"

"Oh, all right!"

Paul Chen was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "Given the identity and background of your descendants, and your relationship with Lawyer Li, I will just order directly."

"First, your party needs to make an apology to my party. This apology must be published in the well-known media in the Oriental Capital, and it must be marked as the apology statement issued by Xia Qianjun himself."

"Secondly, your party needs to compensate me at that time for lost wages, litigation costs, and mental damage costs totaling 110,000 yuan. I will ask my assistant to send you an email to Qingmu Law Firm later, please The lawyer accepts it."

"The last and most important point is that at the request of Ji Guoguo, your client needs to publish a 1,000-word self-criticism to my client under the witness of the media, and after obtaining her forgiveness, a settlement agreement between the two parties can be reached. !"

"The above is our request!"

Paul Chen made it clear what he came for, or a request.

Li Qingmu felt that Xia Qianjun would never agree to these requests.

He never did it at all, how could he admit his mistake.

Moreover, he had to read a small composition in front of the media reporters in Dongfang Capital, which was more uncomfortable than killing him.

There is no difference between you doing this and making Xia Qianjun kneel down. It is said that a man has gold under his knees, let alone someone as arrogant as Xia Qianjun.

"Lawyer Chen, so there is nothing to talk about?"

"Lawyer Li, I don't think our conditions should be too much, right?"

Paul Chen had expected it a long time ago, but he still pretended to be surprised, "Besides, when a man makes a mistake, he should admit it, so he can be considered a gentleman."

"My client did not seek judicial channels to sue your descendants for obscenity, which is considered an exception; and as a man, confessing to a young lady is not a big deal in my opinion."

"As for the so-called compensation fee, I believe that with the financial resources of the Li family, the 110,000 yuan is not unaffordable, right?"

Li Qingmu pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "Of course, 110,000 is not a problem, but the problem is a public apology and writing a review. I can tell you clearly that Xiaojun will never agree!"

"Looks like we're going to court?"


Seeing Li Qingmu's straightforward answer, Paul Chen knew it well.

It seems that there is no way for the two parties to reconcile. They have to fight one or two in court to decide the winner.

"In that case, then, lawyer Li, leave!"

"Lawyer Chen, please stay!"

Just when Paul Chen was about to leave, Li Qingmu stopped him.

"I want to ask, Lawyer Chen, why did you, William International, intervene in this case?"

"In my opinion, this is just a very small case. For William International, which focuses on overseas affairs and ranks second among the top ten companies in the Oriental Metropolis, shouldn't such a petty profit be looked down upon?"

"Hahaha, Lawyer Li is really short-sighted!" Paul Chen laughed, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Li Qingmu couldn't even see this, Li Qingmu's vision was nothing more than this.

"Hahaha, Lawyer Chen is really calculating, no, it should be said that William International is really calculating!"

But at this moment, there was a burst of laughter outside the reception room.

Zhang Wei suddenly pushed open the door of the meeting room, and walked in on his own.

"Who are you……"

"Lawyer Chen, right? What William International is looking at is not the case, but the impact of the case. Am I right?"

Paul Chen narrowed his eyes and stared at the young man in front of him.

"Because you know that Xia Qianjun's identity is not an ordinary person. He represents the War Department and the Martial Arts Association behind him, and has a dual identity blessing. If you win this case, William International will bring the victim and let Long Guo The biggest executive agency has succumbed."

"If I guessed wrongly, you William International should have contacted the media long ago. Once the case is won, a lot of headlines will be reported on the case. Xia Qianjun will be permanently nailed to the pillar of shame, and you William International His name will also resound throughout the entire Eastern Capital, or the entire Dragon Kingdom?"

"Lawyer Chen, or the person in charge of William International behind you, he is not interested in such a small case, but the huge influence this case can bring, which can help your William International become the No. One, even surpassing Jincheng, surpassing all the law firms in Dongfangdu and Longdu, and becoming the number one in Dragon Kingdom!"

"Am I right, Lawyer Paul Chen?"

Seeing Zhang Wei looking at him, Paul Chen thought to himself, good guy.

You really have a rich imagination, we William International didn't think so much!

However, what Zhang Wei said was correct. The decision-makers of William International did have this plan to maximize the influence of the case through the media.

At that time, the image of William International representing the victim women and seeking justice from the scum in the martial arts association will go deep into the Eastern Capital and even the entire Dragon Kingdom, and the subsequent influence will also be huge.

The first place in the Dragon Kingdom may be a long way off, but the first place in the Eastern Capital can still be expected.

So even though the case is small, the settlement amount is only 110,000 yuan, but the case involves a wide range of areas, and it can also bring huge benefits.

The reason why William International intervened in this case was because of the possible influence of this case.

"I'm talking to lawyer Li from your law firm. What right do you, a junior, have to intervene?"

"Oh, it seems that Lawyer Chen misunderstood, I am not Aoki's lawyer!"

Zhang Wei smiled and began to introduce himself: "Lawyer Chen, I forgot to mention just now, my name is Zhang Wei, and I am from Jincheng Law Firm!"

Hearing the word "Golden City", a strange light flashed in Chen Baoluo's eyes.

Good guy, people from Jincheng are actually in Qingmu Law Firm.

Could it be that they were unpredictably aware of William International's plan in advance and planned to sabotage it?

Well, in fact, Paul Chen was thinking too much.

He naturally didn't know that Zhang Wei appeared here only because Xia Qianjun was his brother-in-law.

"Lawyer Li, Zhang's law firm is really imaginative, but that's all I have to say today. Since you don't plan to settle, let's compete in court!"

Paul Chen didn't intend to waste time in Aoki, since the two sides could not reconcile, there was no need to stay.

He is gone, very fast.

In the reception room, only Zhang Wei and Li Qingmu were left staring at each other.

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