Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 241 Justice will not be late! give you a hand

detention facility.

Meeting room on the first floor.

As the door of the temporary confinement area opened, a few young people dressed neatly and finally walked out.


"My son!"

"Good boy!"

Three pairs of parents went up to them, crying and shouting, hugging their sons and hugging each other tightly.

Their children were also crying at this moment.

After all, he is a young man, even after staying in the detention center for 48 hours, he still feels tremendous pressure.

Anyway, at this moment, they are finally free, so it is right to cry.

At this moment, the father is kind, the son is filial, the mother is virtuous and the daughter is virtuous, everything looks so beautiful.

"Stinky boy, get the hell out of here!"

But a sharp shout interrupted some people's emotions.

I saw a bookish-looking child who was reprimanded by Mr. Zhu.

"What are you yelling at, don't scare our son!" Seeing this, Mrs. Zhu immediately yelled at her husband.

"You, you, it's all you, if you didn't spoil him, would this happen?"

"What about me? Our son was innocent in the first place. He was instigated by others. Isn't everything resolved now? Didn't they forgive our son?"

"Hmph, I spent money on that. If nothing happened, would we need to spend so much money to 'redeem' him back?"

As Mr. Zhu said, he yelled at his son again: "What are you looking at? Get out of here!"

The young man is timid, but he can only walk to his parents step by step, bow his head, and be scolded next to him.

It could be seen that the son was a little afraid of his father.

"Mom, you finally came to pick me up!"

The young man who finally walked out of the detention room didn't cry, on the contrary, his expression was very relaxed.

His red hair is also very flamboyant at this moment.

Accompanied by Yu Liang, Ms. Zhou walked in front of the other party.


There was a crisp sound, which was extremely ear-piercing.

The whole audience looked over, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

Good guy!

This is the real problem with the mother and son. How can a mother directly slap her son in public.

The red-haired young man also froze in place, the stinging pain on the side of his face reminded him that he was slapped just now.

"You fucking dare to hit me, you damn woman dare to hit me, I..."

The red hair couldn't help it immediately, and raised his hand to throw it out.

"Stop it, you won't be able to go in again!"

Fortunately, Team Leader Liu was dispatched.

He followed and stood aside.

Moreover, there were duty officers from the detention center all around, and they all looked here.

The moment Hongmao raised his hand, they all tensed up, ready to make a move at any time.

Hong Mao raised his hand, but he didn't wave it out.

Although he has a short temper and impulsive personality, he is not stupid.

Now that so many people are watching, and there are people from the serious crime team, isn't he just looking for abuse?

Although it was easy to come out, he didn't want to go in again.

"Trash!" Ms. Zhou snorted coldly and was about to leave without looking back.

Seeing this, Yu Liang who was standing aside couldn't help shaking his head.

Although her client is rich, her family is not happy at all.

Group leader Liu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Hong Mao finally stopped and was about to leave.

"Lawyer Zhang, by the way, why did you come with me? A settlement has been reached. Can't you go back and report the good news to the client?"

"I, of course, came to see a good show."

"Good show?"

Team Leader Liu glanced at Zhang Wei with a strange expression on his face.

Is this the show you want to see?

No, how could you know that Ms. Zhou was going to beat someone, and a few children got out of the detention center, no matter how you think about it, it's not a good show, right?

Zhang Wei's words were misty for Group Leader Liu.

He even felt that there was no need for Zhang Wei to come to the detention center, but the other party insisted on coming. Why?

"Here, the real show is coming!"

But Zhang Wei smiled slightly and pointed to the entrance of the detention center.

At the entrance, seven or eight people poured in.

"Wu Yong, and the local prosecutor's headquarters, what's going on!"

Team Leader Liu looked in the direction of Zhang Wei's finger, but his expression changed drastically.

Wu Yong from Group 7 of Serious Cases came and brought everyone from Group 7.

Not only that, but beside Group 7, there were two prosecutors from the District Procuratorate Headquarters, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying.

A group of people walked in front of Hongmao and the others in a mighty manner.

"Mr. Zhou, the five of you are involved in multiple vehicle theft cases, public property damage cases, and armed theft cases. Now you are invited to accept investigation and hope to cooperate!"

After Wu Yong finished speaking, Xiao Baihe next to him immediately took out the arrest warrant and showed it in front of the five people.

"take away!"

Afterwards, the five members of Serious Case Group 7, Wu Yong, Lao Xing, Ta Mu, A Ni, and Xia Qianyue, each tortured one of them, and tortured the five young people away again.

Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying also left, but before they left, they all nodded to Zhang Wei.

Obviously, without this person's help, they really wouldn't have been able to catch him so quickly.


Group Leader Liu was also dumbfounded watching this scene.

"Lawyer Zhang, what you said is a good show, could it be..."

"Group Leader Liu guessed right, this is the purpose of my coming to the detention center."

Watching the five young people being taken away again, Zhang Wei showed a satisfied smile after a long absence.

This is his purpose and the most perfect solution to this matter.

The five people who attacked Zhang Xinyan received the "deserved" punishment, and they also received a "pretty good" compensation from their parents.

"What's going on, why was my son taken away again?"

"No, my son, what happened to him, my child is innocent!"

"It must be her, her son, it must be her child who encouraged my son!"

The parents of the three families were the first to collapse. They never expected that just as they expected their children to come back, they ended up going in again.

"Lawyer Zhang, what's the situation? Didn't we just reconcile?"

The Zhu family and his wife were smarter, but they only wanted to find Zhang Wei.

"Yes, we have reached a settlement. This matter was witnessed by Team Leader Liu, and I did not deny it!"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, and then patted Mr. Zhu on the shoulder: "Didn't you hear clearly just now, when the crime squad arrested your son, they didn't mention the crime of intentional injury!"


"Don't look at me, our business is over, but you still have to pay the compensation, otherwise I will sue your company for bankruptcy!"

Zhang Wei "threatened" a little, and walked in front of Ms. Zhou and Yu Liang.

"Hello, Ms. Zhou!"

"You knew it would happen, my son will definitely go to jail?"

"Haha, in fact, this is your son's own fault. I just pushed the boat along with the flow. Who made you so generous?"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out his mobile phone again, and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence, although my client is ignorant, but he has never done a bad thing. On the contrary, he has done a good thing!"

On the phone, start playing a video.

"Hi everyone, I'm the anchor Shaoxia Xiaoyan, and today we're fighting for justice again!"

"Today we came to an open-air parking lot near Central. As for why we came here, it was naturally because this young man discovered that there have been many car thefts in our Oriental Capital recently."

"So, in order to find the car thieves, I decided to ambush in these parking lots to see if there are really criminals doing evil here!"

"If you like the host, please click the follow button in the upper right corner, thank you all."


"Okay, I have been lying in ambush in the parking lot for two hours, but unfortunately no one has been waiting."

"No, this young hero has already been sucked out of at least 250cc of blood by mosquitoes, and now my butt is itching to death."

"Although it's hard work, it's worth it for the sake of being a hero. Please don't leave the audience. Let's see if I can catch those villains today!"


"Masters of the audience, look, there seem to be a few people over there, they are sneaky, are they planning to steal a car?"

"Look, what did they do, they are picking the car lock! Finally, finally, I waited here for almost 3 hours, my legs almost lost consciousness, finally let me wait for them!"

"Masters of the audience, let this young man show his kung fu now, teach this group of evildoers a lesson, and tell them that there is still justice in this world!"


"What are you looking at, kid, what are you looking at!"

"I'm going to fuck you so hot, why don't you tm show it to me!"

"Hit me, beat him to death!"


"Hey, you guys, when my legs recover, I will definitely let you experience my young hero's kung fu."

"Damn it, don't slap your face. I'm an anchor and I earn my living by my face."

"You guys sneak attack, don't talk about martial arts, ouch!"


"Wu De, you mb, dare to take a video, trample his phone for me!"


The video ends with a final bang, apparently crushing the phone.

"Ms. Zhou, you see, this is my client Zhang Xinyan!"

"Hmph, sensationalist stuff!"

Ms. Zhou snorted coldly, turned her head and was about to leave.

"Ms. Zhou, even though my client is stupid, he does tricks every day for a few fans, thinking that one of them will be popular!"

"Even he doesn't know, those few fans are robots automatically given by the website, and his videos actually don't have a single audience!"

"But he has always insisted on being a hero. For the justice in his heart, he can wait for more than three hours alone in the open-air parking lot at night, just to catch criminals like your son!"

"I know, you have money, and your money is 'hard-won', so you are cold and look down on them. But it is the people you look down on, but let your son pay for things that can only be repaid with a lifetime of freedom !"

"At this moment, I would like to call my client Zhang Xinyan a true hero!"

Zhang Wei's words echoed loudly throughout the detention center.

Unfortunately, Ms. Zhou didn't care about this and left without looking back.

Her pace was fast, and she left the detention center in a short while, as if she hadn't heard Zhang Wei's words at all.

However, Zhang Wei didn't say these words for her alone.

"Okay, we've finished talking, we've finished watching the play, it's time to go back!"


City Hospital, ICU.

"Zhang Wei, what did you say, say it again?"

"1.5 million settlement fee, and anyone who attacked my brother will go to jail!"

"Among them, the principal culprit surnamed Zhou has more than 10 criminal charges against him. According to my conservative estimate, he will spend his entire life in prison, and he probably won't be released!"

"Really, thank you so much Zhang Wei!"

Zhang Xinwu was so excited. After hearing the news, she couldn't help it immediately.

She jumped up, and then hugged Zhang Weilai tightly.

"Sister Wu, I just did what I should do, don't be so excited."

Zhang Wei said so, but there was an expression of enjoyment on his face.

It's just a tightness in the chest...

"Sorry, I'm so excited..."

Zhang Xinwu finally realized something, quickly pushed Zhang Wei away, and at the same time lowered her head shyly, her face was as red as a ripe peach.

Fortunately, Lu's mother is not here now. She has been taking care of Zhang Xinyan these days, and will go back to the martial arts hall to rest at noon.

"Enn woo woo!"

However, apart from Mama Lu, there was another audience member in the ward.

Zhang Xinyan was in pain, this time he was injured, not only was he useless, but his sister was also gone.

He looked at Zhang Wei with a look of annoyance, but unfortunately he couldn't get angry.

Because the compensation of 1.5 million has to be obtained through the other party.

But when I think that with 1.5 million, I can do a lot of things, and one of my dreams can finally come true.

The boredom in his heart will be replaced by the joy of getting the money.

"By the way, Miss Xiaowu, can I have a conversation with your brother?"

"Of course, he's fine now. Although the bones in his limbs haven't grown back and his mouth can't speak yet, you can say whatever you want!"

As Zhang Xinwu said, she gave Zhang Wei and her younger brother some space in a heartless way.

Looking at the person lying on the hospital bed, Zhang Wei sighed.

"Zhang Xinyan, I know your nature is not bad, but why do you refuse to be down-to-earth?"


Hearing that Zhang Wei was going to preach to him, Zhang Xinyan couldn't bear it immediately, and protested with his mouth.

"I know you are live broadcasting, and you want to become a hero, but have you ever thought that no one will watch your live broadcast at all!"

"Woo, woo, woo! (You're lying, there are obviously people)"

Zhang Xinyan protested again, and Zhang Wei even understood what he meant.

"The few viewers are not human, they are robots added by the live broadcast platform's own background, if you don't believe me, I can demonstrate it to you!"

Zhang Wei said, in front of the other party, took out his mobile phone and registered an account on Zhang Xinyan's live broadcast platform.

No information was filled in on the platform, the background and pictures were default, and I chose to activate the live broadcast.

The next moment, the live broadcast room appeared, and his number of viewers was 0.

But after a few seconds the number jumps to 5, then 10, then 15...

"Look, the number of your live broadcast room is 15, and the number of mine is also 15, is there any difference between you?"

Zhang Wei closed the live broadcast room as he said, and looked at the person in front of him with a smile.

At this moment, Zhang Xinyan cried.

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, and he couldn't stop them.

Zhang Wei's words, as well as the facts revealed, are too hurtful.

He worked so hard that he had to perform for the audience every day in wind and rain, but you told me that the audience was fake.

The original dozen or so audience members were all robots.

My live broadcast, I spent hundreds of live broadcasts day and night, but all of them were useless.

So sad!

"Look at it, it's not bad. Some live broadcast platforms don't use the number of people, but use the so-called popularity and pageviews. Even if there are no viewers, there will be hundreds of popularity by default. Then you will definitely be hurt more!"

"It's a big deal, you don't want these dozen or so 'viewers' anymore, just treat it as a restart of your life, and you also need a stable job!"

As Zhang Wei said, he patted Zhang Xinyan on the shoulder.

"By the way, Miss Xiao Wu told me that you seem to have passed the driver's license test, right?"

"Uh huh? (Yeah, but so what?)"

"Exactly, I can give you a hand. After a while, I will be short of a driver. If you think it is suitable, I can invite you to be my full-time pick-up driver. I will give you at least this amount every month."

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and stretched out his five fingers.

"Uh uh uh? (really)"

Zhang Xinyan shook his body with a look of disbelief.

"Of course, I'm about to become Jincheng's ace lawyer. It's not difficult to provide myself with a full-time driver, right?"

"Besides, if an excellent criminal defense lawyer doesn't have a bodyguard with strong martial arts skills, it seems inappropriate, right?"

Zhang Wei said, with a touch of confidence on his face.

Although he has not yet become an ace, he is confident that he will definitely be able to succeed this time.

"Zhang Wei, tell the truth!"

Zhang Xinyan had no way to agree, but someone was very happy, and that was naturally Zhang Xinwu.

She was so moved to hear that Zhang Wei not only helped herself get the compensation, but also brought the person who attacked her younger brother to justice, and finally helped her younger brother find a job.

"Xiaoyan, thank you Zhang Wei soon!"

She quickly lifted Zhang Xinyan up and bowed to Zhang Wei to thank him.

"Ahhhhhhh! (pain pain pain)"

Zhang Xinyan felt the severe pain in his body, but unfortunately he could only let out bursts of wailing, but he couldn't let his sister hear it.

And Zhang Xinwu was still immersed in excitement and joy, completely unaware that her younger brother was about to lose consciousness again.

Anyway, Zhang Xinyan passed out with a painful expression on his face, while Zhang Xinwu just glanced at the latter without any worries.

"Miss, the medicine is here!"

At the door of the ward, Lu's mother's voice suddenly sounded.

Apparently, after she went back to sleep, she also brought the special medicine that she had boiled over.

"Mom Lu, I'm coming!"

Zhang Xinwu hurried forward, took the medicine from Lu Ma, and walked towards Zhang Xinyan step by step.

"Mom Lu, come help, help this kid up and wake him up!"

Zhang Xinwu and Lu Ma then began to torture Zhang Xinyan again.

"Um uh uh uh uh uh... (Help me, help me, I don't want to take medicine)"

After Zhang Xinyan woke up, he howled miserably, and Zhang Wei immediately understood what the other party meant.

It's a pity that he understood what he understood, but he didn't intend to stop it in the slightest.

After all, good medicine tastes bitter, and it's all for your own good.

I'm still waiting for your driver to take office immediately after becoming an ace lawyer.

"I'm going to meet Mr. Lin this weekend. I hope I can become the ace lawyer this time!"

Zhang Wei checked the time, said goodbye to Zhang Xinwu and Lu Ma, and left quickly.

He still has to prepare for the weekend.

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