Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 271 Anger at Yang Chuanfang? Zhang Wei's defense against his old father

(Get up at 5:20 to prepare the nucleic acid. This chapter was coded last night, and it will be sent out at a fixed time... In the first few days at the beginning of the month, the author can only try to keep 1 update per day...)


in court.

Following the speech of the second witness Han Juli, Zhang Wei found a breakthrough to fight back.

In the wind direction of the courtroom, there was a rare reverse wind blowing.

Han Juli left, walked out of the witness stand and walked out of the courtroom with the contempt of everyone in the courtroom.

As for whether he will be prosecuted for perjury, that is not what Zhang Wei and the others care about.

Now he only cares about whether the prosecution has more powerful means.

On the prosecution's bench, Xiao Baihe's face was so dark that he couldn't see it.

Even Lao Wang, who was sitting in the trial seat, was silently speechless.

You are such a big girl, fair skinned and beautiful, why is everyone with a dark face now "Bao Qingtian"?

But the reminder should still be reminded, after all, I am a judge.

"Ahem, the prosecution?" He called out tentatively.

Xiao Baihe was speechless at this moment.

I thought that I had found a "witness against character" who could prove that the defendant Yang Chuanfang was a person of bad character.

As a result, this witness was not reliable at all, and it happened that the defense found a breakthrough.


Although the witness left the meeting, Xiao Baihe didn't intend to let him go just like that. Anyway, the matter of perjury must be investigated.

And because of his unreliability, the direction of the court was biased towards the defense and the defendant for the first time.

God knows how Zhang Wei dug out the video from ten years ago.

That section was obviously a recorded video, and it was still cut out, but Zhang Wei happened to see it!

In fact, what Xiao Baihe didn't know was.

Zhang Wei's main goal in this case was not to help Yang Chuanfang get rid of the charges, but to serve his own civil lawsuit.

And the target of his civil lawsuit is Cheng Lisha.

Now that the target has been locked, Zhang Wei must know everything about this target, especially the most important drama "Hotel by the Sea".

So he used all his resources, even went to find Zhao Xiaoxiao licking his face again, and wanted to find out all the black information about Cheng Lisha.

Relying on his own ability, Zhang Wei watched Hotel by the Sea more than once, including interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, etc., and even deleted the content that remained locally.

He found that not only Han Juli was alone, but the content of the interviews of many people had been revised.

They originally thought that this was a documentary interview, so the news they revealed had actually happened.

But every time she talked about Yang Chuanfang, Cheng Lisha would interrupt "at the right time" and cut off dozens of minutes of recording content.

After waiting for dozens of minutes, those interviewees would immediately "change their mouths" and describe Yang Chuanfang as a murderer.

If there is nothing tricky here, Zhang Wei will feel strange.

Obviously, Cheng Lisha relied on certain interests to make the interviewee change his mind. As for what is this interest?

All I can say is... Money touches people's hearts!

Because of this, when Xiao Baihe found Han Juli, Zhang Weicai breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not good for you to find anyone, you have to find a witness who can be found by me.

Can't thank you?

That's why Xiao Baihe was so upset after seeing Zhang Wei sitting on the defense table with a smile on his lips.

The witnesses I worked so hard to find were actually used by the other party, it was simply...

How unreasonable!

"In that case, you forced me to make a killing move!"

Xiao Baihe's gaze swept to the rear of the prosecutor's seat, where the family members' seat was located.

She and the man among the old fathers nodded, and the latter immediately understood.

"Your Honor, the defense has summoned the witness, Mr. Wen, to testify in court!"


Hearing Xiao Baihe's summons, everyone in the court knew that the main event was coming.

The family of the deceased, Wen Xiaoyun's father is going to court.

"Is it still here?"

Seeing Father Wen walking up to the court step by step, Zhang Wei muttered in his heart.

For the families of the deceased, this is a hurdle that cannot be avoided in court.

Although these witnesses did not provide many useful clues when they appeared in court.

But the prosecution's purpose of summoning them was not originally for the progress of the case.

There is basically only one way for the prosecution to summon the family members of the deceased, and that sell miserably!

"Mr. Wen, hello!"

As the witness entered the seat, Xiao Baihe immediately nodded to the other party.

Father Wen's performance was quite cold, with a cold face the whole time, without saying a word.

"Mr. Wen, although this may bring back sad memories for you, can you please tell everyone in court about your daughter Wen Xiaoyun?"

Hearing this question, Father Wen was finally moved.

His originally stern face suddenly broke down, and then burst into tears, his old face was slightly distorted sickly.

"My daughter, she is a very, very gentle girl, she..."

The rest is basically the old routine.

As the only second family member, Father Wen began to tell about his daughter Wen Xiaoyun.

Little by little in life, all are good memories.

As a victim, Wen Xiaoyun's image gradually emerged in the eyes of everyone in the court, and gradually became clearer.

In the end, everyone could see that Wen Xiaoyun, who was almost alive, appeared beside Wen's father.

"...My Xiaoyun is an excellent girl. With her own hard work, she was admitted to the key one of the Oriental Metropolitan University. She had a promising future, but it was because she met him!"

As Father Wen spoke, his eyes unconsciously locked on the prosecutor's seat, his eyes turned cold, terribly cold.

Although there is no evidence yet, Father Wen knows that the person who killed his daughter must be Yang Chuanfang.

Therefore, the way he looked at the latter was no different from how he looked at a murderer.

Under the influence of Wen's father, everyone in the court also had a trace of hostility towards Yang Chuanfang.

This tinge of hostility is honestly unnecessary, but that's what many people think.

I have a good girl, but she just disappeared. The two old people have to bear the pain of bereavement because of you!

Now that the daughter's body has not been found, we must find someone who is responsible, and then you are the one!

This is probably the reason why everyone at the scene held a grudge against Yang Chuanfang.

"be opposed to!"

Although Zhang Wei knows that it is not appropriate for a bold witness to speak now, who made the other party directly shoot at his client?

"The groundless speculation of the witness does not have any empirical basis. Your Excellency, please remind the witnesses of the prosecution that they need to pay attention to factual basis to testify in court, and there is no basis for their words!"

Lao Wang was also helpless, so he could only nod his head, then looked at the witness stand, and warned with his eyes: "The defense lawyer is right, please pay attention to the witnesses, I understand your feelings, but the court is a serious place, please speak When combined with available evidence, do not…”

"I know it's him!"

But Father Wen was tough enough, he slapped the table and stood up immediately.

"It was he who killed my Xiaoyun and my daughter, it was him!"

"If I knew you were a beast-faced bastard, I would have objected to my daughter working in your hotel at the beginning. If she wasn't working in your hotel, she wouldn't know you, and she wouldn't be entangled by you, a beast in clothes!"

"Do you know that since our Xiaoyun met you, she went home and cried every day. Do you know how much pain she has endured? You don't know, because you are the young master of the Yang family, you don't know The misery of our poor people!"

"You beast, you murderer..."

Father Wen suddenly became agitated at this moment, his face flushed red, and he just gave out to Yang Chuanfang and the defense chair.

Zhang Wei wanted to stand up to object, but seeing the direction of the court and the tearful faces of the prosecution witnesses, he could only hold back.

This output has to be carried by themselves and cannot be interrupted.

"Young Master Yang, let me ask you a word, is Wen Xiaoyun unhappy with you?"

"No, although Xiaoyun and I quarrel occasionally, I'm actually surprised because when Xiaoyun loses her temper, she doesn't have a clue."

Yang Chuanfang also shouted at this moment, "I really didn't make Xiaoyun angry. Since I got to know Xiaoyun, I have changed my past, and all the girls I hooked up with before have also cut off contact!"

"You mean, you never provoked Wen Xiaoyun?"

"Yes, Xiaoyun is an excellent girl, self-reliant and self-reliant. When I first saw her, I was attracted by her temperament. From then on, I knew that I had to make changes in order to be worthy Fuck this woman!"

"That's strange. The old father said that Wen Xiaoyun kept crying after returning home. What's going on?"

"This... I don't know..."

Seeing Yang Chuanfang's confused expression, Zhang Wei secretly thought strangely.

There seems to be something tricky here.

According to the dossier 10 years ago, Wen Xiaoyun worked as a part-time student for tuition fees during her school days, and came to the Evergreen Hotel as a waitress.

It was at that time that Yang Chuanfang, who was the young owner of the Evergreen Hotel, saw this girl and was deeply attracted by her, and then the two became boyfriend and girlfriend.

But whether there is any inside story hidden in it, there is no mention in the file.

According to common sense, a woman should be very happy to suddenly be listed on the rich second generation list.

But Wen Xiaoyun's performance didn't look like she was happy, but rather like she was under inexplicable pressure.

With the rich second generation, do you still have to bear the pressure? Do you feel that you are not good enough for Young Master Yang?

It shouldn't be!

Judging from Yang Chuanfang's performance, even though he was a bit of an asshole at the time, he still felt that Wen Xiaoyun was an excellent girl, and such a woman should be favored very much, right?

When a man spoils a woman, the woman should be very happy, right?

Is there any inside story that he doesn't know about here?

And this inside story, with Wen Xiaoyun's disappearance, has disappeared without a trace?

Zhang Wei fell into deep thought, while Father Wen in court was still roaring,

"It's all because of you, a beast in clothes, that my wife and I lost our daughter and the only sustenance in our family, it's all because of you..."

"Witness, please exercise restraint!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei didn't speak up and objected, Pharaoh had no choice but to speak up himself.

Although he also knew that interrupting the father of a dead daughter to complain in court is a very hate-inducing thing.

But whoever makes Zhang Wei silent, he can only be the villain.

"Witness, I know that you are very sad, but I remind you again, this is the important place of the court, not a place for you to vent your emotions!"

"Under your ass is the sacred witness stand of the court. This is a place where fairness and justice are emphasized, and I want to maintain this honor. What you have done is provoking the court and offending me!"

At this moment, Lao Wang became Judge Wang, and his face finally showed a trace of majesty as a judge.

Under his influence, Father Wen's anger finally subsided a little, and he looked at the judge seat with a trace of awe.

"Sorry, Your Honor, I was too sad, so I couldn't hold back..."

"This is not an example!"

Faced with Father Wen's apology, Lao Wang could only warn him.

There is no way, there are so many people staring at me in the trial and hearing seats, if I say a few more words, I may be seen by these people and remembered in my heart.

Now that everyone has sincerely apologized, he will stop at the right time, and he has a lot of meaning.

"Prosecution, do you still need to ask questions?" Old Wang then looked at Xiao Baihe.

The voice of his words is: Your witness has said everything that should be said, do you still want to add?

Xiao Baihe was not stupid at all, and he understood the voiceover of this passage at this moment.

"Your Honor, I have nothing to add!"

Xiao Baihe walked back to the prosecutor's seat, while staring at Zhang Wei with a pair of eyes.

The corner of her mouth raised slightly.

Because she knew that Zhang Wei did not dare to attack the witness.

This is the family of the victim, an old father who lost his daughter. If you dare to attack, the jury will never let you go.

Didn't you see that the jury has been influenced by Father Wen? Many people felt the witness's sorrow and glared at the defense bench.

You dare to ask one more question, that is to fan the flames, add fuel to the fire, splash water in the oil pan, deep water, ants on the hot pan...

In Xiao Baihe's eyes, there was a flash of pride.

Take care!

the next table.

Zhang Wei straightened his collar, and under the slightly hostile gaze of the jury, he walked step by step to the witness stand.

"Ahem, Mr. Wen, hello!"

"Hehe!" Hearing Zhang Wei's greeting, Father Wen was too lazy to be perfunctory, and sneered twice.

"Mr. Wen, although I know that you are hostile to me and my client, but you must know that once you sit on the witness stand, you must answer my questions, you understand!"

"Hmph, if you want to ask, just ask, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Although Father Wen's tone was very aggressive, he was quite sensible and knew where this place was.

"Okay then, I'll just ask you a few questions!"

After rolling his eyes twice, Zhang Wei asked, "You said just now that your daughter would cry every time she came home. Is this frequency very high?"

"Of course, that's what I said with my own eyes. For a while, she cried every day after she came back!"

"After getting to know my client?"


"Then as a father, did you ask her why?"

"I asked, but she didn't say anything!"

When Father Wen said this, a trace of helplessness flashed across his face.

His daughter is crying, he, as a father, must care about it.

But the daughter didn't say anything, and asked her that she was fine. How could this make people not anxious?

"You have asked many times, but Wen Xiaoyun just doesn't say anything?"

"Just don't tell me, don't tell me no matter how much I ask, I cry every day when I come back, but it makes us anxious to death!"

Father Wen said with an angry face, looking at Yang Chuanfang with complete hostility.

"Oh, that's strange. Since you don't know who upset your daughter, why do you have to hate my client?"

But Zhang Wei yelled that he was wronged, and complained for Yang Chuanfang, "You said it all, Wen Xiaoyun cries every day, almost to wash her face with tears, but she just didn't tell you who offended her?"

"Then I want to ask, you all know that she is with my client, so if Young Master Yang provoked Wen Xiaoyun, would she keep it from you?"

"No matter how bad it is, you know that Young Master Yang has provoked your daughter. As an old father, can't you warn my client to stop messing with your daughter?"

Father Wen's expression paused slightly.

But Zhang Wei asked again: "Mr. Wen, I believe that when your daughter doesn't tell you the reason for being sad, as a father, you will definitely ask such a sentence!"

"Is it that kid surnamed Yang who provoked you?"

Father Wen's face became a little ugly.

"Mr. Wen, you haven't answered my question yet, have you asked Wen Xiaoyun like this?"

"Yes, I asked!" Father Wen gritted his teeth, but still replied.

"Then may I ask, did your daughter tell you that the person who provoked her is my client?"

"No, she said it wasn't that kid..."

Father Wen gritted his teeth, his face full of displeasure: "But I know it must be him, who else could it be?"

"So, you don't trust your daughter anymore, why don't you trust your own daughter as a father?"

"How do you want me to believe that?"

"Then this is not an excuse for you to anger my client!"

Facing aggressive Wenfu, Zhang Wei is not used to him.

"Mr. Wen, do you know what I saw after I went to court?"

"What I saw was not an old father who lost his daughter, but an unreasonable old man. He failed to fulfill his father's responsibility, but he didn't want to admit his mistakes. Instead, he blamed others for his dereliction of duty!"

"I saw a guy who can only shirk responsibility. Without evidence, he pushed all his faults to a possibly innocent person! But not only did he not have any consciousness, but he was still in the holy court. Go ahead, try to use those tears to deceive the jury's sympathy, so that they will make the same mistakes as you, and slander a possibly innocent person!"

"Mr. Wen, you feel sorry for losing your daughter. I believe many people feel sorry for you, but this is not the weapon you use to slander my client!"

Following Zhang Wei's angry words, a trace of resentment appeared on Father Wen's face.

"What do you know, my daughter's death was caused by him!"

"I don't understand your daughter, but I understand you!"

Zhang Wei and Wen's father confronted each other directly, "As a father, you didn't understand your daughter's pain. Instead, you blindly blamed others. I have seen people like you a lot in court!"

"Let me ask you, as a father, your daughter is obviously unhappy, but you didn't choose to confide in you. Is it your negligence? If your daughter is unhappy, you don't try to enlighten her. Instead, you hold grudges and suspect my client. There is no evidence on the Internet to prove that my client killed your daughter, do you think this is appropriate?"

As Zhang Wei's voice increased in decibels, he actually suppressed Father Wen.

Under Zhang Wei's questioning and angry reprimand, the latter's voice really dropped a lot.


"I asked... but she... didn't say anything..."

"Ah, I hate myself so much...why my daughter didn't tell me when she was wronged, I hate myself so much..."

Finally, Father Wen's psychological defense collapsed, and he burst into tears on the witness stand.

"Mr. Wen, you finally realized your dereliction of duty, right?"

Looking at the weeping witness, Zhang Wei finally regained his composure.

If it wasn't necessary, he really didn't want to fire at an old father who lost his daughter like this.

And the consequence of doing so is naturally...

To be hated by the jury!

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