Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 238 Not Enough Money? It's not about money!

Serious crime team, temporary mediation room.

"Young man, our child didn't do it on purpose. Really, I apologize on his behalf as a parent!"

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't know what to do to forgive our children!"

"Lawyer Zhang, don't be silent, give us a letter of approval, what will happen to this matter?"

"Yes, as parents, we worry about our only child for nothing else. Isn't it appropriate for you to do this?"

"It's not appropriate, it's not appropriate, it's really not appropriate."

"Lawyer Zhang, we have never begged anyone in our life, or you can do me a favor and let me and my son leave first. I can assure you that our child has always been a good boy, and he definitely did not hit anyone. !"

"Yes, yes, my son won't beat anyone!"

Several parents sat in the mediation room, face to face with Zhang Wei, talking non-stop.

Zhang Wei ignored them directly, and glanced around the mediation room.

There were 5 people who beat Zhang Xinyan, so 5 families came, including 9 parents, 4 couples and a woman.

The 6 parents of 3 families have not stopped talking since Zhang Wei sat down.

They either excused their son, or persuaded Zhang Wei to be considerate of himself.

The meaning is obvious, we are all here to ask for help, you have to express it, right?

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes inwardly, what did he mean?

You say a few words, even if you are begging for help?

You just say a few words, sell a little bitterness, and I must give you face?

Then go to you!

Zhang Wei's gaze directly ignored the six players and turned to the last two groups.

Of the two groups of silent parents, one of them looked in good condition. The man was wearing an expensive suit, and his wife was also wearing gold and silver and jewels. He was accompanied by a male lawyer who was a little higher than a public interest lawyer.

The couple has not said a word since entering the mediation room. The man's eyes have been moving secretly looking at Zhang Wei, and the woman's sideways face is communicating with the male lawyer beside him.

Zhang Weineng could see that the man's attitude towards the three families around him was quite contemptuous, and there seemed to be disdain in his eyes.

Obviously, he felt that he didn't need to speak for the time being, and let the three families be his pioneers, first to test Zhang Wei's details.

"This man looks like he's in business. He looks a little shrewd and thinks he's superior, so he uses the other three families as his guns. As for the woman, she's so stupid, her inner thoughts are written on her face!"

Zhang Wei just glanced at it, and knew that this family had nothing to fear.

Then the only problem is this last one.

After removing the 8 parents who had been observed, there was the last one left, a woman in a red lady's suit with sunglasses on her face.

Since she entered the mediation room, she has not said a word, and even her expression has not changed, just like a sculpture.

It seemed that it was not her son who had the accident, but a stranger.

But Zhang Wei could tell that the woman's performance was actually numb.

Or... get used to it.

To say that the only thing Zhang Wei cares about is probably this woman and Yu Liang beside her.

God knows why a lawyer who is good at divorce cases appears here?

This woman and Yu Liang should have cooperated before.

The atmosphere in the mediation room was somewhat depressing and tense.

The six parents of three families are still complaining.

However, the content of the speech has gradually changed from pleading and showing weakness at the beginning.

"Lawyer Zhang, why don't you speak?"

"My son is not a bad person, why don't you listen?"

"I kneel down here for you. Although my son has done something wrong, please give him a chance. We guarantee that he will not do it again!"

"My family has knelt down to you, you really said what you said!"

"That's right, everyone knelt down for you, yet you didn't say a word, you are so cruel!"

"You little lawyer, at such a young age, why are you so heartless, you have no sympathy at all, and they all knelt down to you without seeing it!"

One of the family really knelt down, while the other two began to join in, berating Zhang Wei for his heartlessness and calling Zhang Wei inhuman.

It's a pity that Zhang Wei's face is comparable to a city wall, even if someone kneels down in front of him, he will not move at all.

"This..." Group Leader Liu, who was in the mediation room, was also stunned.

Secretly said, good boy, really heartless.

Even if it was him, he might not be able to bear to kneel down in the face of the begging of several family members.

At least say a few words to ease the atmosphere, such as "Don't kneel", "Why is this", "Please get up quickly" and so on.

But Zhang Wei really didn't say a word.

He even raised a weird arc at the corner of his mouth, as if he was thinking of something happy.

This scene finally made the three families unable to hold back.

Co-authored us to perform such a half-day play here, do you really think you are watching a play?


The hearts of the three families are all angry at the moment. If there is no team leader of the investigation department sitting here, they might have to do it.

But this is the headquarters of the Wushu Association, and there are dozens of officers of the serious crime team outside. If they dare to do something, they may be controlled in the next second.

At that time, I can really go to accompany my son.

Since the three families couldn't say nothing about Zhang Wei, the fourth family finally took action.

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm a businessman. Let's not talk dark words. How much money do you need to settle this matter?"

The man in the suit finally spoke. Although his attitude was still a bit condescending, there was a hint of discussion in his words.

Seeing him speak, the three families stopped acting, dried up their tears and sat down obediently, and at the same time realized the swing back and forth on the man in the suit and Zhang Wei.

"What's your name, big brother?"

"Waiting for your surname."

"Oh, Mr. Zhu, Mrs. Zhu, right?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and said politely.

"Mr. Zhu, I hope you understand that this is not a matter of money. If your son beats someone, he has violated the criminal law!"

"And my client is still lying in the ICU ward. My client invited me here not to forgive the murderer on their behalf, but to help them bring the murderer to justice!"

When the man in the suit heard Zhang Wei's words, his complexion sank slightly.

The kid in front of him rejected him!

He also said it was not a question of money!


He has been in business for decades, and he is considered a little wealthy in the East. Although he cannot be regarded as a rich man, he is also a well-known businessman in that area.

In his eyes, there is nothing that cannot be solved with money, and the same is true for this matter.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you really not think about it?"

"Mr. Zhu, as I said, it's not about money!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei was still "persisting", the man in the suit knew that he had not given enough bargaining chips.

Looks like you need to pay more!

After all, at the beginning, they also wanted to move with emotion and deal with it with reason, or wait for the other party to say the number first, so that they can decide whether the price is suitable or not.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei insisted that it was not a matter of money.

This sentence has two meanings, either it is the original words, and it really has nothing to do with money.

Either it is the second meaning, this is the problem of money, you have to give me a number to make me satisfied!

The man in the suit preferred the second one, so he thought about paying for a long time, and tentatively said: "I will cover all the medical expenses of your client, and there is also a settlement fee of 100,000 yuan, how about it?"

After finishing speaking, he winked at his wife beside him.

Although the latter had some reluctance on his face, he still chimed in and said: "Lawyer Zhang, please give my son a chance, we are very sorry for what he did, and when we go back, we will definitely help you educate him! "

No sincere apology!

Although Zhang Wei didn't show it, he also knew that this apology was really not convincing at all.

"Mr. Zhu, you really misunderstood, it's really not about money!"

He shook his head quickly, resolutely.

It's not about the money, so what's the problem?

There was a hint of doubt in the eyes of the man in the suit and his wife, but it was more displeased with Zhang Wei's attitude.

Good boy, we have begged you so much, but you still dare to put on such a face!

The atmosphere became tense again.

"I want to settle it with money, but my attitude is dishonest!"

Zhang Wei could tell at a glance that this person surnamed Zhu was bullying his youth, and planned to settle the matter with 100,000 yuan.

"Lawyer Zhang!"

At this time, the woman surnamed Zhou finally spoke.

She and Yu Liang whispered for a long time, seeing that the four families couldn't convince Zhang Wei, they finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Lawyer Yu told me just now that the cause of this incident is not yet clear, but the beating is ultimately my son's fault. As a mother, I am here to apologize to you on his behalf."

"Well, I don't intend to waste time, 200,000, plus your client's medical expenses, and subsequent rehabilitation expenses, I can pay for it all."

The woman paused at this point.

Yu Liang moved closer to his ear again, as if he was talking about something important.

After Liang finished speaking, she continued to look at Zhang Wei: "Lawyer Zhang, I believe that with so much money, I should be able to show my sincerity. As long as you give my son a "Criminal Understanding Letter", my Zhou family will recognize it." you friend! "

After the woman finished speaking, her eyes under the sunglasses stared at Zhang Wei, waiting to make a statement.

She believed that her attitude was already very friendly, and the extra money she gave doubled the price of Zhujia.

This is sincerity!

Ms. Zhou believes that her sincerity is "friendlier" than the other families, and it will definitely have an effect.

"Ms. Zhou, I think you have misunderstood too. It's really not about money!"

But Zhang Wei's reaction was beyond the former's expectation.

Zhang Wei shook his head and expressed his attitude again, this is really not the previous problem!


Ms. Zhou can't help it anymore. You keep saying that it's not about money, but you are a lawyer, isn't it just for money?

She clenched her five fingers into a fist, but quickly let go.

Ms. Zhou turned her face sideways and looked at Yu Liang who was sitting beside her, who immediately understood.

"Group Leader Liu, I wonder if there is a separate room here where I can have an undisturbed one-on-one conversation with Lawyer Zhang?"

"There is a utility room next door, there is no one in it, and there is no monitoring..."

"Lawyer Zhang, let's talk in private!"

Yu Liang said, and walked to the next door first.

Zhang Wei sneered in his heart, and also walked out.

Next door, in the utility room.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are really a lion. My client is not willing to accept 200,000 plus the full medical expenses?"

"Lawyer Yu, it's really not about money!"

"It's not about money, so what kind of lawyer are you?"

Facing Zhang Wei's attitude, Yu Liang sneered.

"Lawyer Zhang, let's be smart and don't speak in secret. Although you and I are our own masters, our essential purpose is the same. Both are to earn legal fees. Let's not deny this."

"Now you have an advantage. Only the surveillance video near the parking lot has captured the fact that your client was attacked, but the cause of the incident and so on are still unknown."

"Although your client was injured, we have shown sincerity. I believe that even if this matter goes to court, the judge will award medical expenses plus tens of thousands of yuan in compensation at most."

"Now, my client has decided to pay the victim's family 200,000 yuan in compensation. Even if the other families don't have this amount, the difference should not be too much. As long as you issue a criminal understanding letter on behalf of the victim's family, you will be moved." In the time it takes to write a few sentences, you can help the client get hundreds of thousands of compensation, and your lawyer's fees should be quite a lot, right?"

Seeing Yu Liang directly expressing his attitude, Zhang Wei shook his head again: "It's really not about money..."

Wow, this kid is really greedy!

Yu Liang understood, but the "sincerity" was not enough.

"Lawyer Zhang, how about this? My client, Ms. Zhou, also gave her permission just now. You just need to say the amount, and she can give you a separate fee in private. It can be regarded as a reward for your work. This fee will not go to public accounts. You can receive the full amount!"

"Are you planning to bribe me and let me sell the interests of my client for money?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you are joking, isn't this the default unspoken rule of our profession?"

"Lawyer Yu, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!"

Zhang Wei sighed, feeling rather resentful of iron.

Besides, it's really not about the money.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, Team Leader Liu suddenly knocked on the door of the utility room.

"Lawyer Zhang, my staff notified me just now that your client is awake!"

Zhang Xinyan woke up?

Zhang Wei said inwardly, "This kid's injuries are so severe, it's only been half a day before he woke up."

Now that the parties are awake, there is no need to talk.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's convenient to leave a number, we need to deal with this case a few more times!"

"Oh, I have your business card, you gave me one back then!"

Zhang Wei laughed, then walked out of the utility room without looking back.

He didn't bother to go to the mediation room anymore, and he couldn't negotiate a result anyway.

His purpose is really not money, but to bring the five murderers to justice.

As for the compensation, does Zhang Wei care about the money?

"If possible, I might help Zhang Xinyan get enough compensation, but unfortunately I have to take care of Xiao Wu's emotions!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei left the martial arts association without looking back, and went straight to the hospital.


Outside the hospital ward.

Zhang Xinyan had indeed woken up, but he couldn't answer the question immediately.

"I'm sorry, the patient has just woken up and his consciousness has not fully recovered. It is inconvenient to accept visits from other than family members. As for taking notes for you, it is even more impossible, because he is still unable to speak!"

The attending doctor directly rejected the meeting request of Group Leader Liu and others, but Zhang Wei, as the lawyer for the victim's family, was allowed to go in.

"When will the patient be fully awake?"

"I can't say that well. In short, it depends on the specific recovery progress of the patient. It will take at least three or four days for consciousness to recover."


Team Leader Liu looked around the ward, but finally he could only shake his head, and left with his subordinates unwillingly.

Without a way to take notes, there is no way to know what happened that night.

Not knowing the truth will increase the difficulty of the investigation and subsequent filing and sentencing.

Group leader Liu returned disappointed, while Zhang Wei walked into the ward with a look of surprise.

In the ward.

"Come on, Xiaoyan, drink the medicine!"

Zhang Xinwu was already holding a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine and was feeding Zhang Xinyan.

However, although the latter's consciousness is fuzzy, his body's instincts are still there, and he has an indescribable resistance to the things on his lips.

"Mom Lu, hold Xiaoyan down for me, I want to give him medicine!"

"Okay, miss!"

Lu Ma and Zhang Xinwu, one pressed Zhang Xinyan's head, and the other began to pour medicine directly into his mouth.

Zhang Xinyan's body trembled, his limbs began to cluster and struggle, and he made a sound of "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu".



Zhang Wei resisted the unbearable feeling in his heart, and walked slowly to the hospital bed.

After drinking a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine, Zhang Xinyan rolled his eyes and passed out completely.

But after feeding the medicine, Zhang Xinwu and Lu Ma's expressions improved a little.

Obviously, as long as Zhang Xinyan can drink this special medicine, his condition will basically be stable.

"Xiao Zhang, you are here!"

"Yes, Mama Lu, Miss Xiaowu, I'm back."

"Zhang Wei, what did the investigation department say?"

"The assailants have been caught. There are five people in total. They beat up your brother in groups. Surveillance at the scene filmed the beating process. The crime of assault and wounding should not escape..."

Zhang Wei said, looking at Zhang Xinwu, "Miss Xiaowu, although I know you will definitely refuse, but I still want to ask, do you want to reach a settlement with them?"

"Reconciliation, you want me to forgive them, forgive these murderers who hurt my brother?"

"No, the meaning of reconciliation is to let them spend money to buy a criminal understanding letter, and the amount of money will not be small."

"With the letter of understanding, what will happen to them?"

"Well, let me think about it. If you have a letter of understanding, it means that you, as the victim's family, have forgiven the murderer. Even if the court wants to sentence you later, the defendant will show the letter of understanding, and you can obtain discretionary sentencing qualifications for the murderer. .Maybe if the sentence is three years, the sentence will be only one year, or the sentence will be suspended without going to jail."

"Then I don't accept it!"

Sure enough, Zhang Xinwu heard that the murderer might not go to jail with a suspended sentence, so she directly refused.

You want me to forgive the murderer for my younger brother's current misery, that's impossible.

"Actually, if you rely on special medicine, your brother should be able to recover soon."

"After all, your brother's injury that can be healed in half a month is not considered a loss in exchange for a sum of money, but since your attitude refuses, then I will not persuade you to accept the settlement!"

Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Xinwu and knew that this woman would not change her attitude easily.

Although Miss Xiao Wu is usually very kind, but when it comes to matters of principle, that's another story.

"Yeah, Zhang Wei, please punish the culprit severely!"

Zhang Xinwu looked at Zhang Wei with a pleading tone.

"I see!"

Faced with Miss Xiaowu's request, Zhang Wei naturally would not refuse.

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