Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 265 Old Wang is suffering, is it just a preliminary trial?

8:30 am.

Eastern Metropolitan Court.

Judge Chen tidied up his appearance and walked out of his office.

Outside the door, his clerk Li Qinghua had been waiting for a long time.

"Judge Chen, you asked me to clean up the robe!"

The latter handed over a brand new ironed robe, and Judge Chen immediately took it.

"The time is just right, the court will start in 30 minutes, right?"


Li Qinghua was loyal and responsible, and reported the time.

Judge Chen nodded, but a smile appeared on his originally serious face.

Because today...he has no case to try!

Judge Chen smiled and knocked on the door of the office next door.

"Old Wang, I asked the blue and white robes to be washed and ironed for you, and the court will be held in 30 minutes, so hurry up!"

The door of the office next door opened, and the judge Lao Wang walked out with difficulty, wearing a circle of panda eyes.

He took the robe from his colleague Lao Chen, and sighed as he put it on: "Oh, why did this case fall to my head? It's such a fucking headache!"

After hearing this, Judge Chen couldn't help but nodded: "Isn't it? Testimony is also prone to problems."

Old Wang continued to sigh: "The most important thing is the opponents in court this time, they are really difficult to deal with~"

"Xiao Baihe, the trump card of the local prosecutor's headquarters, and the kid from Jincheng Law Firm, I heard that the kid has also become some kind of trump card lawyer. It's amazing. You can become a trump card during the internship period. It's the first time in the legal circle of Dongfang Capital. ?”

Lao Wang and Lao Chen looked at each other, they casually rummaged through their pockets and took out a business card.

There are two large characters printed on the business card, Zhang Wei!

This kid is hardworking enough, he just became an ace lawyer, and he wished the whole world knew about it, so he actually stuffed a circle of business cards in the court.

Show off!

This is naked show off!

If this kid went to the local prosecutor's headquarters to negotiate another day, wouldn't he also have to put a business card in the local prosecutor's office?

"Old Wang, don't worry, it's just two young men, I believe you can shock them!"

As Judge Chen said, he patted Pharaoh on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

Judge Wang gave his old colleague a blank look, "You can push it down, this case was originally assigned to you!"

"Who told my clerk to have a good daughter? To avoid suspicion, the higher-ups don't even want to take this risk, so I can only let you!"

Judge Chen glanced at Li Qinghua, and a look of gratitude appeared on his old face.

Thanks to the fact that Li Qinghua's daughter is the defense lawyer's girlfriend, the court actually changed a judge considering the possible "indirect impact".

"The same goes for Old Li. His daughter has studied criminal law, so instead of going to work at the local prosecutor's office, she insists on being a criminal defense lawyer. The key is that his daughter happens to be in Jincheng, and she and that kid are still colleagues!"

Lao Wang then fired another old colleague, calm brother Lao Li.

Lao Li's daughter is Li Yueqin, and Li Yueqin and Zhang Wei work in the same office.

In order to avoid suspicion, it is naturally impossible for the court to allow Judge Li to act.

There are three senior judges in the Criminal Division of the Municipal Court, namely Lao Chen, Lao Wang and Lao Li.

This case had a great impact. Although there were some young judges in the criminal court, considering that none of them could stand the court, Lao Wang, who was qualified to appear in court and had nothing to do with both the prosecution and the defense, was allowed to act.

So far, the unlucky Old Wang has become the presiding judge in the confrontation between Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe.

"Hey, I don't know how today's pre-trial will be. I hope there will be no friction!"

"If today's preliminary trial is going to be full of noise, there is no telling how noisy the next court trial will be. Do we want us to watch Sun Monkey make a big fuss?"

Lao Wang said, looking in the direction of the court.


at the same time.

Prepare the interior.

"It's strange to say that when I went to Dongfangdu before, there was always someone who could expose my whereabouts, so every time I stayed in a hotel, I would be surrounded by reporters."

"But this time, I was not caught by those paparazzi reporters. I even got a good night's sleep these few nights. This is something I have never had before!"

Yang Chuanfang was a little surprised when he recalled the experience of the past few days, but he was also very happy.

Could it be that time really dilutes everything, and no one in Dongfangdu remembers him.

"Actually, it's all due to my friend... By the way, my friend asked me to ask you for an autograph..."

As Zhang Wei said, he handed a book to Yang Chuan.

On the cover of the book, it is "Hotel by the Sea".

Cheng Lisha not only turned this case into a series, but even published related books, which are also popular works.

It can be said that as long as this case can be exchanged for fame and fortune, she will not let it go.

Cheng Lisha squeezed almost all the benefits from this case ten years ago.

When Yang Chuanfang saw the cover of the book, he hesitated a little, but still generously left his signature on the title page.

"Lawyer Zhang, your friend should be a woman, right?"

"How did you guess it?"

"Because almost all the people watching this show are women. For example, have you seen this show?"

"When you put it that way, it seems to be really..."

Zhang Wei recalled that he never stopped this drama at all.

So is the old man.

On the contrary, the three women in the office, Tie Cuilan, Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng, had all seen it.

Tie Cuilan and Lin Yumeng watched it by themselves, while Li Yueqin watched it with her mother.

Hearing Zhang Wei's answer, Yang Chuanfang's mouth turned bitter.

Can you imagine that when he was away from home, he was surrounded by a group of women, who even pointed at his nose and scolded him?

You can't imagine it, it's horrible.

"Don't worry, Young Master Yang, I will do my best this time, and I will definitely bring this matter to a perfect conclusion!"

"Then I will lend you a good word, Lawyer Zhang!" Yang Chuan and Fang Zheng nodded emphatically, expressing their gratitude.

"Let's go, the pre-trial time is coming!"

After checking the time, Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei walked out of the preparation room without any delay.

Court scene.

As Zhang Wei and Yang Chuanfang walked into the scene, the entire court fell into silence.

"That's the murderer from back then, he looks really handsome!"

"Nonsense, back then Yang Chuanfang was a well-known young master in Dongfangdu. His father, Yang Changqing, was a tycoon in the hotel industry, and Evergreen Hotel was our first star hotel in Dongfangdu. Not only was he handsome, he also had money in his family. "

"It's a pity. With such a family background, she can teach such a thing. How old is that girl, and she's still a college student. She's just insane!"

"Yes, if my family is so rich, I will be honest, marry a good wife, and have three, four, five or six lovers outside, anyway, I will definitely treat my wife well!"

"You can pull it up, just leave it here and daydream, honestly write your report, but you can have three, four, five or six lovers. We are on-the-spot reporters who come out every day, and it is difficult to fall in love. Where is the wife? !"

"It hurts, Tiezi!"

In the back row of the hearing booth, there was a lot of discussion.

In the front row of the hearing booth, Zhang Wei's friends are already in place.

"come on!"

The old iron gave him an encouraging look.

"Come on, master~"

"Come on, Zhang Wei!"

The little apprentice and Xiao Li acted as cheerleaders, calling 666 for Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei led the client into the court, and finally came to the defense bench.

At the same time, he looked towards the prosecutor's seat, and saw Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying, who were also looking over.

Feeling Zhang Wei's gaze, Tan Yingying shivered with fright, shrank her head back like a little hamster.

On the contrary, it was Xiao Baihe who also gave Zhang Wei a look back and glared viciously.

Zhang Wei was also not used to the other party, and also stared back "viciously".

For a moment, the two men met their eyes in the courtroom, and there was a vague electric arc stirring in the air, and sparks splashed everywhere.

Even the air is gradually becoming anxious.

Fortunately, the door of the court opened again, and the appearance of a heavyweight broke the confrontation between the two.

"Cheng Lisha is here!"

"It's not nonsense to get so much attention back then, this woman has put in a lot of effort!"

"If it wasn't for her secretly fueling the flames and realizing the traffic in the later stage, would she have the current fame?"

"Damn it, why didn't I discover the potential of this case at the beginning? This woman earned all my reputation."

The appearance of Cheng Lisha instantly ignited the discussions among countless journalists in the hearing booth.

"However, this woman has caused trouble recently, and all the black material has been posted on the headlines of the whole network."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that this woman's face is correct, her name was changed later, and her real name is still so... down to earth."

"The name is not bad. After all, it is the parents who chose the name. It will be fine to change it later, but the plastic surgery... And, have you read the follow-up black material? I heard that there are a lot of rumors?"

"I read it too. This woman doesn't really like women, does she? I heard that she changes two or three female assistants every year, and they are all female college graduates majoring in media. They all look quite iconic?"

"Hey, that's what you're talking about. What I read is that this woman has become the mistress of a big boss. Otherwise, how can she explain her success?"

"That's true. In just ten years, she has grown from a little-known reporter to a leading lady in the media circle of the Eastern Capital. If there is no one behind this, it is really impossible."

Cheng Lisha walked past the hearing booth, and when she heard the discussion in her ears, her brows were frowned.

When she walked to the first row, two people voluntarily left their seats and gave up their seats.

This was arranged by Cheng Lisha. She wanted to keep an eye on the case, so naturally she would not lose her seat.

On the last row, Hu Yaode also came up.

"Ms. Cheng!"

"Lawyer Hu, I will warn those people in the back row for me later, and tell them to keep their mouths clean for me!"

"Understood, I will use Blackfoot's connections to warn them!"

The two talked in a low voice, and then their attention turned to the court.

in court.

Because of Cheng Lisha's appearance, Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe finally stopped fighting.

And the time has almost passed 30 minutes, and the judge is about to enter.

Both the prosecution and the defense tidied up and sorted out their documents.

"stand up!"

Following the court guard's announcement, the unlucky Old Judge Wang finally entered the arena.

Although he was wearing a brand-new robe, his face did not have the calmness of the past.

Even if he was sitting on the trial seat, he was still thinking about it.

"It's just a preliminary trial, it's just a preliminary trial..."

All eyes were on the judging seat.

"Ahem, now this court announces that due to the update of the latest evidence, the case of Wen Xiaoyun's disappearance ten years ago is now open for retrial!"

Old Wang said, looking down at the hearing booth.

Good guy!

At a glance, it is full of people.

"The prosecution, you guys will start first!"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Xiao Baihe got up and said coldly: "According to the latest witness testimony, after Wen Xiaoyun left the birthday party, the witness saw the suspect, the defendant in this case, Yang Chuanfang appear, and the two left together."

"So the prosecution has reason to suspect that Yang Chuanfang was the last person Wen Xiaoyun came into contact with when she disappeared. Such a person is very suspicious. The prosecution even believes that Wen Xiaoyun's disappearance is caused by Yang Chuanfang!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience looked at the defense seats.

Zhang Wei was calm and composed. Although Yang Chuanfang was surprised for a moment at first, his face quickly returned to normal.

Obviously, both of them are extremely resistant to pressure.

To put it bluntly, both Zhang Wei and Yang Chuanfang's skins are thick enough to not be affected by the gaze of others.

"So what is the prosecution's purpose?" Old Wang asked again.

Xiao Baihe looked directly at the trial seat, and solemnly said word by word: "Your Excellency, the prosecution restarted the investigation and retried the case in order to return justice to the victim's family, and also to give an answer to the people who paid attention to this case back then!"

"This court understands!"

Lao Wang also nodded solemnly, but his heart was pounding.

The reason is still good for you to find. It doesn’t count if you move out the family members of the victims, but you also move out people from the entire Eastern Capital.

Back then, this case was almost a riot in the city, and his Lao Wang had also eaten melons in the court.

It's a pity that the presiding judge at that time was not him, but...

"Ahem, since the prosecution has said so, what is the defense's opinion?"

Old Wang looked at Zhang Wei again.

"Judge Wang, we declare that my client, Mr. Yang, is innocent and has nothing to do with Wen Xiaoyun's disappearance."


"That day he was drunk and fell asleep after returning to the room. He had no contact with Wen Xiaoyun at all. He didn't wake up in his hotel room until the next day, so my client didn't have time to commit the crime at all!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's explanation, Judge Wang froze for a moment.


"Our side advocates the defense of innocence, and my client is innocent!"

Hearing this statement, many people in the hearing booth laughed.

This explanation means nothing. Ordinary murder suspects will almost use this kind of unconvincing answer to deal with the investigation department. They are all tired of hearing it.

"Hmph, that's it?"

Cheng Lisha, who was sitting in the front row, was also amused, and looked at Zhang Wei with a hint of sarcasm: "I thought you, Zhang Wei, can do anything, but it's just such an old-fashioned excuse!"

"That's fine..."

Old Wang nodded, he understood.

"This court already knows the arguments of the prosecution and the defense, so let the candidate jurors sit in!"

Tingwei immediately began to arrange, and the candidate jurors walked into the jury box one by one.

The candidates for the jury, with solemn expressions, glanced at both the prosecution and the defense after taking their seats.

Most people's eyes stayed on the defense bench, that is, the suspect Yang Chuanfang.

Young Master Yang from ten years ago is now the number one suspect. He doesn't know what will happen to the other party in this court trial.

"You can start, whoever asks the question first is fine!" Old Wang waved his hand, letting Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe do whatever they wanted.

"Lady first!"

Zhang Wei also made a "please" gesture.

Xiao Baihe was not polite, and walked to the jury seat with sharp steps.

"Everyone in the jury, please imagine that a young girl in her prime was murdered and lost her life. She..."

"be opposed to!"

Just when Xiao Baihe had just opened his mouth, Zhang Wei interrupted directly and forcefully.

On the trial seat, Lao Wang was just about to take a breath, but when Zhang Wei interrupted, his expression changed.

No, no, this is just a pre-trial.

"Defense lawyer, what do you mean, now it's the pre-trial stage, you can't object..."

"Your Excellency, if the prosecutor asks questions carefully, I will naturally not object, but there is still one doubtful point in this case, and that is the missing girl Wen Xiaoyun herself."

When Zhang Wei said this, he glanced at Xiao Baihe, and said sarcastically: "Assuming that Wen Xiaoyun is really dead and was killed, then her body needs to be found. But as far as I know, whether it is surveillance or The investigation department, it seems that they haven't found the most important corpse, have they?"


When Xiao Baihe heard this, she couldn't help it immediately.

But Zhang Wei ignored her, and looked at the trial seat again: "Judge Wang, since the investigation department has not found the body, the prosecution's opening statement is that a young girl was killed and lost her life, isn't that inappropriate? "

"The defense believes that the prosecution's opening is extremely misleading and may affect the jury's subjective judgment, so I implore the prosecution to be cautious in its words and deeds, comprehensively consider the existing evidence before continuing to speak Ask!"

Although Zhang Wei spoke to the judge, the last sentence was a warning to Xiao Baihe.

Your speech is your speech, and your questions are your questions, but don't even think about asking questions beyond the outline.

I've been watching you all the time.


Seeing that Zhang Wei was firing on all cylinders within 5 minutes of the court session, Pharaoh was also speechless.

Today is really just a pre-trial, do you want to go too far?

Oh no.

It is indeed the responsibility of defense lawyers to help clients fight for their interests.

Thinking about it this way, it's not too much for Zhang Wei to do so.

It's just the beginning, if you do it like this, the next thing will really turn the world upside down.

Lao Wang already felt that after two days of the court trial, he needed to prepare some quick-acting heart-relief pills.

"Prosecutor, please pay attention when you speak, some things have not been concluded yet, so don't call me out!"

Old Wang had no choice but to warn Xiao Baihe verbally.

Although Xiao Baihe was very angry, she also knew that there was nothing she could do about Zhang Wei, so she could only grit her teeth and scold Zhang Wei a thousand times in her heart.

"Hiss - ho -"

After taking a deep breath, she finally adjusted her mentality.

"Okay, fellow jurors, what I want to ask is..."

Xiao Baihe put on a smiling face, and then asked again: "Do you all have family members? Is there a family member in your heart that needs to be cared for or protected?"

"Hehe, it's actually this trick!"

When Zhang Wei heard Xiao Baihe's question, he was both surprised and reasonable.

This move was to arouse the jury's sympathy for Wen Xiaoyun's family.

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