Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 246 Using the Media? You really don't want to change judges?

Wednesday, pre-trial day.

City of South Island, City Court.

When taking Lin Xiangwan's extended commercial vehicle again, Zhang Wei was not in a good mood.

Because today is Wednesday, which is the day for the preliminary trial of the case.

It was also because he learned about the relationship between the presiding judge and the chief public prosecutor in this case, and because he did not have the key evidence of the case in his hands.

All these are telling him that this case is very difficult to solve.

To sum it up, the difficulty has reached hell level!

When they came to the gate of the court, countless media reporters flocked to the court.

"President Lin, may I ask why you killed your husband Jia Shiqing?"

"It was rumored that Jia Shiqing cheated in marriage, is this the reason for you to kill someone?"

"Boss Lin, may I ask if you had a quarrel with Jia Shiqing, so you killed someone out of excitement, or was it planned for a long time?"

"I heard Mr. Lin kept saying that he lost his memory. Is this true, or do you want to use your mental state as your excuse?"

"The one beside Mr. Lin is your defense lawyer, but I heard that he is not a local law firm in the South Island. Could it be that Lin always has a guilty conscience and needs to call a lawyer from other places?"

"Mr. Lin, do you know who your husband cheated on?"

"Boss Lin..."

Zhang Wei found that no matter where they are, the questions of media reporters are always so tricky, and they will never show mercy.

These questions will obviously irritate Lin Xiangwan, but the media will not take care of the emotions of the questionees.

If possible, they even wished to chase Lin Xiangwan 24 hours a day to ask questions.

If you are not ruthless, how can you get the news?

In the media industry, whoever has the most powerful information can become famous!

Whoever can become famous can make money!

This is common sense.

Under the siege of the media, Zhang Wei and the driver acted as bodyguards, protecting Lin Xiangwan and his assistant Xiaoli, and walked towards the gate of the city court.

Zhang Wei said that at such moments, he misses a certain Hanhan very much.

If she can get out, none of these reporters can get close to them.

Finally, Zhang Wei and the driver brother finally sent Lin Xiangwan and Xiaoli to the door after exhausting their breastfeeding strength.

By this time, they were already sweating.

"Lawyer Zhang, aren't you coming in?"

Just as Lin Xiangwan was about to walk into the city court, she found that Zhang Wei hadn't accompanied her.

"No, I still have one more thing to deal with, and this matter depends on the power of the media!"

Zhang Wei nodded towards the former, and then walked towards the media reporters at the gate of the court.

Lin Xiangwan was a little curious, and she often dealt with the media, so she knew that these people were wolves.

When you succeed, they treat you politely, but when you fall off the altar, they turn into hungry wolves and chase you to bite.

Yao thought that when she first came to the South Island, she urgently needed attention, but the media ignored her.

Later, relying on Jincheng's resources and her professional vision, several lucrative investments were made.

This group of media turned into licking dogs and frantically chased her to report. Her news dominated the headlines every day. At that time, the media's attitude towards her was no different from that of licking dogs.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the accident happened, the attitude of the media changed suddenly. Those media who had worked with her issued statements one after another, saying that the cooperation between the two parties was over and everyone would be passers-by in the future.

The meanness and selfishness of the media, all of which are based on hot traffic and interests, are undoubtedly revealed.


Lin Xiangwan was equally curious, why did Zhang Wei need to use the power of the media?

At the gate of the court, Zhang Wei came out.

When the media reporters saw Lin Xiangwan walking into the court, they gave up at first, but when they saw Zhang Wei walking out again, they gathered around again.

"This lawyer, are you Mr. Lin's defense lawyer?"

"May I ask what kind of defense you plan to defend for Mr. Lin, is it a defense of innocence or guilt?"

"Boss Lin killed someone, and you still want to defend her, is it because of the high lawyer fees?"

"For money, to help the murderer, may I ask if your conscience is okay?"

Well, Zhang Wei admits that he will never like the media.

These reporters' questions almost portrayed themselves as unscrupulous lawyers with no conscience for money.

"Ahem, friends from the press, I'm not very good at answering your questions, because this case is still under trial. For the specific details of the case, please refer to the information released by the court!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's first words, the reporters all rolled their eyes.

If all the reports were based on the information disclosed by the court, they would have drunk the northwest wind long ago.

Because the public can also search for this information on the court's official website, what's the point of reporting it?

What they want is not these, but fierce news!

"Maybe you don't know, I'm not a local lawyer in South Island City, but I was surprised and shocked when I heard the news yesterday!"

There are big news!

The reporters were all battle-tested, and when they heard what Zhang Wei said, they all pricked up their ears.

Obviously, the lawyer is ready to break the news.

"What's the news?" A reporter immediately asked a question, and other nearby reporters also followed suit and moved closer.

"Actually, whether this issue is big or small, the presiding judge of this case seems to be called Lu Zhengting. Personally, I think he is not suitable to be the presiding judge of this case?"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, the reporters all "cut".

That's it?

Is this considered wild news?

"Judge Lu is the criminal judge of the Municipal Court. Is it normal to hear this case?"

"Yes, Judge Lu's reputation is not bad, what's wrong with trying this case?"

"Judge Lu has been a criminal trial judge for nearly 30 years, and he has tried many major cases before. It's normal for you to come from out of town and not know, but I can tell you that Judge Lu is definitely qualified to be the presiding lawyer!"

"That's right, Judge Lu is not suitable, I think he is very suitable!"

The reporters from the media have turned to Zhang Wei, looking angrily.

Obviously, standing at the gate of the city court, they naturally showed an attitude towards the judge.

After all, it is someone else's land, so I have to lick it!

Zhang Wei was not annoyed at all by the media reporters. On the contrary, he was extremely calm.

"Ahem, of course I am not questioning Judge Lu's professionalism, and you all said that I am from another place and I don't know much about local judges, so I am not suitable to comment on judges."

"But, I happen to know the chief prosecutor of this case, her name is Lu Wenwen, and I also know that Lu Wenwen and Judge Lu Zhengting seem to be..."

When Zhang Wei said this, he gave the media reporters a smile, and then walked into the city court without looking back.

Some things don't need to be pointed out.

On the contrary, only two names need to be reported, and countless media people will frantically interpret it, and make up a lot of things in their crazy brains.

Zhang Wei knew that he only needed to name Lu Zhengting and Lu Wenwen, and leave the rest to the media.

"Lu Wenwen?"

"Isn't the Mingyue District Prosecutor's Office in charge of this case? I remember Wei Min is the procurator in charge of the investigation?"

"I seem to have heard some news that the case was handed over to the Municipal Prosecutor's Office. I didn't expect it to be Lu Gaojian!"

"Strange, this is considered news. The case was handed over to the General Administration. We can find it out with a little research, right?"

"Speaking of which, Gaojian Lu and Judge Lu are both surnamed Lu, they are not a family..."

"Fuck, they really seem to be a family!"

The reporters suddenly realized that Lu Wenwen's father seemed to be Lu Zhengting!


In an instant, all the reporters were not calm.

The father is the presiding judge in the daughter's case!

The father is presiding over the case, and the daughter is the chief prosecutor!

Huge news!

What a surprise!

"Who dares to fight this case, isn't it 100% to lose?"

"Nonsense, father and daughter are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut gold!"

"Judge Lu Gaojian Jialu, don't talk about gold, silver, copper and iron, diamonds will be smashed for you!"

"The arrangement of the city court is obviously a mistake in the work. Hurry up and go back and write the report!"

"Why do you go back, you must grab the first hand, and you can directly type on the phone!"

"Quick, quick, my bluetooth external keyboard, my hands are hungry and thirsty!"

Not to mention how excited the reporters outside were, Zhang Wei had already returned to the court preparation room.

"Lawyer Zhang, are you using the power of the media to put pressure on the court to change the judge?"

Lin Xiangwan also saw the scene where Zhang Wei wanted to break the news to the reporter, so she naturally wanted to ask a question.

Zhang Wei's goal should be to get the court to replace Lu Zhengting, so as to buy more time, and maybe the case will turn around.

"No, I have no intention of changing judges at all. I just want to use the power of the media to put pressure on Judge Lu."

"If he makes a judgment in favor of the prosecution in court, he has to consider whether the media will think he is favoring his daughter!"

"I just want some controversial issues to give myself an advantage through the pressure created by the media, that's all!"

Zhang Wei denied Lin Xiangwan's guess.

Just kidding, my time is precious, how can I replace the judge.

After the change of judge, the case will have to be rescheduled, which may delay another few weeks.

I, Zhang, became an ace lawyer one day later, and all I lost was money!

"Let's go, the pre-trial time is coming soon, let's go to the court first!"

Zhang Wei glanced at the time, and immediately urged him again.

In Lin Xiangwan's case, the Nandao City Court specially opened the large court, and the hearing booth can accommodate 100 people.

But this case has great influence, and Lin Xiangwan is a celebrity in Nandao City, so the 100 seats in the hearing stand are obviously not enough.

Even for the preliminary hearing, the hearing booth is full of people at the moment.

When Zhang Wei led Lin Xiangwan into the court, he happened to see Lu Wenwen and Wei Min appear from the other side of the corridor.

"Lu Gaojian!"

"Lawyer Zhang!"

The two nodded slightly, although their attitudes were cold, they were considered greetings.

The two parties walked into the court, and countless people in the hearing booth looked sideways.

"This is Lu Gaojian, the trump card of the Nandao City Court!"

"Have you heard that the presiding judge in this case seems to be Lu Gaojian's father?"

"I've heard that too. To be honest, no one thought that the presiding judge would be Judge Lu Zhengting. He didn't mention that he participated in his daughter's case, but he also served as the trial judge. Isn't this too coincidental?"

"Who says it's not, the defense lawyer will definitely put forward an opinion!"

"Nonsense, if you don't comment on this, are you still waiting to lose?"

There was also a lot of discussion in the hearing booth.

Both Zhang Wei and Lu Wenwen heard it, and their expressions were different.

Both the prosecution and the defense were seated separately.

Zhang Wei and Lin Xiangwan took their seats with calm expressions.

Lu Wenwen and Wei Min sat next to each other, their expressions worried.

"It's a coincidence that the court is scheduled to let Judge Lu to hear this case. Prosecutor Lu, I guess the defense must raise an objection immediately!"

"Of course, this is also his job. If he raises an objection and wants to postpone the trial, this is also a reasonable request, and we have no way to stop it."

Hearing Wei Min's complaint, Lu Wenwen's expression was much calmer.

After all, it was also because the court did not know the case was handed over to her in the first time, so there was a mistake in the selection.

It depends on how the defense lawyer will take advantage of this loophole.

Generally speaking, the other party will definitely raise objections immediately.

"stand up!"

Just when everyone in the court had different thoughts, Ting Wei finally spoke out.

This also means that the judge is here!

Lu Zhengting is a middle-aged man who is not tall but has a dignified face.

His steps are steady and his face is serious, this is the impression he gives to others.

Of course, judges give people the impression that they are basically serious and unsmiling.

Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief after just a glance, because he could see that this judge was a person who valued principles and traditions more.

Lu Zhengting sat on the trial seat, then scanned the audience, and lingered for a moment on the prosecution seat.

There is no way, he is also very helpless as his daughter is sitting in the courtroom.

"Ahem, before this court announces the start of the preliminary trial, there is one thing that must be explained!"

Lu Zhengting cleared his throat, then looked at the defense bench, and asked loudly:

"Attorney for the defense, have you confirmed receipt of the previous court notification documents, as well as the notification phone number?"

"Of course, Your Honor, I have received them all!"

"Well, this court understands!"

After getting Zhang Wei's affirmative answer, Lu Zhengting said again: "Then do you know that this court and the chief prosecutor of this case, Prosecutor Lu Wenwen, are father and daughter?"

"I know!"

"Well, this court announces that since the prosecutor and the presiding judge in this case are blood relatives, in order to avoid the judgment affecting judicial justice and avoid suspicion, if the defense objects, this court will immediately replace the presiding judge according to the defense's request. Judge……"

Lu Zhengting's announcement did not surprise everyone.

On the contrary, if he doesn't say this, everyone will feel that there is a problem.

"Attorney for the defense, obviously you have already cleared up the situation. This court asks you, do you need to file an objection?"

Although Lu Zhengting thinks this question is superfluous, how could the prosecution not raise objections, but the necessary process still needs to be followed.

"Ahem, Your Excellency, the defense..."

Lu Zhengting packed his things subconsciously and prepared to get up and leave the table.

"...The defense has no objection!"

"Oh... wait, what did you say?"

On the judging seat, Lu Zhengting's eyes widened, and his buttocks which had just moved away sat down again.

Similarly, on the prosecution's bench, Lu Wenwen also opened her eyes wide.

Wei Min next door shook his head, suspecting that he might have heard wrong just now.

The defense, did you say you have no objection?

No way, no way, is it because of too much work pressure recently that my hearing has problems?

"What, do I need to repeat that?"

Zhang Wei saw many people showing astonished expressions, and immediately got up and announced: "Well, let me say it again, the defense has no objection to Judge Lu Zhengting as the presiding judge of this case!"

no comment!

This time, everyone heard clearly.

Zhang Wei did not raise any objections, and even stated it again to ensure that no one heard it wrong.

"Cough cough cough. Defense lawyer, can you say it again?"

Because of surprise, Lu Zhengting almost lost his breath, and immediately asked again.

"Your Excellency, why are you surprised? If we don't raise an objection, don't we just believe in your professional ethics?"

"We believe that Judge Lu is an upright judge who values ​​fairness and justice and will never bend the law for personal gain!"

Zhang Wei not only answered again, but also licked the judge by the way.

Of course, in addition to the compliment, there is also a hint of threat in this remark.

Zhang Wei's implication: You and your daughter are in the same court. If you do anything to favor the prosecution after the trial, be careful that others think you are bending the law for personal gain!

"Since... since the defense lawyers do not raise objections, then this court can only continue to serve as the presiding party!"

Although Lu Zhengting didn't understand, since Zhang Wei had no objection, he couldn't leave the meeting either.

After all, those who should have the most opinions have agreed, and he has no reason to let the court change the judge.

"Since that's the case, then the pre-trial will continue. Please both parties state their arguments in court, shall we?"

Although Lu Wenwen was surprised by Zhang Wei's "uprightness", the work still had to continue.

"Judge...Your Excellency!"

Looking at her father in court, Lu Wenwen's expression was also slightly awkward.

She took a deep breath, made a slight adjustment, and continued: "The prosecution believes that in this case, the defendant Lin Xiangwan murdered her husband Jia Shiqing with solid evidence, and hopes that the court will rule on the defendant's crime as second-degree murder!"

Lu Zhengting looked at his daughter, nodded, and then looked at Zhang Wei.

"Your Excellency, the defense believes that my client, Ms. Lin Xiangwan, is also a victim in this case. The investigation department found some traces of conflict on the deck of the yacht where the incident occurred. It is very likely that my client was acting in self-defense."

"The defense believes that the prosecution did not complete all investigations of reasonable doubts, ignoring the possibility that our client attacked her husband Jia Shiqing out of self-defense, which led to the latter's death."

Lu Zhengting glanced at Zhang Wei in surprise.

"You mean, you want to plead not guilty on the grounds of self-defense, and at the same time you want to point out that there are mistakes in the prosecution's allegations?"

"Yes, Your Honor, although I know that even you may not believe it, my client is probably innocent, and as her attorney, everything must be in her best interests, and the defense requests a plea of ​​not guilty !"

"This court understands!"

Although Lu Zhengting didn't understand, he also took note of Zhang Wei's arguments in court.

He could only say to Zhang Wei, you are such a good guy, how dare you speak nonsense with your eyes open like this!

Not only that, Zhang Wei also acted in front of the real father, saying that he wanted to pick a thorn in his daughter's work, which was simply provocative.

"Please come in, the jury candidates!"

Lu Zhengting rubbed his forehead, signaling to the court guard that the jury could be seated.

As the jurors walked into the jury box one by one, the pre-trial was finally getting to the point.

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