Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 242 Mrs. Lin, I want you to do something

Weekends, days off.

In the east, there are many old streets full of historical and cultural atmosphere. They are old alleys and old piers.

In this highly modernized city, people who are used to seeing skyscrapers like to go to these old streets for entertainment and experience the alley culture every weekend.

Walking into these old alleys, looking at the antique streets and the designs and products full of age, their hearts seem to have returned to decades ago.

When it comes to the old streets and alleys of Dongfangdu, Jinzifang is one of them.

Although it is not the most well-known place, nor is it the place where Internet celebrities come to check in the most, but this old alley located in the core area of ​​the inner ring is still lively on weekends.

"Well, compared to the few well-known online celebrity check-in spots, although this place looks low-key, it has a simple and restrained atmosphere!"

"The other more famous streets are all Internet celebrity landscapes deliberately created to show the style of the old era. Only here, it is not deliberate, but it shows passers-by like me all the time. bit by bit."

"It's obviously not revealed deliberately, but it makes people feel that it's not artificial. Maybe... this is the bottom line!"

Walking on the old street of Jinzifang, Zhang Wei just wanted to express his feelings.

The inner ring is high-end and upscale, so this place is low-key, simple and connotative.

"Look at the time. It's 2:20 in the afternoon. Xiaomeng said that her grandfather often visits a dessert shop here to drink the sweet red bean soup here. It should be this one!"

Walking in Jinzifang, Zhang Wei quickly found a dessert shop.

This store does not have a name, but the sign at the door says it sells dessert drinks, and the sign is sweet red bean soup.

"Wait for someone!"

Zhang Wei didn't rush into the store, but looked around, he was waiting for someone.

"Zhang Wei!" Suddenly, a joyful voice sounded from behind.

I saw Xia Qianyue, wearing a white loose sportswear, with her hair in a short ponytail, running over bouncing around.

Youthful and full of vigor.

"Hanhan, here we come!"

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Wei showed a happy smile.

You're here, aunt, I wouldn't dare to meet a big shot without you.

Calling Xia Qianyue to come is Zhang Wei's insurance.

Because the person he was going to meet this time was the father of the boss of Jincheng Group and the boss of Jincheng Law Firm, Mrs. Lin from the Lin family.

If Lin Xiangtian, the big boss of Jincheng Law Firm, and Lin Xiangrong, the chairman of Jincheng Group, are the top business giants in the Eastern Capital, they are the small group of people who can overlook the entire Eastern Capital from the peak.

Then Mrs. Lin is the real boss who has long since retired behind the scenes.

If Lin Xiangtian and Lin Xiangrong stomped their feet, the entire business circle of Dongfang Capital would tremble three times, so Mrs. Lin only needed one look to shake the entire business circle.

After all, who made him the real father of the Lin brothers?

And Zhang Wei is going to meet today, is such a number one person.

If such a person said that there were no bodyguards around him, he would not believe it.

So it was also Zhang Wei's insurance to bring Xia Qianyue, a girl with terrifying fighting power, to go with her.

In case one is not good, if I say something that I shouldn't say or do something that I shouldn't do, and offend Mrs. Lin, then I need to be stupid.

Of course, Zhang Wei didn't like to use this hole card either.

So he didn't tell Xia Qianyue what was going on today, but just invited her to go shopping together on weekends to relax.

After the Serious Case 7 team cracked the serial car theft this week, Xia Qianyue rarely had a weekend rest, so she readily agreed to Zhang Wei's invitation.

"Zhang Wei, I didn't expect you to take the initiative to ask me out!" Xia Qianyue came to Zhang Wei's side with an excited face, but after she finished speaking, she also showed a hint of girlish shyness.

"Who made you my future wife!"

Zhang Wei sighed in his heart, then his eyes skipped the other party's delicate face, and looked down slightly.

"Actually, going shopping with a rich woman is also something I like to do."

"No way, who is the rich woman?"


Zhang Wei chuckled, pointed at the slightly flat breasts of the people around him and joked: "Look at you, you have a private airport at a young age, what is it if you are not a rich woman?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xia Qianyue immediately lowered her head and saw what Zhang Wei was pointing at.

Hanhan: [○`Д○]! ! !

"Zhang Wei, you are looking for a fight!"

A black line appeared on Xia Hanhan's forehead, his five fingers clenched into fists, his silver teeth clenched, creaking.

She is angry, angry, and the kind that can't be coaxed well!

Xia Qianyue immediately swung her fist, making a gesture to strike.

"Hanhan, I was wrong, I invite you to eat dessert to atone for your sin!"

Zhang Wei quickly admitted his mistake, and at the same time pointed to the dessert shop in front of him, repeatedly begging for mercy.

He might kneel if necessary.

In order to survive, I will not kneel down...

"Hmph, my aunt won't forgive you easily, but for the sake of your good attitude, I will give you face!"

Xia Qianyue crossed her arms and assumed a haughty attitude of "I didn't forgive you", but she also took advantage of the opportunity to give Zhang Wei a step up.

Zhang Wei smiled and stretched out his hand, Xia Qianyue also took the latter's arm, and the two walked into the dessert shop.

Although the ridicule just now was made out of feelings, there is still work to be done.

Inside the dessert shop.

Even on weekends, it's a bit deserted here.

In the small space, there were four tables for the Eight Immortals, a gray-haired old man sat at one table, and a middle-aged couple in their forties sat at the other table.

The store owner brought a bowl of sweet red bean soup to the old man with a tray.

"Master Lin, the sweet red bean soup you want!"

"Leave it alone, I'll let it dry for a while before drinking!"

The old man waved his hand, and the store owner retreated wisely.

Looking at the old man, Zhang Wei's pupils shrank slightly.

"It's such a profound Qi-nourishing skill!"

Although this is an old man, there seems to be an invisible wall of air around his body, blocking the prying eyes of others.

All gazes looking at him will be blocked by the air wall, and finally people have to look away.

And the line of sight that can penetrate the air-permeable wall is full of sharp edges, and the old man will naturally feel it immediately.

Therefore, the old man turned his eyes slightly to the side, and his sleepy eyes suddenly became sharp.

It felt like a falcon soaring in the sky, locking onto the ignorant prey on the ground!

The eyes of the old man and Zhang Wei met in the air, and there was a faint trace of sparks splashing in the air.

The middle-aged couple at the table next to the old man suddenly clenched their hands into fists as if they had noticed something.

Xia Qianyue was snuggled up to Zhang Wei's side, but she also seemed to feel something at this moment, a pair of beautiful eyes flashed a flash of vigilance.

Her eyes were also locked on the middle-aged couple.

The latter two were originally focused on Zhang Wei, but when they sensed Xia Qianyue's aura, their expressions suddenly changed.


It seemed as if a tiger roared in his ears, and a beast appeared in his sight, staring at them.


The husband and wife looked at Xia Qianyue, and suddenly changed, becoming extremely vigilant.

The owner of the dessert shop watched the scene, but his legs trembled unconsciously, feeling a little weak.

"Little friend, tell the girl next to you not to show her breath, it will scare ordinary people!"

Suddenly, the old man spoke.

His eyes also turned away from Zhang Wei, and turned to Xia Qianyue.

With just a glance, the old man's pupils shrank slightly, a little inconceivable.

"I'm sorry, my stupid family is like this sometimes..."

Zhang Wei laughed, and pulled Xia Qianyue to sit on the third Eight Immortals table.

"Boss, give my girlfriend a bowl of signature sweet red bean soup!"

"Okay... okay... just a moment..."

The boss has not recovered from the panic just now.

God knows why he is afraid, why his legs and feet are weak.

But since the guest ordered dessert, he naturally had to do business.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, the boss served Xia Qianyue a bowl of warm sweet soup in just a moment.

"Hanhan, you eat first, I'll go say hello to this old man."

After Zhang Wei gave a word of advice, he got up straight and walked towards the old man.

Seeing this, the middle-aged couple at the next table wanted to get up.

But the old man shook his head imperceptibly, causing the two of them to freeze slightly, and then sat down helplessly.

Zhang Wei also took advantage of this opportunity to sit in front of the old man.

"Hello, Mrs. Lin, my name is Zhang Wei, and I'm from Jincheng Law Firm..."

"I know you, no need to mention it!"

Zhang Wei wanted to introduce himself, but the old man waved his hand suddenly.

"Surely my lovely silly granddaughter told you that I like to come here to drink sweet soup?"

"Xiaomeng is my lovely apprentice, she is a good seedling, she is not stupid at all."

"Hahaha, indeed, although this girl is stupid in trivial matters and has no common sense in life, she can still show the potential to be independent at certain times. She is indeed my granddaughter of Lin Jincheng!"

Hearing the old man's self-introduction, Zhang Wei's heart trembled slightly.

The old man's name is Lin Jincheng!

Jincheng Group and Jincheng Law Firm were originally named after each other.

This person is the founder and title holder of Jincheng Law Firm and Jincheng Group.

"But I'm also very fortunate that my granddaughter has found a good teacher!"

Lin Jincheng said, and then looked at Zhang Wei: "From your first case, I think you are not simple!"

"Lin Xiao, Tang Chunfeng, and Wang Yuqing, those were all cases when you were a public defense lawyer. I have to say that you are really competent as a public defense lawyer. Even though a case is only a small subsidy, you still do your best for them. Responsibility."

"After you joined Jincheng, you handled those few cases very well. Not to mention the moot court case where you won my stupid grandson's case, you made reasonable use of the power of the local prosecutor's headquarters in the case of revenge for that boy Ren Xinwei. , I thought you were desperately looking for black material on that little bitch, but I didn't expect you to come up with a more ruthless one!"

Hearing Lin Jincheng tell all the cases he had experienced, Zhang Wei was slightly shocked in his heart, but he didn't reveal anything on the surface.

"It's hard to imagine that you are just a law student who just graduated, and you are still in the one-year internship period. To be honest, you are fully capable of being an ace lawyer!"

Hearing Mrs. Lin suddenly said something serious, Zhang Wei couldn't help giving the old man a thumbs up.

What you want is your words!

"What Mrs. Lin said is that my strength is fully qualified to be an ace lawyer?"

"Hahaha, to be qualified is to be qualified, but it's another matter if you succeed!"

Lin Jincheng laughed, and then the smile quickly faded away.

"I know the purpose of your coming. You went to look for my second child before, and you were offended by his perfunctory attitude. You thought it was useless to look for him, so you came to me?"

"Master Lin, look at what you said, I just..."

"Don't deny it, in this Eastern Capital, nothing can be hidden from my eyes!"

Zhang Wei wanted to save Lin Xiangtian some face, after all, it was against the rules to say something bad about his son in front of his father.

But Lin Jincheng waved his hand directly and interrupted Zhang Wei.

"I admit that the second child of my family is a plaything and loses his mind. The second generation ancestor is a complete idiot. His level is just like that of a silly girl. Sometimes he can be a little reliable, but more often..."

When Lin Jincheng said this, he obviously didn't intend to criticize his son, but Zhang Wei understood.

I can't say enough about my son's fault, after all, my family knows my own affairs.

"So, you came to me because you think my son is unreliable?"

" are too direct..."

Zhang Wei hesitated for a while, and finally said calmly: "But what you said is true. The big boss plays golf every day and doesn't show his face much in the law firm. I don't think he even realizes the value of his employees!"

"I think that I can completely handle the matter alone. Not to mention the ace lawyer, it is also more than enough to be an independent lawyer in charge of a case!"

"You're right. I know who my second child is!"

Lin Jincheng nodded, with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

"Similarly, I also know about your strength. Even in Jincheng, your ability is considered one of the best, but..."

Zhang Wei's heart "thumped" for a moment.

Sure enough, he guessed it.

The corners of Lin Jincheng's mouth turned up slightly, but his voice was extremely indifferent: "If a random brat appears in front of me and dares to negotiate terms with me, where will I lose face, Lin Jincheng?"

"Master Lin, what do you mean, I'm not qualified enough?"

"That's right. Although you are a rising star, you have not entered my circle after all. The reason why I talked to you so much is because you have won so many lawsuits for Jincheng..."

Zhang Wei understood that in Lin Jincheng's eyes, he was a junior after all.

For a "big man" of his level, being able to condescend to talk so much with Zhang Wei is already giving enough face.

As for making requests, put forward conditions.

To sum it up with Lin Jincheng's attitude, you deserve it too?

Zhang Wei got up, ready to order himself a bowl of sweet red bean soup.

It's all here. Although the original purpose has not been achieved, it is not a loss to have a bowl of dessert.

"Wait!" Who knows, Lin Jincheng called Zhang Wei again.

"Although you are not enough to count, but for the sake of the younger generation of the Zhao family, I can give you a chance!"

"The Zhao family?"

Zhang Wei was slightly taken aback, which Zhao family?

Among the acquaintances he knew, the only one whose surname was Zhao was Lao Zhao, right?

"Boy, listen carefully. I, Lin Jincheng, have two sons. The eldest son, Lin Xiangrong, has mediocre qualifications, so we can only let him inherit the family business. The second son, Lin Xiangtian, is quite talented, but he has lost his ambition since he was a child. Let him be in charge of Jincheng Law Firm, but he plays golf every day, it can be said that these two idiots have disappointed me."

"However, my late wife adopted a adopted daughter in the early years. This girl is quite capable, she is very capable, and she is very proud of me. Jincheng Group can develop to the present, she has contributed a lot, and I am most optimistic about her. descendants."

"Sometimes I really feel that since my two sons are not up to the mark, it is better to let this girl take charge of the big Lin family business. At least after a hundred years from me, the Lin family will not decline!"

After Lin Jincheng finished speaking, he sighed again.

The only heir to the Lin family's family business did not satisfy him. On the contrary, the adoptive daughter was outstanding, which also made the old man very sad.

"Master Lin, you mentioned this because you want me to..."

Zhang Wei sat down again, and looked at the old man in front of him.

"Just recently, my adoptive daughter has encountered a little trouble that may affect her for the rest of her life, and I am looking for someone to help her solve the trouble."

"To be honest, I think it's most appropriate for you to solve this trouble!"

"Old Master Lin, may I take the liberty to ask, what trouble did your adopted daughter cause?"

"Hahaha, you will know this by asking my son. As for where he is, you should know it in your heart!"

Where Lin Xiangtian will be, of course it will be on the golf course.

"Boy, listen, as long as I bring my adoptive daughter back to Dongfang Capital, I, Lin Jincheng, can fulfill one of your requests!"

"Including making me an ace lawyer?"

"Of course, let alone a mere ace lawyer, if you can bring my adopted daughter back, even a partner will be fine!"

"Okay, I've accepted this task!"

Zhang Wei didn't even ask if there was any difficulty in this task, so he immediately agreed.

This is an opportunity!

Although he was used as a gunman, who would let this old man in front of him be his own big boss?

Too emperor!

"By the way, don't rush away. I've been drinking sweet red bean soup here for almost 40 years. You should try it too. But to be honest, I still like his old man's cooking better than this kid's!"

Lin Jincheng laughed, then pointed at the owner of the dessert shop.

After Zhang Wei thanked him, the owner of the dessert shop immediately brought him a bowl of sweet soup.

After drinking the sweet soup, Zhang Wei took Xia Qianyue and got up to leave.

Obviously, he was going to complete the task.

"Hmph, Xiaowan's matter is not that simple, it depends on whether you can do it!"

Lin Jincheng watched Zhang Wei leave with a flash of light in his eyes.

Then, he looked at the middle-aged couple at the next table.

"That girl just now, what is your fighting power? Why do you two look like you are facing a big enemy?"

"Master Lin, that girl is terribly frightening, she looks like a wild beast to me, a ferocious beast that chooses to devour people, or a ferocious beast!"

"Oh, so scary?"

Lin Jincheng was a little surprised, "The two of you were abroad in the early years, but you have been on the battlefield for a long time, and you have been a 'scavenger', right? Are you so afraid of even a yellow-haired girl?"

"Master Lin, we didn't expect that a little girl could be so terrifying, but the battle doesn't have to be a direct confrontation. If it's playing tricks, we have absolute confidence!"

"Hmph, that means you can't win in a head-to-head confrontation!"

After hearing this, Lin Jincheng naturally sneered.

The two of you have spent thirty years abroad, but you can't even beat a girl in her twenties who looks harmless to humans and animals?

What's going on?

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