Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 245 Lin Xiangwan and Jia Shiqing, Hell Difficulty!

As the judge hammered the hammer, Lin Xiangwan was released on bail.

In the passageway of the court, Zhang Wei and Lu Wenwen walked side by side.

Lin Xiangwan followed Zhang Wei, Wei Min followed Lu Wenwen, and the two became followers instead.

Although the latter is indeed a follower, the former is the client of the case.

"Lawyer Zhang, your performance is very good!"

"Lu Gaojian, this is the first round of competition, you don't just want to flatter me, do you? Your method is a bit cheap!"

"I, Lu Wenwenke, don't need to use this kind of method. You guys can't win anyway!"

After Lu Wenwen finished speaking, out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Lin Xiangwan who was following behind the two.

"I believe my client is innocent!"

Zhang Wei admitted that when he said this, his confidence was somewhat lacking.


Lu Wenwen and Wei Min also laughed, but they couldn't control it.

Although they are all professional prosecutors, well-trained, they don't laugh easily.

But after hearing Zhang Wei's words, they couldn't hold back anymore.

In a murder case with fingerprints on the murder weapon and only the murderer and the deceased at the scene of the crime, you told me that the murderer was innocent, you really laughed to death.

"Well, I wish Attorney Zhang can maintain such an optimistic mood during the trial!"

Lu Wenwen left behind a scene, and left directly with her temporary assistant Wei Min.

Lin Xiangwan and Zhang Wei were also preparing to leave the city court.

"Lawyer Zhang, where do you want to live?"

"The law firm asked me to come here as soon as possible. On the plane, I have been reading the case summary and related documents. I don't know if they have arranged a place for me to live?"

"Otherwise, you can stay with me. The investigation department did not block my home because it is not the scene of the crime."

As Lin Xiangwan said, he glanced at Zhang Wei again: "If you don't mind that I'm a murderer, I can let you live for free until the case is over, and I won't charge you a penny in rent!"

"Of course I don't mind!"

Zhang Wei naturally agreed.

It's not because of the rent of a few dollars, Zhang Wei is not such a vulgar person.

He agreed because Lin Xiangwan's villa was said to be the famous Moon Bay in Mingyue District, and it was a famous bay villa in the entire South Island.

Such a house is impossible to live in even if you want to live in it on weekdays. Since the other party let me live for free, there is no reason not to go.

As for Lin Xiangwan's identity as the "murderer", Zhang Wei said that this is a small problem.

He has been fighting criminal cases for nearly forty years, and he has come into contact with too many suspects, many of whom are 10,000 times more brutal than Lin Xiangwan.

"My assistant is here!"

Just at the gate of the city court, an extended commercial vehicle drove slowly and parked in front of the two of them.

"Boss Lin!"

Inside the car, a female secretary with golden waves stepped down.

This woman's appearance is also at the upper-middle level, and the most outrageous thing is her plump figure, which is very predictable.

"This is my personal assistant, Xiaoli. When you go back, you can tell her what daily necessities you need, and she will help you purchase!"

After Lin Xiangwan gave an order, she went straight to the car, while the female assistant opened the door for her.

When Lin Xiangwan walked into the car, a strange light flashed in Xiaoli's eyes, but it quickly faded away.

"Hi, I'm Wang Li, you can call me Xiaoli, may I ask who you are?"

"I'm your boss' defense lawyer, Zhang Wei from the Criminal Team of Jincheng Law Firm!"

"Lawyer Zhang, right? You can save my number. If you have anything, you can text me. I'm on call 24 hours a day!"

As a conscientious female assistant, Xiaoli showed her professional attitude.

"24-hour standby, really awesome!"

Zhang Wei looked at the wavy female secretary in front of him in surprise. The other party's eyes were big, and she seemed to be smiling at him.

But he was immediately alert in his heart and shook his head.

She always felt that there seemed to be something unspeakable about this female secretary.

Although this is just his intuition.

Zhang Wei and Xiao Li also boarded the car at the same time, and the driver immediately set off to the destination, Moon Bay.


South Island.

Mingyue District, Wangyuewan Villa District.

As a famous bay villa in Mingyue District, Moon Bay has a very good location.

The whole community is close to the sea, with lush greenery and spring.

Especially the large garden at the entrance of the community, when spring comes, it is really colorful and green.

Unfortunately, green is not a good color.

Especially for the... stock market.

"Ms. Lin, you were born as a stockbroker, then became a risk control investor of Jincheng Group, and finally became the CEO?"

In the car, Zhang Wei and Lin Xiangwan chatted.

Only then did he learn that Lin Xiangwan was originally a stockbroker, and her performance ability was quite good.

"Of course, if I don't start from the grassroots, how can I grasp the market!"

When Lin Xiangwan talked about her career, she was rather proud and complacent, "If it weren't for this, Mr. Lin would not have taken a fancy to me."

"After my stepmother died, my two stepbrothers actually didn't like me very much. In the end, my stepfather resisted everyone's arguments and let me stay in the Lin family!"

"Master Lin's vision is very accurate!"

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement.

If this master has a bad eye for people, he probably won't get this opportunity himself.

Just knowing people and making good use of this point, this old man is much more powerful than his two stupid sons.

Soon, the villa arrived.

Lin Xiangwan's villa is very beautiful. Although there are only two floors on the ground, as a bay villa, the most outstanding feature is the sea view.

After Zhang Wei got out of the car, he followed Lin Xiangwan into the villa.

There is a maid named Zhang Ma on the grounds of the villa.

Zhang Wei glanced at it, and found that Zhang Ma was an honest person, with a timid and cautious personality, but she was considerate in her work.

Lin Xiangwan was in the detention center for the past few days, but the villa was well organized.

Since the deceased Jia Shiqing also lived on the second floor of the villa, Lin Xiangwan arranged for Zhang Wei to live in the guest room on the first floor.

Although the villa occupies a large area, there are only two large bedrooms upstairs and two guest rooms downstairs, plus a nanny's room, there are only 5 rooms that can accommodate people.

After Zhang Wei arranged the salute, he immediately went to the pier behind the villa, where the yacht that was the scene of the crime was also here.

Although it is clear that the crime took place on a yacht driving on the sea, it is a pity that this point cannot be restored, and there are no witnesses in this case.

When Zhang Wei came to see the yacht, it was just for peace of mind.

He knew that the yacht must have been turned upside down by the criminal investigation department and the on-site evidence team, and it was impossible for him to find any hidden clues.

Lin Xiangwan's yacht is not big, except for the driver's cab, there is only one Class A that can accommodate six or seven people.

Zhang Wei stood on the deck, looking carefully at his feet.

"There are slight traces of fighting, which is also in line with the description in the case summary. While at sea, Lin Xiangwan and her husband Jia Shiqing had a conflict, which developed into a physical conflict!"

"There are no traces of fighting in the cab, which means that the only place where the two had friction was the deck. They should be docked somewhere in the sea, but I don't know why there was a conflict?"

"This is also in line with common sense. The two people should have accumulated a lot of conflicts on weekdays, and then they went to a place where no one is on the sea, and suddenly they quarreled!"

"if it is like this……"

In Zhang Wei's mind, such a scene was simulated.

A man and a woman, newly married couples, suddenly quarreled over trivial matters, and then turned into a fight.

Both of them are not professional martial arts masters, and they don't know any moves and routines, so they can only wrestle together without any rules.

While beating, Lin Xiangwan picked up the portable simple fire extinguisher at hand, and hit Jia Shiqing's head.

Jia Shiqing, who suffered a severe blow to his brain, lost consciousness immediately, staggered and fell off the deck, fell into the sea and died of suffocation.

The next day, on the morning of the 10th, his body was washed up on the shore of Mingyue Harbor by the sea. After being discovered, he reported to the police, and the investigation department immediately found Lin Xiangwan.

Later, the investigation team found bloodstains on the yacht, and at the same time saw the depression on the fire extinguisher, and identified it as the murder weapon.

At the same time, the on-site forensic team found the fingerprints on the fire extinguisher, and the owner of the fingerprints was Lin Xiangwan.

The ins and outs of the whole matter are very clear.

"Looking at it this way, it is an undeniable fact that Lin Xiangwan killed Jia Shiqing!"

Zhang Wei already understood that no matter how powerful he was, he still couldn't deny it in court.

"Then here comes the problem!"

But he quickly found his blind spot.

The first question is about Lin Xiangwan's amnesia.

An executive president who is in charge of Jincheng Group's business expansion and came to Nandao City to explore the market. If she is a person suffering from intermittent amnesia, it is impossible for Jincheng Group's board of directors to trust her.

This shows that before coming to South Island, Lin Xiangwan had no problem!

"How long has she been in the South Island? I think it's about a year..."

Zhang Wei recalled the contents of the documents he saw on the plane, and confirmed that it was only a little over a year since Lin Xiangwan came to the South Island.

It seems a bit of a coincidence that the problem of memory degradation has occurred for more than a year.

The second question is the conflict between the deceased Jia Shiqing and Lin Xiangwan, or...

"Who gave Jia Shiqing the courage to do something to Lin Xiangwan?"

Zhang Wei couldn't believe that Jia Shiqing, a street novelist, had the guts to do something to his strong-willed wife.

Could it be that the husband and wife have been feuding for a long time?

But even so, Jia Shiqing didn't have any reason to do it.

Because Lin Xiangwan is Lin Jincheng's adopted daughter and the CEO of Jincheng Group.

She has two older brothers named Lin Xiangrong and Lin Xiangtian.

Presumably even Jia Shiqing should understand how much weight these characters add up to.

But why did he dare to do it?

Even if Jia Shiqing was really stupid in writing, he wouldn't be so ignorant of common sense.

"Could it be that he was forced to move his hand?"

So how bad did Lin Xiangwan say to stimulate such a person and make him act without any scruples?

Or to put it another way... In fact, he already had a killing intent in his heart, so after a slight quarrel, the killing intent in his heart was released?

Anyway, Jia Shiqing's attack on Lin Xiangwan was Zhang Wei's guess, and he had to find evidence to prove this before he could help himself.

"If you use the opponent's first strike as a defense idea, then it is a legitimate defense!"

justifiable defense!

Justified defense again!

In Fang Yunshu's case, Zhang Wei used self-defense as a defense.

In the case of Zhu Tianying, this woman tried to deceive the world by creating the illusion of self-defense.

Now it was Lin Xiangwan's turn, and Zhang Wei had to use self-defense again to clear her of the murder suspicion.

"To prove a legitimate defense, we need to prove that Jia Shiqing intended to murder Lin Xiangwan, but here comes the problem..."

Zhang Wei looked distressed, because his client lost his memory and couldn't even remember the details of the incident.

If she can remember clearly, she can also testify in court.

Although it is likely to be attacked by the prosecution, at least she can tell the jury that Jia Shiqing made the first move.

If you lose your memory, there is nothing to prove.

"Just think of these two questions for the time being!"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked out of the yacht.

There must be no clues on the yacht, otherwise the people from the investigation department and the forensic team would have found it long ago.

They even took the parts of the yacht with them. They probably took them apart and searched them. Zhang Wei left alone.

"Next, let's go to Jia Shiqing's room on the second floor!"

Zhang Wei glanced at the villa and determined the second search location.

Inside the villa, a room on the second floor.

"This is his room, and next door is his meditation room, where he thinks about the plot of the novel when he writes the novel Calvin!"

Lin Xiangwan was very polite and brought Zhang Wei to the door of Jia Shiqing's room.

Although this house was owned by Lin Xiangwan, she treated Jia Shiqing very well. She not only reserved a big bedroom for him on the second floor, but even provided a lounge next door.

Of course, for Jia Shiqing, the author of street novels, it is a meditation room for researching ideas.

In Jia Shiqing's room, Zhang Wei searched for a while, but unfortunately he didn't find any useful clues. Instead, he found a lot of waste manuscripts of the novel.

""Big Cousin Wilderness Adventure", "Steampunk 1077", "Witcher 3", "Eldon's Beast" are all messy book titles, and they look like street books!"

Looking at the pile of waste manuscripts in his hands, Zhang Wei said that Jia Shiqing's imagination is quite abstract, and he can write in any genre.

He casually flipped through one of the pages, wanting to see if Jia Shiqing was up to scratch.

For a novelist, looking at a person is like reading a book, and reading his works is also tantamount to getting to know the person.

""Elden's Beast" tells the story of a dead warrior who suddenly resurrects, hunts monsters alone in the vast land, and finally defeats the world's rules..."

"What the hell is this, the protagonist doesn't have a companion?"

"I was either used as a tool or beaten along the way. I died hundreds of thousands of times during the journey, and I was resurrected again and again and was killed again. It's so boring to watch!"

Zhang Wei threw away the pile of waste manuscripts, the next one.

""Big Cousin in the Wilderness Adventure", my boy, is still a chronology. It tells the story of the protagonist and his family's happy enmity in the wild Northwest region, and wantonly roaming the wild land. It's a pity that the ending turned out to be a tragedy!"

"Nowadays readers are very fragile. You actually write a tragedy. It's so simple. It's no wonder they can accept it!"

Zhang Wei has only read two books, and he has no interest in these waste manuscripts.

It can only be said that this guy deserves to rush to the street, and what he writes is all shit!

"Now it is said that writing novels is a development copyright, but as far as these contents are concerned, no one will want them!"

Zhang Wei muttered, and entered the meditation room next door from the room.

This room is not very big, there is only a cushion in it, and a soft carpet on the floor, other than that, there is nothing else.

"I asked Zhang's mother just now, and she said that the investigation department focused on the master bedroom. Although the meditation room was also investigated, it seemed that they did not pay much attention."

"But that's right, the crime took place on a yacht, and they probably wouldn't waste manpower and material resources on these places."

"Especially this meditation room, it's too simple, it's really emptying everything..."

Zhang Wei roughly scanned the meditation room, but found no problems, so he could only end his search and evidence collection.

He planned to go to Mingyue Port tomorrow morning, maybe he could find other clues near the scene where the body was found.

Of course, this possibility is not great.

After all, the investigation department has assistance dogs. Could it be that a human's nose is stronger than a dog's?

Zhang Wei secretly thought it was a pity, if he knew this earlier, he should have brought Hanhan with him.


at the same time.

South Island City, Attorney General's Office.

Lu Wenwen was looking at the computer screen, and the item in the search bar above was the word "Zhang Wei, the capital of the East".

"This Zhang Wei has some skills. Every time he gets involved in a big case, he also helps the parties find evidence to exonerate him!"

There is a saying that knowing yourself and your enemy will win every battle. It is very necessary to know your opponent before going to war.

In particular, her senior brother from the same school called to remind her that Lu Wenwen felt that it was necessary for her to study Zhang Wei's routine.

Boom boom boom!

But a knock on the door interrupted her concentration.

"Lu Gaojian, the court has officially accepted the case, and the court will start this Wednesday!"

Wei Min completely became Lu Gaojian's assistant. After knocking on the door, he reported the news from the court.

"Well, I see!"

Lu Wenwen waved her hand, ready to continue studying Zhang Wei.

Seeing this, Wei Min didn't intend to continue disturbing her.

"Wait, who is the presiding judge?"

"Hey, I didn't take a closer look, just wait a moment, I'll make another call and ask..."

Wei Min quickly picked up the phone and walked to the corner, and soon communicated with the court.

"Lu Gaojian, the judge of the city court is in the same family as you. It seems to be called Lu Zhengting. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Lu Wenwen was taken aback when she heard the name.

"Yeah, it's really a coincidence, because he is my father!"

Wei Min was also stunned when he heard the explosive news.

Nima, isn't this too a coincidence?

The daughter is the supervisor of the case, and the father is the presiding judge of the case?

It seems that the defense lawyer will definitely apply for an extension, and will also ask to replace the judge!

"It seems that this case cannot be concluded in a short time!"

Lu Wenwen shook her head and could only sigh.

Could it be that the defense lawyers can still agree to this ridiculous personnel arrangement?

That doesn't mean that he will definitely lose, the other party can't be so stupid, right?



Moon Bay Villa.

Not only Lu Wenwen received the call from the court, Zhang Wei, as the defense, will also receive the court's notice.

"Wednesday, right?"

"The presiding judge is called Lu Zhengting. It's such a coincidence that he has the same surname as the lead prosecutor of the case, Lu Wenwen. They won't be related, right?"

"What, what did you say, say it again... Lu Wenwen is Judge Lu Zhengting's daughter?"

"Good guy! This...couldn't the trial become...difficulty in hell..."

When he hung up the phone, he also froze in place.

But then, he gritted his teeth and thought of one thing.

"No, my time is precious!"

"If this case was in Dongfangdu, I would definitely object, but here is the South Island, where I am not familiar with. The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for me!"

"It doesn't matter if the judge and the prosecutor are father and daughter, this blood relationship may become my advantage, at least it can restrain them from covering up!"

"Okay, since that's the case, then I have no objection to the personnel arrangement, and choose to start the court as soon as possible!"

Soon, Zhang Wei made a choice that all lawyers could not understand.

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