Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 231 The Witness's Motivation Is Not Pure? Zhang Wei's little request

"Witness, did you broadcast live last night?"

Zhang Wei looked at Ji Guoguo and asked again.

This is the second time he has asked.

Paul Chen wanted to stop it, but he was powerless.

Ni Qiuping stared at him, and her eyes were full of warning.

In addition, the previous objection was invalid, so he could only sit obediently.

"I... last night, it was a live broadcast..."

Ji Guoguo raised his eyes, glanced at Zhang Wei, and spoke intermittently.

"Oh, it's live!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and then asked: "Then how many gifts did you receive for the live broadcast last night?"


This question stumped Ji Guoguo.

Last night, she remembered that the gift list in her backstage had been refreshing, and she had been thanking her all the time.

But she really didn't know how many gifts she received, because the gifts never stopped.

"I remember the backstage of the anchor, can you see the amount of gifts received?"

"Well, last night I broadcast live until very late...Because I was too tired before going to bed, I didn't have time to watch the backstage..."

"It's okay, you can watch it today!"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked towards the trial seat with a smile.

"Judge Ni, we have applied to allow witness Ji Guoguo to use her mobile phone and ask her to open the live broadcast software to check the data on her mobile phone."

"be opposed to!"

Although he didn't know what Zhang Wei's plan was, Paul Chen knew that it was right for him to object.

The other party obviously has a purpose, and what I have to do is to stop it.

"Your Honor, my client, Ms. Ji, how much money she earned from live broadcasting last night really has nothing to do with this case. Moreover, she also pays taxes for making money from live broadcasting. The income from live broadcasting is Ms. Ji's personal privacy. I don't think the court has the right to ask for it. Does she disclose her income?"

"That's true!"

Ni Qiuping also felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help looking at Zhang Wei: "Lawyer Zhang, you should be clear that your request involves personal privacy, right? Don't you think this request is too much?"

Zhang Wei had expected it a long time ago, and he explained with a slight smile: "Your Excellency, if it's just a live broadcast, it has nothing to do with this case, and I won't ask her to disclose her income."

Seeing what Zhang Wei said, everyone in the court nodded subconsciously, but couldn't help but think... This kid is going to say no, right?


Sure enough, I knew what your kid was going to say!

"However, if the facts of this case are used as hot hype, relying on the popularity of the case to increase the number of fans and receive live broadcast gifts, then the nature is different, right?"

"Oh, there's another matter?" Ni Qiuping frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"Your Excellency, in order to dispel your concerns, I decided to play a segment of Miss Ji's live broadcast last night!"

As Zhang Wei said, he gestured to Xia Qianjun who was sitting in the dock.

You can't see the latter's face with a pig's head paper mask, but his eyes seem to be able to kill people.

But for his own case, Xia Qianjun endured it.

He took out the laptop from Zhang Wei's bag, started to connect the projector, then opened the folder Zhang Wei had prepared, and selected the clip.

On the court projection, a video began to play.

"Thank you big brother for the rocket, thank you!"

"Yes, Guoguo, I went to court today and confronted the pervert who molested me. I'm so brave!"

"Thanks to 'Brave Guoguo Not Afraid of Difficulties' for launching a big rocket, I wish the boss a prosperous business and a fortune every day!"

"Thank you for the 99 comparisons of 'Brave Guoguo is to face the pervert'. This big brother is right, Guoguo, I definitely want to face the pervert!"


In the video, Ji Guoguo was live broadcasting in her pajamas. There was nothing special about the scene, except that she was talking to the camera, and the scale was not too big.

However, the content of the chat, as well as the name changed by the fans, all have a lot to do with something.

"By the way, the brothers in the live broadcast room are right. I really want to change my name. From now on, the live broadcast room will be called Yongguo Guoguo. I am the female anchor of Yongdou Pervert!"

"Is the pervert handsome? I heard that he seems very handsome... Sister, are you crazy? What's wrong with being handsome? It's not the same as a pervert. Let me tell you, so what if a man is handsome? It cannot be eaten as a meal!"

"That's right, just because a man is handsome doesn't mean he must be a good man. Let's just say that the defendant, he looks sanctimonious, so he didn't do that kind of thing."

"If I hadn't been brave enough in court to tell what he did to me, I don't know how many girls would be in danger. I would have done justice for the heavens!"

"Viewers and fans in the live broadcast room, since Guoguo is so brave, what do you have to reward me?"

"Can the court trial be broadcast live...Of course it can't be done. You have to collect your mobile phone when you enter the court. If you don't accept it, I will definitely broadcast it live for you. Really, I want you to watch Guoguo in court. Be brave."

"Also, let me tell you, the people in the court are old and fierce, not to mention their lawyers, but the female judge, she looks really fierce, she looks like an old head teacher in menopause, and keeps staring at her. I!"

"Thanks to 'Brave Guoguo Fighting Perverts' for the invincible super rocket in the universe, thank you for your support, Guoguo, I am really touched, how about I sing a song for everyone here..."

Video ends.

The audience was silent.

Everyone looked at the trial seat, and at Judge Ni Qiuping.

Menopausal old head teacher?

Are you looking for death, little girl?

Who doesn't know Judge Ni Qiuping's temper, you are submissive to your face, but you go home and start a live broadcast, you dare to say anything, and you are still making jokes about Judge Ni Qiuping in the live broadcast room.

Tsk tsk tsk, I was caught by the defense lawyer!

"Lawyer Zhang, are these all the content of the witness's live broadcast last night?"

Ni Qiuping had a "smile" on her face, but her tone of voice could not detect any emotion. There was an unusual indifference and terror.

"Yes, Judge Ni, the witnesses started live broadcasting from 8:30 pm to 2:30 am, a total of 6 hours!"

"During this period, she has been chatting with fans, a total of 6 hours of chat content, all of which were in court yesterday."

"Here, I made a form, which is the content of Miss Ji's speech yesterday, in which I selected a few key words, so that you can have more intuitive data!"

As Zhang Wei said, he gestured to the dock again, and Xia Qianjun reluctantly clicked on a spreadsheet next to the video.

The form opened, and then keywords emerged one by one, followed by the number of words.

"Your Excellency, I didn't rest almost all night. I watched all of Ms. Ji's live videos and made a summary of the vocabulary she spoke."

"It can be clearly seen from the table that she called my client Xia Qianjun a pervert 355 times, mentioned the 'case' 194 times, and mentioned 'molest' 123 times. ..."

Zhang Wei raised his eyes to look at the trial seat, and said quietly: "...the number of times she mentioned 'menopause' is actually an exaggeration of 17 times!"

"Your Excellency, through this form and the intercepted footage of the live broadcast, we believe that Ms. Ji not only used this case as a publicity stunt in the live broadcast room, but also used the popularity of the case to attract fans and defraud the live broadcast of rewards. Lee it!"

"So we request that Ms. Ji disclose the income of the completed live broadcast. I think this request is completely reasonable and legal!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei made another request, Paul Chen was about to stand up immediately.

But before he raised his butt, a sharp gaze fixed on him, and it was Ni Qiuping's gaze.

Chen Paulo had never seen someone with such murderous intent in their eyes, as if they could die if they moved by themselves.


He swallowed hard, and finally his butt did not leave the chair.

"This court believes that Lawyer Zhang's request is reasonable, and the witness needs to immediately disclose the income from the live broadcast room last night!"

Ni Qiuping's ability to refrain from swearing was considered very restrained, but her tone of voice was even colder than before.

Her eyes on the witness stand also became sharper.

Ji Guoguo felt that he was a little rabbit running in the field, and there was a bird of prey in the sky staring at him all the time.

I'm scared~

However, the verification still had to continue, and Ting Wei immediately handed over the phone to Ji Guoguo, so she could only reluctantly log in to the live broadcast system, and then open the background data.

Zhang Wei took a screenshot on the screen and sent it directly to the computer.

In just a few seconds, yesterday's backstage broadcast income figures were in the sight of everyone in the courtroom.


Zhang Wei pointed to the string of numbers on the projector and emphasized again: "In one night, the income is close to 400,000!"

"That's not counting. Ms. Ji originally had less than 500,000 fans on the live broadcast platform, but now her number of fans has exceeded 1.2 million. The 700,000 fans that have increased are all increased in the past two days!"

"So we have reason to suspect that this so-called molestation case, and everything in it, is a drama directed and acted by Ms. Ji for the benefit of her own live broadcast room?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Yes, there is 400,000 income in one night. If it takes a few more days, wouldn't it be a fortune.

The way many people in the court looked at Ji Guoguo had completely changed.

Instead of being sympathetic, she became a little more suspicious.

In the jury seat, among the six jurors, many people's eyes also changed.

On the one hand, they were surprised that the live broadcast was so profitable, and on the other hand, they also had the same doubts.

Is there something wrong with this girl? Is she really using this thing to gain popularity? 400,000 a night. If it was me, I guess she would do the same thing, right?

I only have a few dollars a day after working so hard, and I can get 400,000 in my account after a night of chatting, which is too...

The wind direction of the court changed in just an instant.


When Paul Chen saw this scene, his face immediately changed.

Good guy, this kid looks young, and he makes a killer move as soon as he makes a move, directly slandering my client with impure motives!

"No, these are all speculations, and the defendant's lawyer's speculation is groundless!"

Seeing Paul Chen's objection, Zhang Wei sneered: "Lawyer Chen, that's 400,000 a day, don't you have any idea?"

"Your Honor, Mr. Zhang?"

"Zhang Wei, you are enough!"

Ni Qiuping scolded in a cold voice.

"I'm sorry, Judge Ni, but I just can't help it. Some people can make so much money just by gossip. I feel so sour~"

Zhang Wei hastily admitted his mistake, but his tone remained the usual teasing.

In the court, hearing Zhang Wei's strange ambiguity, everyone wanted to say: In fact, it's not just you, we are also sour!

"Lawyer Zhang, pay attention!"

Ni Qiuping had to remind again, and Zhang Wei waved his hand to admit his mistake.

However, the direction of the court will not change with the judge's words.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?"


Seeing that Zhang Wei wanted to continue, Ni Qiuping stopped talking.

Anyway, the stage is given to you, you can do whatever you want.

"Miss Ji, I have another question to ask you next, but simply asking you is not very effective!"

As Zhang Wei said, he asked the judge: "Judge Ni, we request that Zhou Chengzi, one of the plaintiff's witnesses, be summoned again to testify in court!"

This request came as a surprise to many people, but they were relieved when they thought that the previous lawyer was not Zhang Wei.

"This court approves!"

Although it is not clear what kind of medicine is sold in Zhang Wei's gourd, Ni Qiuping has no objection.

Not long after, Zhou Chengzi also walked up to the court and stood beside the witness stand.

"Ahem, hello Miss Zhou, I'm the new defendant's lawyer, and now I have questions to ask you and Miss Ji at the same time, I hope you cooperate!"

After Zhang Wei greeted the two, he gestured to the dock again.

Xia Qianjun reluctantly opened the briefcase, and took out three pieces of paper and two pens.

After Zhang Wei took it from the former, he handed three pieces of paper to Zhou Chengzi, Ji Guoguo, and Ni Qiuping at the trial seat.

On the paper, a human body diagram was drawn, and several parts were marked.

"Two, if it's convenient, can you please mark where my client started to molested Miss Ji?"

"be opposed to!"

Paul Chen immediately stood up and raised an objection: "What does the defendant's lawyer mean? Didn't you promise not to ask our witnesses about the incident?"

"I really didn't mention it. I just asked them to mark it. It's okay to write the number 1234 on these body parts, right?"

Zhang Wei knew that Paul Chen would object, so he took out the words he had prepared and lashed out.

Just because I don't ask questions doesn't mean I have no other way to know what happened.

Zhang Wei looked at the trial seat again, "Judge Ni, in view of the fact that there were not enough witnesses at the time of the incident, and the close relationship between Miss Zhou and Miss Ji, I have reason to suspect that the two may have falsely accused my client. A testimonial is required!"

"If they witnessed the scene where my client molested Miss Ji, then for them, this scene is what they saw with their own eyes, and my client's actions during the molestation should be remembered in their minds."

"Conversely, if the matter itself does not exist, then Miss Zhou and Miss Ji will naturally not remember the details of the molestation. That's why I came up with this method to prove it. I hope the two can cooperate!"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked to the witness stand and pulled Zhou Chengzi aside.

"Miss Zhou, please don't communicate with Miss Ji on the witness stand when marking, otherwise I will suspect you of colluding confessions!"

"Judge Ni, could you please arrange two court guards to keep an eye on Ms. Ji and Ms. Zhou respectively, so as to ensure that they cannot see each other or communicate with each other?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's request, Paul Chen opened his mouth, but Ni Qiuping spoke first.

"Okay, this court allows it!"

The two court guards stood on the side of Ji Guoguo and Zhou Chengzi respectively, preventing the two from seeing each other and even blocking their perspective.

"Miss Zhou, Miss Ji, now please mark the first place my client touched when he molested Miss Ji, thank you!"


Hearing this request, Zhou Chengzi looked nervous, while Ji Guoguo's eyes turned red, as if he was about to cry again.


But Zhang Wei's sudden interruption made Ji Guoguo's crying dissipate a lot.

Zhang Wei took out a pack of tissues, a box of ointment, and a bottle of water from the briefcase, and put them in front of the witness stand.

"Miss Ji, if you want to cry, I have prepared tissues for you. In order to prevent you from crying too much and hurting your eyes, I have prepared eye cream for you. In addition, if you cry too much, you may also suffer from dehydration. I Drinking water is also prepared for you. But even so, I still need to write the mark I said, and I can spend a day with you here, when you stop crying, we will start!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he smiled at Ji Guoguo.

But this smile, in the eyes of the latter, is so sinister.

Ji Guoguo was already cursing in his heart.

I can't thank you enough, thank you for being so thoughtful, and I thank your whole family!

In the plaintiff's seat, Paul Chen opened his mouth, but he couldn't find any rebuttal for a while.

Similarly, when Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai saw Zhang Wei's coquettish actions at the hearing, the boredom on their faces disappeared, as if they had seen hope.

Although Zhang Wei has a bad personality, his methods are really good.

Really have your word!

In this short one night, he thought of so many things, even thinking about the witness crying.

Now you cry, I have prepared tissues and eye cream for you, if you want to cry, cry.

I also thoughtfully prepared water for you to prevent you from crying and dehydrating.

What is it called?

This is called the ultimate warm man!

It's a pity that Ji Guoguo couldn't be moved by this warm man.

She is holding a pen now, looking at the paper in her hand, looking at the human body on the paper, but she doesn't know what to do for a while.

If you want to mark it, if it doesn't match Zhou Chengzi's mark, won't people see the problem?

But she wanted to see Zhou Chengzi's position, but her sight was blocked by two court guards and Zhang Wei, and she couldn't see anything.

Similarly, Zhou Chengzi on the other side wanted to look at the witness stand several times, but he couldn't see Ji Guoguo.

She wanted to write, but she also had a lot of worries, so she couldn't do it several times.

"What's the matter, why don't you two mark it? My client's indecent behavior should be fresh in your memory. It's only been a few days, so you won't just forget it?"

Seeing the actions of the two, Zhang Wei immediately sneered and began to tease.

"Both of you are eyewitnesses, and both saw the scene where my client molested Ms. Ji. How can you make you mark my client's actions, but you can't write for a long time?"

"Could it be that you all lied and my client never molested Miss Ji? Is this all your slander?"

Zhang Wei's ridicule also made everyone in the audience suspicious.

Looking at the performance of Ji Guoguo and Zhou Chengzi, could it be that Xia Qianjun was really wronged?

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