Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 247 Chatting in court and stealing wallets?

(Busy Monday, get up early to code...)


Court scene.

In front of the jury seat, Lu Wenwen was talking eloquently.

"Murder is always unforgivable, especially murders between husband and wife. Most of them are impulsive crimes..."

The candidates for the jury, listening to the speech of the person in front of them, all nodded subconsciously.

"Lawyer Zhang, where is the prosecution?"

"She's taking advantage of the questioning opportunity to hammer out her arguments to all potential jurors, as is the old practice of the prosecution."

"In the jury selection process, I can't raise objections, so she can use every opportunity to speak, even if it is some slightly misleading testimony, they will say it."

Lin Xiangwan frowned after hearing this: "Then let her speak like this?"

"Of course not, I will find an appropriate opportunity to interrupt!"

Seeing what Zhang Wei said, Lin Xiangwan felt a little relieved.

However, she looked at Lu Zhengting on the trial seat, and then at Lu Wenwen who was speaking impassionedly, and she always felt bad in her heart.

After all, the opponent this time is a real father-daughter team!

"...It is true that as everyone knows, the defendant in this case, Ms. Lin Xiangwan, is a well-known female entrepreneur, successful businessman, and famous investor in my South Island city, but she is also a murder suspect."

"The difference between her and other murder suspects may be that she is very rich. She is backed by the Jincheng Group, a large enterprise in the Eastern Capital, so she has a lot of money to hire a powerful lawyer to defend herself, such as... ..."

Lu Wenwen was still speaking, and looked at the defense bench.

"Cough, cough, Your Excellency, I think it's time for Prosecutor Lu Gao to ask questions, and it's still in the pre-trial stage; can these opening statements be completed after the official court session?"

Just when Lu Wenwen was about to take someone into surgery, this person made a prediction in advance.


Lu Zhengting also nodded subconsciously.

Daughter, you are too much, you can use these little routines normally.

In your father's court, you should at least restrain yourself, otherwise the media might not know how to interpret it.

Connivance, shelter?

Anyway, Lu Zhengting didn't want the media to talk about him like this, even if there were no such things, he still had to take precautions in advance.

"The prosecution, what is going on now is to screen the jury. Please ask questions as the public prosecutor, thank you!"

"Okay, Your Honor, I'll ask a question right away!"

Lu Wenwen quickly lowered her posture, and then turned to the jury box.

"Jurors, if you think you can't be fair and just in this case, you can apply to leave!"

The jurors looked at each other in blank dismay, and some people looked around once or twice, but none of them left the seat.

"Well, I will assume that everyone can be fair and just."

After Lu Wenwen organized the language, she began to ask questions: "Now, please imagine such a scene. If you return home after a day's work, you find that the house is a mess, the floor is full of garbage, the bedding in the room is scattered, and the kitchen dishes and chopsticks are scattered all over the place. Land, and your husband or wife has already passed out on the sofa, what would you have thought at that time?"

"Ma'am, what would you do if your husband was home hungover during the day and he made a mess in the house?"


The woman was selected by Lu Wenwen, and she pointed at herself in surprise.


"If I were to, I might go up and slap him!"

"What if he does this every day?"

"Then I'll slap him every day!"

"You never thought about doing more drastic things, such as divorce, or..."

Lu Wenwen turned her hands around, her eyes became strange.

She believed that the other party knew what she was going to say.

"Divorce, I might consider it..."

The woman thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "But I definitely won't do anything more drastic!"

Lu Wenwen was very satisfied with the woman's answer, she couldn't help but nodded and said, "Your Excellency, we accept this juror!"

"Sir, now I would like to ask, if your wife had the above behavior, what would you do?"

"Ahem, me?"

The person being asked this time was a man who looked to be in his thirties.

"In my case, maybe I will teach her a lesson, such as punishing her to do housework well!"

"Really, what if she refuses to change after repeated admonition?"

"I might spend a little more time continuing to educate her?"

"What if you still refuse to change after repeated admonitions and scold you for meddling in your own business?"

"Then I can't bear it anymore, I will severely..."

The man almost nodded, but he finally took a look at Lu Wenwen and braked suddenly to hold back.

However, his reaction was also seen by the latter.

"Your Honor, we reject this juror!"

The judge waved at the man, but the latter had no choice but to get up and leave the table obediently.

On the prosecution table, Wei Min was seriously taking notes.

Regarding Lu Wenwen's speech, she wrote down everything verbatim, and at the same time showed a thoughtful expression.

At the defense table, Lin Xiangwan was also thinking.

However, she felt that instead of groping slowly by herself, it would be faster to ask the professionals around her.

"Lawyer Zhang, what is the purpose of the other party's question?"

"It's very simple. The prosecution intends to screen out those who are easily swayed by emotions."

Zhang Wei looked at Lu Wenwen, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and analyzed: "The prosecution's question is actually very targeted, because in this case, it is assumed that you killed your husband. This is a fact, and no one can deny it."

"So, when the prosecution asked just now, it wanted to screen out some people who might act agitatedly because of emotions. These people might understand and sympathize with you. The prosecution wants to exclude this point."

"The question she asked is easy to understand. The sloppy life of the husband and wife makes you unbearable, so will you end up doing irrational things because of the backlog of long-term conflicts? In summary, you are in the case with you behaves alike."

Lin Xiangwan nodded. It turned out that the prosecution's purpose was this.

"That lawyer, will you ask questions?"

"Of course I will. I asked the prosecution to ask questions first, but it was just to give way to her. After all, this is an away game, so I have to give the home team some face."

Zhang Wei said, but his eyes were fixed on Lu Zhengting who was sitting on the trial bench.

The key to this case has to be the person on the trial bench. The other party should not make a move to favor his daughter, right?

"Your Honor, we reject this juror!"

After one more impulsive juror was screened out, Lu Wenwen finally stopped asking questions.

"Defense lawyer, it's your turn!"

Reminded by Lu Zhengting, Zhang Wei got up slowly and walked to the jury seat.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Wei, the defense lawyer, nice to meet you all!"

"By the way, did you all watch the evening news yesterday? There was a news thief who was so funny, I was so happy!"

As Zhang Wei said, he suddenly leaned in front of a woman and asked with a smile: "Sister, did you read the evening news yesterday, isn't it funny?"

"Yeah, it's very funny, and my family members enjoyed it!"

"Brother, did you read yesterday's news? In the evening episode, I'll tell you about the classics of thieves!"

"It's okay, but it may be that you are young and have a low laugh point. I don't think it's funny."

"Sir, did you read yesterday's news?"


As soon as Zhang Wei came up, he chatted with the candidate jury about the evening news like a chatter.

This scene also exceeded everyone's expectations.

This looks too...not serious!

"Your Excellency, what is the defense lawyer doing? What kind of place does she think the court is? This is not for him to chat!"

Sure enough, Lu Wenwen couldn't bear it immediately, and stood up to object.

Lu Zhengting glanced at her, and then at the reporters in the hearing booth.

"The prosecution and the defense have the right to ask any questions during the pre-trial session. Although his question...although it feels like chatting, there is nothing wrong with it. Please bear with me!"

Seeing that her own father did not accept the opinion, Lu Wenwen had no choice but to sit down resentfully.

Seeing Lu Zhengting's concerns, Zhang Wei finally smiled in his heart.

Sure enough, Lu Zhengting was concerned about his relationship with the prosecutor, not only to be fair, but also not to be blamed, and he was quite tolerant of himself on some minor issues.

"Sir, did you watch the evening news yesterday, isn't it funny?"

"There was no funny news last night, on the contrary, there were many reports about your client!"

"Oh, exposed!"

Seeing that his joke was exposed, Zhang Wei immediately laughed and admitted it.

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the jury were stunned.

Feelings, you didn't see the evening file, how dare you blackmail us?

"Your Excellency, the defense asked this juror to leave the meeting because he had read a lot of reports about my client. The defense believed that he could not be fair and just. At the same time, the defense accepted jurors No. 7, No. 9, and Juror No. 15. I think they have absolutely no problem!"

Lu Zhengting nodded towards the man, and the latter had no choice but to leave the table.

Then he made another note, adding three jurors to the jury list.

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he walked back to the defense stand and gave up the stage again.

"Lawyer Zhang, what is your question?"

"I know what you want to ask, and I can tell you why!"

Zhang Wei guessed Lin Xiangwan's question, and replied in a low voice: "Actually, the question I asked just now was to find some people who can be influenced by others, such as the few I selected. They obviously haven't watched the evening news, but they are still affected My influence, pretending to have seen it, means that they are easy to change their positions."

"Now your case is almost conclusive. If the jury is as unshakable as the last one, then the case will be suspended. Do you understand?"

"So it is!"

Lin Xiangwan understood immediately, secretly thinking that although Zhang Wei's question looked stupid, she didn't expect the intention to be so deep.

She thought that Zhang Wei went up for the effect of the show and wanted to liven up the atmosphere.

I didn't expect that he was pretending to be crazy and foolish on the surface, but he actually had other deep meanings!

Before the jury seat, Lu Wenwen asked a few more questions and screened out several jurors.

Soon, she gave up the stage again.

"Defence, do you have any more questions?" Lu Zhengting reminded Zhang Wei again.

"Lawyer Zhang?" Lin Xiangwan, who was sitting next to Zhang Wei, also approached in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I still have a trick, and I can also screen the jurors I need!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and walked to the jury seat again with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry everyone, I made a joke with you just now, I need to apologize to everyone here!"

Many people in the jury were slightly surprised.

Although the joke just now was embarrassing, but when it comes to apologizing, it's not enough, is it?

Isn't it just a common joke?

"I'm really, really sorry!"

Zhang Wei apologized seriously.

Many jurors subconsciously waved their hands.

Not so, not so...

"Really, I think this apology is very necessary, because after coming to court, I bumped into the jury team, and during this time I stole a certain juror's wallet..."

When Zhang Wei said this, many people in the jury were stunned.

They subconsciously searched for their pockets, the inside of their clothes, and other places where they hid their wallets.

There were only a few people who remained unmoved. For God's sake, they seemed sure that Zhang Wei would not be able to steal his wallet.


"Is my wallet still there?"

"Nimma, lied to us again!"

The next moment, the jury finally realized that this kid was lying again!

Fuck, they got scammed twice today by a lawyer!

Zhang Wei looked at the jury box with different performances, and then walked to a man.

"Sir, you don't seem to respond to my joke?"

"Of course, do you think I'm as stupid as these people around me?"

This person's speech immediately annoyed several jurors sitting next to him.

"Ahem, Your Excellency, the defense thinks that the juror's speech is too extreme, so I implore him to leave!"

"This court approves!"

The man left the jury box immediately.

"Ma'am, why are you so calm?"

"In what era is it now, who still uses a wallet? I always pay with my mobile phone."

"I see……"

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes and glanced at the woman again.

"Your Honor, the defense also asks this lady to leave because she doesn't like my jokes."

The corner of Lu Zhengting's mouth twitched, and he wanted to reprimand Zhang Wei, this court scene is no joke.

But in the end he held back, and shook his head at the woman, motioning for the latter to leave.

In this way, 12 jurors were finally finalized.

"Very well, now we have a jury, let me check the time!"

Lu Zhengting opened the notebook, then glanced at Zhang Wei, then at Lu Wenwen.

"Lawyer for the defense, this court is just free tomorrow. I wonder if you can accept the court session tomorrow. If you don't want the court session to start so soon, I can adjust the time again. I'll see if I wait until next week..."

"No need, Your Excellency, the defense does not want to delay the progress of the trial. The trial tomorrow is fine, and we have no objections!"

"Are you sure, are you in a hurry tomorrow?"

"Your Honor thinks it's okay, and I'm sure I'm fine too!"

"I didn't force you."

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, the defense agrees to open the trial tomorrow!"


After repeatedly explaining to Zhang Wei, Lu Zhengting felt that he had fulfilled all his obligations.

"Since neither the prosecution nor the defense raised any objections, the court announces that the court session will start at 1 pm tomorrow. Please be sure not to be late!"

As the gavel fell, the court time was officially finalized, which will be tomorrow.

"Lawyer Zhang, isn't this time too fast?"

In the defense seat, Lin Xiangwan felt something was wrong.

"No, it's not fast at all. I've handled all the cases that were pre-trial in the morning and trial in the afternoon. I think the timing of this case is very reasonable!"

Zhang Wei smiled lightly with a calm expression on his face.


Lin Xiangwan no longer knew how to answer, so she could only sigh helplessly.

On the next table.

"Lu Gaojian, why do I feel that the defense lawyer looks like a fool?"

Wei Min finally found a chance to talk to Lu Wenwen.

At her level, she obviously couldn't see the intention of Zhang Wei's question.

"Don't take it lightly, this Zhang Wei is not easy!"

Although Lu Wenwen didn't see the intention of Zhang Wei's question, she knew that her senior brother was defeated by the other party.

Therefore, we must be cautious and cautious!

"When I get back to the office, I have to make another phone call with my brother!"

"I don't know if the senior brother has a girlfriend in the East. I have to ask. It's not because of other things, but pure curiosity."

"However, prosecutors like us have more than a dozen cases to deal with on average every month. How can we have time to talk about relationships? It's too tiring!"

Lu Wenwen thought about it, and felt that it was very necessary for her to contact Lan Zhengye again.

Of course, this is all for work and nothing else.

The court was dissolved and the prosecution and the defense left separately.


at the same time.

Oriental Capital, Jincheng Group Building.

In the top office, the two brothers of the Lin family also got together.

"Yeah, okay, I see, keep watching the courtroom and report to us as soon as there is any situation!"

Lin Xiangtian hung up the phone, and then looked at his elder brother Lin Xiangrong.

"Honestly, I think even if you bring in 100 lawyers, 99 of them will say there's no need to fight!"

"What about the rest?"

"He probably didn't even bother to say anything, so he just picked up his bag and ran away!"

When Lin Xiangtian said this, a hint of ridicule emerged from the corner of his mouth.

He is the president of the Oriental Metropolitan Lawyers Association, and he has a huge network of contacts throughout the southern legal community.

It is easy to arrange a few people to pay attention to the case in Nandao City.

Therefore, he knew everything about his adopted sister's case and the court's movements.

"So difficult?"

Lin Xiangrong on the side was also surprised, "Can that kid win?"

"Can't win!"

Lin Xiangtian shook his head immediately, and said with a sneer, "Let's not say that the opponent is the High Prosecutor. That kid has won the High Prosecutor. The point is that the judge's problem is bigger!"

"The judge again?"

"You probably wouldn't have guessed that the judge is actually the prosecutor's own father!"

"This... all this?"

"Of course, why didn't that kid raise an objection? Not only that, but he also cooperated in the whole process, and actually let the father and daughter go to the same court!"

"How do you fight this?"

"Yeah, there's no need to fight, it can't be fought, it doesn't matter whoever comes!"

Lin Xiangtian waved his hand, as if the result had been decided.

"Xiaowan's case is going to be lost, then our father's place...isn't it?"

"Don't worry, there is always someone who is responsible. Since that kid volunteered, he must be responsible for the blame. We don't have to bear the old man's first round of anger!"

"I can rest assured that!"

The two brothers of the Lin family breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Anyway, the case was lost, and the blame couldn't be shared with them.

There is a brat who will help them take the blame.

As for the chances of winning this case...

Two words: Hehe!

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