Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 226 Can't Find a Clue, Looking for a Character Witness?

Court scene.

Both plaintiff and defendant are screening jurors.

"Madam, what do you think of handsome men?"

"Excuse me, sir, do you have any doubts about the motives of the opposite sex when they show their favor to you?"

"Old gentleman, what do you think of the unusually intimate behavior of young lovers, do you find these behaviors indecent?"

"Madam, what will you do if your child has a conflict with others?"


Hearing these questions, Zhang Wei, who was sitting in the front row of the hearing booth, yawned boredly.

"Hey guys, is this how you operate the selection jury? The questions are also very one-sided, and the purpose is almost written on the face!"

"That Paul Chen's routine is very simple. I didn't expect uncle to do the same. Can't it be a bit technical?"

Zhang Wei muttered, feeling a little disappointed with this pre-trial question.

His gaze swept to the jury seat, and the six-member jury was finally screened under the questions of Li Qingmu and Chen Baoluo.

There were six people, most of whom were elderly, which was obviously not a good thing for the defendant Xia Qianjun.

Because young people may not reject intimate actions, but older people are generally more traditional and may not be able to accept relatively large-scale actions between couples.

Moreover, the elderly are generally more conservative and traditional, and they will consider some super-standard actions as crimes.

All in all, the jury was in favor of the plaintiffs and very bad for the defendants.

But this is also something that can’t be helped. Young people generally don’t like being jurors, they think it’s a waste of time.

Moreover, courts are less likely to find young people with unstable jobs to join juries. Young people are generally impulsive and it is difficult to make rational decisions.

So in the first round of the match, Zhang Wei thought that the uncle had suffered a disadvantage.

"Very well, we have a jury!"

On the trial bench, Ni Qiuping nodded in satisfaction, then opened the memo and checked the time.

"This court announces that the preliminary trial is over, and the court will officially start this Wednesday. The plaintiff, please prepare your statement!"

As she announced the time for the court, the court dissolved.

People in the hearing booth left one after another.

Laura got up first and left the courtroom escorted by her subordinates.

But before leaving, she exchanged winks with Paul Chen.

The latter understood and went straight to the dock.

"Lawyer Li, here is our list of witnesses!"

Paul Chen handed over a piece of paper, Li Qingmu naturally took it, and glanced at it.

There were not many names on the list, so Li Qingmu looked at a few and found that they were all Ji Guoguo's family members and friends.

However, as an experienced lawyer, one thing is naturally clear, that is, the names on the witness list are generally not all witnesses.

Especially in criminal courts, both the prosecution and the defense have hidden "ultimate moves", and this ultimate move will not be disclosed to the other party before the trial.

"By the way, our eldest lady said that I hope you will seriously consider the settlement agreement. If you agree, William International can help you pay the compensation amount, and you don't even need to pay it back!"

When Li Qingmu heard this request, he sneered in his heart.

Because during the weekend, Zhang Wei had broken William International's calculations.

What they valued was the series of impacts brought about by the case. On the contrary, the profit of the case itself was too small, and William International didn't care about the hundreds of thousands of compensation.

Paul Chen's meaning was also very obvious, he wanted to exchange a mere hundreds of thousands of dollars for huge benefits.

Naturally, Li Qingmu would not agree.

"Lawyer Chen, we appreciate your kindness, but you can get such a huge benefit in exchange for only a few hundred thousand yuan. Isn't your wishful thinking..."

"Lawyer Li, it is not a wise move to reject the goodwill of our William International. You will regret it when the court starts on Wednesday!"

"I, Li Qingmu, want to see what you William International do!"

"So there's nothing to talk about?"

Seeing that Li Qingmu had made up his mind, Chen Baoluo took a meaningful look at Xia Qianjun and left with a smile.

Ji Guoguo's family also followed Paul Chen out of the courtroom.

But when she left, she looked at Xia Qianjun with a look full of unkindness.

Similarly, Ji Guoguo's family looked at Xia Qianjun with complete hostility.

"Let's go, let's go back and discuss countermeasures!"

Li Qingmu didn't think much about it, and with a word of urging, he was about to leave.

On the other side, Zhang Wei was stopped by a court guard.

It turned out that Ni Qiuping entrusted Ting Wei to bring a sentence.

"Judge Ni said, please be honest, this trial has brought her a lot of pressure, she is going to be depressed! She also said, you know what she means."

After Tingwei finished speaking, Zhang Wei let him leave.

"Good guy, why is Judge Ni so depressed every day?"

Someone couldn't help making complaints, but still understood what Ni Qiuping meant.

This woman thought that she would be able to relax for a few days when she returned to the civil court, but she didn't expect that the first case she came back just happened to meet him.

Ni Qiuping knew that with Zhang Wei involved in the case, there would be a difficulty.

So she could only give a verbal warning, hoping that Zhang Wei could understand the general situation and don't give her some moths.

Will Zhang Wei be honest?

It depends on the situation. If the court trial goes normally, he will naturally not make a big fuss.

But if the uncle can't control the situation, then don't blame Zhang Wei for intervening...

After the preliminary review, Zhang Wei did not participate in the countermeasure meeting between Li Qingmu and Xia Qianjun.

Because he knew that even if he participated in it, he would not be able to speak.

Li Qingmu is a very assertive lawyer. He has his own way of thinking, and he may also listen to other people's suggestions, but this definitely does not include Zhang Wei, a junior.

Especially for this case, now Li Qingmu is in charge of the whole process, Zhang Wei only needs to know the progress.

As for Li Qingmu's methods, we will have to wait until Wednesday to find out.


Tuesday, a quiet day.

Jincheng Law Firm, Criminal Division Office.

"Old Tie, I'm going out to collect folk songs!"

Zhang Wei reported to the leader, and then left the office under the watchful eyes of his friends.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yumeng was a little curious, Li Yueqin was a little envious, and Tie Ruyun was depressed.

The little apprentice feels that the master seems to be very busy recently.

But what she was busy with, she didn't know.

Xiao Li envied that Zhang Wei could come and go freely, and had the ability to complete cases independently. She still needs to continue to learn and improve, and strive to narrow the gap with Zhang Wei as soon as possible.

Tie Ruyun complained, are you the leader or am I the leader, absent from work every day, right?

Zhang Wei didn't know what his friends were thinking, he had already arrived at the coffee shop where the crime happened.

"Zhang Wei!"


At the entrance of the coffee shop, Xia Qianyue was already waiting here, wearing a set of white loose sportswear.

"Sure enough, loose clothes are suitable for Hanhan!"

Because the overall looseness of the sweatshirt covered the upper body, it was the best choice for a girl like Xia Qianyue who had a delicate appearance but no breasts.

From a distance, Xia Qianyue is a youthful sports girl, full of vigor all over her body.

Zhang Wei hurried over and had a round with the opponent.

"The two of us investigate together today?" Xia Qianyue blinked with excitement.

"Of course, but have you asked for leave?"

"Yeah, Team Wu let me go for the whole afternoon, and said that when the trial is held tomorrow, I can take another day off. Anyway, I have a lot of annual leave. I can come and see the court these few days!"

Hearing what Xia Qianyue said, Zhang Wei was also helpless.

I worked overtime for the serious crime team before, and the vacation I had accumulated finally came into play.

"Okay, let's go in and ask first!"

Zhang Wei led the way into the coffee shop, Xia Qianyue followed naturally.

"Hello, we are from the investigation department. May I ask, did you see this girl and this boy during the weekend?"

In front of the counter of the coffee shop, Zhang Wei asked Xia Qianyue to take out the ID of the serious crime team, and then handed over two photos, which were of Xia Qianjun and Ji Guoguo.

"I have a little impression of this handsome guy. For girls, this face..."

The waiter looked at the two photos with a weird expression.

Although Xia Qianjun was cold, his good looks were very capable and memorable.

As for Ji Guoguo on the side, she is wearing makeup and has a proper internet celebrity face. There are many similar girls in their coffee shop now, it is really hard to recognize.

"Xiao Zhu, come here for a while. I remember you were here on the weekend. Do you remember this person?"

A waitress put down the broom in her hand and hurried over.

"I remember him, that handsome guy, he seemed to have a conflict with a girl later, and she grabbed his hand and yelled molestation!"

When the waitress saw Xia Qianjun's photo, her face flushed slightly, and she recalled.

There was no other way, seeing the handsome guy, she was naturally concerned.

"Did you see them arguing?"

"That's not true. They are sitting in the corner, which is quite out of the way, and we usually can't take care of them."

The waiter said, and then explained: "Our waiters need to see all directions and listen to all directions. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for us to take care of all the customers in such a large area, and there is no way to do everything."

Zhang Wei glanced around. The space of this coffee shop is not small. There are several areas in the front, back, left, and right. One bar is removed, and there are fifty or sixty small tables.

The space is indeed large, but because of this, it is difficult to find witnesses.

"The monitoring of the coffee shop, please let us have a look!"

"Okay, please follow me!"

The male waiter led Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue into the back office, and turned on a computer.

"This is the impact of surveillance. The surveillance is here all day on weekends. Our store only has 3 cameras. I don't know if that corner can capture..."

As the waiter said, he switched the surveillance to the weekend, and Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue began to watch.

"Hey, isn't this you?" Suddenly, the waiter saw a picture and looked surprised.

Because he saw Zhang Wei walking into the coffee shop with a blonde beauty, and the two seemed to be holding hands.

The waiter trembled and turned his head with difficulty.

Fortunately, the expected scene did not appear, Zhang Wei's face was calm, and Xia Qianyue beside him did not explode as expected.

"You don't have time on the weekend, so I can only make an appointment with Jessica, but Luo Bo missed the appointment again..." Zhang Wei explained, and finally sighed.

"That was my fault. I apologize. If I could go that day, this kind of thing would never have happened to my brother." Xia Qianyue apologized, as if admitting her mistake.


The male waiter was shocked when he saw this scene.

He took another careful look at Zhang Wei, thinking in his heart that this kid is not handsome, how could he get such a simple girl?

And that's not counting, he brought a big-breasted blond girl to the shop for coffee that day.

How did you manage to hook up with two people at the same time and still be so harmonious?

The male waiter looked at Zhang Wei, and began to change, becoming a little jealous.

He was planning in his heart, whether to learn from Zhang Wei, he just wanted to ask the little sister Zhu in the store to go shopping, eat and watch a movie.

Zhang Wei didn't know what the male waiter was thinking. He was watching the surveillance meticulously.

It's a pity that there are only 3 surveillance cameras in such a big place, and they didn't capture the location of Xia Qianjun and Ji Guoguo.

"Surveillance captured this here. There are only pictures of the two leaving after the accident, and there is no scene at the time of the incident."

The waiter pressed pause, then pointed to the screen of Xia Qianjun leaving.

It seemed that Xia Qianjun wanted to go out, but Ji Guoguo stopped him, and there seemed to be a verbal conflict between the two when they left.

However, based on Zhang Wei's understanding of Xia Qianjun, he would never attack civilians, let alone women.

Then it is very likely that the situation at that time was that Ji Guoguo unilaterally suppressed Xia Qianjun, and Xia Qianjun couldn't break free.

"Zhang Wei, how are you doing?"

"It's a little difficult..."

Facing Xia Qianyue's question, Zhang Wei showed a hint of helplessness.

The surveillance did not capture the time of the incident, and the waiter in the coffee shop could not provide valid evidence, which means there is no evidence.

Once the strong witnesses and testimonies are lost, the case of boys molesting girls will depend on the self-evidence of both parties.

And in this case, girls are often the ones who are in the favour.

Ordinary female victims, as long as they go to court, show off their acting skills, or shed tears, they can often impress jurors.

Once the jurors feel sympathy for the victims, the court's wind direction will be one-sided.

"This is my contact information. If any customers remember what happened that day, they can contact me!"

Zhang Wei left a number for the male waiter, and left disappointed.

The male waiter was helpless and could only sigh, but he couldn't learn from Zhang Wei.

However, after he returned to his work station, he hesitated for a moment before calling the waitress Xiao Zhu over.

"Xiao Zhu, how about I treat you to coffee tonight?"

"Ah, coffee?"

"Oh, let's not drink coffee, how about going to a movie together, in fact, I have a good impression of you?"

"Brother Liu, I know you are a good person, but we are not suitable, and I am out to work, and I have no plans to make friends for the time being..."

Hearing Xiao Zhu's answer, the male waiter Brother Liu's expression did not tense after all.

"If it was a boy who came on the weekend, I might think about it..."

But Xiao Zhu muttered something in a low voice, blushed and walked away.

Sure enough, only good looks can afford food!

Brother Liu's heart was a little broken.

He thought of Zhang Wei again, obviously not good looking, how did the other party get the two girls?

If Zhang Wei knew, he would definitely smile and say to Brother Liu: I attract women because of my talent!


Chengbei District, Aoki Law Firm.

While Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue were looking for clues, Li Qingmu was also thinking about countermeasures.

"I asked Aoki's investigators to question the clerk of the coffee shop at that time, and watched the surveillance video. Unfortunately, there was no gain, and there were no witnesses at the time, so there is no way for you to use evidence to clear the charges in this case!"

"But it doesn't matter. If there are no witnesses, we can also use self-proof to clear up our grievances, so I will ask you to make a list of cousins ​​and select people who can prove your character as your character witnesses!"

Li Qingmu was talking with Xia Qianjun, and the latter had already written more than a dozen names on paper.

"Uncle, I really haven't done anything, why do I have to spend so much effort to explain such a thing?"

"I know you haven't done it, but who made the other party want to make things big?"

Li Qingmu is helpless, William International is determined to use this matter for publicity, and if necessary, they will even let this matter spread all over the world.

"Let's just do our own thing. How is your list of character witnesses?"

"I've listed all the people who know me well. According to your request, I even went through the acquaintances in the war department."

"That's good. Although the war department is far away from us, we still need to rely on the war department's reputation for this case!"

As Li Qingmu said, he picked up the list and began to screen one by one.

"Gao Yang and Luo Qi, they are..."

"It's my two comrades-in-arms at the same time, and I have a lifelong friendship with me. We are all in the same team in the war department!"

Seeing what Xia Qianjun said, Li Qingmu shook his head: "They can't!"


"Because you also said that you are a fateful friendship, the opposing lawyer will definitely use this to make a fuss and accuse their testimony of being untrustworthy!"

"Then there is another junior in my team who is two periods younger than us and has a very good relationship with us!"

"You saved his life too?"



Li Qingmu didn't know how to speak for a while, this nephew is quite capable, during the mission of the war department, he saved so many lives.

But here comes the problem, if you saved them, there is no guarantee that your opponent will not say: You have saved their lives, and it is very likely that you will make them give false testimony!

"Are there any women? Do you know any girls in the War Department?"

"There are only a few liaison officers, but I have only heard their voices, and have hardly met them!"


Li Qingmu was speechless immediately, my eldest nephew, you have such good conditions, is it true that no girl in the war department has a crush on you?

No way, no way, maybe there is something wrong with your sexual orientation?

Li Qingmu had a headache. Although these character witnesses could prove Xia Qianjun's character, because Xia Qianjun had saved their lives, they were not the most suitable character witnesses.

"How long have you been in the special operations team?"

"Less than a month!"

"That won't work either. The time is too short to serve as a character witness. Apart from your teammates in the same group of operations in the war department, is there anyone who knows you?"

"People who know me well...Does a psychiatrist count? The war department will arrange a psychiatrist to counsel us every quarter?"

"It's not impossible, you give me your name and contact information, and I'll arrange someone to contact you!"

Seeing that Xia Qianjun mentioned the psychiatrist, Li Qingmu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, a reliable person came, let's use this person.

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