Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 254 Can the court broadcast this? (4500 monthly ticket plus change)

in court.

Defense cross-examination begins.

This time, it was Zhang Wei's turn to meet Wang Li face to face.

Since Wang Li chose "one mistake to the end", then Zhang Wei also understands.

This time, either you die or I die!

"Okay, first question!"

Zhang Wei raised a finger and said with a smile: "Secretary Wang, I would like to ask you about last Friday's trial, you still acted as a stand for my client, why did you change your mind after only a weekend? "

Although Zhang Wei knew Wang Li's purpose, he still had to ask some questions about the scene.

"Because I chose to stand on the side of justice!"

When Wang Li spoke, she glanced at the prosecution chair, giving people the illusion that she was moved by the justice of the prosecution, and that's how she "returned from the wrong way".

Zhang Wei also had to admit that among the women he had met, this one had pretty good acting skills.

At least it was much better than the woman named Zhu Tianying I met in the last criminal court.

"Choose to stand on the side of justice?"

Zhang Wei finally couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, well said, choose to stand on the side of justice!"

He took two steps back and forth, and then slapped the wooden railing in front of the witness stand, "Isn't it because you made a deal with the prosecution?"

"Objection!" Lu Wenwen stood up suddenly and interrupted Zhang Wei.

"An objection?"

Zhang Wei frowned and looked at the former with a smile.

"Defense attorneys are making meaningless assumptions and harassing witnesses..."

"Your Excellency, if the witness and the prosecution reached a certain deal, the defense actually has the right to ask questions about it, because the deal reached by the prosecution and the witness may be unfavorable to our client, so I need to clarify whether the deal It will affect the fairness and impartiality of the testimony of witnesses... As for the harassment of witnesses, if I ask the question of compliance and legality, is it also considered as harassment of witnesses?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands and looked at the trial seat.

Lu Zhengting hesitated for a moment, then shook his head at Lu Wenwen.

"The objection is invalid and the defense can continue to question."

Lu Wenwen's face darkened and she could only sit down.

However, her complexion quickly recovered, and she smiled again after sitting down.

"Let's jump, you can only jump now, and when your client is sentenced to life imprisonment, you won't be able to laugh."

From Lu Wenwen's point of view, Zhang Wei's behavior at the moment is simply a clown, dying!

That being the case, she was quite "magnanimous" and decided to let someone continue to dance for a while.

Without Lu Wenwen's interference, Zhang Wei was finally able to ask another question.

"Secretary Wang, have you reached some kind of agreement with the prosecution?"

Wang Li glanced at the prosecutor's seat, but Lu Wenwen didn't respond, so she could only answer helplessly: "Yes!"

"The content of the transaction is that if you testify against my client, the prosecution will grant immunity to your crime?"


"To what extent is it specific? Is it complete immunity for the crimes committed by you, or immunity for your failure to report the bribery crimes committed by my client? Is it the former or the latter?"

Wang Li glanced at Lu Wenwen again, who nodded slightly, indicating that you can answer this question.

"It's... the latter!"

Wang Li had no choice but to disclose a certain agreement reached between herself and the prosecution over the weekend.

"Oh, so it's the latter..."

For this kind of transaction, Zhang Wei naturally would not be surprised, but said with a smile:

"That is to say, it is in your interest that you testify against my client? In other words, you testify in court, which is actually related to your interests. Your testimony cannot be trusted at all!"

"be opposed to!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei was about to attack Wang Li's testimony and integrity, Lu Wenwen stood up again.

"The defense lawyers are speculating about nothing!"

"Your Honor, if the witness and the prosecution have reached a deal, and the content of the deal is to sacrifice my client's interests in exchange for her benefits, then she is very likely to make false statements because of her own interests when she testifies. Evidence!"

Naturally, Zhang Wei can't be manipulated at will. Since the prosecution objected, he hastened to make moves.

Lu Zhengting looked at Zhang Wei, and then at his daughter.

The witnesses on the witness stand are very important and have great influence on the case, so Lu Zhengting only hesitated for a moment...

"Lawyer Zhang, although what you said is reasonable, you can't ignore the term 'stained witness'. In my opinion, Wang Li is a smeared witness in this case, and it is not without reason that a smeared witness can be recognized by the court!"

As Lu Zhengting spoke, he looked at the jury seat again, and he was relieved to see that everyone had no objections.

"Smudge the witness?"

Zhang Wei murmured and sneered in his heart.

Well, Lu Zhengting, the tainted witness should be brought up by the prosecution and then confirmed by you, not by you, the judge.

How dare you say you don't favor your daughter?

However, Lu Zhengting's actions, apart from some prosecutions, were also reasonable and compliant, and Zhang Wei could not protest this matter.

Even if Lu Zhengting wanted to favor his own daughter, it was within the scope permitted by the law. In terms of family affection and responsibilities, he could still hold his own.

"Okay, then I won't worry about it anymore!"

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced at Wang Li again, and a trace of happiness flashed in his eyes.

"But I finally breathed a sigh of relief, because the deal you reached with the prosecution, Secretary Wang, is not completely exempt!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Li was a little puzzled.

"It's very simple, as long as you are not completely exempted, then I will prove you guilty in this case, and you will still go to jail!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Li's heart "thumped".

Could it be, what evidence did they find?


Impossible, the only two people who knew about it had already passed away to death, and it was impossible to testify against themselves.

I bet you're bluffing!

Thinking of this, Wang Li still kept calm in her heart.

"Alright then, let's get down to business!"

Zhang Wei smiled, raised three fingers on his right hand, and then put down two of them, "Let's go step by step, let's talk about the first point first, which is also the most important point for my client."

"The motive for the murder!"

Hearing this word, Lu Wenwen's eyes froze.

Because this is the key to Lin Xiangwan's conviction, and Zhang Wei actually wants to refute it from this point?

The eyes of the audience were all focused after Zhang Wei said the words "motive for murder".

"Lu Gaojian said that the reason why my client wanted to kill her husband Jia Shiqing was because of a report letter, right? The report letter exposed my client's crimes, so she killed her to silence her. Am I right?"

Lu Wenwen didn't say anything, neither did Wang Li, but what Zhang Wei said was the truth.

"Since you don't speak, I will take it as that you all acquiesced to this matter."

As Zhang Wei said, he walked back to his seat, took out a USB flash drive from his briefcase, and walked towards the prosecution seat with a smile on his face.

"Prosecutor Wei Min, please do me a favor, thank you!"


Wei Min looked confused, what's wrong with you, the defense lawyer, do you need help from the prosecution?

"Prosecutor Wei, your computer is just connected to a projector, and I have to speak in court, so please play it for me."

"This, isn't it appropriate?"

"Prosecutor Wei, there are only two of us at the defense table. If you don't come, do you want my client to come?"

Wei Min turned his head and glanced at the defense seats. Lin Xiangwan was still in a wheelchair, her face was pale, and her expression was very weak.

"Don't worry, there are no unscrupulous learning materials in this USB flash drive, only some videos and documents, and the scale is fine!"

After Zhang Wei said that, Wei Min glanced at Lu Wenwen again, who nodded slightly.

Wei Min had no choice but to act as a tool man, taking the USB flash drive and inserting it into his laptop.

After opening the storage of the U disk, folders appear one by one.

"Here, high-definition, uncensored..." Seeing the name of the folder, Wei Min blushed slightly.

This, is this something that can be broadcast in court?

Not only her, Lu Wenwen on the side, Lu Zhengting in the trial seat, including the jury seat and the hearing seat, were all stunned.

Good guy!

Did you take the wrong USB flash drive?

The USB flash drive containing the key evidence was confused with the USB flash drive containing the "study materials". Are you sure the contents here can be played in court?

Of course, if you want to broadcast it, we can't watch it...

In the hearing seat and the jury seat, many people became agitated, with wretched expressions and ready to move.

Their hearts all turned into one sentence: Please be sure to play it out!

"Prosecutor Wei, please open the first 'HD Uncensored' folder, thank you!"

At Zhang Wei's request, Wei Min clicked on the folder, and there were many video files inside.

And the names of these video files are even more unsightly.

For example, "married husband and female financial staff", "married husband and female secretary with big breasts", "financial female staff when there is no one in private", etc.

The names of these video files look very wrong!

In the hearing booth, some people even stretched out their hands to their lower body unconsciously, really wanting to move.

"Prosecutor Wei, please open the video file of 'married husband and female financial employee' inside, thank you!"

"This..." Wei Min hesitated, the name of the file is not serious at first glance.

She was afraid that if she opened it, some restricted-level things would be released, wouldn't that be a shame.

Although as a prosecutor, she has also handled cases of selling obscene materials, and even seen a lot of stolen goods in this area.

But that's all in private, and this is an important place in the courtroom. Isn't it inappropriate to broadcast this in public in front of the jury and even the judge?

"Prosecutor Wei, please don't think wrongly, there are serious videos here!"

Seeing someone hesitate, Zhang Wei immediately urged him.

What are you thinking, these are all serious videos.

Wei Min had no choice but to open the file.

On the projection screen, playback started.

"Hello, Mr. Jia, may I ask why you are here?"

"I want to withdraw a sum of money from the charity fund. This is my wife's signature document, as well as the official seal and autograph."

"Okay, please wait a moment!"

In the video, there is a conversation between Jia Shiqing and a female account manager of a financial institution. The two handed over some procedures and documents.

The video is indeed a serious video, both parties are very well-behaved, there is nothing wrong with it.

But most of the people who saw this video were a little disappointed, with a strange sense of loss in their hearts.

This kind of feeling is as if you are holding back the junk internet speed, hung up the phone and downloaded the torrent file for a day and night, and finally downloaded dozens of G files, but when you open it, you can see all the gourd babies...

"Prosecutor Wei, please fast-forward and skip to the second paragraph. I have divided this video into 15 paragraphs in total. Please watch the progress bar below. There are paragraph marks on it!"

Wei Min was commanded by Zhang Wei. Although he felt depressed, he could only continue to operate.

"Mr. Jia, are you here again?"

"Yeah, it's still a charity fund account, and I still need to withdraw part of the funds."

"Is it your wife's request?"

"Of course, this is her signed document with official seal and signature on it, please hurry up!"

"sure no problem!"


"Mr. Jia, where are you?"

"Old rules, withdraw some money, these are the formalities you need!"



"Withdraw money!"



There are more than a dozen videos, all of which are scenes of Jia Shiqing meeting with female financial employees.

After the video was played, Zhang Wei immediately said, "Everyone, after watching the video, don't you feel a little strange, why is the deceased Jia Shiqing always the one who comes to withdraw the money, and not my client Lin Xiangwan?"

"What's the problem with this? Lin Xiangwan will definitely not withdraw the money by herself. Isn't it normal for her husband to come forward?"

Lu Wenwen sneered, Lin Xiangwan didn't show up by herself, naturally to avoid suspicion.

"Really?" Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and then walked in front of Wei Min again.

"Prosecutor Wei, please click on the third video, a married husband and a big-breasted female secretary."


To be honest, seeing the name of this video, Wei Min refused.

But the jury seat and the hearing seat were all excited again.

finally coming?

Serious study materials!

What's the heroine's name, which teacher is she?

Unfortunately, the content of this video is destined to disappoint them.

When Wei Min clicked on the file, the video played still didn't meet their expectations.

The video first shows an office, and then Wang Li appeared. She walked to the desk, took out the official seal and stamped a document.

Then, Wang Li left the office.

As soon as the video turned, she appeared in a park under the office building and sat on a bench.

Not long after, a man with a hat and collar turned up sat on the other side of the bench.

Wang Li put down a document bag, then got up and left, the man picked up the document bag and put it directly into his pocket.

In the last part of the video, the man walked to a street corner and took off his hat, revealing his original face.

Not only that, he walked into a coffee shop, took out the documents in the document bag after sitting down, took out a pen, and began to sign the documents.

"This is the deceased Jia Shiqing, what is he signing?"

Lu Wenwen looked surprised, what kind of document was the deceased Jia Shiqing signing, so sneaky?

Could it be that the previous videos...

"I believe everyone must be very surprised to see this. What is the dead man doing? Why did he do it secretly with Wang Li?"

When Zhang Wei said this, he paused.

When he felt that there were countless eyes meeting on him from all around, he directly revealed the answer.

"Actually, many of you have already guessed it!"

Zhang Wei pointed at Wang Li and said loudly: "Wang Li and Jia Shiqing colluded secretly, secretly transferred the money from the charity fund to his own personal account, and also sent hints to the contractors, asking them to pay 'public relations fees' Also these two people!"

"My client did not take bribes, and she didn't even know about it. She only knew that the charitable fund had been operated by a financial institution, but she didn't know that this account had become a black wallet for Jia Shiqing and Wang Li to accept bribes and embezzle funds. ’, and these videos are the proof!”

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy, really good guy!

Lin Xiangwan didn't take bribes, but her secretary and husband took the money?

"No, these accusations are all fanciful accusations made by defense lawyers!"

"Wrong, Lu Gaojian, I just have reasonable doubts about the behavior in the video!"

Lu Wenwen made a statement immediately, but Zhang Wei was already ready.

"This..." Lu Zhengting opened his mouth, ready to say something, but Zhang Wei didn't intend to give him a chance to speak.

The ghost knows what Lu Zhengting is going to say again, maybe he will stand on his side, maybe he will stand on Lu Wenwen's side.

Zhang Wei didn't want to gamble, so he said bluntly: "Your Excellency, my accusation is not groundless speculation, on the contrary, I still have witnesses to prove it!"

"Do you have any witnesses?"

Lu Zhengting did hesitate at first, but when he heard what Zhang Wei said, he was speechless.

You have a witness who said it earlier, and you still make me hesitate, looking for a draw, right?

"Then please let the witnesses come up."

"It's not convenient for the witness to come to court for the time being, but I have the video of her confession, which is in the USB flash drive!"

As Zhang Wei said, he nodded towards Wei Min.

In the "HD Uncensored" folder, there is only the last video file left.

Wei Min sighed, but still clicked on the video file titled "Female Financial Staff When Nobody Is Private".

The video appeared. The background was an interrogation room. The subject was a woman in casual clothes with an extremely haggard face.

When this woman appeared, Wang Li's expression on the witness stand changed drastically.

"How is it possible, hasn't she already gone abroad?"

In her heart, she was extremely depressed. This woman should not have been caught.

"Secretary Wang, what's the matter with you, you look bad?"

Zhang Wei suddenly appeared on the side of the witness stand, and made a timely joke.

"No, no, I just feel uncomfortable sitting..." Wang Li explained in embarrassment, but this explanation was meaningless.

"Really, you're not feeling well either. I wonder if you'll vomit blood later. I'm really looking forward to it."

As Zhang Wei said, he gestured towards the prosecutor's seat.

Wei Min is speechless, when did I become your subordinate, and a tool person?

However, Lu Wenwen on the side did not object, and she could only click the play button of the video.

"Miss Ye, our serious crime team has had a hard time finding you. I didn't expect you to buy a plane ticket to go abroad, but secretly returned to your hometown village."

"But that's not the point. We want to tell you that you and others have illegally moved client funds and are involved in fraud. In addition, the amount involved in the case is huge. You have already committed a criminal offense. Your end will be 3 years at the beginning, and the maximum will be more than 7 years!"

"There are only two options before you now, either refuse to cooperate or confess; but I can tell you that we have already obtained evidence that you embezzled client funds, and you will not be able to avoid going to jail if you don't confess, but if you confess ..."

A voice appeared in the video, pressing on the woman step by step.

Finally, the woman couldn't stand the pressure, and her expression suddenly collapsed.

"I admit, I confess, Wang Li asked me to do it, and she is the mastermind..."

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