Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 230 Zhang Wei Takes Over, Ji Guoguo's Job?

(It's raining heavily outside today, it's really raining...)


Wednesday night.

Dongjiang Yipin, home of father-in-law and mother-in-law.

A video is playing on the TV.

"Hello everyone, I am Li Qingmu, the decision-maker of Qingmu Law Firm. At this point in time, I am here to make a statement!"

"First of all, I want to tell everyone that I have terminated the agency agreement with my client Xia Qianjun, and now I am no longer Xia Qianjun's attorney!"

"Of course, we also conducted friendly negotiations with the client with his consent, and finally reached an agreement to terminate the contract. Please rest assured that the client also agreed not to pursue our termination."

"Our Qingmu law firm has always been committed to serving customers and providing them with the best legal advice. I also hope that those who read this news can..."

In the video is Li Qingmu's "serious" speech.

Not surprisingly, the person in charge of Qingmu Law Firm has made what he thinks is the most "correct" choice for his own benefit.

He and Xia Qianjun terminated the contract.

And what he did made Li Qinghua's family depressed.

This lawsuit is well fought, why there is no lawyer.

"Mom, uncle..."

"He's not your uncle, I don't have a big brother like him!"

Xia Qianyue asked tentatively, but it was Li Qinghua who gritted her teeth.

Li Qinghua understood what Li Qingmu did.

What for the sake of the overall situation, for Aoki Law Firm.

Not because of profit, but because those clients called and threatened him to terminate the contract.

To put it bluntly, it is for money!

For the sake of the contract and profit, Li Qingmu chose to abandon Xia Qianjun and show his favor to the clients.

In the end, he even called those big clients himself, and his attitude on the phone was called groveling and submissiveness.

If Li Qingmu is not Li Qinghua's elder brother, they must hold him accountable.

But everyone is their own family, Li Qinghua has no choice but to endure the pain in her heart.

Forget it, forget it, just terminate the contract unilaterally, the big deal is that I won't have this big brother in the future!

In the end, Li Qinghua's family could only leave Qingmu Law Firm with hatred.

Xia Qianjun returned to the dormitory of the special operations team, while Xia Qianyue and Xia Donghai accompanied Li Qinghua back to Dongjiang Yipin's house.

The problem now is that Li Qingmu won't help Xia Qianjun in the lawsuit.

It is impossible for other lawyers of Qingmu Law Firm to help Xia Qianjun.

They need a lawyer.

"Hello, is this Lawyer Yuan? I'm Li Qinghua...Hello?"

"Lawyer Zheng, I want to ask you a favor, are you free there..."

"Lawyer Yu, I'm Li..."

Li Qinghua made several phone calls, but just after introducing herself, the phone was hung up.

It was so fast that she couldn't react.

Guys, is this ready to race, who can hang up on me the fastest?

Li Qinghua was already very angry, but now the group of lawyers she knew offered to give her business cards one by one, but now all of them avoided him, and she became even more angry.

But she also knew in her heart that these lawyers gave her business cards not to befriend her, but to befriend Judge Chen behind her.

She is Judge Chen's clerk, and these lawyers want to get a sound out of Judge Chen from her.

But so what, when they stuffed their business cards back then, this group of people said that if they had any difficulties, they would come to him and help them with anything.

What now?

I really need to ask them for help, everyone is starting to play dead, right?

I'm so pissed off!

"Mom, actually, we still have one candidate..."

Seeing that her mother was angry, Xia Qianyue reminded her in a low voice.

"Who, who else?"

Li Qinghua's face turned horizontal, and his brows were tightly wrinkled.

"Oh, it's that kid!"

Xia Donghai on the side immediately understood, he knew who the girl was talking about.

"That kid, don't you think... No, that kid is such a bastard. Even if I, Li Qinghua, die, I will definitely not ask that kid for help if I jump from the river view room!"

Li Qinghua quickly shook her head and asked Zhang Wei for help. She would rather jump directly into Dongjiang from here!


10 o'clock in the evening.

Inside the Lin Mansion, Zhang Wei's room.

"Yo, Hanhan, why are you calling me so late?"

"Huh? Our uncle and my uncle terminated the contract, what's the matter?"

"Oh, let me take a look... Yoho, it's true, they have issued a statement, and by the way, they even advertised for Qingmu Law Firm!"

"I have to say, Uncle really has a business mind. Anyway, he spent all the money on the media, so why don't he take the opportunity to advertise? He's really good..."

"Oh, yes, yes, uncle is really inhuman, how could he abandon you, he is too inhuman. But I have a question, isn't uncle now without a lawyer, what are you going to do?"

"you ask me?"

"Oh, that's no problem. I'm sure I have no objection here. Helping my uncle to file a lawsuit is exactly what I wish for, but what do my father-in-law and mother-in-law say?"

"Oh, father-in-law was the first to agree. Although mother-in-law didn't like it at first, she was persuaded by you in the end. That's a good relationship!"

"Hanhan, don't worry, I'll take this case!"

"Yeah, your worry is not unreasonable, but don't worry, I don't care about face or reputation, nothing can threaten me!"

"Also, I'm here to help you, let me do anything, mua~~~"

After hanging up the call with Xia Qianyue, the smile on Zhang Wei's face quickly faded.

Li Qingmu and Xia Qianjun terminated the contract, which Zhang Wei did not expect.

But seeing Li Qingmu's follow-up statement, he also understood.

The uncle was afraid that the lawsuit would be lost and the reputation of his Qingmu law firm would be ruined, so he chose to withdraw as soon as possible to minimize the loss.

In other words, Li Qingmu also had no confidence in Xia Qianjun.

Even if the latter did not do such a thing, but without witnesses and conclusive evidence, it is very difficult to prove the matter itself.

Once the jury believed in the plaintiff and sympathized with Ji Guoguo, the case would definitely be lost.

This has not yet lost the lawsuit, Aoki is going to be finished, once the lawsuit is lost, wouldn't Aoki be completely gone?

Li Qingmu chose to withdraw and put an end to Xia Qianjun, but Zhang Wei understood.

But understanding is understanding. The other party's practice of abandoning their relatives at a critical moment is a bit inhumane.

"Forget it, this is all uncle's own choice, I'd better focus on what's in front of me!"

Zhang Wei didn't have the heart to deal with Li Qingmu anymore, the most urgent task now was to solve Xia Qianjun's case.

Thinking of this, he quickly started to prepare.


The next day, morning.

City Court, Judge's Office.

Ni Qiuping rubbed her forehead, but the paste in her head could not be relieved by her movements.

It never occurred to her that she would still be unable to avoid someone's influence after all.

"Zhang Wei, can you please say it again, I was a little confused just now and didn't hear clearly?"

"Okay, Judge Ni!"

Standing in front of the desk, Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and announced loudly: "I, Zhang Wei, have signed a full agency contract with the client Xia Qianjun!"

"Last night, lawyer Li Qingmu also issued a statement on the unilateral termination of the contract, so I will take over the work of lawyer Li Qingmu and act as Xia Qianjun's sole attorney in this case, responsible for providing him with the best legal advice and opinions, to help him complete all matters related to this lawsuit!"

Not only Ni Qiuping heard these words, but also Chen Baoluo and Ji Guoguo who were standing next door.

"So, my next opponent is Lawyer Zhang?"

Paul Chen was quite polite and even extended his hand.

"Yes, Lawyer Chen, let's decide the outcome in court!"

Zhang Wei naturally shook hands with each other to express his goodwill, and both of them smiled "sincerely".

"Lawyer Zhang, since you have taken over the case, do you need time to prepare?"

Ni Qiuping doesn't care whether the two are friendly or not, she only asks what should be asked.

Now that Zhang Wei has replaced Li Qingmu, some work needs to be handed over if the lawyer is to be replaced. Usually at this time, the replacement party will apply for a postponement of the trial.

If she wants to apply for an extension, Ni Qiuping also understands that she is ready to pick up the calendar and reschedule the case.

"Judge Ni, I don't think it is necessary!"


But Zhang Wei's answer made Ni Qiuping slightly taken aback.

"Yeah, no need!"

Zhang Wei smiled at Chen Paulo and Ji Guoguo, "I've been watching this case from beginning to end. There is no need to apply for an extension. This will not only waste time, but also waste court resources. It would be good to start the trial today!"

"Really don't need it?"

"Judge Ni, I'm not a newcomer during the internship period, I'm sure!"

Although Ni Qiuping thought this sentence sounded weird, she felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

She also agreed, and today's trial will continue without postponement.

Zhang Wei left quickly, he was going to meet Xia Qianjun and the others in the preparation room.

But before leaving, he still glanced at Ji Guoguo and Chen Baoluo, and there was some kind of deep meaning in this glance.


Court scene.

Hearing Center.

As the person in charge of William International in the Oriental Capital, Laura arrived 10 minutes before the trial.

While in other places, she could be late with big cards, she couldn't in court.

If you dare to be late, the court guards will stop you.

So Laura rarely showed up earlier than the court time.

"Miss, who is the lawyer who took over, we found out!"

A subordinate came forward and whispered a name.

"Zhang Wei, I've never heard of it."

"Miss, this is the information found by the investigator!"

Another subordinate handed over a document.

Laura turned her face away and glanced casually at the first page.


The next moment, her pupils shrank slightly, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

After grabbing the document, she immediately turned to the second page.


Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of gasping for air.

Laura looked at the pages of the criminal case and the eye-catching information on it. The prosecution had four eye-catching characters of "District Prosecutor's Headquarters".

In the list of results of the case, the word "victory" is even more dazzling.

"Wang Yuqing's case, Fang Yunshu's case, and even the Zhu Tianying's case, is it Zhang Wei..."

The young owner of William International finally felt the trick.

Although Li Qingmu, the lawyer before, can be regarded as a little level.

But this time a more fierce one came, and Paul Chen might be in for a hard fight.

Regardless of how worried this subordinate was, people in the court also arrived one after another.

Since Zhang Wei didn't intend to postpone it, the court will naturally be held normally this morning.

At this moment, there is already a lot of discussion in the hearing booth.

"Have you heard that Li Qingmu doesn't seem to be the defendant's lawyer anymore?"

"That's right, this case is not easy to fight, and there are no witnesses. No matter how you look at it, it is beneficial to the plaintiff. Moreover, the public opinion of this case is too influential. Helping the defendant to litigate is easy to lose character!"

"I heard that many customers called Li Qingmu yesterday, and he is probably afraid."

"Nonsense, Li Qingmu has always valued his reputation in the northern district of the city, and this case will ruin his reputation, so it's no wonder he can continue!"

Several lawyer colleagues got together and talked a lot.

"So, who is taking over the case?" Suddenly, someone asked.

"I remember, it seems to be called Zhang Wei. He looks like a young man. He is probably a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He wants to meet William International, who is the second in the top ten lines, and gain some fame for himself?"

"Wait, you said his name is Zhang Wei?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"No, no, it can't be that Zhang Wei..."

The face of the person who asked the question suddenly changed, becoming extremely exciting.

If it was that Zhang Wei, then today's trial would be interesting.

Just when the court was in chaos, the plaintiff and the defendant finally entered the venue.

Two groups of people entered the arena almost at the same time. Zhang Wei led Xia Qianjun to the defendant's seat, and Chen Baoluo led Ji Guoguo to the plaintiff's seat.

After looking around the audience, Zhang Wei took a deep breath.

Here, is his battlefield, everything is so familiar, making people feel at ease.

"Uncle, you can just sit down later, I don't think it will be your turn to go to court today!"

Zhang Wei patted Xia Qianjun's shoulder next door, making the latter speechless for a while.

He didn't expect that Zhang Wei, whom he always disliked, would become his lawyer.

When Li Qinghua called last night, he was already in a daze.

As a result, Zhang Wei came over with the contract in the morning. He was still a little uncomfortable, but under Li Qinghua's nagging, he still signed his name.

But speaking of it, if it wasn't for following Zhang Wei that day, it seems that there wouldn't be so many things going on?

At the next table, Paul Chen also felt the strangeness.

"What's the matter with Miss Laura, winking at me all the time?"

Paul Chen looked at the center of the hearing stand, and the reaction of his young owner of the law firm, with a strange expression on his face.

"Also, have I heard the name Zhang Wei somewhere?"

Paul Chen is mainly in charge of the international court, and he is not familiar with the criminal court of Dongfangdu, so he is not familiar with Zhang Weizhen.

However, he vaguely remembered that he seemed to have heard the name Zhang Wei before, but he just couldn't remember where.

"Thinking about it, it's not a very powerful person. Looking at such a young man, he probably has no level. After Li Qingmu terminated the contract, the defendant had no choice but to arrest him temporarily to make up the number!"

Paul Chen felt relieved when he thought about it.

Just after the two sides were in place, Ni Qiuping also arrived on time.

"stand up!"

Following the court guard's announcement, the courtroom suddenly fell silent.

After Ni Qiuping sat in the trial seat, she glanced at the plaintiff, and then warned Zhang Wei who was in the defendant's seat.

But she knew in her heart that this kid was not an honest person, and her own warning was probably useless.

"Ahem, before the trial, this court will announce one thing, that is, the personnel of the defendant's lawyer has changed. Lawyer Li Qingmu and the defendant Xia Qianjun have terminated the agency relationship. Now the defendant's lawyer is Zhang Weizhang. I hope everyone in the court Everyone knows this!"

After being introduced by Ni Qiuping, Zhang Wei got up and waved his hands around, which can be regarded as a face.

"Okay, this court announces that the trial will continue!"

Ni Qiuping looked at the plaintiff's seat, "Witness Ji Guoguo, please step forward!"

As Ji Guoguo sat on the witness stand again, Ni Qiuping looked at the dock again.

"Yesterday's cross-examination is not over, the defendant's lawyer can continue to ask questions!"

"Thank you, Your Excellency, we do have a lot of questions to ask witnesses for evidence!"

Zhang Wei smiled and walked up to the court step by step, to the witness stand.

The moment he was about to speak, Ji Guoguo's eyes turned red, as if he was about to cry.

"Stop!" But Zhang Wei was one step ahead of her and raised his hand to interrupt.

Ji Guoguo's cry really didn't appear, but Zhang Wei leaned in front of the other party, "Witness, are you ready to cry?"

Sensing a sharp gaze on the judgment seat, Ji Guoguo said guiltily, ""

"Then why did you cry yesterday?"

"I, I saw him, that's why I..."

Ji Guoguo pointed at Xia Qianjun in the dock, and the meaning was already obvious.

"Oh, that's right, that's easy!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and winked at Xia Qianjun in the dock.

The latter's complexion changed, and his head shook slightly, as if he was refusing something.

But Zhang Wei's face turned serious, his eyes full of warning.

Seeing that he couldn't stop it, Xia Qianjun could only let out a long sigh, and took out a paper mask from Zhang Wei's briefcase.

The paper mask was in the shape of a pig's head, and it was specially dyed pink, with two holes dug out for the eyes.

Xia Qianjun put on a mask in public, but his eyes were fixed on Zhang Wei, with killing intent in them.


In the hearing booth, many people couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Even Xia Qianyue snorted and covered her mouth with a chuckle on the spot.

"Your Excellency, in view of the witness's concern, I specially prepared a mask for the defendant to wear. I believe Miss Ji won't cry if he can't see his face, right?"

Zhang Wei looked at Ji Guoguo with a smile and explained to Ni Qiuping at the same time.

"Witness, will you still cry?"

" won't work..."

Ji Guoguo hesitated for a moment, then nodded in an unsure tone.

"Miss Ji, please rest assured that I will not directly ask you what happened when the case happened like yesterday's lawyer, nor will I ask you to describe some things that you can't tell. Please rest assured!"

After Zhang Wei made a promise, the conversation suddenly changed: "So, what do you do, Ms. Ji?"

Although he heard that Zhang Wei would not ask about the circumstances of the crime, Ji Guoguo breathed a sigh of relief.

But this sudden change made her unable to react at all.

You said you don't ask about the case, but you don't have to ask about these, do you?

"be opposed to!"

Naturally, Paul Chen couldn't bear it, and immediately protested: "Your Honor, Lawyer Zhang's question has nothing to do with this case."

"Your Honor, I am only taking care of the emotions of the witnesses, and I can assure you that this issue is relevant to this case."

"Well, I hope you remember what you said!"

Ni Qiuping thought for a moment, nodded and said, "The objection is invalid, and Lawyer Zhang can continue to ask questions."

Paul Chen frowned, aware of the problem.

That kid in the court doesn't seem to be a novice.

Judging from the preparations made by the other party and the easy attitude when asking questions, the other party seems to be a veteran.

Zhang Wei looked at Ji Guoguo. After hesitating for a while, the latter replied, "I'm a webcaster."

"Oh, network anchor, then I want to ask, did you broadcast live last night?"

"It's live."

"You received a lot of gifts last night, may I ask how much was your income last night?"


Hearing Zhang Wei's question, Ji Guoguo was stunned.

Not only her, but even Paul Chen in the plaintiff's seat was surprised.

what happened?

How could the defendant's lawyer ask such a question, and what does it have to do with the case?

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