Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 255 Are You Really Dogs? Animals are worse! (5000 monthly ticket plus update)

(Temporarily, the amount of 5,000 monthly tickets has been repaid. The author is really unable to move... There is really no drop... The rest can only be repaid tomorrow, and tomorrow will be slowly repaid... right?)

PS: How to adjust the normal update tomorrow, the author himself is in a daze...


"I admit, I confess, Wang Li asked me to do it. She told me that she would give me a sum of money after it was done, so that I could spend my whole life in a foreign country..."

"But I was a little afraid of going abroad alone, so I wanted to go back to my hometown and take my family with me, so that even if I went abroad, I could take care of each other, but I didn't expect that my family didn't want to go abroad very much. They thought it was good to be in Longguo. That's why I didn't go abroad..."

The woman hesitated and said some family matters.

"Ahem, please get to the point. We don't care about you and your family." But the voice who asked the question just now suddenly became a little impatient.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I confess, I confess!"

After thinking for a while, the woman confessed: "Wang Li asked me to do this. She and I are alumni of the School of Finance. I am two years older than her. About a year ago, she suddenly found me and said that her boss To open a fund account, she found our agency, and she said..."

"...This account was opened in the names of Lin Xiangwan and her husband, Jia Shiqing, but she asked me to hide this from my client, Lin Xiangwan, and told the other party that the account was opened in her name."

"At that time, I was worried that something would happen, but Wang Li gave me 20,000 yuan for hush money, and promised that I would share part of the money I got from the account in the future. She also said that the flow of funds in the account would never be less than tens of millions. I Millions can be made from these deals."

"I... I was greedy for a while, so... I promised her..."

In the video, the woman shows a remorseful expression while talking.

Although it is common for criminals to show remorse when they are caught.

What they regret is not that they made a mistake at the beginning, but that they were caught by you.

But now that everyone has been arrested, there is nothing to care about these details. Now it's right to sell badly.

"Tell me, what specific operations did you carry out, I believe that you, the account manager, must know all about it?"

"Yes, I know all about it!"

The woman nodded, and then continued.

"This account is nominally owned by the client, Ms. Lin Xiangwan, but secretly it is used by her husband and Wang Li to accept bribes and launder money."

"Every once in a while, this account will receive a remittance from an offshore account abroad. The anonymity of these accounts ensures that the origin of the money cannot be traced, and the money will eventually be transferred to Jia Shiqing in the name of the account holder. In the end, all the money went into the pockets of Jia Shiqing and Wang Li.”

"how about you?"

"From my point of view, every time I help them complete a transfer, I will get a 'labor fee' ranging from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands. But fellow investigators, I was also obsessed with ghosts at the time, so I fell into Wang Li's way. Think about it, I'm exhausted every day. Before and after running, clients often miss appointments. I can't complete the performance every month, and I have to deduct money. I can't even get the basic salary. Before helping Wang Li, I had already I haven't received my basic salary for three or four months..."

The woman said with snot and tears, and cried: "That's it, I still insist on taking clients every day, and they put pigeons on me every day. I... I am too difficult. At this time, Wang Li came to me and told me I only need to be busy for one or two days every month, and I can get an income that is more than 10 times my salary every month. I, I couldn't hold back for a while, so..."

"Then do you regret it now?"

"Regret, regret it very much!"

"Regret being caught by us?"

"No, if I hadn't been caught by you, I would have lived a good life abroad now... Ah, no, no, I mean my conscience is uneasy, and I regret listening to Wang Li's words. In short, I am very happy now. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry everyone!"

"It's useless for you to apologize to us. You should apologize to your client Lin Xiangwan. She trusts your organization and entrusts you with the operation of the charity fund account. She didn't expect that this account was taken by you, an insider thief, and two outside thieves. A tool for money laundering!"

"Yes, yes, I apologize. I'm sorry for Ms. Lin. I solemnly apologize to her here. If she sees it, I hope she can forgive me. I apologize..."

The woman apologized, and the picture of the video finally changed.

With the camera cheap, two men's faces appear.

"Ahem, it's 7:14 p.m. on weekends. We are the 7th Team of Chaco Serious Cases under the Armed Forces of the Eastern Capital. I am Lao Xing, the interrogator. Next to us is Team Wu. For a necessary interrogation, this interrogation video file will be kept as public evidence, and will also be handed over to lawyer Zhang Wei, then our interrogation is over!"

The video ends here.

After the entire video was played, the audience fell silent.

"Ahem, since everyone is silent, why don't I just start?"

After Zhang Wei glanced at the audience, he walked to the witness stand with a smile on his face.

"Secretary Wang, do you have anything to say?"

"I... I don't have anything to say!" Wang Li's eyes widened, and she turned her face away.

With this attitude, tell others clearly that I will not cooperate!

"Oh, if you don't say it, then I will say it!"

Zhang Wei was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "Everyone in the court, the video you just saw is Lin, the account manager of the institution where the charity fund account opened by my client in this case is. The fund account, in other words, the entire account is in charge of her!"

"In the video, she has already explained almost everything. Without my client's knowledge, the account that should be in her name has become a tool for Wang Li, Jia Shiqing and Lin to make illegal profits!"

As Zhang Wei said, he had already walked to the side of the prosecutor's seat.

"Prosecutor Wei, please open this file. This is the deposit and withdrawal record of the account, followed by the details of the operator and the withdrawal person. By the way, please also open the Financial Investigation Section file that was the evidence for the prosecution. We just did a comparison, thank you!"

Wei Min is about to vomit blood, why is it coming again, why can't I take a break?

I'm not your tool man!

She complained in her heart, but now that the whole court was watching her, she couldn't refuse, so she could only follow Zhang Wei's instructions.

She was helpless, but she also opened the file prompted by Zhang Wei, and then opened the file of the prosecution's evidence to save it locally for comparison.

"Everyone, please look at the comparison of the two documents on the projection screen. The prosecution Lu Gaojian previously proposed that my client accepted bribes. She used the evidence provided by the Financial Investigation Section to prove this. But what she didn't know was that the bribery company was indeed She guessed right, but the person who took the bribe was not my client, and she didn't even know about it!"

Zhang Wei dissed Lu Wenwen, then pointed to the projection screen and said: "Everyone, please see that in the expenditure records of the bribery company, there are several large sums of payment, and within 24 hours of each payment, my client's charity fund account , there will be an equal amount of funds in the account, and the amount can be matched."

"And within the next 72 hours, the money will be withdrawn by Jia Shiqing in the name of the account holder, but Lin, an employee of the agency, has not fulfilled her duties as a customer manager. She has never withdrawn the fund account. Inform my client of the change, so my client was kept in the dark about accepting bribes from the beginning to the end!"

When Zhang Wei said this, he took a deep breath, and then said in an emphatic tone: "The customer manager Lin has already explained everything. My client is completely ignorant of the bribery. In my opinion, the evidence provided by the prosecution is one-sided. The prosecution Fang only proved that someone in my client's company illegally accepted commercial bribes, but what the prosecution did not expect was that although the account holder who accepted the bribe was my client in name, my client was used as a shield by the real bribe-taker. The real bribe-takers are my client's secretary Wang Li and her husband Jia Shiqing!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.


Shocking reversal!

Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhang Wei made a move, he overturned the prosecution's motive for killing Lin Xiangwan.

The prosecution said before why Lin Xiangwan wanted to kill Jia Shiqing, because Jia Shiqing knew the evidence of Lin Xiangwan accepting bribes and acted as a tool for Lin Xiangwan to run errands.

But what I didn't expect was that the original mastermind of bribery didn't know anything about it, and the deceased who should be a tool man was one of the masterminds of bribery, and the other mastermind was actually Lin Xiangwan's secretary.

Lin Xiangwan has a clean background, but her secretary does a lot of evil.

"be opposed to!"

Suddenly, Lu Wenwen stood up.

"Objection, what does the prosecution want to object?"

Zhang Wei looked at Lu Gaojian with a smile, and couldn't help joking: "Shouldn't I help the prosecution by revealing the truth?"

"Attorney for the defense, what you said just now is all speculation based on a video file. Whether the origin of this video file is true or not is not yet confirmed, and the speculation based on this file is also impossible. 100% confirm the authenticity!"

"Lu Gaojian, are you afraid that you will lose, so you don't even care about the truth?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm just raising my doubts. Who knows if the documents you provided are really members of the investigation department interrogating the suspect, or maybe they're extras you found..."

"Lu Gaojian, please understand what you are talking about, you are making a very serious accusation against me!"

Zhang Wei's tone suddenly increased, which shocked even Lu Wenwen.

"Lu Gaojian, if you say I falsified evidence, please show evidence to prove this, instead of rejecting the labor results of the entire weekend between me and the Dongfang Metropolitan Investigation Division based on speculation!"

"Do you know that based on what you said just now, I can reserve the right to countersue you. I believe the clerk of the court has recorded your accusations against me verbatim!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the clerk's position on the side of the trial seat.

The latter noticed Zhang Wei's gaze, and raised his eyes to Lu Zhengting on the trial seat.

The clerk is also suffering. I am a court recorder, and my job duty is to record everything. Your conversations must be recorded.

"You two, stop arguing and give it to me..."

"Your Honor, I don't think there is any need for discussion!"

Lu Zhengting was about to call Zhang Wei and Lu Wenwen to come forward, but Zhang Wei interrupted him one step ahead.

"Since Prosecutor Lu Gao has doubts about the evidence I provided, let's put this dispute aside for now!"

Zhang Wei said, sneered, and sarcastically said: "Anyway, this is not the first time. I have other evidence, and it doesn't matter. It's just that Lu Gaojian wants to open his eyes and tell nonsense. I hope Your Excellency will not Learn from her!"


Hearing Zhang Wei's sarcasm, Lu Zhengting almost couldn't hold back.

But when he saw that in the hearing booth, many media people had already heard the news and prepared to record everything that happened in the court, but he restrained himself.

There's no way, if he can't do it alone and something happens, he and Lu Wenwen will definitely be on the headlines of the South Island news tomorrow.

And now, Lu Zhengting has already seen that Wang Li probably has something wrong, and even the deceased Jia Shiqing is not clean.

In the same way, Lu Wenwen's objection just now was nothing more than sentimentality.

As a judge, Lu Zhengting couldn't see that Zhang Wei came prepared today!

"Since Lu Gaojian pointed out that the evidence I provided was not sufficient, I have nothing to say, and we will put this aside for the time being. I don't believe it. Secretary Wang, who is sitting on the witness stand, must be very happy in his heart. Thank you for helping her temporarily Get rid of the accusation ha!"

Zhang Wei dissed Lu Wenwen again, and then walked in front of Wang Li.

"Secretary Wang, are you happy in your heart? The authenticity of the evidence I provided needs to be investigated, so you don't have to face charges of bribery?"

Wang Li was expressionless and did not intend to answer this question.

But in her heart, she was indeed relieved.

"That's fine, I don't plan to pursue the matter of accepting bribes. Anyway, the Financial Investigation Division will definitely ask you to investigate this matter later!"

Zhang Wei said, paused for a moment, and then asked: "Secretary Wang, I have a question next, I hope you can answer me honestly!"

"We all know that my client's husband, Jia Shiqing, has cut off relations with his neighbor Ms. Qiu three months ago, and he hasn't hooked up with women outside,"

"Then I'm surprised. Jia Shiqing is not an honest person, otherwise he wouldn't have cheated on his female neighbor during marriage. But why did he cut off contact with Ms. Qiu?"

"I then thought of one thing, that is, he must have hooked up with other women, and he had a new love, so he gave up his old love!"

"Secretary Wang, let me formally ask you, is the woman Jia Shiqing hooked up with, is it you?"

As soon as this statement came out, all eyes were on the witness stand.

Wang Li's expression was astonished, and her pupils shrank slightly.

She never expected that Zhang Wei would actually ask this question.


At the prosecution's seat, Lu Wenwen was also surprised, but she didn't speak out against it.

Because of this problem, there is no superclass.

"Secretary Wang, please answer me, have you hooked up with Jia Shiqing since he 'broke up' with Ms. Qiu?"

"I...I didn't..."

"There's none?"

Zhang Wei sneered, walked back to his seat, and took out a plastic bag from his briefcase.

"We all know that the scene of the crime was on a yacht, and the body of the deceased was found on the beach of Mingyue Port, so the investigation team also knows that there is actually no evidence to investigate in my client's villa, and their search is also intense. Relatively small."

"Even the nanny said that after the officers of the investigation department were led into the house by my client, they conducted a routine search of the deceased Jia Shiqing's room and my client's release, but only briefly checked the other places. Eye."

"Similarly, the place where Jia Shiqing had an affair with you was not his room, but the meditation room next door!"

Zhang Wei held up the plastic bag and placed it in front of Wang Li, "I found this hair in the meditation room. Is it yours, Secretary Wang?"

Inside the plastic bag was a long curly hair dyed yellow, which was almost exactly the same as Wang Li's hairstyle.

"What can a hair explain? As Mr. Lin's personal assistant, it's normal for me to have hair in the villa, right?"

"Is it normal? It's okay for your hair to appear in the villa, but it's a big problem if it appears in the meditation room. Because you also said that you are my client Lin Xiangwan's personal assistant. In other words, you are only for my client. service, and Jia Shiqing is not even named in the company, you and him should have no work interaction at all, right?"

"So why does your hair appear in the meditation room on the second floor that you need to go through Jia Shiqing's room to get to? This will be very strange."

Wang Li's eyes changed.

But Zhang Wei added another knife: "Actually, I still have evidence to prove that you cheated!"

As he spoke, he gestured towards Wei Min who was on the prosecution seat.

"Prosecutor Wei, please open the folder next to it, which is the document that says 'Private Photos of Married Husband and Busty Female Secretary', thank you!"

Wei Min is about to collapse, what kind of filenames did you name, all of them are so dishonest.

But in the end, she followed Zhang Wei's instructions and opened the folder, and photos were immediately displayed on the projection screen.

The photo takes the villa at Moon Bay as the background, and there are only two people inside, Jia Shiqing and Wang Li.

The two behaved intimately, hugging each other at the gate of the villa, in the living room, and even on the balcony on the second floor.

"Where did these photos come from..." Wang Li was naturally taken aback when she saw these photos.

"Secretary Wang, don't worry, I didn't take these photos secretly. I didn't even go to South Island when you had an affair!"

Zhang Wei seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and after explaining a sentence, he said calmly: "These photos were all taken by the prosecution witness, Ms. Qiu!"

"She knew that Jia Shiqing dumped her, but she also guessed one thing, that is, Jia Shiqing hooked up with someone else again, so she wanted to know, who is that new woman?"

"You won't forget, right? Ms. Qiu lives in Wangyue Bay. If you insist on having an affair in the villa, isn't this giving her a chance?"

Wang Li's complexion changed drastically, but she said, "How come, if she took a photo, how could she come out to testify?"

"Because she still loves Jia Shiqing. Although it's ironic, Ms. Qiu also hopes that someone will pay for Jia Shiqing's death, and my client will be the one to blame. Isn't there a song that sings well? Don't guess what a woman thinks." , you can't figure it out even after guessing..."

After Zhang Wei hummed a short sentence, his complexion suddenly sank.

"Wang Li, you and Jia Shiqing are really a couple!" With a roar, someone went mad.

"Your behavior is simply disgusting, disgusting to the extreme, disgusting, disgusting!"

"Not only did you hook up behind my client's back, but you f*ck secretly blackmailed her money, and you even planned to kill her. You are simply wolf-hearted, even worse than animals!"

"Disgusting, disgusting, really fucking disgusting!"

Zhang Wei's scolding sound resounded in the court.

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