Monday, a working day.

In the blink of an eye, two weeks have passed in May.

Although Zhang Wei won two cases in the past two weeks, he did not receive any money.

In the first week, I was busy with my uncle's case. How could I collect money for my family's lawsuit?

The second week was busy with Zhang Xinyan's case, helping Zhang Xinwu with the lawsuit, how could it be possible to collect money?

However, Zhang Wei's recent work center is not at the law firm.

In order to prevent the workplace PUA of the big boss of the law firm, he directly approached Jincheng's "Taishanghuang", and finally got a chance.

But now, he needs to cash in on this opportunity.

First of all, it is natural to understand the ins and outs of things.

However, Lin Jincheng did not elaborate on this matter, Zhang Wei must find someone who knows the situation.

Office of the Criminal Division.

"Old Tie, I'll go upstairs!"


Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun said something, and the latter was slightly taken aback.

"You kid is not going to meet the client, but the leader of the law firm?"

"No, the person I want to meet is not the leader, he is at a higher level!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the top of his head. The person he wanted to meet was not a partner of Jincheng Law Firm, but a top-notch person inside Jincheng.

Inside Jincheng Building, Jincheng Law Firm occupies 6 floors, and the remaining dozens of floors belong to Jincheng Group.

Of course, everyone is named Jincheng, and the two bosses are brothers. In fact, the law firm and the group are not separated, they are all brothers.

Now, relying on the badge of Jincheng Law Firm, Zhang Wei has entered the Jincheng Group.

And all the way up, straight to the top of the building.

Jincheng Building, top floor.

The space on the top floor is very open, except for a large conference room, there is only a large office with complete facilities.

In addition to the office area, there is also a rest area, a bedroom for sleeping, a washroom, and even a shower room and a bar.

This is the chairman's office and also the room of Lin Xiangrong, chairman of Jincheng Group.

But at this moment, the atmosphere in this office is also a little dignified.

Lin Xiangrong, the chairman of Jincheng Group, and Lin Xiangtian, the second director of Jincheng Group and the boss of Jincheng Law Firm, are all sitting here at the moment.

Lin Xiangtian rarely went to play golf, but came to his elder brother.

Compared to Lin Xiangtian's fat body, Lin Xiangrong's figure is in good shape, and he looks a little thin, like an honest man.

And behind them, there are still two young juniors standing.

One of them Zhang Wei still knows, is it Lin Yufeng, the young master of Jincheng Law Firm, who was beaten by Zhang Wei so helplessly in the moot court.

Lin Yufeng naturally followed his father.

And behind Lin Xiangrong, there is also a young woman in formal attire standing. She is also the daughter of the former, Lin Yuqing, the eldest daughter of three generations of the Lin family.

Lin Yufeng and Lin Yuqing followed their own fathers and stood quietly without speaking.

"Brother, why haven't you said anything for a long time?"

"Coincidentally, I'm still waiting for you to start first!"

After a while, the two brothers finally stopped being silent.

"Hey, let's stop being polite, brothers, let's get down to business!"

Lin Xiangtian sighed slightly, "What should we do about our sister?"

"The old man said that although Xiaowan was our mother's adopted daughter back then, after decades of getting along, she has long been part of our family!"

"Now that something happened to our younger sister, how can a brother not save him?"

Lin Xiangrong also sighed, "I understand the truth, but I just didn't expect that our sister would be involved in such a big matter!"

"Although this matter is our Lin family's family matter, I really don't know how to intervene when it comes to the law!"

"And, the most important thing is that she is not in Dongfangdu, but in South Island. We can only send someone to solve this matter. Is this considered an away game?"

"Indeed, this is not only an away game, but also a battle. The advantage is not on our side!"

Lin Xiangtian muttered, and then complained: "If you say Xiaowan is right, why did you go blind and fell in love with such a sexy thing, and now she will be killed by that bastard!"

"Okay, okay, second brother, let's think about who to send to the South Island. This sister must be saved. The key is inside Jincheng. Who can take on this important task?"

"Why don't I send Bai Meiqi over there? She is the trump card of my law firm's litigation department. She has rich practical experience and top court defense skills. If she is involved..."

When Lin Xiangrong heard about the candidates, he shook his head: "I remember that Bai Meiqi seems to be a business lawyer, and she is also good at business cases, not criminal cases, right?"

"By the way, doesn't your litigation department have a criminal team?"

"Don't mention it, this criminal group was created by me when I was competing for the chairman of the Dongfang Capital Lawyers Association. Now they are just a name, and there are only a few people in the group!"

Lin Xiangtian said with disdain on his face: "He Tie Ruyun is doing everything to be the team leader, can he be? He can't be, he doesn't have the ability to know!"


Lin Xiangrong also nodded.

Although he didn't know Tie Ruyun, but when he heard his younger brother say that, he just had to nod.

"Chairman, Second Director, someone wants to see you outside the door!"

At this moment, outside the office, the secretary knocked on the door.

"Who, didn't you see that my brother and I were in a meeting?"

"The man said his name was Zhang Wei, but he said he had something important to ask the chairman, and he also said... said..."

"What did you say?"

"He also said that he has an order from the 'Supreme Emperor', and he must meet the chairman and the second director today!"


The two brothers of the Lin family froze for a moment. They weren't filming a costume drama. What the hell is the Supreme Emperor?

Lin Xiangtian turned his head slightly and looked at his son.

Hearing that it was Zhang Wei who came, Lin Yufeng's expression was really grim, obviously thinking of the scene of being defeated in the moot court.

Not only did the client run away with someone, but he also lost to the other party in front of the whole law firm, which is a great shame!

"Zhang Wei!"

Lin Xiangtian rolled his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

"Zhang Wei, I seem to have heard of this name... But we are discussing important matters now, let him wait outside..."

"No, let him in!"

Lin Xiangrong wanted to ask the secretary to refuse, but Lin Xiangtian interrupted suddenly.

"Alright then, since you've said that, let him in!"

Since Lin Xiangrong also spoke, the secretary immediately opened the door of the office.

Soon, Zhang Wei walked in.

"As expected of the chairman's office of the Jincheng Group, with marble floors, a full set of mahogany custom-made furniture, leather sofas, cashmere carpets... and the scenery on the top floor outside the window overlooking the entire Oriental City, it's really grand!"

After commenting on the office, he withdrew his gaze from the large French windows and turned to the room.

He knew Lin Yufeng, and he also met Lin Xiangtian once.

"Could it be that this is Lin Xiangrong, the chairman of Jincheng Group, who looks quite honest. It's just like Mr. Lin said, his eldest son is really not capable. As for this woman, it should be his daughter Lin Yuqing, right? The name is ordinary, and the person is ordinary."

Soon, Zhang Wei commented on the Lin family.

"Zhang Wei, the lawyer of the Jincheng criminal team, met the two directors Lin!"

Zhang Wei said hello to the two, and then sat on the sofa calmly.

This move of his also made Lin Xiangtian and the two slightly taken aback.

You're so impolite, we didn't even let you sit, how dare you...

"You bastard, do you have any rules!"

Sure enough, Lin Yufeng couldn't bear it anymore.

As a partner of Jincheng Law Firm, I'm not even qualified to sit down in front of these two. You're a small lawyer, but he's not big or small.

"Rules, it also depends on who I represent?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, not caring about Lin Yufeng's scolding at all.

"Who do you represent?"

"Didn't I just say that, the Supreme Emperor!"

Seeing Lin Xiangtian asked a question consciously, Zhang Wei pointed to the top of the former's head.

"By the way, on the weekend, I went to Jinzifang to drink a bowl of sweet red bean soup. An old man surnamed Lin invited me to drink it. The sweet soup tasted really good. It tasted mellow, sweet but not greasy. An old store for more than ten years!"

Hearing this sentence, especially the information revealed in the words, both Lin Xiangtian and Lin Xiangrong changed their faces.

Good guy!

This kid is really a good guy!

They actually went to meet their father on the weekend!

Jinzifang, sweet red bean soup, and the grandfather whose surname is Lin is Lin Jincheng.

No wonder they say the Supreme Emperor, isn't Lin Jincheng the Lin Family's Supreme Emperor!

"You went to see my father?"

Lin Xiangtian's fat body sat up with a "crush", and the fat on his body trembled because of the large range of movements.

"Yes, see you!"

Zhang Wei sneered, God bless you.

I did this not because of you!

In order to prevent being PUA in your workplace, I went to see your father and got the other party's promise.

You dare to PUA me in the workplace, do you still dare to disobey your father?

Zhang Wei's trick is called asking God!

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, a landline in the office rang.

It was an old-fashioned telephone on the mahogany desk, and the sound was a bit harsh.

But when the phone rang, both Lin Xiangrong and Lin Xiangtian changed their faces.

"Quick, go answer the phone!"

Lin Xiangtian urged, and Lin Xiangrong quickly picked up the phone.

"Dad, it's me, Ah Rong!"

"Yes, yes, my brother and I are here!"

"It's not about Xiao Wan. We've been really worried recently. Look at me, I can't even eat well, and I've lost weight. My brother hasn't played golf these days, so we're also worried!"

"What did you say, you found someone named Zhang Wei?"

Lin Xiangrong glanced at Zhang Wei in surprise, and Lin Xiangtian's expression changed again.

Good boy, you really didn't lie!

You are so... daring!

"Ah, yes, he is right here with us!"

"He said he went to see you this weekend?"

"Ah, that's right, that's the dessert shop in Jinzifang, sweet red bean soup, the one you often took us to when we were young, I still remember it!"

"Okay, okay, I understand, Xiaowan's affairs will be handed over to him, it's okay, it's okay, I understand, I understand..."

Under a burst of apologetic laughter, Lin Xiangrong felt as humble as a grandson.

But who made the call, it was my own father.

Amidst a burst of apologetic smiles, he finally hung up the phone.

Then, he took a deep breath and tried to regain his dignity.

"That, Zhang Wei, right?"

Lin Xiangrong walked back to his seat again, but his attitude towards Zhang Wei changed immediately.

Became a little bit more polite, a little bit more pleasant.

"My old man has already told me about Xiao Wan's matter, please leave it to you, please make sure she is safe and sound!"

"Of course, I will definitely try my best!"

"Okay then, go and pack your things, we will arrange the Lin family's private jet for you, the sooner you leave, the better!"

"Ah, you still want to go out?"

"Why, the old man didn't tell you in detail?"

"No, he asked me to ask Lin Dong, that is, you two?"

Lin Xiangrong glanced at Zhang Wei, then at the phone.

"Okay, I get it!"

He told his daughter: "Yuqing, send Zhang Wei the summary of the case sent by the South Island Investigation Division, and then prepare some documents for him. The plane will take more than four hours to fly, so I have plenty of time to read on the road!"

"Okay, then come with me!"

Lin Yuqing didn't delay and got ready immediately.

"You boy, you must do it for me this time!"

Lin Xiangtian also stood up and warned Zhang Wei.

"Of course, Mr. Lin, I'm still planning to become an ace lawyer. I will definitely seize this opportunity!"

Zhang Wei responded, and left the top office with Lin Yuqing.

When Zhang Wei left, the expressions of the Lin brothers suddenly became strange.

"Father, uncle, that kid..."

Lin Yufeng wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Xiangtian waving his hand.

"Actually, it's good to let this kid out!"

Lin Xiangtian seemed to have let go of the burden on his body, and his whole body relaxed a lot.

"Xiaowan's case is actually a dead end. In my opinion, it's useless for anyone. We can only hope for the good when we dealt with the old man before. Now it's finally not us who are responsible. He helped us find a responsible person." of."

"Indeed, Xiaowan's murder is a certainty, and she still has a motive for committing the crime. That wimp will die. I didn't expect that now I have to drag another person to the back!"

"Zhang Wei, if he can help us, that's naturally the best. At least after the case goes wrong, the old man can only find him to vent his anger. After all, the old man chooses people himself, and we have no way to object! "

"That's right, since we've found the one responsible, we can rest assured!"

Lin Xiangtian and Lin Xiangrong seemed to be chatting at this moment, and their tone was much more relaxed.

After Lin Yufeng heard the content of the chat between his father and uncle, his expression also became smug.

It turned out that the case was a dead end. I thought Zhang Wei would get a chance to turn around, but unexpectedly he fell into the bottomless abyss.

He had also heard about this case, so of course he couldn't win.

"You boy, wait to die!"

"When you fail the case, you will bear the anger of our Lin family. My grandfather is Lin Jincheng, and his anger can definitely swallow you up!"

Lin Yufeng finally heaved a sigh of relief, and now he has a great revenge.

Although it was with the help of grandpa, it was considered revenge.

After Zhang Wei fails, he probably won't be able to return to the Eastern Capital.

"By the way, what if the boy succeeds?"

At this moment, Lin Xiangrong suddenly said something untimely.

"Impossible, impossible!"

Lin Xiangtian immediately waved his hands and shook his fleshy head: "This case is unsolvable and unsolvable. If this kid can win, I won't make any big claims, because it's simply impossible!"

"Although I feel a little sorry for Xiaowan, we can visit her in the South Island prison in the future. As a brother, it should be okay to give her some gifts during the holidays!"

Lin Xiangrong also nodded, and said with a sneer: "Who made her the adoptive daughter of our mother? Without my Lin family's blood, there is no way for us to treat her as a real sister!"

"This Oriental Capital belongs to our "Five Great Families" after all..."


That night, the airport.

"Second girl, I'm sorry, I have to go on a business trip. You have to take good care of yourself these few days. Try to eat as little as possible. If you really don't want to cook, go to the house of Xiao Wu next door to eat. I will help you. They won the lawsuit, and it's no problem for you to sit around for a few days, Lu Ma's craftsmanship is not my bragging rights, it's only slightly worse than your father and me."

"Hanhan, I'm going on a business trip for the next few days. It's the task arranged by the old man that day. I heard it's very difficult. I'll take care of myself. If you need anything, remember to call and say hello to my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Uncle and the others, help me find out. I had no choice but to slander his sexual orientation before. I actually realized my mistake. Remember to say hello to me, mua~"

"Jessica, I have accepted a mission. Once I complete it, I will be Jincheng's ace lawyer, so I want to hear your encouragement before I leave... Mmm, thank you, I feel that I am already full of energy, Wait for the good news of my victory, with your support and encouragement, I feel invincible!"

"Old Tie, I'm on a business trip for a few days, goodbye!"

After making four phone calls, Zhang Wei pulled out his address book again, edited a message of "Today's business trip to the South Island", and chose to send it as a group.

After doing this, he let out a long breath.

I don’t know how many days it will take to go to the South Island this time, so I really should inform all my friends.

After the notification, he walked into a luxurious private jet accompanied by the airport reception staff.

The plane took off quickly and headed into the sky against the night.

on the plane.

Zhang Wei finally had time to take a breath, and at the same time opened the file that Lin Yuqing gave him.

"First, look at the case summary!"

He turned to the first page and saw the information of his future client, Lin Xiangwan.

And in the column of case types, he saw a striking word.

Second degree murder!

"Good guy, it's homicide again. Who did she kill?"

"Let me take a look, it's actually her husband, this..."

Zhang Wei said, why did he receive such intractable diseases?

Can't you bring me a normal case?

After he complained, he began to look through all the information of the case.

As a result, the more you look at it, the more frightened you become, and the more you look at it, the darker your face becomes.

After waiting for 2 hours, he finally read the general information of the case.

"Fuck, this case seems unsolvable!"

After reading it, he finally realized that he seemed to have taken a very difficult case.

At the same time, he also felt that his ace lawyer was about to grow wings and fly away.

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