Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 270 The second round of attack, the memory vault? (9000 monthly ticket plus update)

(The debts owed have been completely paid off, and I have no debts. I will be busy at work tomorrow, and it will take a few days before the regular update rhythm is restored. To be honest, the author is not sure...emmm...)


Han Juli was supposed to be Yang Chuanfang's younger brother.

At this moment, he gave a very unfavorable testimony against the former boss.

He testified that Yang Chuanfang was an impulsive and reckless person.

Even this reckless, may hurt other people.

"No, hearsay evidence!"

Of course Zhang Wei couldn't let the prosecution do whatever he wanted, so he immediately stood up and interrupted.

Xiao Baihe was not in a hurry, and asked slowly: "Mr. Han, if you say that, there must be evidence, right?"

"Yes, I have photos of that time!" Han Juli nodded immediately.

Xiao Baihe turned around immediately, and pointed her eyes at Tan Yingying who was sitting on the prosecutor's seat.

The latter skillfully turned on the computer and started connecting the projector.

A set of old photos appeared on the projection screen behind the witness stand.

Why do I say old, because there is a person familiar to Zhang Wei in the photo, and the person is very young.

"Is this when you were in school?"

"Yes, I remember, it was middle school, and it was a basketball game!"

Yang Chuanfang next to Zhang Wei pointed to a group of photos and explained.

"This was a basketball game in our high school. We were playing against another high school in the same district. The game was very fierce. At that time, Young Master Yang, he..."

Han Dali glanced at Yang Chuanfang again, and then said: "He hit someone with a ball and vomited blood from the person guarding him. Later, the hospital diagnosed him with broken ribs, and he was hospitalized for several months to recuperate!"

"This matter caused a lot of trouble between the two schools, because it happened to be the third year of high school at that time. If the student had to cultivate for a few months, the matter of the college entrance examination would the parents over there had to ask the school for an explanation. ...Later, I heard that it was Boss Yang who came forward to settle the matter."

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Baihe raised his hand and interrupted: "The boss Yang you mentioned is Mr. Yang Changqing?"

"Yes, like my dad, I like to call him Boss Yang."

Seeing what Han Juli said, Xiao Baihe nodded: "Okay, please continue!"

"In short, I just remember that Boss Yang came to the school and talked with the other's parents for a while, and then the matter was resolved, and the parents stopped making trouble!"

"Can it be said that Yang Chuanfang's father will help him solve the problems he caused in school, so he has this concept since he was a child, and he will act without scruples?"

"No, hearsay evidence, the prosecutor is making his own guesses!"

Xiao Baihe's question was interrupted by Zhang Wei before the witness could answer.

"The objection... is effective!" Lao Wan also gave Xiao Baihe a look, with a strong warning in his eyes.

What's the matter with you little girl, why are you so aggressive today?

Although you are the trump card, you also have to look at the level of your opponent.

Ordinary junior lawyers may still be bluffed by you, but who is Zhang Wei, his kind of junior lawyer?

All in all, you figure it out!

"Sorry, Your Honor, I take back my last sentence!"

Xiao Baihe once again "sincerely" admitted his mistake, but looked at Zhang Wei full of dissatisfaction.

I thought I could "speculate", but I didn't expect Zhang Wei to watch so closely.

Xiao Baihe crossed his hands and walked to the witness stand again: "Witness, the prosecution needs to continue asking questions! Since you and Yang Chuanfang are classmates in high school and college, what do you think of the defendant's personality?"

"Young Master Yang is very kind to his friends, he is very generous, because his family is very rich, and I know this. In fact, many of the friends who gathered around him at that time joined the group because of Young Master Yang's boldness. "

"Braveness means spending money lavishly, right?"

"I guess..."

After Han Juli finished speaking, he glanced at Yang Chuanfang again, his eyes vaguely flustered.

"Witness, you haven't answered my question yet. The defendant's attitude towards money may be generous, but what I'm asking you is about his attitude towards people!"

"Young Master Yang, he has a bad temper and a very impulsive personality. Many people knew that at the time."

"Any examples?"

"Every time in school basketball training, Yang Shao likes to yell at the coach, and sometimes punches his teammates who are not performing well. Anyway, things have to be done according to his wishes. At the beginning, no one dared to say otherwise. Because his father It is the biggest sponsor of the school basketball team, so the coach can only endure..."


Xiao Baihe sneered, then nodded in satisfaction.

She looked at the jury, and there were two or three jurors who had sympathized with Yang Chuanfang before, but now there was a hint of disgust in their eyes.

The rich second generation spends money lavishly, relying on their father's money to do whatever they want!

This can attract the hostility of many people.

"Then I'll ask one last question!"

After Xiao Baihe saw the situation in the jury box, she knew that she would take advantage of the victory and pursue her.

"Excuse me, Mr. Han, did you see the defendant's rough attitude towards the victim Wen Xiaoyun at school?"

As soon as this question came up, the atmosphere in the courtroom changed.

Many jurors were originally lazy, but after hearing this question, they all sat up straight.

There were still some people in the hearing booth talking quietly, but after hearing this question, they all fell silent.

The audience was silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the answer.

"Yes, I have seen it. Once I saw them quarreling in the school corridor. I saw Young Master Yang yelling at Wen Xiaoyun. Xiaoyun was crying, crying very sadly, but Young Master Yang was yelling at Wen Xiaoyun. I kept scolding, but never stopped!"

"Is that all?" Xiao Baihe regained his energy and asked again.

"Young Master Yang, Young Master Yang..."

Han Juli took another sneak peek at Yang Chuanfang, and then sighed, "At last Young Master Yang pushed Wen Xiaoyun hard, almost pushing her against the wall, and Xiaoyun cried out for pain!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"Ah, my daughter..."

Not only that, Wen Xiaoyun's mother wept loudly at the family table of the prosecution.

Her crying also infected the jury. Many women felt the cry, and their eye circles were slightly red.

At the hearing stand, many people looked at the defense stand and pointed.

The direction of the court can be said to be completely in favor of the prosecution.

"very good!"

A smug feeling rose in Xiao Baihe's heart, this one was obviously stable, and there was no need to use new witnesses and killers!

The defense table.

Zhang Wei had a brief communication with Yang Chuanfang beside him on this matter.

"Young Master Yang, this matter should be true, how would you explain it?"

"I want to say, isn't it normal for couples to quarrel?"

"Isn't it normal for couples to quarrel?" Zhang Wei complained, why is this an excuse again.

Either husband and wife or lovers, quarreling every day and being seen by others, and then pointed out in court as a motive.

"Young Master Yang, I didn't mean you. The couple quarreled and it was at school. Do you need to do something?"

"I admit, I was really impulsive ten years ago, and I regretted it after that day, really regretted it!"

"You can't even convince me with your explanation, so how can you convince the jurors?"

The answer he got from the person concerned made Zhang Wei's complexion even worse.

"Hey, this villain still needs me to do it!"

He sighed, and then got up, "Your Honor, could you please restrain the families of the victims on the prosecution table? Although I know it's inhumane to do so, their cries are strongly inflammatory!"


Lao Wang also sighed, and then looked at the prosecution seat.

"Wen Xiaoyun's family members, right? I should have said it just now. When it's your turn to speak, you can say what you want, but it's not your turn to speak yet. If you cry like this again, be careful I'll sentence you to contempt of court !"

"Don't provoke me again and again. I have seen victims who are worse than you and family members who cry harder than you, so please keep quiet for me, understand!"

The last sentence already had a tone of command, which made Wen Xiaoyun's parents restrain themselves at last.

But also because of such a reminder, the people in the hearing and jury seats also had a little opinion of Lao Wang.


Unexpectedly, the judge is also such a person!

A drop of sweat dripped from Lao Wang's forehead.

He felt the eyes of the hearing box and the jury box.

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!

He quickly denied Sanlian in his heart, but he couldn't show any expression on his face.

Because he is a judge, he needs to maintain his dignity!

"Prosecutor, have you finished your questioning?"

"Judge Wang, my questioning is over!"

Xiao Baihe felt that he had already completed the lore, so of course there was no need to ask again.

This witness has had a very good effect.

So she chose to give up the stage to Zhang Wei, and at the same time, she also wanted to see how the other party would remedy it?

Of course, it's more like a remedy than a remedy.

"See how you can save!"

After Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying met, they looked at the defense seat next door with a proud face.

Zhang Wei let out a sigh of relief on the spot, and then patted Yang Chuanfang on the shoulder, "You are lucky, this witness has a big breakthrough, fortunately, I was prepared for it!"

Then he got up quickly and walked over to the witness stand.

"Ali, it's been almost ten years since you graduated, right?"

"Huh?" Han Juli was taken aback.

Who are you calling Ali? Do I know you well?

"Strange, didn't Young Master Yang like to call you Ali before?"

"Yeah, but you..."

"I'm his barrister. Standing on Young Master Yang's side, I can be regarded as his spokesperson. It's not an exaggeration to call you Ali, right?"


The corner of Han Juli's mouth twitched, but he still didn't say anything radical.

Let's just let Ali be Ali, anyway, no one has called him like that for almost ten years, so it won't be too embarrassing.

"Ali, you haven't answered my question yet?"

"Oh, you said about graduation, yes, Young Master Yang and I are at the same time!"

"In other words, your memories of Young Master Yang and Wen Xiaoyun are all from ten years ago, right?"


"Then are you sure that your memory of the conflict between the couple is correct?"

"Of course, I remember it very clearly!"

Han Juli nodded seriously, and explained: "I like to read "Sherlock Holmes" very much. There is a saying in the book that human memory is like a vault. method to take it out!"

"Oh, memory is like a vault, isn't it?"

Zhang Wei blinked, and couldn't help laughing.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and glanced at the prosecutor's seat.

Xiao Baihe's heart tightened, and Tan Yingying beside her shivered even more when she saw this familiar look.

Zhang Wei raised his hand suddenly, then grabbed... his pocket, and took out a USB flash drive from it.

Seeing this USB flash drive, Tan Yingying was truly hopeless.

"Xiao Tan, be good, show your socket, let me plug it in!"

Although Tan Yingying felt that this sentence was strange, she honestly opened the laptop socket, and then took the USB flash drive from Zhang Wei's hand.

Soon, the USB disk was scanned and all the files appeared on the computer.

"Your Excellency, in response to the witness' statement, the defense presented rebuttal evidence!"

Old Wang nodded, indicating that he understood.

Since it is refuting evidence, then you can do whatever you want.

"Xiao Tan, click on this video, fast forward to here, thank you!"

Tan Yingying immediately complied and clicked on the video requested by Zhang Wei.

The video appeared, it was an interview video, in which the interviewee was Han Juli himself, and the questioner was a female voice.

"Yang Chuanfang and Wen Xiaoyun, did they ever have conflicts?"

"Of course, although they are a couple, they are not the model couple of Hehe Meimei. There will be quarrels and conflicts between them."

"for example?"

"For example, once, I saw them arguing in the corridor, Yang Shao yelled at Wen Xiaoyun, and when I walked by, I saw them arguing fiercely anyway!"

"Just yelling?"

"Well, yelling, yelling, really loud..."

Han Juli said, as if he was communicating with the host.

Suddenly, with doubts on his face, he spread his hands and asked, "Isn't that enough?"


The video ended here, and finally the female voice who asked the question called to stop.

"Ali, do you remember that you were interviewed by the crew of "Hotel by the Sea"?"

"Remember, you sent out the video of the interview, how could I not remember!"

"So, who is the person interviewing you?"

"It's the very famous host now, Cheng Lisha!"

"Oh, Lisa Cheng!"

Zhang Wei smiled, and then gave Tan Yingying orders again, "Xiao Tan, turn on the second video."

The video plays again.

It was still Han Juli, but this time his expression changed and he became a little excited.

"May I ask if Yang Chuanfang and Wen Xiaoyun had conflicts?"

"Yes, they not only quarreled, but also moved their hands!"


"Yes, I still remember!"

In the video, Han Juli said angrily, "To be honest, Young Master Yang did too much that time! He yelled at Wen Xiaoyun, and Xiaoyun cried, crying very sadly, but Young Master Yang kept scolding her , and never stopped! In the end Young Master Yang pushed Wen Xiaoyun hard, almost pushing her against the wall, and Xiaoyun cried out in pain!"

At the end of the video, the screen freezes on Han Juli's angry face.

"What's going on, why are the two interviews different in content?"

Zhang Wei made a joke, then pointed to the projection screen.

"Please pay attention, the time stamp of this video interview is 14:23 pm!"

Everyone in the audience noticed the timestamp.

"Xiao Tan, play the video again, skip to the last question, there is also a time stamp there."

Tan Yingying started to operate immediately, her fingers and mouse moved quickly.


With the female voice yelling to stop, the video freezes, and the time on the time stamp is 13:43, which is actually 40 minutes apart from the time of the next video.

"Ahem, please calm down, thank you!"

Zhang Wei spoke out again and walked to the witness stand.

"Please take a look at this witness in court, this witness who claims that memory is a vault, and he only needs to find a suitable method to retrieve memories from it. Please open your eyes and see how this witness is. 'Integrity'!"

Following these words, Han Juli's face turned red with embarrassment and even a little shame.

Zhang Wei didn't intend to let him go, and immediately continued to question him.

"Ali, I didn't say you. Why did your memory become disordered after 40 minutes? I remember that was the video of your interview back then, but it's not now. You can remember the interview ten years ago wrong? "


"You don't need to explain. We all understand anyway. The person who interviewed you was Cheng Lisha. She must have asked you to say that, right?"


"Ali, you know the consequences of perjury in court, you will be sent to jail!"

"Ah, this..."


Seeing Han Juli shrink back, Zhang Wei's eyes turned cold, and he immediately slapped the railing of the witness stand, making a crisp sound.

"Now let me ask you, how much favor did Cheng Lisha give you at that time, so that you could slander my client!"

"be opposed to!"

This objection did not come from the prosecution seat, but from the front row of the hearing seat.

After Zhang Wei asked the question, Hu Yaode couldn't sit still, and subconsciously stood up.

For a moment, all eyes were on him.

"Lawyer Hu, why are you here to join in the fun? You are not a trial lawyer, you are just an audience!"

Lao Wang was also speechless, did you have a conditioned reflex, you jumped up when you heard someone say Cheng Lisha.

What is it called?

Should I scold you for jumping over the wall, or should I praise you for being loyal to the Lord?

"Ahem, what, I'm excited, I'm excited..."

Hu Yaode waved his hand immediately, and sat back cautiously.

There is no way, he really didn't think about it just now, he heard that Zhang Wei was going to shoot Cheng Lisha, and he had such a conditioned reflex after being a defense lawyer for so many years.

All eyes returned to the court again.

"Ali, let me ask you again, how much did Cheng Lisha pay you to slander my client?"

"I... I don't remember..." Han Juli didn't dare to admit it, so he could only lower his head and answer in the lowest voice.

"Oh, don't you remember?"

Zhang Wei smiled, glanced at the jury, and said meaningfully: "But you didn't deny it, so you really took the money?"

"And who said just now that people's memory is like a vault. It seems that there is something wrong with the vault today, or the password is wrong. Why can't you remember such important things?"

"It seems that our honest witness is not reliable at all!"

In the jury box, the 12 jurors had different expressions, but they looked at the witness box full of anger and contempt.

Good guy, you lied in front of the court and slandered others, and the key point is that you got paid.

Look at you, who are so big and rough, and betrayed your integrity, you are finished!

"Your Excellency, the defense has nothing to ask about this witness who lied in court!"

Zhang Wei smiled and walked back to the defense bench with easy steps.

On the prosecution bench, Xiao Baihe's face completely darkened.

Similarly, Tan Yingying, who was sitting next door, lowered her head, not daring to look up either.

They prosecuted the case, but Zhang Wei took advantage of it again.

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