Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 264 The Power of Public Opinion? The power of hackers!


Evening, Lin Mansion.

Just when Hu Yaode and Cheng Lisha were discussing, and even the latter decided to use his means.

Zhang Wei also considered this, so he went straight to the second floor before he had time to make dinner.

Thumb up!

This is Zhang Wei's footsteps.

Boom boom boom!

This is Zhang Wei's knock on the door.

With a creak, the door of the room opened a crack.


This is the greeting from Zhang Wei licking his face when he saw the people inside sticking their heads out.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's little Qiong sniffed, but she didn't smell the aroma of dinner.

Damn, the bastard didn't make dinner!

She knew that Zhang Wei must ask her for something, and it was a big thing, otherwise he would not lick his face and call his name.

It's a big deal to call the second girl if you have nothing to do, Xiao Zhao if you have something to do, and Xiaoxiao if you have something to do.

"What's the matter?"

"Yes, and it's a big deal!"


Although Zhao Xiaoxiao was reluctant, she still opened the door and let Zhang Wei walk in.

Although it is already June, Zhang Wei can still feel a bit of coolness when he walks into the room on the second floor.

"Is the air conditioner on?"

"Let's talk about business, don't talk about other things!"

Zhang Wei wanted to make a joke to ease the atmosphere, but Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't want to save face.

"That's fine!"

Zhang Wei had no choice but to point to the computer in the room.

Zhao Xiaoxiao sat down straight, while Zhang Wei waited on him.

"It's like this. This time my case is very difficult, but the real difficulty is not in the court. Although I admit that there are some difficulties in the court, the difficulties outside the court are even more difficult."

"This time my opponent is Cheng Lisha, I wonder if you have watched the drama directed by her..."

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Zhao Xiaoxiao rushed to answer directly: "The villa by the sea, which one did the male lead kill the female lead at the end?"

"Fuck, you watch this too?"

"What can't I see?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao tilted her head and blinked her eyes.

Just kidding, this drama is so popular and well-known.

She's a girl too, okay, what's wrong with watching the show?

"By the way, isn't the client you represent the same as Yang Chuanfang?"


"That's great!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao suddenly regained her spirits, found a book and a pen from nowhere, and handed them over.

"Ask him for an autograph for me!"

"Xiaoxiao, in the eyes of outsiders, he is a murderer!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Zhao Xiaoxiao sneered, showing disdain on her face: "What I want is the autograph of the murderer, who wants the autographs of those artists who cut out pictures and performed embarrassingly..."

"This...isn't appropriate, he is my client..."

"Hey, now you are asking me to do something, you can't even do such a small request from Miss Ben, and you still want me to help you?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao sneered again, she was supposed to be a vigorous, youthful and beautiful little girl, but at this moment she turned into a black-hearted businessman.

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Wei meowed inwardly, almost scolding someone.

Is this still my lively, lovely, considerate second daughter?

Why are you still threatening me?

But for the smooth progress of the case and the safety of the parties involved, Zhang Wei finally had to choose to compromise after weighing the pros and cons.

"Well, since that's the case, I can only promise you!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei agreed, Zhao Xiaoxiao asked, "Tell me, what can you do with Miss Ben?"

"I'm afraid that this woman, Cheng Lisha, will use all the power of public opinion and the media to attack me, so I want you to help me watch the public opinion on the Internet, and if you find any bad signs, help me control it."

"How much do you want me to do?"

"Well, it's really hard to say, how far can you do it?"

Zhang Wei looked at his second daughter and asked back.

In his impression, his "second daughter" has always been a good girl who likes to surf the Internet, but he doesn't have a specific idea of ​​how good she is.

"Well, if the general public opinion attacks, it may be digging up your black material!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao gave an example: "For example, if you stole stationery from classmates in elementary school and bullied girls, they would attack your character, saying that you don't respect women, blah blah, etc. Anyway, any small thing may become their attack on you. reason."

"Furthermore, the offensive of online public opinion has a lot of rumors. Even if you try to deny it at the beginning, but you are only one person, and there are millions of people in online public opinion, you will eventually find that it is useless to explain it."

Zhang Wei understood, "This is the legend that three people become tigers and a hundred people become true?"

"Almost, after all, few people can find the real source of rumors on the Internet. And you can deal with one person spreading rumors, but if 10,000 people spread rumors at the same time, even the Internet Investigation Division can't arrest them. After all, the law does not blame everyone! "

"If you let me come, I can at most help you block some keywords. For example, if you attack you, you will post a post about your 'Zhang Wei'. I can block the post with your name."

Zhang Wei thought about it and nodded, "That's good, but you have to help me block a few keywords, not only my name, but also the names of my client and the victims of this case, Yang Chuanfang and Wen Xiaoyun."

"OK!" Zhao Xiaoxiao made a gesture, indicating that there is no problem.

She started crackling and typing on the keyboard.

After a while, Zhang Wei saw his own name, Yang Chuanfang's and Wen Xiaoyun's names, all edited into instructions.

"OK, it's done. The system I made has started to protect. If someone posts a post with these three keywords later, it will be blocked by my system!"

"It's awesome, second girl!"

Zhang Wei nodded, very satisfied with the effect.

"But then again, why didn't you fight back?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao raised her head, blinked her eyes, "If people dare to post my black material online, I will definitely not let them go!"

"Yes, counterattack!"

Zhang Wei thought so too, Cheng Lisha would definitely launch a public opinion attack on herself, so why couldn't she fight back.

He didn't know much about the media before, so he felt that the Internet was the opponent's home field.

But what he didn't expect was that he had a second daughter by his side. As the top hacker on Zhang Wei's side, she had unimaginable power in the online world.

And this power can be used by Zhang Wei.

"Second girl, can you find out about Cheng Lisha or Cheng Wumei?"

"Of course there is no problem. This kind of woman has a lot of scandals, but many of them are leaked by competitors. I don't know if it is true or not."

As Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she waved her hand: "You don't need to worry about it. Originally, public opinion on the Internet is really hard to tell from the real. Be more diligent!"

Zhang Wei heard the same thing, and then looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao, "How far can you do it?"

"Hey, how do you think this woman died..."

Seeing the second daughter's treacherous smile like a little devil, Zhang Wei felt that this smile was extremely kind.


Wednesday, pre-trial day.

In the morning, the alarm clock rang, and Cheng Lisha opened her eyes.

"I don't know if they have done what they ordered the sailors to do last night. Today's mainstream forums and social platforms should be all black material from those guys!"

Two names flashed through Cheng Lisha's mind, Zhang Wei and Yang Chuanfang.

Since you have chosen to fight against me, then I will ruin your reputation.

The power of public opinion is not something that two people can bear.

Back then, when she, Cheng Lisha, emerged in the media world, she relied on this kind of public opinion manipulation.

When she competed with another male host for the annual rising star in the media hosting industry, she used the trolls to secretly spread the news that the male host molested the female assistant.

Whether this matter is true or not, she herself does not know, but the influence of public opinion at that time was already immediate.

At that time, due to the influence of scruples, the station directly disqualified the selection of the male host, and even hid this budding rookie in the snow.

It is said that the male host has never been on stage until now.

"Let me think about it. Maybe Jincheng will be scruples about public opinion and expel you directly. At that time, none of the law firms in Dongfangdu will dare to take you. You can just be a small lawyer stationed in the street for the rest of your life!"

Thinking of the power of the public opinion offensive, Cheng Lisha laughed.

So far, no one has been able to resist such an attack, because it feels like they are against the whole world.

Under the pressure of powerful public opinion, one person's defense is ultimately powerless.

"Sister Cheng, it's not good!"

But just as Cheng Lisha finished washing and was about to touch up her makeup, the personal assistant rushed into her apartment in a panic.

Cheng Lisha frowned again: "It looks... this assistant has to be replaced!"

The little assistant still doesn't know that his career destiny will usher in a rough end.

"Sister Cheng is not well, the Internet is full of negative news about you!"

"What the hell?"

Cheng Lisha was taken aback for a moment, what did you just say?

All the negative news about me on the Internet?

"Yes, Miss Cheng, look!"

The female assistant immediately showed a tablet in front of Cheng Lisha, and three large characters appeared prominently on the screen of the tablet.

Cheng Wumei!

"Shocked, Cheng Wumei, a well-known host in the Oriental Metropolis, has such a past! "

"Cheng Wumei!"

Cheng Lisha gritted her teeth and squeezed out these three words.

She snatched the tablet from the assistant and opened the article directly.

The article was posted by a certain self-media author. The author's name is a mess of letters, which is obviously random.

However, the number of clicks on the article was terrifying, and it actually reached the number one spot on the Internet in real time.

The content of the article is full of self-media nonsense, and the first few hundred words have no content at all.

But shortly in the article, Cheng Lisha's personal information appeared, with a slightly ordinary face, and her real name "Cheng Wumei" was written in the name column.

Then, the end of the article was this sentence, "I am here @Cheng Wumei, please respect the face your parents gave you, and respect the name they gave you."

"Your nose, mouth, chin, nothing is real, even your name is fake."

"I implore you to stop deceiving the public with Cheng Lisha's pseudonym and fake face, which she thinks she's arrogant but actually worships foreigners!"

Below, the top comment is even more like this:

The fake Cheng Lisha (X) the real Cheng Wumei (√)

There are tens of millions of comments and likes, more than ten times higher than the millions of the second place.

Although the content of the post is all nonsense, and only one name and a photo without makeup are the main points, it is the first time that the number of hits has reached such a terrifying level.

Seeing this photo without makeup, a trace of disgust flashed in Cheng Lisha's eyes.

"Hurry up and call the relevant person in charge of Vbo and ask them to delete this post for me!"

"Sister Cheng, I called and they said they couldn't delete it..."

"What the hell!"

Cheng Lisha held her forehead with one hand, with a look of astonishment on her face.

What do you mean cannot be deleted?

Who owns this software, why did you log in and delete something in the background?

Didn’t the articles I wrote and the videos I posted before all be operated by changing the data and clicks in the background?

Those hot spots and traffic stars, don’t they all spend tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy hot searches and traffic from you?

Now you tell me that you can't change it, is this damn playing with snakes?

"Call me!"

The female assistant immediately opened the address book, dialed a number and went out.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, what do you mean? That post about my plastic surgery and name change, did you deliberately release it to gain popularity? You even dare to put my black material on the top of the backstage. Our team gives your company The several million public relations fee, is it a hundred dollars, you delete it for me immediately, I don't want to see this top trending search again, so hurry up..."

As soon as the call was connected, Cheng Lisha couldn't help it immediately, and started to soar.

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Wang from V Bo was also depressed.

He just asked the background R\u0026D center, and the result told him was "cannot be deleted".

It's just these four simple words, but anyone who is familiar with the news media industry knows that the fewer words, the bigger the matter.

It stands to reason that the entire V blog belongs to them, and they have the only background data and the highest authority of the database.

A picture, a video, or even a short sentence, whoever they want to be the top, then whoever can be the top.

In the same way, they want to delete comments and control comments, and if they want to silence anyone, that person will not be able to speak on Vbo.

There may be tens of thousands of fans, and it takes a few weeks of daily clicks, and it takes countless energy to get your idol to the top of the popularity list.

But in fact, they only need to move a finger in the background, click a little, and it takes a few seconds. Another idol who spends money can occupy a higher ranking without the support of fans.

Therefore, the background database is in their hands, and they have the final say on everything.

But today, they suddenly said that it doesn't count!

The entire R\u0026D center started to get busy early in the morning, but no matter how hard the engineers tried, they couldn't break the data blockade of this post.

The piece of Cheng Lisha black material on the top, like a piece of brown sugar, stuck to the top of the popularity list.

"Master Cheng, there is nothing we can do. The reply from the R\u0026D center is that unless the entire system is shut down, otherwise..."

"Then close it, and solve this matter for me quickly!"

Hearing Cheng Lisha's roar as if ordering, Mr. Wang looked helpless.

You think I can close it if I want to?

The company is not run by my family, I can be self-willed, but the job is gone the next day.

I still have a board of directors above me, and the size of our company depends on this product to maintain operations.

You said that the entire system should be shut down. Do you know how much it will cost to maintain and restart the operation?

The feedback from the R\u0026D center is that it takes 30 minutes to start when it is closed and the time for inspection is added.

In such a large community as ours, tens of millions of gains in a second, at least tens of millions of losses in 30 minutes.

This is not counting the aftermath of the shutdown, the negative comments in the online media.

The associated losses can even reach hundreds of millions.

To put it bluntly, is Cheng Lisha worth it for us to lose so much money?


It's not a bad thing for us to put your black material of Cheng Lisha on the top.

Mr. Wang looked at the feedback data given by another operation department, and fell into hesitation again.

Because the operation department told him that Cheng Lisha's related posts, driven by the number one top post, have seen a steady increase in hits.

To put it bluntly, their V blog is an online community that relies on traffic to make a fortune.

So regardless of whether it is good news or bad news, black or white, as long as it is a hot topic, they can make money.

Although Cheng Lisha pays tens of millions of public relations fees every year, but Cheng Lisha did not open the V blog.

Now the money earned from these black materials is almost catching up with the money earned from you every year.

So this black material, is it worth talking about or not?

"Master Cheng, I'm here to remind you, hang up first!"

Mr. Wang hung up the phone immediately after a perfunctory sentence.

There's no way, Cheng Lisha's hair is still on the phone, he doesn't want to hear a crazy woman soaring early in the morning, which will affect his mood.

"The money of black fans is also money, and the heat is also heat, forget it, don't care!"

Mr. Wang thought for a moment, and decided to follow the advice of the operation department and let it go.

Anyway, it's impossible to shut down the system, at most it's just a show, the worst is to return the public relations fee earned from Cheng Lisha's team this year.

Earn money, who is it for?

If I sell you, I can earn more money, so why should I serve you while licking my face?

Mr. Wang immediately issued instructions to the R\u0026D center so that they don't have to worry about it, and this post is left like this.

And the consequences of doing so are naturally...

Cheng Lisha here.

She waited for a long time, but Mr. Wang never replied.

Not only that, the number of search hits on the top post is getting more and more terrifying.

It may have been false data before, but because it was the most popular, it attracted a lot of people who eat melons. These are all real traffic.

And with Cheng Lisha's popularity, many self-media with no limit began to repost her black material to gain clicks.

Although Cheng Lisha is the first sister in the media industry, but in some self-media industries, they don't care whether you are the first sister or the second sister. As long as there is traffic to earn, their lower limit will refresh your imagination.

At worst, between acquaintances, I will register a small account so that you can't catch it, and it can be regarded as giving you a little face.

So one morning, Cheng Lisha discovered that there were more and more scandals about herself in the public opinion on the Internet.

Why did she become the mistress of a certain rich man for the sake of being in the top position?

Why was she beating someone, scolding an assistant, and even having an illegitimate child outside, etc., and all the scandals, she was born out of business.

"Sister Cheng, it's also said that you like women... Sister Cheng, the way you look at me, I'm so scared... They can't be telling the truth... Sister Cheng, I haven't been in a relationship yet... ..."

Suddenly, the female assistant saw Cheng Lisha's eyes, and felt a little bit of fear in her heart.


Cheng Lisha was about to swear. She made her fortune in the media industry, and she had never been angered like this before.

"By the way, Sister Cheng, today is the pre-trial of that case. Didn't you want me to come over and remind you, why don't you still go to see it?"

"Go, why don't you go, I want to ask that Zhang Wei face to face, whether he did these things!"

Of course she couldn't bear to hear what the assistant said.

This lawsuit is also related to her future, everything about her, how could she be absent?

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