Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 227 Let the big uncle compromise, Zhang Wei refuses!

Wednesday, court day.

It is now May, and the weather is slightly warmer.

The gate of the city court is a little hot today because of the crowds gathering.

When Zhang Wei came to the gate of the court, he saw many people coming here.

"Good fellow, a simple civil case won't attract so much attention?"

Zhang Wei originally thought that the Ji Guoguo v. Xia Qianjun case would not have a great impact, but he was obviously wrong.

Just like what Li Qingmu said, William International hopes that the whole world will know about this case.

Although the whole world is exaggerating a bit, with the energy of their law firm, it is not difficult to let the whole East know about this matter.

Therefore, a lot of melon eaters gathered at the gate of the court, and they talked a lot, all talking about the names of Xia Qianjun and Ji Guoguo.

"I heard that this Xia Qianjun just came out of the war department and then joined the special warfare team of the Wuxi Association. He is a proper member of the Communist Party!"

"You said this group of people, will they use their own people to do their own old ways, such as fined three drinks, is it an example?"

"Who knows, but I've heard that girls were charged with the crime of obscenity, but it seems that the court didn't accept it!"

"That's it. A man harassing a woman is a proper sexual crime. In the end, people prosecute him but not prosecute. He must be concerned about the identity behind the man!"

"So, we must stand on the side of justice, help other girls protect their own interests, and fight to the end in the face of inviolability!"

"Yes, to protect the interests of the victims, we must fight to the end!"

The discussion among the crowd gradually became unfavorable to Xia Qianjun.

Zhang Wei, who walked among them, knew without thinking that someone must be guiding public opinion.

They intend to package Ji Guoguo as a victim to win the sympathy of the public.

"How come no one cares about the fundamental issue of this matter, and everyone is attacking my uncle?"

In fact, when public opinion reaches this point, no one cares about the truth of the matter anymore.

Whether it was on the Internet or onlookers eating melons, they decided that Xia Qianjun was a "bad guy" and Ji Guoguo was a victim.

Xia Qianjun is backed by the Martial Arts Association and the War Department. He is a powerful party with a background behind him.

And Ji Guoguo is just a weak girl, with no background in the East, no one to rely on, and a weak side.

The people who eat melons only care about what punishment the strong side will receive, and what benefits the weak side can get, so they go along with their expectations.

The trend of online public opinion will never reach the truth, but it will definitely be close to the expectations of netizens.

They will substitute themselves into the weak side and expect the strong side to suffer, which also echoes the public mentality.

As for whether the strong party is innocent or not, it has long been unimportant.

The truth of the fact, there is no fun in eating melons.

They only need to tap a few keyboards casually on the Internet, and they can stand on the moral high ground to give advice and give orders to the party they think is strong, attracting countless people to follow suit.

Why bother to pursue the truth of the facts, isn't it thankless?

The truth is naturally discovered by the investigation department, and they only need to pay attention to the results in the first place.

Moreover, even if they are wrong, they will be able to continue to eat melons in a few days if they will kill the news interface at worst.

As for what they did before?

Come on, isn't the internet just where we let off steam?

We just made a few posts and made a few comments, so what's the problem?

Want us to apologize? Want us to delete the review?

You can pull it down, how can I lose the traffic, clicks and attention I earned before?

Probably, this kind of thinking is everywhere on the Internet...

Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone and saw some self-media websites and some well-known community apps, all of which were reports about the case.

Among them, the posts with the highest number of hits were all condemning Xia Qianjun, and many posts even condemned the martial arts association and the war department.

Some of the posts revealed Xia Qianjun's family background.

"No wonder this kid is confident. His mother is from the court, and his father is from the martial arts association. His background is amazing!"

"Look, this kid must have committed crimes since he was a child, but every time his parents wiped his ass with him, that's why he developed a personality of being arrogant!"

"After a long time, it's the second ancestor again. Let's see how the judge decides. If Xia Qianjun is not guilty, I will be the first to refuse!"

"That's right, that's right, if such a person is innocent, he must be conniving and covering up, and there must be something shady inside!"

The script in the hearts of the people is probably like this.

They just want to see people with backgrounds fall, people without backgrounds stand up, and get enough benefits.

Because most of them are people without background, and it doesn't take much effort to move their fingers on the Internet.

Posting a comment and giving a thumbs up to Moou's report is to support their own expectations. They have no idea that doing so is fueling lies and fueling violence in public opinion.

"That man is coming!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd yelled, and the flow of people surged in a certain direction.

Needless to say, Xia Qianjun must be here.

Only the arrival of one of the parties can cause such a big commotion.

Zhang Wei didn't have a chance to say hello to his uncle, so he quickly took advantage of the movement of the crowd around him and moved in the opposite direction to the gate of the court.

Regardless of the movement behind him, he went straight into the preparation room of the court, at least it was absolutely safe and no one would disturb him.

Sitting in the preparation room and waiting for a while, Li Qingmu arrived with Xia Qianjun.

Also arriving at the same time were Li Qinghua, Xia Donghai and Xia Qianyue, a family of four.

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry, I'm going to be so angry!"

"The group of people outside are crazy, pointing at me and scolding!"

"You still call my son a dandy, Second Generation Ancestor, what do they know?"

As soon as Li Qinghua sat down, she couldn't take it anymore, and she muttered cracklingly.

It's a pity that although she was very angry, cursing was not her strong point, and she only complained harshly after talking for a long time.

I'm also glad that she doesn't go online, otherwise she would probably be blown up when she saw the negative comments on the Internet.

"My wife, calm down, this matter will pass soon!"

Xia Donghai is also an honest person, so he can only offer a little consolation.

"Xiaojun, I know you are under pressure, but we won't lose this time!"

Li Qingmu also showed the attitude of an elder, at least on Xia Qianjun's side.

The latter sat on the seat without saying a word.

"Let's get ready, the court will be held later!"

Li Qingmu glanced at the time and urged.

But at this moment, the door of the preparation room was pushed open, and a middle-aged woman in a black suit walked in.

She was holding a briefcase in her hand, with a serious expression, sharp eyes, and a serious expression.

"Guide Zhou!"

Seeing the woman appear, Xia Qianjun called out her identity.

"Oh, it should be someone from the special operations team or **!"

Zhang Wei knew the identity of the person at a glance, and Xia Qianjun's words proved this point even more.

"My name is Zhou Xiaoli, and I am the media spokesperson of the Wushu Association, the news instructor of the special operations team, and the specialist in charge of emergency public relations issues!"

After she walked in, she introduced herself, and then put the briefcase in her hand on the table.

"Xia Qianjun, what happened this time has a great influence on public opinion, and many media are watching the special operations team. The request from the above is to deal with your own affairs as soon as possible, and don't make any more noise! "

Zhou Xiaoli looked at Xia Qianjun, but her tone was undeniably tough.

"Ms. Zhou, what do you mean, let's reach a settlement agreement as soon as possible?"

"Otherwise, do you have a faster way to end this case?"

Zhou Xiaoli held her head high, as if she should do so.

Li Qingmu's face darkened, and Xia Qianjun's face was also ugly.

Even Xia Donghai, Xia Qianyue and Li Qinghua all looked stunned.

Why are the people in the special operations team not helping their own people, but helping the other party instead?

Only Zhang Wei sat there with a calm expression.

He had even guessed this scene a long time ago, and he was still muttering in his heart: Why did the people sent by the martial arts association arrive only now, shouldn't it be earlier?

As for the attitude of the other party, he can also guess it.

Seeing the ferocious public opinion, the higher-ups want to calm down this matter as soon as possible. As for Xia Qianjun...

"Director Zhou, but I haven't done it, why do you want me to reconcile with them?"

"Yes, our Xiaojun is innocent. If he is wrong in this case, what will he do?"

"Director Zhou, you are also a member of the Martial Arts Association, so you can't..."

Brother-in-law, mother-in-law and father-in-law spoke at the same time, but Zhou Xiaoyun just raised his hand to interrupt.

"Do you have the certainty of victory? If so, then I will leave immediately!"


"It seems that none of you are sure, have you considered how much impact this matter will have on public opinion once you lose the lawsuit?"

Zhou Xiaoli got up slowly, and said coldly: "Our public relations team has more than a dozen excellent media experts. After our overnight meeting and discussion last night, we agreed that reaching a settlement is the fastest way to solve the problem."

"The current Internet public opinion is not friendly to the Wushu Association, the special operations team, or even the war department. Once this matter continues, it will be a huge threat to the word-of-mouth that the Wushu Association has built for many years."

"What's more, we have received news that many media are gearing up. Once this matter develops in a bad direction... these consequences, at least you will bear it?"

Although the last words were not finished, Zhou Xiaoli's expression had already told everyone present the result.

Overwhelm people with power and threaten to pull people up!

In the preparation room, the atmosphere gradually became dignified.

"Well, I want to ask a question, is that okay?"

But suddenly, a discordant voice sounded.

Zhang Wei raised his hand, walked up to Zhou Xiaoli, and asked with a smile, "Director Zhou, do you care about the truth?"

"The truth?" The latter raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, the truth!"

Zhang Wei looked serious, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and turned on the recording in front of Zhou Xiaoli.

"Director Zhou, now I'm here to ask you a solemn question. Compared with pursuing the truth, you or the public relations department you represent are actually more inclined to calm down this matter quickly, right?"


"Even if you sacrifice Xia Qianjun's rights and the fair treatment he deserves, doesn't it matter?"


Zhou Xiaoli didn't expect that Zhang Wei would ask such a question.

"Director Zhou, although I am not as high as you, I do know one thing, that is, everyone has a right, a sacred right given to them by the law, and that is to be treated fairly and justly. Shouldn't you deny it?"

Zhou Xiaoli looked down at the mobile phone on the table, the recording function was turned on.

She can't answer this question!

"I know one more thing. The current public opinion is ferocious, but that's just public opinion. It's just a group of online speculators who want to use the popularity and traffic to increase their own interests, so they trampled on the bottom line of morality and pointed the finger at Xia Qianjun. , vainly trying to sacrifice his due rights to plan huge benefits for himself!"

"To put it bluntly, these people are just a group of mosquitoes and flies who eat human blood. They are sexy with no moral bottom line. I believe that Director Zhou and the people behind you will not be so downcast as to be with this group of people, right?"

Zhou Xiaoli narrowed her eyes and said coldly: "Pay attention to your manner of speaking, do you know who you are talking to?"

"Director Zhou, I have my own rights. In the preparation room provided by the court, I can say anything that does not violate the laws of the Dragon Kingdom. I believe that everything I said just now did not violate any laws, right? "

Seeing Zhang Wei lashing out at her, Zhou Xiaoli was completely speechless.

She could only look at Zhang Wei. Compared to other people here, she felt that the young man in front of her seemed the most difficult to deal with.

"Director Zhou, you haven't answered my question yet, and don't use questions to answer questions, just tell me honestly, compared to pursuing the truth and helping Xia Qianjun get fair treatment, you Or do the people behind you want to sacrifice him more to satisfy the ambitions of a group of online speculators?"

Zhou Xiaoli naturally couldn't respond, and she didn't dare to answer this question.

"I didn't expect that I would be manipulated by a kid!"

"No, no, I'm just on the side of justice, so Director Zhou has nothing to do with me, that's all!"

Zhang Wei smiled and put the phone back in his pocket.

"Okay, Director Zhou, it's getting late, we're going to bring justice to Xia Qianjun, you should go back wherever you came from!"

As Zhang Wei said, he got up and was about to leave the preparation room, but before he went out, he still did not forget to add:

"However, I want to tell you that it is not unreasonable for justice to prevail. No matter what the public opinion on the Internet is, justice should not be swayed by these external forces. Justice is absolutely fair and just. It will not spare any bad guys, nor Any good person will be wronged!"

"Why does Xia Qianjun have to pay for something he hasn't done? This is unfair to him. Isn't the meaning of the existence of the martial arts association, the special operations team, and our legal personnel for justice and fairness?"

After speaking, Zhang Wei walked out of the preparation room and went straight to the courtroom.

His words also caused everyone in the preparation room to fall into deep thought.

"Fairness and justice!" Zhou Xiaoli muttered, frowning.

"Director Zhou, I have never done it, and I will never compromise!"

Although Xia Qianjun only had this sentence, his attitude had already been revealed.

Afterwards, everyone in the preparation room all walked out, and they walked neatly.

After Zhou Xiaoli watched everyone leave, she didn't move for a long time.

"Wait, who was that young man just now? Doesn't he seem to be Xia Qianjun's attorney?"

Zhou Xiaoli just realized one thing, who is that?

He obviously didn't know Zhang Wei, and Xia Qianjun didn't find this person in his background investigation.

Zhou Xiaoli took out her mobile phone and immediately made a call.

After the call was connected, she said coldly: "The negotiation failed, start the second plan, try to control public opinion, and don't let those people on the Internet touch the line!"

"Also, help me investigate a person..."


Court scene.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue came to the front row of the hearing stand.

It's a pity that Zhang Wei originally wanted to sit with Hanhan, but Li Qinghua took his daughter to sit on one side, leaving Xia Donghai to sit with Zhang Wei on the other side.

The expectation of sitting side by side with Hanhan came to nothing, and Zhang Wei was very disappointed.

"What your kid said just now is very imposing!"

But Xia Donghai whispered to Zhang Wei, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

What I said in the preparation room just now was very inspiring, especially Xia Donghai, who was an old field worker, was very touched.

He is on duty outside every day to maintain law and order, isn't it for that little bit of justice?

If his son can't enjoy justice and fairness, what's the point of working hard every day?

"Father-in-law, you're being polite, I'm just expressing my feelings!"

Zhang Wei waved his hands calmly, with a humble attitude.

After all, when facing elders, it is appropriate to be polite.

"What a feeling!" Xia Donghai couldn't help but nodded, looking at Zhang Wei with approval.

This son-in-law can deal with it, and he really does it if something happens!

But Zhang Wei doesn't care what his father-in-law thinks, he is now looking at the court scene.

In the dock, Li Qingmu and Xia Qianjun took their seats at the same time.

It turned out that they were long overdue.

Paul Chen brought Ji Guoguo's family into the court.

The eyes of this family looking at the dock have not changed, and they are still full of vigilance like a few days ago.

William International's large team also came, and the woman named Laura, surrounded by a group of bodyguards, sat in the center of the hearing booth.

The woman's nostrils were horribly turned up, and her head was held up so that she could hardly see her face.

At the entrance, Zhang Wei saw many media people holding notebooks.

Because the electronic equipment cannot be slack in the court, they can only take out paper and pen to record and write the first draft of the press release.

However, those who come here are all senior media professionals and journalists, and it is common for them to write the first draft with pen and paper.

"It's menacing!"

Looking at these reporters, Zhang Wei already knew it.

Ninety-nine percent of these people were hired by William International, otherwise a small civil dispute would require so many reporters.

The intermediate court downstairs is almost full of people, and this posture is almost catching up with the criminal court.

While everyone in the courtroom was waiting, Tingwei finally announced.

"Honorable Judge Ni, please come in!"

Ni Qiuping walked up to the trial seat step by step with a cold face.

And her appearance also heralded the beginning of the trial!

Zhang Wei's eyes gradually became serious, because the real battle was finally about to begin.

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