Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 244 The trip to the South Island, the opponent is a high-level prosecutor?

South Island.

The area south of Dragon Country, the largest island in the Southern Archipelago.

Nandao City is the largest city in the southern waters of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is also one of the most famous island tourist cities in the Dragon Kingdom.

The number of tourists received every year accounts for almost 1/4 of the total population of Longguo, and Nandao City is also known as the Pearl of the South China Sea of ​​Longguo.

As early as when Dongfangdu was in school, Zhang Wei heard that many young people yearned to travel to the South Island.

But what I didn't expect was that the first time I came to South Island was not because of tourism, but because of a case!

South Island, Mingyue District.

Inside a women's detention center.

Zhang Wei sat in the meeting room while looking up at the wall clock on the wall.

He has been waiting here for more than half an hour, but the person he wants to meet has not yet appeared.

"What's the situation with Lin Xiangwan? Why did you make me wait so long?"

Looking at the time again, Zhang Wei was helpless.

If it were him before, he wouldn't have such patience.

If the client or client dares to break the appointment, he will leave on the spot, because he least likes people who have no concept of time.

But now, this case is related to his ability to become an ace lawyer, so Zhang Wei showed enough patience and tolerance.

After another 5 minutes, the door on the other side of the meeting room finally opened.

I saw a woman in a detention uniform but with light makeup on her face walking over.

Although her complexion was a little weak, her makeup was surprisingly good, as if some working women dressed up specially to meet clients.

"What's going on, aren't you the eldest brother and the second brother?" Seeing Zhang Wei, the woman looked disappointed.

"So that's the case. I said why did you keep me waiting for so long. So you thought you were going to meet Lin Xiangtian or Lin Xiangrong today, so you dressed up specially!"

Hearing the woman's exclamation, Zhang Wei finally figured it out.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your defense lawyer, my name is Zhang Wei, and I'm from Jincheng Law Firm!"

Zhang Wei said, making a gesture of please.

"Ms. Lin, don't waste time, please sit down, I still need to know the situation of the case from you!"


Lin Xiangwan shook her head, but followed Zhang Wei's suggestion and sat down.

"The situation is that I killed my husband. Although I don't really remember the situation at that time, my fingerprints were on the murder weapon, and there were only two of us on the yacht at that time..."

Hearing what Lin Xiangwan said, Zhang Wei immediately took out the summary of the case in his hand and turned to the page of the murder weapon.

The murder weapon was a portable fire extinguisher, made of metal, with an obvious dent on the bottle.

The autopsy report of the deceased also stated that there were marks of blunt blows on the head of the deceased.

"I know that this fire extinguisher was the murder weapon that hit the dead man's head, and the dead man was your husband, but when you were questioned by the investigation department, you claimed that you didn't remember anything, right?"

"Yes, even now, I can't remember what happened at that time. My memory is very chaotic. There will always be some strange images flashing through when I sleep, but I don't remember them all when I wake up."

"Then let me retell the case!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the case summary in his hand, and slowly said word by word:

"On the evening of the 9th of this month, you and your husband Jia Shiqing set off on a yacht from the pier of the beach villa in Wangyue Bay and went out to enjoy the sea. On the morning of the 10th, you returned to the villa alone, but your husband was nowhere to be found."

"On the evening of the 10th, the Mingyue District Martial Arts Association received a report that a male body was found on the beach near Mingyue Port. It was your husband Jia Shiqing. After a forensic investigation, it was found that your husband was unconscious due to a blunt force blow and then fell into a coma. drowned in the sea and died of suffocation."

"On the morning of the 11th, the Criminal Investigation Division came to your residence for routine inquiries, and found bloodstains on the yacht that the two of you were sailing out to sea at that time, and found the murder weapon that bluntly hit your husband in the head-a portable fire extinguisher, the worst It was on the fire extinguisher that your fingerprints, and only yours, were found."

"24 hours later, the Criminal Investigation Division applied for an arrest warrant and arrested you for second-degree murder."

Having said that, Zhang Wei looked at Lin Xiangxiang again: "And your excuse is... you don't remember anything at that time?"

"I just don't remember anything. My head was in a mess those days. If my nanny hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't even remember the name Jia Shiqing!"

After hearing this, Zhang Wei sneered: "But from the perspective of me and other people, you want to use mental problems to get rid of the second-degree murder charge. Do you want the prosecution to charge you with manslaughter?"

"Murder and manslaughter, what's the difference, anyway, they are killing people!"

"That's not the same. Murder is a premeditated and motivated homicide, and manslaughter is a homicide without premeditation or even intention. The former is likely to be life imprisonment, with a maximum death penalty, while the latter, if the circumstances are less serious, can be punished within 3-7 years. You can come out, the gap between the years in prison is huge."

"Are you teasing me?" Lin Xiangwan sensed the joke in Zhang Wei's mouth, and her face immediately turned cold.

"Ms. Lin, I just think you haven't told me the truth, because the investigation department also invited a psychologist to give you an assessment report. They think that you have no mental problems. Apart from being a little tired, there is no abnormality. So examine Only then will you be charged with second-degree murder, not manslaughter or negligent death!"


Zhang Wei smiled again, "And that was murder. You told me that you don't remember anything. This is too exaggerated!"

"Ms. Lin, you are the business elite of the Jincheng Group. The third sister of the Lin family should have a strong psychological quality. It is obviously impossible to have "intermittent amnesia" because of being frightened, right? "

"Then what do you think I should say?"

Lin Xiangwan's tone became a little impatient.

He found that the kid in front of him seemed to be here to mock him, and he didn't have the consciousness to be his own lawyer at all.

"I only care about the truth!"

Zhang Wei raised a finger, "If you killed your husband premeditatedly, then I will persuade you to confess!"

"Even if Lin Xiangtian asked me to come to South Island to help his sister get rid of the suspicion of murder, I will not defend a premeditated murderer's innocence, I will only persuade the other party to plead guilty."

"So I want to ask clearly, Ms. Lin, please answer my question carefully after careful consideration!"

Zhang Wei's tone suddenly became serious, and his eyes looked at Lin Xiangwan.

"Ms. Lin, did you ever think about killing your husband Jia Shiqing?"

Gradually, seriousness flashed across Lin Xiangwan's eyes. She closed them, then opened them again, and then sighed.

"My husband is a novelist. To use the more popular words now, he is a deadbeat. He has worked hard for several months to write the manuscript, and he is full of confidence every time he goes out. As a result, no publishing house is willing to Buy his manuscript and publish it."

"He and I have been married for 3 years, and I have been raising him almost. Although he seems useless to me, and my two older brothers say he is a burden and useless, I never thought about getting rid of him. burden."

"Because I'm a strong woman, I don't think my other half needs to be very capable. Of course, people who are as incompetent as him are actually rare."

"Oh, it turns out he's a softie!"

Hearing this, Zhang Wei nodded, "If such a man can find a rich woman, there is still hope in this world, huh?"

"Lawyer Zhang, please be serious!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, just think I was joking just now, it's too serious here, let's ease the atmosphere."

As Zhang Wei said, he hastened to analyze it pretendingly:

"You're actually right. If you want to get rid of this wretch, there are a hundred possible ways. The easiest way is divorce. Jincheng Law has hundreds of excellent lawyers at your disposal. You don't need to use the most unwise way. Get rid of your husband."

"By the way, have you ever had intermittent memory loss before?"


Lin Xiangwan shook her head affirmatively, "The old man has always praised me for being smart and capable. If I have this kind of problem, how can it be possible for Jincheng Group's performance to increase every year?"

"Although I know it's not good to speak ill of my two older brothers, I think that my abilities are better than those of my two older brothers. If I'm not an adopted daughter, I'm confident that the heir of Jincheng Group will definitely be me!"

"Hahaha, well said!"

Hearing the confident words of the woman in front of him, Zhang Wei laughed: "Thank you for your frankness, Ms. Lin, I think you are right, your ability must be better than my boss!"

"What about my case?"

"Don't worry, I will take your case. As for how to help you, I need to learn more about the case, but I don't think it is very likely that you murdered your husband. There should be something else hidden in your case!"

"Lawyer Zhang, what shall we do next?"

"It's very simple. I'll help you apply for bail first. You can't help me in the detention center!"

The meeting between Zhang Wei and Lin Xiangwan is over.


at the same time.

Nandao City District Attorney's Office, a high-level prosecutor's office.

Lu Wenwen, a well-known senior prosecutor in Nandao City, is working at her desk.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" She didn't look up, but simply responded.

A female prosecutor who looked about twenty-six or seventeen and wearing thick frames walked into the High Prosecutor's Office holding a stack of documents.

"Lu Gaojian, I am Wei Min from the Mingyue District Prosecutor's Office. The case in my hand has been designated to be transferred to you. At the same time, my superior also asked me to assist you in completing the investigation of this case, so in the next period of time , I am your assistant in this case!"

"What kind of case is it that you need to dispatch the High Prosecutor to take charge, and you also need to send an assistant prosecutor to be my assistant?"

Lu Wenwen took the file from the person in front of her, and casually flipped through a page.

"It's Lin Xiangwan's murder case. Isn't your Mingyue District responsible for this case?"

"Yes, but just now, my leader asked me to come to you!"

Wei Min looked helpless, and smiled awkwardly: "Although I raised objections, thinking that I can take charge of this case independently, the leader seems to be ignoring my request!"

Lu Wenwen was a little puzzled, raised her eyes and asked: "The evidence in this case is conclusive, and it can even be said to be solid. You are not a new prosecutor, why can't you handle it?"

"This... I don't know either?"

The latter scratched his head, but smiled again: "But this is obviously not a bad thing. I have also admired Lu Gaojian's name for a long time. It is a rare opportunity to study under you for a period of time. My colleagues are all envious of me." Woolen cloth!"

After Lu Wenwen heard it, she didn't respond, because she had listened too much to the working committee.

Instead, she focused all her attention on the case at hand.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly, the landline in front of her rang.

"Hey, where is it?"

"Junior Sister, it's me, Lan Zhengye!"

"Brother Lan?"

Hearing the voice on the phone, Lu Wenwen was slightly surprised.

Because the person on the opposite side is a high-level prosecutor from the local prosecutor's headquarters in the Eastern Metropolis. Although she is at the same level as her, her side is the Municipal General Administration, while the other party is the Southern Headquarters.

What's more, Lan Zhengye has always been a powerful figure in school, and she, Lu Wenwen, used to admire him.

But I didn't expect that the two didn't communicate much after graduation, and I didn't expect that the other party would call today.

"Junior Sister Lu, you have to be careful about this case!"

"What case, you mean Lin Xiangwan's case?"

After Lu Wenwen thought for a moment, she understood the ins and outs of the whole matter.

Why Wei Min transferred the case from the District Prosecutor's Office to the General Administration, and why Lan Zhengye made a phone call all the way, it was all because of this case.

As far as she knew, Lin Xiangwan was from the Lin family in Dongfangdu, and Lan Zhengye was also in Dongfangdu, so the other party must be aware of the power of the Lin family.

Obviously, the Lin family will not let Lin Xiangwan just obediently plead guilty and go to jail, so they will send someone over to deal with this matter.

"Thank you brother for your concern, but I am confident that I will handle this case well. No matter how many people come to the Lin family, I will not be afraid!"

"No, I didn't tell you to be careful about the Lin family, I was the defense lawyer who told you to be careful about this case!"

On the other end of the phone, Lan Zhengye rubbed his forehead, and then said awkwardly, "This man's name is Zhang Wei, and he's a criminal defense lawyer from Jincheng Law Firm. He's very tricky!"

"Very tricky?"

"Yes, it's very tricky. I lost to him because of a case before!"

"Brother also lost?"

Lu Wenwen finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Lan Zhengye was a top-notch student in school, and after joining the prosecution, his record was even more remarkable.

Is this the kind of person who thinks a defense lawyer is tricky?

"Junior Sister, you have to be careful. According to the news I received, Zhang Wei has already set off for half a day, and I think he has already arrived in your South Island City!"

"Don't worry, brother, we can't lose this time!"

Lu Wenwen ended the call with Lan Zhengye, and at the same time wrote down the name "Zhang Wei" in her notebook.

She knew that this person would be her opponent in the next case.

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone rang again.

"What, bail court?"

"The defense lawyer has submitted a bail application. What's the name of that lawyer?"

"Zhang Wei, it really is him, he came so fast!"

Lu Wenwen put down the phone again, and then looked at the female prosecutor in front of her.

This is my next assistant.

"Come on, let's go to the bail court to meet Zhang Wei for a while!"


30 minutes later.

South Island City, Municipal Court Bail Court.

When Lu Wenwen brought Wei Min to the court, she happened to see Zhang Wei bringing Lin Xiangwan, who was fully dressed, coming here.

"Go, go up and say hello!"

Lu Wenwen took the lead and walked towards Zhang Wei.

On the other side, Zhang Wei has just submitted the materials and is about to say something to his client.


He had a slight sense, and looked to one side, and saw a woman in a black suit, about thirty years old, with her head almost raised, walking towards her.

"This posture looks like a prosecutor, and there is an assistant beside her. This woman is obviously not low-ranking, and she seems to be here for me."

"The level is not bad. She walks with style and is full of confidence. She should be the ace prosecutor who often wins cases... Judging by her appearance, she may be a senior prosecutor..."

While Zhang Wei was sizing up, Lu Wenwen brought Wei Min up to him.

"It's Lawyer Zhang Wei, right?"

"I'm Zhang Wei, who are you?"

"My name is Lu Wenwen, and I am the senior prosecutor of the Nandao City District Attorney General's Office. In Ms. Lin's case, the two of us happen to be opponents."

"Oh, so that's the case, Lu Gaojian, I need your advice on this case!"

Zhang Wei understood, it turned out that he was here for the afternoon.

And Lu Wenwen was also looking at Zhang Wei.

It looks ordinary and is very young!

Too young!

The defense lawyer in front of him looked really young, three or four years younger than Wei Min behind him, and looked like a rookie who had just graduated from law school.

Brother, did you make a mistake?

This was Lu Wenwen's first thought.

Because how could such a young lawyer cause trouble for Lan Zhengye?

"Wei Min, check the news in Dongfangdu, focusing on the names Zhang Wei and Lan Zhengye!"

She turned around and ordered, and Wei Min immediately turned on the phone to search.

Soon, the search results appeared.

Wei Min just glanced at it, and handed the search results to Lu Wenwen.

"It's actually true, and the photos match up!"

In the search results, photos of Zhang Wei and Lan Zhengye suddenly appeared, and the words "high inspection" and "failure" were written on the title.

This time, Lu Wenwen finally stopped being calm.

"Lin Xiangwan!"

At this time, the bail court finally called out Zhang Wei's case.

Zhang Wei hurried to the bail court.

"Go, let's go too!"

Lu Wenwen also brought Wei Min forward.

bail court.

"The defendant, Lin Xiangwan, is suspected of second-degree murder. Does the defense need bail?"

"Your Excellency, my client is the executive president of Jincheng Group. He has to deal with commercial orders worth hundreds of millions of dollars when he comes to South Island. There are still many tasks to be dealt with. These tasks can bring billions of profits to South Island City. , creating thousands of jobs, so expect a judge to grant bail?"

"What about the prosecution?"

"Your Honor, the defendant is suspected of murder, and all the evidence points to her being the murderer. Are you going to let a murder suspect step into the society? And she is not a native of the South Island, so she has the risk of absconding."

Lu Wenwen naturally refused to give an inch.

"Your Excellency, my client has her own house in Mingyue District, Nandao, and she promises that she will never leave Nandao City during the investigation of this case. Similarly, my client has a high reputation in Nandao City and is a An honest businessman, she donated tens of millions of charitable donations to the South Island City in the whole of last year alone."

As Zhang Wei said, he picked up a document and handed it to the bail judge.

"Your Excellency, this is a letter of guarantee signed by Chairman Lin of the Dongfangdu Lawyers Association. He guarantees in the honor of the chairman of the Dongfangdu Lawyers Association that my client will never commit any illegal acts during the adjudication of the case!"

The bail judge originally wanted to give Lu Wenwen a little face, but after seeing the "very heavy" guarantee provided by Zhang Wei, he immediately changed his mind.

"After consideration, this court believes that the risk of Ms. Lin Xiangwan absconding in fear of crime is extremely low. In addition, with the letter of guarantee from the president of the Oriental Metropolitan Lawyers Association as a reference, this court approves Ms. Lin's bail in court. As for the amount of bail, since President Lin guarantees, this court The court allows Ms. Lin to guarantee her personality!"

Seeing this result, Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction.

Lu Wenwen, who was next door, narrowed her eyes, sensing the difficulty of the person in front of her.

As expected of the person who frustrates her senior brothers, she really has a few tricks!

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