Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 263 No need to be depressed! Nothing to do with me this time (7500 monthly ticket plus updat

(It's still 7500 today, help me up, I can still code...cough cough, the code doesn't move...vomit blood...)


June 2, morning.

"Sister Cheng, Sister Cheng, it's not good!"

Early in the morning, Cheng Lisha was woken up by the voice of the female assistant.

She frowned, thinking to herself that she was too kind after all, this assistant really couldn't be kept, she had to find a reason to fire her as soon as possible.

"What's the matter that made you come to my apartment to make noise early in the morning?"

She yelled impatiently, and could only get up in a hurry, ready to apply a mask.

"Sister Cheng, something is wrong. The court sent a notification letter saying that you will be asked to attend a pre-trial meeting!"

"What, they sent a lawyer's letter yesterday, and they went to the court to apply today!"

Hearing the news, Cheng Lisha was also shocked.

He had to go home, Zhang Wei's efficiency is really outrageous.

I just received the other party's lawyer's letter last night, but I have to go to the court for a meeting early this morning.

Are you not going to sleep?

"This Zhang Wei..."

When she thought that Yang Chuanfang's chief defense lawyer was that Zhang Wei, Cheng Lisha's teeth itch with hatred.

After hastily finishing applying the mask, Cheng Lisha went to the Municipal Court accompanied by her assistant.

At the same time, she also asked her assistant to contact her defense lawyer, who also agreed to attend the meeting at the same time.


At 9 o'clock in the morning, at the gate of the city court.

"Hey, Lawyer Hu and Lawyer Jiang, you came so early, didn't your clients come?"

"Oh, by the way, this is my new business card. Although we don't deal with it, if you have any cases that you can't handle, remember to tell me. As Jincheng's ace lawyer, I don't refuse anyone. Any case can be accepted!"

"Lawyer Jiang, don't be dumbfounded. Please keep my business card. Remember if there is any case that cannot be handled, you must contact me."

"Don't make such a bad face, both of you. I defeated you once even when you two teamed up. There's nothing to care about. If you win or lose in court, can't we still be friends in court?"

As Zhang Wei said, he handed a business card to each of the Heizu group in front of him.

Hu Yaode, Jiang Fengzhen, and the assistant lawyer who followed them, everyone has a share.

"You boy..." Hu Yaode said, Zhang Wei's mouth is as if poisoned, and blood will be seen when he opens his mouth.

There is a saying that swearing does not reveal faults, and hitting people does not slap people in the face. As a result, you sprinkle salt on our wounds as soon as you speak.

"You became an ace lawyer!?!"

However, Hu Yaode still captured a key point.

On Zhang Wei's business card, the words "Ace" were imprinted impressively.

Zhang Wei did not leave Jincheng, and Jincheng's trump card, there is only one in each department, which is full of gold and is the face of Jincheng.

Jincheng will not let the young lawyers in the law firm pretend to be trump cards, so Zhang Wei's trump card status is obviously true.

Zhang Wei's information flashed in Hu Yaode's mind.

Coincidentally, he and Zhang Wei are still brothers in the same school, and both of them are from Dongda.

Because of this, he knew that Zhang Wei left Dongda only last year, and this year's internship has not been completed for a year yet.

A trainee lawyer, but also the ace lawyer of the law firm.

This is almost impossible to happen in Jincheng's history, or even in the entire legal profession in Dongfangdu.

But all of this really happened to Zhang Wei.

All I can say is... against heaven!

If the two were not rivals, Hu Yaode might still sigh when he mentioned each other.

But now that the two are rivals, then Hu Yaode will only feel tricky.

Especially what the other party mentioned just now, he and Jiang Fengzhen teamed up and ended up being defeated by the other party.

"Yo ho, your client is here!"

Suddenly, Zhang Wei raised his finger and pointed not far away, and Hu Yaode and Jiang Fengzhen also looked in the direction of the finger at the same time.

Cheng Lisha came, stepping on high heels, with a cold expression on her face, with an attitude that strangers should not enter.

But if you look closely, you will find that her face is very ugly, her brows are tightly furrowed, and there is a ruthlessness hidden in the depths of her eyes.

The female assistant beside her followed her all the way, lowering her head cautiously, not daring to say a word, for fear of offending the "ancestor" beside her.

"Ms. Cheng!"

Seeing Cheng Lisha coming, Jiang Fengzhen who was beside Hu Yaode hurriedly squeezed out a smile and greeted her.

But Cheng Lisa walked up the court steps, but she just ignored her as if she didn't see her.

Jiang Fengzhen froze in place, and at the same time froze the smile on her face.

"Lawyer Hu!" Cheng Lisha greeted Hu Yaode with a cold voice.

On the contrary, Zhang Wei didn't even look at him.

Hu Yaode glanced at his nominal colleague Jiang Fengzhen, and then immediately moved to Cheng Lisha's side.

"Ms. Cheng, it's just a pre-trial motion today, there's nothing wrong with it!"

"I don't want your speculation, I want the result!"

"Don't worry, I have everything!"

Seeing Hu Yaode's guarantee, Cheng Lisha snorted coldly, turned her head and walked into the city court, obviously not intending to greet other people present.

"This attitude is really an uncle!"

Zhang Wei on the side made a joke, and even felt a little sympathetic to Jiang Fengzhen.

It seems that this woman was fired by Cheng Lisha, she just put her hot face on someone's cold ass.

Now, Cheng Lisha's lawyer is Hu Yaode.

"Lawyer Zhang, where is your client?"

"Lawyer Hu, my client doesn't plan to come today!"

Seeing Hu Yaode's question, Zhang Wei laughed, and joked: "But, it's all caused by your client, and my client is afraid to go out because of her harm, so this case can only be entrusted to I dealt with it."

"Then let's not waste time!"

Hu Yaode snorted coldly, and followed into the city court.

Zhang Wei smiled and walked in naturally.


City Court, Judge's Office.

Ni Qiuping never expected that she had only rested for a few days.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he encountered another evil star.

And this time, it was even more serious than the Zhu Tianying case last time.

Looking at the two groups of people in her office who were at war with each other, she felt as uncomfortable as if she had eaten Laoba's hamburger.

On one side is the underworld force headed by Hu Yaode, the client is Cheng Lisha, accompanied by Jiang Fengzhen and more than 4 assistant lawyers.

Including Cheng Lisha and the female assistant, there must be 8 people on this party, which can be said to be a large number of people.

On the other side, there is only Zhang Wei, and the difference in numbers is obvious.

But in Ni Qiuping's eyes, Zhang Wei's fighting power alone is more terrifying than the opponent's 8 people!

no more!

I'm going to be depressed again, and it's the kind that can't be cured!

Ni Qiuping felt bitter, looking at her judge's office, she was already considering whether to retire early.

Otherwise, if she takes this kind of case every month, she must be really depressed!

For example, even though Zhang Wei is facing eight people alone, his eyes are not afraid at all.

Even his expression is telling others that I, Zhang, must make trouble today!

As for what to do?

Then only God knows.

The oppressive atmosphere didn't last long, and Ni Qiuping finally spoke.

"Both of you, don't stay here anymore, if you have anything to say, say it quickly?"

She knew that if she didn't start first, the two groups of people might stare at her office for a long time.

Zhang Wei suppressed the fierce look on his face, and immediately said, "Look at what you said, old Ni..."

"Huh?!!!" Ni Qiuping gave Zhang Wei a vicious look.

Don't push yourself too hard, kid, we know each other well, but it's just the friendship of a few cases, you don't come here to get close.

"Ahem, Judge Ni, in fact, our appeal is very simple, and it is clearly stated in the complaint. I believe you and the defendant should have read it, right?"

"Nonsense, of course I read it, and I read it after the night court passed. Although I don't know how you persuaded the judge of the night court to agree to your lawsuit, I also followed this instruction and held this meeting in advance. Motion before the second trial, ask for your opinions!"

Ni Qiuping snorted coldly, then looked at Cheng Lisha: "Ms. Cheng, what do you mean, please tell me!"

Cheng Lisha didn't speak, but Hu Yaode, as an attorney, had to.

He immediately reprimanded Zhang Wei: "Your Excellency, we believe that the allegations made by lawyer Zhang are all slander against my client!"

"It's so funny. I accused your client of slandering my client, but you came to beat me up instead. Sure enough, there is a lawyer for any client?"

Zhang Wei also sneered back.

"You kid, how dare you blame me?"

"Lawyer Hu, I am also Jincheng's ace lawyer now. I think I am qualified to speak in front of you. Please change your tone!"


Ni Qiuping secretly said that it was true.

Just two or three sentences were said, and the two groups of people were about to quarrel.

No, she's really going to be depressed!


At the last moment, she, the judge, had to mediate.

"Can you stop for a while, if this happens again, shall I invite Ting Wei to come in and let you both calm down?"

"Your Excellency, I am calm!" Zhang Wei said immediately, with a calm and calm expression.

"Your Excellency, Ms. Cheng and I are also very calm!" Hu Yaode spoke quickly to show his attitude.

"That's good!"

Ni Qiuping narrowed her eyes, then nodded to Zhang Wei.

You are the prosecution, you go on!

"Ahem, Judge Ni, we think it is very necessary to investigate. Ms. Cheng has not only used an unfinished criminal case as a hot topic for a long time, but even filmed a series of TV dramas and documentaries to vigorously promote her reputation. , relying on these hotspots and traffic to earn a lot of money, and all of this is based on discrediting my client's reputation, we believe that Ms. Cheng must compensate my client for what she has done!"

"Okay, I understand!"

Ni Qiuping nodded, then sighed, "But Zhang Wei, you should know the current situation of your client, right?"

"Of course I know that before suing Ms. Cheng, I have already accepted the commission of the client to act as the chief defense lawyer in the criminal case he was involved in."

"Then you should also know that the trial result of this case will have a direct impact on the lawsuit you initiated, right?"

"Of course I know, in fact, if my client loses the criminal case, then this lawsuit will also lose!"

"Then you still..."

"But what if my client wins the case and proves his innocence in court?"

Ni Qiuping was about to say something, but Zhang Wei asked instead.

If his client, Yang Chuanfang, was acquitted in the criminal court, wouldn't it mean that he was not the murderer who caused the disappearance of the victim, Wen Xiaoyun.

And Cheng Lisha's series of film and television dramas based on Yang Chuanfang's murder of Wen Xiaoyun, and a series of programs will become out-and-out acts of slander.

What's more, the wealth she gained by relying on these videos and episodes will be unjust enrichment!

Once Yang Chuanfang is innocent, then Cheng Lisha's current fame, status and wealth, everything will be burned and destroyed.

Move the whole body with one hair!

Zhang Wei is determined to rely on this case and put Cheng Lisha to death!

"So ruthless!"

Ni Qiuping, Hu Yaode.

Whether as a judge or as a defense lawyer, both of them understood Zhang Wei's determination.

Unfortunately, to complete this matter, Yang Chuanfang needs to win the lawsuit.

In other words, you need to win in the hands of the prosecutors of the local prosecutor's headquarters and the elite of the serious crime team of the investigation department.

This matter is almost an impossible task for any defense lawyer in Dongfangdu.

But it happened to be Zhang Wei...he was very experienced in this matter.

Even, his several battles of fame were obtained from this group of people.

Therefore, no one present doubted that Zhang Wei had this ability.

"It seems that it is useless for me to say more. Since you have made up your mind, I will not stop you!"

Ni Qiuping nodded, and said to Hu Yaode: "In fact, in this case, it doesn't matter whether I agree or not. You should also be aware of the criminal charges Yang Chuan is facing?"

Hu Yaode nodded, they were very clear about this.

"According to the principle that criminal is higher than civil, the trial time of this case will be postponed until after the criminal court makes a formal ruling. I believe that you don't have the energy to prepare my case now. You can go back to work. I know you are busy. !"

As Ni Qiuping said, she opened the notebook at hand and opened the latest page.

"By the way, let me remind you that the criminal case will be pre-trial on Wednesday, and it is estimated that the court will start on Friday. What you need is to race against time. Don't waste time on my side!"

Ni Qiuping waved her hand and sent the two parties away directly.

"Judge Ni, let me ask, who will be the judge this time?"

"Anyway, it's not me, whoever wants to go to this muddy water can go!"

Ni Qiuping chuckled, this time the tricky case was finally not her own.

"Go back and ask your mother-in-law. She is the clerk of the criminal court. She is more familiar with the affairs of the criminal court than I am!"

"Oh, thank you Judge Ni for reminding me, I almost forgot about Hanhan's family situation!"

Zhang Wei scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

Speaking of which, she almost forgot that Li Qinghua was the clerk of the criminal court.

Who makes the clerk have the least sense of presence in the courtroom?

Ni Qiuping finally sent the two parties away, and she was able to catch her breath.

"That's an old case, maybe 10 years ago. It's impossible for that kid to overturn such a case, right?"

Ni Qiuping shook her head, suppressing this unrealistic idea.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to her, and her case will not go to court immediately, so she can finally relax.

As for who is the one who suffers, it's fine if it's not yourself.

Thinking of this, Ni Qiuping became even happier.

Depression or something, it doesn't exist!


Blackfoot law firm.

After returning from the court, Hu Yaode accompanied Cheng Lisha to his own office in Heizu Law Firm.

Jiang Fengzhen didn't follow, because her temper was actually bad.

Since Cheng Lisha didn't give herself a good face, she didn't bother to be angry.

If the customer is lost, it is lost.

Anyway, as a lawyer of the top ten firms and at the partner level, he has no shortage of clients.

And such a difficult customer, even for Hu Yaode, he doesn't have to suffer.

"Lawyer Hu, is it according to what you said, they ignore my lawsuit for now?"

"Of course, because the prosecuting party is Yang Chuanfang. He is the defendant in the criminal case that needs to be tried at this stage. The criminal case is higher than the civil case. He can continue to prosecute you after this case is over!"

Seeing Cheng Lisha's inquiry, Hu Yaode immediately gave an explanation.

"Moreover, once the prosecution confirms that Yang Chuanfang murdered Wen Xiaoyun, the prosecution against you will cease to exist!"

"I know that!"

Cheng Lisha snorted coldly, but thought in her heart: "Once Yang Chuanfang is convicted, I can still use the heat of this case to make another wave of hype!"


But Hu Yaode frowned, vaguely aware of something bad.

"First of all, the prosecution didn't find Wen Xiaoyun's body, so after all these years, the case can't be classified as murder. Wen Xiaoyun can only report her disappearance, and then transfer it to the court for death!"

"Secondly, our opponent is Zhang Wei. Although this kid is not likable, he is very capable. Moreover, his mouth is notoriously cheap, and his methods are also notoriously strange. We need to deal with it early !"

"Finally, I have heard some gossip that the prosecution representative sent by the local prosecutor's headquarters this time is trump card Xiao Baihe, but according to what I heard, there is a prosecutor at the local prosecutor's headquarters who is having an affair with that kid!"

Cheng Lisha was slightly taken aback when she heard the last one.

"Who is having an affair with whom? Can the prosecutor and the lawyer still get together?"

"It's impossible in theory, so it's just gossip. To put it bluntly, it's just a rumor, but the two protagonists of the rumor are Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe!"

"You mean, we still have to be on guard against the prosecutor and Yang Chuanfang's defense lawyer secretly cooperating with each other?"

"Yeah, we really have to guard against this!"

Hu Yaode expressed his concerns.

After all, who knows about young people.

What if there really is a prosecutor who is not afraid of death and a lawyer hooks up together?

"I see!"

Cheng Lisha narrowed her eyes, she already had a plan in her mind.

"Come on!" She yelled directly outside the office.

"Sister Cheng, I'm here!" The female assistant ran in quickly, lowering her head and waiting for orders.

"Go, inform me, I'm going to get that Zhang Wei exposed, and expose all his scandals to me!"

"And put pressure on the local prosecutor's headquarters, saying that the prosecutor probably has a lot to do with Zhang Wei, let them figure it out!"

"Also, let me find out about Yang Chuanfang's affairs, and reveal all his affairs in other places in the past few years. Don't have any scruples, one thing counts as one thing!"

"Bring me another navy. I want the entire East to know that Yang Chuanfang is the murderer. I want them to learn what the power of public opinion is!"

The female assistant immediately took the order and ran out quickly.

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