Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 274 Ask Hanhan to investigate, two doubts

(Today is the fourth round, the fourth round, the road at the entrance of the village is still closed, emmm, I still have to work on Qingming Festival, alas...)


Saturday, survey day.

Zhang Wei walked out of the gate of the Lin Mansion early in the morning and looked up at the sky.

The weather was fine and sunny over the weekend, showing the warmth and pleasantness of the southern regions in June.

But just because the weather is good doesn't mean that Zhang Wei is in a good mood.

Thinking about what happened yesterday, his mood can be said to be terrible.

Especially yesterday, the media and news circles in the entire Dongfang Metropolis were all boiling as if they had taken a small blue pill collectively.

Regardless of the big newspapers, tabloids, and news media, they are not stingy with their own resources, and they report the same thing wantonly.

Yang Chuanfang beat up innocent passers-by!

At the most critical moment of the trial, he actually beat a woman.

And just after beating a woman, he beat a man again, and the man fell to the ground bleeding and injured.

These people don't know the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Who made the first move, these people don't plan to pursue it.

They only saw the photos of Yang Chuanfang beating someone, and that was enough.

Regardless of the media newspapers, news headlines, or self-media, they all began to publish this matter.

Not only that, the address of the hotel where Yang Chuanfang stayed was also exposed.

It is said that throughout the night, many demonstrators gathered in front of the hotel.

Until now, this group of people has not dispersed.

At very late that day, Zhang Weicai sneaked back from the back door of the hotel.

By the time we got home, it was almost 2:00 in the morning.

Zhang and others don't need to guess about these things, they know that Cheng Lisha is responsible.

And only this woman has the power to mobilize the news media in Dongfang Metropolis and let them go online to rape Yang Chuanfang.

This woman has a cruel heart, and when she uses all the media resources to blackmail a person, that person is naturally unable to argue with a hundred words, and does not have the strength and energy to argue.

Because the network trolls under that woman's command will not reason with you.

Fortunately, Yang Chuanfang has adapted to it long ago. Facing the cyberbullying, he remained silent and did not have much psychological burden.

Unfortunately, as the defendant, his situation is still not good.

So after Zhang Wei came back, he spent the whole night thinking about ways to break the situation.

But the testimony of the last witness for the prosecution was so impeccable.

He saw Yang Chuanfang take Wen Xiaoyun away, and the latter didn't refuse, not even a trace of resistance.

The person who can take Wen Xiaoyun away must be an acquaintance.

Besides Yang Chuanfang, who else is familiar with Wen Xiaoyun?

Her friends, her girlfriends, or her family?

It's a pity that the investigation department ten years ago found no evidence.

No matter how long he thinks in the room alone, it is impossible to find new evidence.

The only way is to find the clues in person...



The 41st floor of the United Financial Building.

Inside Jessica's office.

"Zhang Wei, have you been under a lot of pressure recently?"

"How did you see that?"

"In the past, you were very happy and enjoyed my knee pillow, but today you are frowning~"

"Oh, don't mention it, without your lap pillow, I feel like this weekend will be like a year!"

Zhang Wei sighed and leaned his head back. He could feel a piece of soft and elastic flesh on his neck and back of his head.


"By the way, what about your case?"


"What about the breakthrough?"

"Still looking!"

"Do you have a sense of crisis?"

"Yes, and it's huge!"

"So you only made an appointment with Xia in the afternoon?"

"Of course, a person's strength is limited after all. Hanhan is not only a human-shaped hound, but also my tiger and ancient tyrannosaur!"

"Are these words for girls?"

Jessica froze for a moment, then glanced at the wall clock on Qiangqiang.

"It's time, you only made an appointment for an hour today, and you can only finish the head massage for you."

Zhang Wei got up quickly and checked the time on his phone.

"Thank you, Jessica, if you didn't give me a massage, my head is still a mess!"

"So what have you figured out now?"

"I still need inspiration, and the person who can give me inspiration is already on the way!"

As Zhang Wei said, he hurriedly waved his hand to leave.

"Then I'll take a step first, I can't make Hanhan wait any longer!"

"Bye bye~ By the way, I happen to be free next Monday, and I will go to your court trial too~"

"Then I'm under more pressure?"


"Okay, I will try my best!"

Seeing Jessica's slightly expectant eyes, how could Zhang Wei refuse.

No matter how critical the situation is, he can't let the beauty down!

Leaving Jessica's office, Zhang Wei went straight to Dongjiang Yipin.

the other end.

Father-in-law's home.

Xia Qianyue had a rare weekend today, and she was finally not busy working in the serious crime team.

"I said what's the matter with that kid. He took this kind of case and asked our daughter to assist him. Isn't it clear that we are pushing our daughter into the fire pit?"

Li Qinghua sat in the spacious living room, eating melon seeds and complaining.

Xia Donghai, who was sitting beside him, also picked up a few melon seeds and brought them to his mouth, "What are you talking about, Zhang Wei asked our daughter to help, do you still want to refuse?"

"But he's already in the news, what a bad influence!"

Li Qinghua still has some concerns.

The main reason is the recent case involving Zhang Wei, which has had such an impact that it is well known throughout the city.

"Tell me what's the matter with you. When Zhang Wei helped our Xiaojun, did he hesitate?"

"At the beginning, the case was different, and the whole city knows how much pressure Xiaojun endured during that time, and how much pain we endured. Don't you forget that we didn't survive with Zhang Wei's help in the end? "

Xia Donghai is not happy anymore, what's the matter with you, Li Qinghua, what's wrong with Zhang Wei looking for Xia Qianyue, he is our son-in-law, my family.

And what happened to Xia Qianjun back then, have you, Li Qinghua, forgotten all of this?

"Hey, stop talking, I'm just complaining!"

Although Li Qinghua was complaining, she had a relaxed expression on her face, lying on the sofa worth hundreds of thousands, she should not be too comfortable.

There is no way, when people have no pursuit and have what they should have, they will be slack and lazy.

She said that she is very relaxed now, but she likes this feeling.

"Mom and Dad, what time did Zhang Wei say before?"

Suddenly, the voice of my own daughter came over.

"The boy said it will be at 1 o'clock, and it's still ten minutes away!"

Xia Donghai glanced at the time, and then took the tray of melon seeds from Li Qinghua's hand.

"Girl, have you changed your clothes yet? Remember to go out with that kid, dress low-key, and remember to wear a mask, sunglasses and a hat to cover your face. I'm afraid that you will encounter reporters at that time, and the influence will be bad. !"

Li Qinghua followed suit, snatched the melon seed plate back, and gave Lao Xia a glare.

Eye warning!

Xia Donghai smacked his lips, I went out to buy these melon seeds, why don't you save some for me?

"Welcome home, Mr. Zhang Wei!"

Suddenly, the door of the house opened, and the electronic housekeeper sounded a soft mechanical voice.

Hearing this announcement, all three people in the room knew that Zhang Wei was here.

"Hey, father-in-law and mother-in-law, you are at home!"

Zhang Wei greeted Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua with a smile when he saw Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua in the living room.

"Girl, are you alright, the kid is here!"

Li Qinghua didn't even get up, she just yelled.

"Come on, come on!"

Then came Xia Qianyue's slightly excited voice.

But today's Xia Qianyue is wearing loose sportswear, her hair is tied into a jet-black single ponytail, her delicate face is covered by a mask, she is wearing sunglasses, and she is going to put on a peaked cap at the same time.

"What is this, all-round armed?"

Seeing Hanhan who barely showed his face, Zhang Wei froze for a moment.

You are not a female star, and there are no paparazzi guarding the door, do you need this?

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law, I will take your little Yueyue away!"

Zhang Wei didn't hang on to these things, but led Xia Qianyue away quickly.

Watching the two leave, Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua waved.

"Honey, these melon seeds..."

Seeing Xia Donghai's eyes eagerly looking at the melon seed plate, Li Qinghua said angrily, "It's all right, I'll give it to you. Let's see what you look like, just a few melon seeds?"

"By the way, this kid came early. Several other wives in the community have made afternoon tea appointments with me at 1:30 in the afternoon. I'm going to attend the appointment too!"

With that said, she got up immediately and left the house on her own.

For a while, Xia Donghai looked at the plate of melon seeds in his hand, looked at the empty house, and his figure was quite silent.

Back in the family building, Li Qinghua had no place to go on weekends, and basically watched TV at home, and the husband and wife could talk together.

Unexpectedly, now that they have changed to a bigger house, Li Qinghua also often goes out to socialize with the wealthy wives next door, leaving Xia Donghai alone to guard the vacant room.

Lao Xia is suffering~


the other side.

As soon as he walked out of the community, Zhang Wei squeezed Xia Qianyue into the subway.

As soon as she walked out of the house, Xia Qianyue immediately took off her face armor, finally showing her fair and pretty face.

"Zhang Wei, where are we going today?"

"Go to the archives of your martial arts association!"


Xia Qianyue was taken aback when she heard where Zhang Wei was going.

It seemed that outsiders were not allowed to go to that place.

And there is one more thing, she has to ask clearly.

"Zhang Wei, you are from the defense. Strictly speaking, I am from the prosecution. Are we..."

"Hanhan, let me ask you, are you working or resting now?"


"Strictly speaking, during the rest time, you are not a member of the serious crime team, but mine!"

Zhang Wei put his arms around Xia Qianyue's waist and pulled her into his arms.

Although Xia Qianyue possessed the strength to resist, she didn't resist at all, and there was even a trace of shyness on her delicate face.

"You, what are you talking about... who, who is your person..."

"What's the matter, father-in-law and mother-in-law have no objection, so do you have any objection?"

Zhang Wei spoke with a teasing tone.

"No, I have no objection!" Xia Qianyue was immediately tricked, and hurriedly defended herself.

"Isn't that enough?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, the scheme succeeded, and at the same time pinched the opponent's waist with his right hand.

Xia Qianyue was shy about this trick, but she also enjoyed it.

Soon, the headquarters of the Wushu Association arrived.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue went straight to the archives.

The archives of the Wushu Association are very large and require multiple authentications, so ordinary people cannot get in.

However, if the serious crime team needs to investigate the case, they can enter it to observe for a period of time.

Of course, the files cannot be taken away, and the archives have 24-hour monitoring facilities.

Archive entry.

"I'm Xia Qianyue, Serious Case Team 7 of the Investigation Division, and this is my ID!"

"Then who is behind you?"

"I'm her boyfriend. I was afraid that she would find the information too tiring by herself, so I came here to take a look."

Hearing Zhang Wei's explanation, the internal staff who guarded the entrance of the archives were stunned.

"Non-members of the Wushu Association must have a guarantee to enter. Do you have a guarantee?"

"This...of course there is!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a document and handed it to the other party.

"Letter of Guarantee from Team Captain Wu of Serious Case 7?"

After seeing the certificate of guarantee, the housekeeper nodded.

"The archives are closed before 8 o'clock. In the past, members of the serious crime team forgot the time and were locked inside. Even if you want to investigate the case, you were forgotten to set the alarm clock to remind you!"

"Please rest assured that we have plenty of time!"

Zhang Wei made an "OK" gesture, and led Xia Qianyue into the archives.

The Archives is a huge warehouse with no end in sight.

There are rows of information boxes inside, marked with letters and numbers by the staff, looking at them row by row, the number is terrifying.

"Zhang Wei, when did you ask Team Wu to write you a letter of guarantee, and what are we looking for here?"

"I told Team Wu to prepare the guarantee letter yesterday. As for coming here to look for it, it is natural to look for the original document!"

Zhang Wei looked at the mountain of materials in front of him, and said with a frown: "Because this case is a retrial, to put it bluntly, it is the second trial, and many evidences that have been accepted in the first trial will not be verified again, so many things are still unresolved." The result was directly marked, and I don't believe the result of the first trial!"

"For example, the investigation department checked the surveillance video of the hotel back then, but found no trace of Wen Xiaoyun, so they marked in the results that Wen Xiaoyun did not leave the hotel at night. I need to review all the videos of that night Once again, make sure nothing is missed!"

"Another example is their statement, targeting all the employees of the hotel. The result is that no one saw Wen Xiaoyun leave, but this time there are new witnesses. I have to make sure if they have missed anything!"

Zhang Wei said, and found the computer room of the archives, where there is a search system.

"Let's take a look, enter the case information, and you can check the results. The victim's name is Wen Xiaoyun, and the defendant is Yang Chuanfang. That's it... Come, come, at D-45!"

Soon, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue in the D-45 row of the archives found the information about Wen Xiaoyun's case, and several large boxes were full of documents and evidence.

"Let's get started. I'll be in charge of flipping through the materials and watching videos. Hanhan, just go and pour me a cup of coffee!"

"Ah, do I just need to pour you coffee?"

"Yeah, you are helping me by staying away from me when I am searching for information and giving me some private space!"

"Oh well……"

Xia Qianyue walked out of the file room and went to prepare coffee for Zhang Wei, while Zhang Wei spread out the documents and placed them in front of him.

"Fortunately, not many people come to this archive room. I just need to avoid the cameras and create a private space. Is it possible to activate the ability in this way?"

Looking at the information in front of him, Zhang Wei glanced at the nearby surveillance cameras again, with a pensive look on his face.

Investigation begins...


8 o'clock in the evening.

At the moment when the archives were about to close, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue rushed out because they were stuck in time.

"Phew, it's so dangerous. That pile of information is really not for people to read. The thousands of pages of case files are already far beyond the mark. In the end, there are also the confessions of all the employees of the hotel, which are tens of thousands of pages. On the contrary, the surveillance video of that night It’s better, it’s only a dozen hours, otherwise I’ll really suffer!”

While talking, Zhang Wei took Xia Qianyue out of the martial arts association building.

After having dinner outside, the two parted ways.

When he returned to the Lin Mansion again, what Zhang Wei saw was Zhao Xiaoxiao's resentful eyes.

"Second girl, my fault, my fault, the investigation is too time-consuming, I forgot to finish cooking for you!"

Because he still had to rely on the means of the second girl later, Zhang Wei quickly apologized, with a sincere attitude, and almost knelt down to the other party.

His low profile naturally got Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes rolling.

After making Zhao Xiaoxiao a sumptuous dinner, Zhang Wei suddenly licked his face and moved closer to him while the other party was chomping on the food.

"Xiaoxiao, for the sake of this dinner, do me a favor."

"Hmm... huh?" Zhao Xiaoxiao could only respond inarticulately with a chicken leg stuffed in her mouth.

"Help me investigate Yang Changqing and Yang Chuannan, the younger brother and father of my client!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao froze for a moment, then swallowed the chicken leg in her mouth.

"Do you suspect that there is something wrong with them?"


Seeing Zhang Wei nodded solemnly, Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't refuse.

In the evening, Zhao Xiaoxiao started to investigate, while Zhang Wei fell into thinking.

"If Young Master Yang didn't lie and he was really drunk that day, then another person took Wen Xiaoyun away."

"This person is familiar with Wen Xiaoyun, and Wen Xiaoyun won't even refuse to take her out of the hotel."

"Similarly, there are two things that make me a little puzzled, that is, what Wen Xiaoyun's parents said, that her daughter was very sad for a while, and she cried every day when she came home. And what Yang Dashao said, that Wen Xiaoyun Yun was in a bad mood, and the two even got to the point of breaking up, which was also the reason for their quarrel at the birthday party."

"But according to Yang Dashao, he thinks Wen Xiaoyun is a very rare good girl. In order to match her, he forced himself to break contact with the girl he knew before. Such a person probably doesn't dare to make girls angry. of!"

"Then if Wen Xiaoyun was not sad because of Young Master Yang, who would it be?"

"Although Wen Xiaoyun was a summer worker at Evergreen Hotel in the beginning, working part-time and part-study, but after joining Young Master Yang, no one in the hotel would dare to bully her...or in other words, those who can bully her don't need to care about Young Master Yang. identity of!"

"I can assume that there is such a person who is the source of Wen Xiaoyun's sadness, and this person does not need to care about Young Master Yang's identity, and this person must be related to the Evergreen Hotel?"

"Who is this person?"

"One more thing, that Second Young Master Yang, why is he rushing back in such a hurry? I heard that his Northwest contract is worth hundreds of millions. A few days' delay won't really affect it."

"Besides, he must have legal advisors by his side. They will tell this Second Young Master Yang that it is useless for family members to be character witnesses, but why does he still insist?"

In Zhang Wei's mind, there are a lot of doubts that need to be resolved and dealt with.

Ding dong!

Just then, a letter arrived in the mailbox.

It was the investigation result sent by Zhao Xiaoxiao.


Zhang Wei couldn't help but praise the second daughter's work efficiency!

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