Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 239 A Coincidence in the Parking Lot

Lin Fu on Tuesday night.

For Zhang Wei, the first two days of this week can be said to be extraordinarily busy.

On Monday, he helped his brother-in-law complete the court trial, but on Tuesday, Zhang Xinwu came to look for him again, and this happened to his younger brother Zhang Xinyan.

"Being beaten, in the open parking lot, at night, there were 5 attackers..."

Flipping through the preliminary investigation report given by the Serious Case Team 3, Zhang Wei's expression was not good.

As for the reason, it was naturally because of Zhang Xinwu's request to bring the real culprit to justice.

But Zhang Xinyan's mind is blurred now, he can't even speak, he can't open his mouth, so he can't restore the incident.

Although there is an old ancestral prescription from Zhang's martial arts school, it will take at least a few days for Zhang Xinyan to recover.

During this period of time, the five families will not sit still, they will definitely try their best for the letter of understanding.

Ding dong!

While talking, Zhang Wei's cell phone rang, it was a text message.

"Sure enough, here we come again!"

He opened the text message with a mocking smile on his lips.

"Lawyer Zhang, I apologize to you and your client on behalf of my child; I admit that as parents, we did not discipline our child well and let him make some dubious friends outside. This is our fault. wrong!"

"Now, our child has been sent to the detention center. We parents also hope that the child will be ordinary, so we hope you will give him a chance; we will definitely find a way to make up for the injury suffered by your client, but we also hope Please understand our difficulties as parents, now we really kneel down and beg you!"

Zhang Wei has received several such text messages since he came back from the hospital.

Although Zhang Wei didn't give out his contact information, there is a backup in the investigation department. These parents must have obtained Zhang Wei's number through some relationship.

Now, the so-called SMS offensive begins.

In Zhang Wei's view, the contents of these text messages were all insincere.

None of these parents realized the seriousness of the problem. The contents of the text messages were all to excuse their own children, portraying the children of other families as the real culprits, while their own children were only "implicated".

Even, they kept silent about how to compensate, but just told Zhang Wei blindly that we will apologize and educate our children well in the future.

If an apology is useful, what else does the law need?

Educate well in the future, why not educate now?

Hypocrisy, no sincerity, only knowing to shirk responsibility, this is what Zhang Wei saw in the text message.

These parents are obviously trying to make big things into small things through soft words, and Zhang Wei doesn't like this attitude very much.

"When something happens, you don't want to take responsibility, but just want to shirk it, trying to deceive me with a verbal promise that is not binding at all, right? If I really believe you, I'm an idiot!"

Zhang Wei sneered and put down the phone without any intention of responding.

After he withdrew his attention, he began to think about the details of the case.

"In the final analysis, I still have to go to the scene to take a look. Although the on-site monitoring can't capture the cause of the incident, but in case of luck..."

Zhang Wei is a practical man, and his dedication to the scene is no less than that of the investigation department.

This is also his habit as a criminal defense lawyer. The prosecution is also the prosecution. They can rely on the investigation department to collect evidence, but the defense can only rely on themselves.

This is also the reason why many defenses hire professional investigators. They need people with investigation experience no less than the officers of the investigation section to help them complete evidence collection.

As for Zhang Wei, who has more than 30 years of criminal investigation experience, his investigation ability will definitely not be weaker than that of some professional investigators.


Do as soon as you think of it, Zhang Wei set off without hesitation.


The crime took place in Central, an open-air parking lot.

There is an old residential area nearby and several construction sites, so the parking lot is surrounded by simple brick walls, and vehicles enter and exit through one exit.

There is only a simple security booth at the exit of the parking lot, and the old security guard inside is dozing off with his eyes closed.

Zhang Wei glanced at the old security guard, who was already asleep with saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

With this level of security, it feels like you can get in regardless of whether you drive or not.

"It's around 10:30 p.m., and the time of the incident seems to be around this time. As for the location of the incident..."

Zhang Wei walked into the parking lot, looked around, and found that there were only cars here.

Stepping on the somewhat potholed concrete floor, he circled the parking lot for half a circle, and was about to continue walking around, when his brows suddenly frowned.

"I always feel that someone is watching me?"

Looking at the pitch-black environment, Zhang Wei frowned.

The parking lot should have a light source, otherwise, if a car comes at night, how can you park the car in the dark environment?

Even if the car is parked, how will the owner get out after getting off the car?

Moreover, in such a dark environment, it is easy to breed some other activities.

"Speaking of which, Zhang Xinyan and those five people, why did they stay here at night, and why did they appear in this gloomy parking lot?"

"Zhang Xinyan is so poor, he must not have a car. The other five guys seem to have only graduated from high school for a few years, so they took the driver's license test so early?"

A look of suspicion flashed in Zhang Wei's eyes. He always felt that the appearance of those five guys in this parking lot was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

what is it?

As he thought about it, he walked to the side of a car and unconsciously put his right hand on the door.

Didi Didi, the warning sounded.

"Finally let my aunt catch you!"

At this time, a sudden change occurred!

There was a gust of wind coming from behind, followed by a very familiar voice.

Before Zhang Wei could react, his head was held down by a hand, and then his whole body was spinning, and Lian had an intimate contact with the rough concrete floor.


His head hit the ground, and it hurt a little.

But Zhang Wei didn't even have time to cry out the pain.

Not to mention that his arms were restrained, and one knee was firmly pressed against his back. The whole person was like a squid being propped up, about to be put on the grill.

"Hey, on the first day of camp, I caught the car thief. Team Wu and the others must have never thought that I would be so lucky!"

"Silly heroine, I was wronged..."

"What wrongdoing, someone said that when a suspect is arrested, he will say that he is wronged. You... wait, what did you call me just now?"


Xia Qianyue lowered her head and took a closer look. Why does the guy she caught look so familiar to her?

Take a closer look, isn't it Zhang Wei?

"Ah, Zhang Wei, why is it you!"

"Hanhan, let's talk about it, can you let go first, my hand is about to break..."

"Ah, Zhang Wei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Xia Qianyue hurriedly let go, while bowing her head repeatedly to apologize.

Zhang Wei's heart is already emmm.

What's going on with Xia Qianyue, I just helped Xia Qianjun win the lawsuit yesterday, why did you go to work in the Serious Crime Squad today.

And it's late at night, staying alone in the parking lot, if you really meet some bad guys...

Isn't the villain going to die?

After Zhang Wei got up, the two looked at each other, and then asked in unison with a tacit understanding:

"Why are you here? x2"

"You talk first? x2"

All right!

Zhang Wei admits that sometimes he and Xia Qianyue have a tacit understanding.

"Ahem, let me talk about it first. I took another case. The client is Miss Xiaowu. The client is her worthless younger brother. He was beaten. This is the scene of the crime. I am investigating. Forensics."

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he looked at Xia Hanhan in front of him.

now you.

"Our 7th team also took a case recently. It's a vehicle theft case. It seems to be a serial crime. Team Wu and the others have been busy with this case recently. It's not about my brother's work for the past few days. Thanks to your help, I finally won yesterday. After filing the lawsuit, I came to work today, so I thought about going out and doing some monitoring..."


Zhang Wei froze for a moment, then looked around.

Except for Xia Qianyue, it seems that no one else from Group 7 appeared.

"It's just squatting..."

When Xia Qianyue was asked by Zhang Wei, she changed her words with a guilty conscience.

There is something, there is something hidden!

Based on someone's understanding of Hanhan and the insincere expression on his dialect.

"Oh, I see. You acted without authorization. You didn't contact Team Wu at all, did you?"

"You... what are you talking about, I'm solving a case!"

"Solve the case?"

Zhang Wei rubbed his forehead, with a worried expression on his face: "In such a dark place, you can't even see what people are doing clearly, if a random car owner comes, and you act rashly, wouldn't you also go to the detention center? "

"I... I will pay attention..."

Xia Qianyue was a little speechless after being stunned like this.

Because Zhang Wei really hit the spot.

If she shot casually and attacked ordinary people, the consequences would be disastrous.

She is still a law enforcement officer, knowing the law and breaking the law, the crime is aggravated.

"Let's go, there are no clues in this place, I'll take you back!"

Zhang Wei had no choice but to drag Xia Qianyue out of the parking lot.

"Squatting, it's not like you squatting. How did you know you were coming here?"

"Because Team Wu said, this group of people seems to be committing crimes on the move. Judging from the trajectory of their actions, they should have stolen to this area!"

"The gang is running around committing crimes, have you figured out their law of action?"

"Team Wu said that those people should have committed the crime in the past few days, so the entire 7th team came out, and even called a lot of field staff to help!"

"Is that so, has the stolen vehicle been found?"

"I found some of them. I didn't ask more about the specific situation."

"That's it..."

Zhang Wei's eyes flickered for a moment, as if thinking of something.

"Hanhan, otherwise, you can ask Team Wu tomorrow about the stolen vehicle. If there is a testimony of the sales channel, then the efficiency of locking the suspect will be greatly improved!"

"Oh, great!"

For Zhang Wei's suggestion, Xia Qianyue naturally accepted it humbly, and kept it in her mind.

The two returned quickly, Zhang Wei sent Xia Hanhan to Dongjiang Yipin, and then took a taxi back to Sifangmen Street.

After getting off the taxi, he also sighed with emotion.

You have to get a dedicated driver.

Although the traffic jam problem in the Oriental Capital has been around for a long time, for an elite lawyer, driving by himself is not considered, and it is best to have a full-time driver.

This tm is the face!

Thinking, thinking, Zhang Wei went back to the Lin Mansion, and went to bed early after washing up.

Because he knew that he would be very busy tomorrow.


The next day, early in the morning.

Investigation Section, Serious Case Group 7 Office.

"Captain, here I come again!"

Xia Qianyue came to her workstation early in the morning, and when she saw Wu Yong arrived, she immediately joined her with a smile.

"Xiao Xia, didn't I tell you that you took a leave of absence because of your brother's affairs, so you can rest for a few more days."

"Isn't this all resolved by Zhang Wei, so I'm thinking about you again, and I want to solve the case with you."

Xia Qianyue blinked her big eyes and looked at the leader expectantly.

I stare at (*ω)!

Wu Yong originally wanted to be tough, but seeing the expectant eyes of his subordinates, he could only sigh in the end.

"Okay, you can act with us!"


Xia Qianyue looked excited.

But soon, she thought of the task assigned by Zhang Wei.

"Captain Wu, that... I want to ask, is there any clue on the side of the vehicle theft, where the stolen goods are sold?"

"Well, have you thought of this all?"

Wu Yong was taken aback, feeling that the person next to him seemed to have become smarter.

In the past, when Xia Qianyue heard of a case, she would always rush at it in a daze, whenever there was a case, without thinking about anything else.

Why do people start to think about the clues of the sales channels when they hear about the vehicle theft?

It seems that this girl has also grown up under his leadership!

Wu Yong was very pleased, and couldn't help nodding his head and said: "Yes, in addition to the monitoring, we have also visited and investigated some second-hand car dealers and recycling shops these days, and finally found a clue. We will go there later, but..."

"Captain Wu, but what?"

"However, according to the information, the land where the stolen goods are sold seems to be a little dangerous..."


Hearing these two words, Xia Qianyue's expression suddenly became excited.

"According to intelligence, that place and the used car recycling place seem to be run by ex-gang members!"

"Gang member!"

Hearing these four words, Xia Qianyue was not only excited, her eyes were shining.

"In short, if you want to follow, don't cause trouble!"


Seeing that Xia Qianyue agreed decisively, Wu Yong always felt that this girl didn't seem to listen to his words.

But he didn't object, but stood up and said, "Then, let's do it!"


Oriental Capital, Outer Ring.

A used car dealer somewhere in the west of the city.

When Wu Yong came here with the 7th group of people, the guys in the car dealer had just started work.

The car dealership was originally a processing factory with a large factory building and many cars in it.

When they came to the gate of the car dealership, the deputy captain, Lao Xing, came up.

"Captain Wu, I really want to go in. I heard that the owner of this car dealership used to be a big brother of a gang!"

"Hmph, you said it was before, but now that people have left the gang, they don't dare to make trouble anymore!"

Wu Yong waved his hand and said with a serious face: "Besides, we represent the Wushu Association. Even if he hasn't left the gang, we are not afraid of him!"

"What the captain said is that we are not afraid of him!" Xia Qianyue, who was following behind, agreed again and again.

Wu Yong didn't care what Lao Xing did, and walked into the car dealership with 7 groups of people.

"Hey, who are you?" A boy from the car dealership saw it, felt that Wu Yong and the others were not guests, and hurried forward to stop them.

"We are from the serious crime team, and we are here for routine questioning!"

"Crime Crime Squad!"

Hearing the words "Serious Crime Squad", all the boys in the dealership put down their work and looked over.

A few younger brothers even picked up the guy, with a bad look on their faces.

"Ahem, get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded in the garage.

A burly man wearing a vest with arms as thick as human thighs came out.

He has a beard, looks about forty years old, has a bronze complexion, and his combat effectiveness is obviously not weak.


Seeing the person coming, the guys in the car dealership all respectfully saluted, with an attitude of awe.

"Are you the owner of the car dealership?"

"People from the serious crime team, what are you doing at my second-hand car dealership?"

The man didn't answer the question, but looked at Wu Yong and the others with a cold face.

"We are investigating a series of recent vehicle thefts. According to the intelligence we have received, your place is likely to be the place to sell stolen goods!"

"Hahaha, this operator, I don't know what you are talking about. We are only responsible for recycling used cars. If a 'customer' drives over, we will disassemble the parts for recycling. These are just business."

"If it's just a normal business, don't you mind if we take a look at the monitoring here?"

"Of course I mind!"

The man smiled, walked up to Wu Yong, and said condescendingly: "We are all good citizens who abide by the law. Every year, my car dealership has to pay hundreds of thousands of taxes to the Chengxi District Taxation Bureau. If there is no search warrant, I will not obey the order." !"

"The boss really doesn't cooperate?"

"Hahaha, let me, Niu, cooperate, do you have the qualifications, I'm not afraid to tell you, I was with "Master Tiger" back then! "

Hearing the word "Master Tiger", Wu Yong and Lao Xing's expressions became serious.

On the contrary, Xia Qianyue, Ani and Tamu who were behind her didn't react at all. On the contrary, they thought the nickname was too casual.

No matter how gangsters, they all like to have names like bulls and tigers.

"Since there is no search warrant, let's see off the guests!"

The owner of the car dealership said and waved his hand.

The boys in the surrounding car dealerships all surrounded him with uneasy expressions.

There are 5 people in the serious case 7 group, and there are a total of 50 car dealers.

The number of people is poor, close to 10 times.


While approaching, the wrench in the hand of a younger brother suddenly fell to the ground, making a harsh sound.

"Why, do you want to fight?"

"Hahaha, this operator misunderstood. We are all repairmen, with some wrenches and hammers on us, and we are just guys who eat!"

As the owner of the car dealership said, he shouted at the younger brother: "What are you still doing in a daze, pick it up!"

The younger brother was about to act, but the wrench on the ground was preempted by a "slim little hand".

The wrench just dropped at Xia Qianyue's feet, so she picked it up faster naturally.

Looking at the wrench in her hand, Xia Qianyue's face turned cold, and then she clenched her fingers tightly.

Kua Cha Kua Cha!

Under the exaggerated metal friction sound, everyone including the owner of the car dealership looked at Xia Qianyue, or at her hands in astonishment.

The wrench was gone, a twisted mass of iron.

It is hard to imagine that someone can squeeze iron products into a ball with bare hands.

That's an iron wrench!

After Xia Qianyue threw away the iron block in her hand, she looked at the owner of the car dealership.

A look of innocence.

It seems to be saying, may I ask the captain, can I crush this person's bones?


The owner of the car dealership had a chill down his spine and swallowed hard.

"This operator, in fact, everything is easy to discuss... Aren't you asking about the car thief? Although the surveillance video is not good, I can provide some clues about the recent car thefts! "

The boss's face has changed, and his expression is pleasant, as if he has really become a good citizen.

However, his gaze was fixed on Xia Qianyue, fearing that if the other party moved slightly, all the bones in his body might become the same as a wrench.

He thought to himself, this girl looks harmless to humans and animals, she might be able to instantly kill his entire car dealership with her combat power.

This girl has such a good hand, I don't know which unlucky guy will dare to marry her in the future.

In case of "that", this girl gets excited, wouldn't she want to...

Eggs break and people die!

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