Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

March summary, thank you readers!

The crazy March is finally over, and it feels busier than visiting relatives and friends during the Chinese New Year!

To sum up, in the 31 days of this month, the author coded a total of 423,285 words, with an average daily update of 13,654 words. This number should be more diligent than the average author!

No matter how many, the author will not be able to code. After all, there is still work to be done, and the author has to go to work.


Human beings have limits. I can write so many part-time code words, and I already feel that I am about to mutate.

Just to mention, the double monthly ticket event at the end of the month, the author Jun never expected that the fighting power of the readers is so fierce!

At the last moment, I was stunned to get 9,000 votes.

So now, I still owe readers 1 more!

Owe 1 more!

Owe 1 more!

Say important things three times to prevent yourself from forgetting. You owe 1 change and you don’t want to make excuses to deal with it!

But to be honest in my heart, I regret it a little bit, really...

I regret it very much, how can I add an update after only 500 votes, I really want to delete that chapter, and it will be ruined in the last few days...


But my conscience told me, this is not okay!

Do what you say, and talk about character!

As a starting point author, you have to be responsible for what you have said, let alone let the readers dove, so even if you are struggling with finger cramps, you must make more promises.

In the last three days, 41,767 words on the 29th, 42,065 words on the 30th, and 26,310 words on the 31st. This is the author’s promise to the readers!

Of course, thanks to the readers who are not stingy with monthly tickets, this book finally entered the top 100 monthly ticket list, and stayed at 66th, which is an auspicious ranking.

When I saw the names of those great gods on the list, it was the first time I felt so close to them.

It can only be said that Pujie was both moved and hesitant, and also felt empty and weak after the event, because if he did it again, the author would almost be immobilized...

One last word.

If readers still have guaranteed monthly tickets (I don’t understand this stuff), you can vote for me, but I don’t force it~


As for Zhang Wei's story...

Readers have also seen the information on the sub-files, and the following will be the story of the protagonist Zhang Wei continuing to fight the lawsuit as an ace lawyer, but this time, in addition to the content of the lawsuit on the enlightened line, the author will also add a dark line.

The theme of the dark line will be the "Owl Court" hidden in the Oriental Capital, which I call the "Five Great Families". Please, readers who continue to support the author and this book, be patient and watch Lawyer Zhang and the Five Great Families. How the family collided with sparks.


important Notice!

Here comes the important point, that is the beginning of April, the author may have to delay for a few days.

The first is because of the busy work, which coincides with the severe epidemic in Wuxi. The author is a street clerk and must participate in the epidemic prevention work.

On the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of April, the author must take a break, because he has to do his job well, and also because of the sequelae of the explosion.

It's a pity that on the weekend, if the unit is not busy, I can rest, but the epidemic came as soon as it was said... emmm...

I try to keep updating these few days, but it is unrealistic to keep 2 updates every day. I will try my best to update every day. After all, old readers know that the author does not like continuous updates!

According to the plan, I planned to go out for a ride, go to Yuantouzhu to see cherry blossoms, go boating on Changguang River, go to Xuelang Mountain to see flowers...

It's a pity that because of the ban, these have become extravagant hopes.

All in all, for the first few days of April, my updates might not be that strong.

In fact, the author has always wanted to use the leave slip once, but in the end, he decided to forget it. It is the fine tradition of the author to never ask for leave, and this point must not be neglected!

For the readers, the author has paid too much after all...o(╥﹏╥)o

Well, March is over, see you in April.

I also hope that the epidemic in Wuxi can be brought under control soon, and I hope that the severe situation in the next-door magic city can be stabilized sooner.

As long as the magic capital is stabilized, our surrounding cities can breathe a sigh of relief.

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