Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 225 Has the old man been educated? See Judge Ni again?

Someone once said that of all spring, summer, autumn and winter, May is the most beautiful.

The continuous rain in April washed the sky in May clear. The sky was free of dust and looked blue, like a blue curtain supporting the entire sky.

Amorous April is gone, hot May is here.

The entire Eastern Capital also seemed a little busy and hot as the weather warmed up.

"Late, late~"

Jincheng Group, at the door of the elevator room, just as the elevator door was about to close, a figure rushed into it.

ding dong~

When he reached the 26th floor, the figure sped up again, watching the time while running, exerting all his energy.

When she finally sprinted to the office where the criminal team was written, she finally let out a sigh of relief.

"It's finally here, 8:59, not late!"

Lin Yumeng let out a sigh of relief when she saw the wall clock on Qiang.

"Xiaomeng, you can't get up early, and you get stuck every time, isn't it appropriate?"

Her flustered appearance also attracted the attention of someone at the work station, who immediately criticized her.

"It's all because the weather is heating up, people can't get up in the morning~"

"Why do you blame God, you are obviously lazy!"

"Master, why are you bullying me o(╥﹏╥)o..."

"Because you're such a bully~"


The little apprentice pouted, with an unhappy expression on his face. He was stuck at work, and the joy of not being late was diluted by someone's teasing.

As for Zhang Wei, he bullied the little apprentice with a few words, and he became in a particularly good mood.

Little apprentice, sometimes it's just for bullying.

Especially since she is still a cute and cute girl, if you don't bully her, who will you bully?

"Team leader, master, he bullied me..."

Lin Yumeng was crying, ready to sue Tie Ruyun.

"Today is the first day of the month, and the old iron is going to hold a regular meeting of the department, and he hasn't come back yet!" Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows with a teasing look on his face.

"——!" The little apprentice looked at the empty team leader position with a look of lovelessness.

Since Tie Ruyun didn't come back, the three members of the criminal team started fishing.

In this way, it lasted for 30 minutes.

Zhang Wei looked up at the time after browsing the reports of many media.

"Calculating the time, the old man should be back, right?"

It's a pity that the regular meeting this time seems to have taken longer than the previous two months, and it didn't end for 30 minutes.

It was not until 10 o'clock that Tie Ruyun returned to the criminal team's office.

"Old Tie, did Boss Shen think that our team's performance in April was too good, so he stayed alone to praise you?"

Seeing Tie Ruyun returning, Zhang Wei quickly made a joke.

Although they got a big deal in April, it was 300 million in legal fees. When converted, he and Li Yueqin each had 150 million in sales, and the amount of the mention alone was 45 million.

This kind of performance has long surpassed the sum of all the other teams in the litigation department. Boss Shen must praise the criminal team by name.

But Tie Ruyun's face when he returned made Zhang Wei slightly surprised.

Sad, gloomy, with a touch of helplessness and decadence.

This is not the expression one should have after being praised. Instead, it looks like a student who has been scolded, unable to refute and resist, and can only compromise and admit his mistake in the end.

"Yes, Boss Shen praised our team and said that we performed well last month..."

Tie Ruyun forced herself to straighten her mind, then squeezed out a "smile", and responded to Zhang Wei.

It's a pity that his performance can at most deceive Xiao Li who has no experience in the world, and the little apprentice who is ignorant of the world, but he can't fool the old Jianghu Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei hurriedly asked tentatively: "Old Tie, has Boss Shen made any requests for our team this month?"

"Boss Shen said that he has seen the momentum of our team, but he reminded us that the criminal team must not forget our roots, and let us pay more attention to criminal cases this month!"

The old iron sighed again, and smiled mechanically: "If there are really big cases, it's not that we can't take them, but criminal cases are the foundation of our criminal team, you should remember this!"

"Oh, got it!"

"Got it, team leader!"

"What the old iron said is..."

The three of Zhang Wei responded separately, Xiao Li was solemn, and the little apprentice was cute, but Zhang Wei's expression was a little suspicious.

After Tie Ruyun started to work, Zhang Wei also sat at his desk, lost in thought.

He knew that Tie Ruyun came back 30 minutes later than usual, so Shen Zhengyi must have dragged him to talk alone.

Judging by Tie Ruyun's face, the content of this conversation is obviously very unfriendly.

Zhang Wei frowned and got up quickly.

"I'm going to the bathroom!"

After leaving a sentence, he quickly walked out of the criminal team and came to the office area of ​​the civil affairs team and the business team outside.

Pretending to pass by in a hurry, Zhang Wei's attention was all focused on the office area next door.

"Hey, this month we have to fight hard and surpass the criminal team!"

"What do you mean by surpassing, this time we will crush these guys to death!"

"I heard from the leader that the criminal team has been ordered from above to be more honest this month. I think our civil affairs team can finally feel proud this time, right?"

"That's right, that's right, the criminal team needs to have Yazi from the criminal team, what are you doing with such a big list every day, it makes us all explode!"

"I really hope that the 300 million order was made by me. That's a 90 million commission. With this money, I will resign immediately and go back to my hometown to eat and die!"

"You can pull it off, you are a bear and want to open an order of 300 million, and you are reluctant to make 30,000!"

"Fuck you, this is a dream. What is my dream of going to work? It's just not to go to work!"

Listening to the discussions in the office area next door, Zhang Wei's face was solemn.

He walked into the bathroom, then picked a pit, and waited.

Not long after, two familiar voices came to his ears.

These two are none other than the duo of Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren.

"Boss Shen told me just now that he has already warned Tie Ruyun, tell him to be more honest this month, and stop making those big orders!"

"Very good, then our commercial and civil affairs teams will be able to overwhelm the performance of the criminal team!"

"But having said that, the big boss's daughter is still in the Criminal Division. When can we find an opportunity to get her to join our team, and when Ms. Lin is promoted to the top of the law firm in the future, we can follow suit?"

"It still needs a long-term plan, but you are right, Miss Lin is the daughter of the big boss, how can she be in the criminal team, the business team and the civil affairs team are her way out!"

"Otherwise, let's create some trouble for the criminal team, let them make some big mistakes, and report criticism in the law firm, so that the big boss may know about it, and think the criminal team is not a good place for his daughter, so he may ..."

"Yes, yes, but will the higher-ups agree with our plan?"

"It's easy to handle. It's been a long time since Tie Ruyun took over the case. Let's give him the whole case that requires a business trip, so that he can't manage the criminal team for the time being, so we can play it as we like?"

"Good way, if Tie Ruyun has to go out, the criminal team will not let us decide?"

"Hey hey, we have to plan carefully..."

The voices of the two talking gradually faded away, apparently they had already left the toilet.

What the two of them didn't know was that the content of their conversation was heard by someone who was camped out.

"Old Tie, why did you mess up so badly..."

Zhang Wei sighed, expressing helplessness for what Tie Ruyun was about to encounter.

Although Tie Ruyun can be regarded as a small leader of the law firm, responsible for managing a group, but there are only a few people under him.

The department leaders don't want to see him, and the leaders above are still planning on him. Such a working environment is really embarrassing for the other party.

If it was him, he would have shown Shen Zhengyi and the others a long time ago.

It's a big deal!

This law firm, don't wait!

Zhang Wei was hesitating, should he remind Tie Ruyun to be more careful.


But the phone vibrated suddenly, interrupting his thoughts.

It was Xia Qianyue who sent the message, asking about Zhang Wei's pre-trial in the afternoon.

The preliminary trial of Xia Qianjun's case will begin in the afternoon.

After Zhang Wei replied "I will be there on time", he decided to treat one thing as another.

The most urgent task now is to finish the case of the uncle.

After returning to the Criminal Division, Zhang Wei naturally informed Tie Ruyun.

"Old man, I will go to the city court to attend a case in the afternoon!"

"Your case, do you have a case in your hand now?"

"No, it's my uncle's case, and the person involved is my uncle, I have to attend!"

Tie Ruyun was surprised for a moment, and then remembered something, Zhang Wei mentioned that his mother-in-law was from the Li family in Chengbei District.

In the generation of the Li family, there is a Li Qingmu who is quite famous, at least in the northern part of the city, he can still be talked about.

"What happened to your uncle?"

"It was originally a small case, but my uncle has a special background and is related to the Military Association of the War Department, so the influence of this case may not be small. As my brother-in-law, I must be there to support him!"

"Okay, then treat it as if you are here to study. It's not uncommon for our criminal lawyers to go to the city court to attend the trial of the case."

"Okay, then I will go down and not come back!"

Zhang Wei got the authorization from the leader, and he was a little happy in his heart.

But when he thought of the situation he was leading, the joy quickly disappeared.

After lunch, he went straight to the municipal court without delay.


municipal court.

This is already the place Zhang Wei visits the most besides the law firm.

After all, he is a lawyer. In addition to being familiar with his work unit, he also has to be familiar with his own "battlefield", which is here.

After Zhang Wei arrived, he met Xia Qianyue at the door. The two met and went straight to the preparation room.

The preparation room is very busy, and many people came today.

Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai were already there, worried.

Li Qingmu was wearing formal attire, telling Xia Qianjun, who was changing clothes behind the screen, what to say.

But Zhang Wei knew without looking, he just told the latter not to get excited in court, keep calm and so on.

After Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyun arrived, they greeted the elders, and they went directly to the court.

The location of the trial this time is the middle court of the civil court.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue chose the front row of the hearing booth and waited.

A few minutes later, the plaintiff arrived.

Paul Chen entered the court first, and behind him was the plaintiff's family. Among them, Ji Guoguo was protected by his parents, and the latter two stared at the dock defensively.

Zhang Wei saw that Ji Guoguo's eyes revealed a lot of information, including dodge and panic, but more of the pleasure of revenge and some kind of strange hatred.

All in all, it's complicated.

"This woman..."

Seeing the plaintiff, Zhang Wei shook his head.

He could tell at a glance that this woman was not a victim, because in the eyes of the other party, there was only the victim's fear of the perpetrator.

In other words, Xia Qianjun never molested this girl named Ji Guoguo at all, and the latter knew it clearly in his heart.

"Interesting, I don't know how uncle will play like this?"

Zhang Wei's gaze turned to Li Qingmu, who immediately locked on to Ji Guoguo after he appeared.

I don't know if Li Qingmu saw anything?

But just when Zhang Wei wanted to remind the other party, there was a commotion at the gate of the court.

A few bodyguards in black entered the venue, and then escorted a brown-haired woman in a white suit with a mature and cold temperament into the court.

Beside the woman, there were a few people who seemed to be followers.

Under the escort of these people, she walked into the court with her head held high, as if she was born to be superior.

"I remember seeing this woman on the cover of a certain magazine. Could it be Laura Campbell?"

Zhang Wei was slightly surprised, but soon found information related to women.

Laura Campbell, the daughter of William Campbell, who is the sponsor of William International and the boss of William International Headquarters.

Laura is the person in charge of William International in the Oriental Capital.

After all, Dongfang Capital has huge customer resources and market potential, so the person in charge of this place must naturally be a heavyweight.

As the daughter of the boss of William International, Laura is enough to sit on one side.

"Jessica mentioned that she knows this woman, but judging by her appearance, I should only see a cold face when I go up to say hello!"

Zhang Wei could tell that this woman named Laura probably wouldn't pay attention to him, so don't put hot face on her cold ass.

After Laura entered the court, she was protected by several subordinates, and a crowd surrounded her, surrounding her in the center.

She nodded to Paul Chen in the plaintiff's seat, and then glanced across the dock.

"Miss, Li Qingmu from Qingmu Law Firm, this is his record of shots in recent years!"

Immediately, a subordinate handed over a document.

Laura took the file and casually opened it for a few glances.

"It's quite capable, and the record is not bad. In recent years, the number of shots has been less, so it's not a threat!"

She closed the file, gave a comment, and looked at the dock with a slight contempt.

Although Li Qingmu has some abilities, he is obviously not their opponent in William International.

Laura had already planned in her mind that when the case was won this time, she would use the defendant's identity and background to publicize it.

To build William's country into a place that is not afraid of power and dares to speak out for the weak, she will even show up in person and give speeches in person, so that the entire East will remember herself.

The reason why William International took this case was not because of the lawyer's fee, which was better than nothing, but because of the huge impact of this case.

Her gaze swept to the back, and many media reporters had already begun to take notes and write articles.

Although it was only a pre-trial today, William International paid a lot of money to hire them to write reports. Even if it was a pre-trial, the enthusiasm would be full.

"The visitor is not good!"

In the same hearing seat, Zhang Wei muttered and pulled Xia Qianyue to sit down quietly.

On the other hand, Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua also had ugly faces. Fortunately, Qingmu needed someone to sit in charge. When Li Qingmu came to file a lawsuit, Li Qinghe had to guard the law firm, and his mother-in-law didn't have to listen to her sister's complaints.

In court, both the plaintiff and the defendant have also settled down.

Li Qingmu accompanied Xia Qianjun, Chen Baoluo accompanied Ji Guoguo, and both sat down.

As time approached, the atmosphere began to become depressing.

"stand up!"

Just as the court guard announced, the judge entered.

Zhang Wei saw a pitch-black robe, followed by a slightly displeased face. After a middle-aged woman entered the court, her eyes were fixed on her.

"Fuck, it's actually Judge Ni!"

Seeing this woman walk up to the trial seat, Zhang Wei felt a big groan in his heart!

"It's this kid again!"

What he didn't know was that Ni Qiuping was also very upset seeing Zhang Wei appearing in court.

The last Zhu Tianying case had fierce public opinion. In order to calm the Internet public opinion, the city court appointed female judge Ni Qiuping to preside over the case.

It was one of the few criminal cases that Ni Qiuping was responsible for, and she was under a lot of pressure in those days, so she applied to return to the civil court immediately after the case was over.

As a result, he came back only a few days ago, and the first case he was in charge of had something to do with Zhang Wei.

Fortunately, this time Zhang Wei sat in the hearing booth, and Ni Qiuping also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you don't participate, everything is fine!

She could only secretly say in her heart, you boy will sit on the hearing stand for me honestly, and don't end up anymore.

But after Ni Qiuping scanned the audience, her face became extremely unhappy again.

Because there were a lot of media at the hearing booth, and there was also a big shot.

"I just said why William International took this kind of case. It turns out that the eldest lady is personally in charge of the case, qnmlgb. Every time my mother's case is involved in this kind of thing, do you want to target me like this?"

Ni Qiuping cursed in her heart, but she didn't show any clues on her face.

After she sat down, she tapped the hammer to preside over the order of the court.

After the court was quiet, she said, "This case is a civil dispute. The plaintiff, Ji Guoguo, sued the defendant, Xia Qianjun, for molesting in public. The defense lawyers of both sides can start speaking!"

Paul Chen stood up first, pointed at his client and said, "Your Honor, my client is a young girl, but because of this incident, she has become a little depressed, a little panicked, and her spirit is under great pressure..."

"...So we hope that the defendant Xia Qianjun can apologize in public and give her justice!"

In the end, he even pointed at Xia Qianjun who was in the dock, and his voice was harsh.

There was a trace of anger on Xia Qianjun's face, and he couldn't help it.

But Li Qingmu's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he held him down first, his eyes flickered quickly, restraining the latter's inner impulse.

"Be quiet!" As an uncle, he gave an order before getting up.

"Your Honor, my client, Xia Qianjun, did not indecently assault the plaintiff. We believe that these allegations are groundless, and my client will not apologize for these unreasonable allegations!"

After Li Qingmu finished speaking, he sat down calmly.

"Well, very good, I understand the opinions of both of you!"

Ni Qiuping nodded, then waved to Tingwei, signaling him to let the candidate jurors enter.

The pre-trial has finally begun.

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