Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 275: Cheng Lisha holds grudges, Editor-in-Chief Pei suffers

(Yesterday on Ching Ming Festival, although I was still PUA by the leader in the workplace, I was called up early in the morning to be a street volunteer to maintain the site, but fortunately I got off work early, and coded 2 chapters for everyone.

By the way, the above news said that the lockdown will be lifted on the 7th, I don't know if it will be on time. I hope the epidemic will pass soon, I can hardly even get out of town...emmm...)


at the same time.

Saturday night.

Blackfoot Law Firm, Hu Yaode's office.

Compared to Zhang Wei's busyness, Hu Yaode is relatively more relaxed here.

He can still sit in the office alone, drinking tea and listening to music, which is very pleasant.

There is no way, the advantage is now on their side, and the main force of the attack is the ace prosecutor of the local prosecutor's headquarters.

They only need to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and they can reap the benefits of the fisherman!


"Sure enough, the one who can defeat an enemy will always be another enemy!"

When Hu Yaode thought of yesterday's trial, his mood was extraordinarily cheerful.

Recently, he was disturbed by Zhang Wei, and this kid seemed to be his nightmare, making him wish he could kill him.

And in yesterday's court trial, seeing the other party being restrained everywhere, it was so f*cking cool!

"Next, we'll wait for the second court session on Monday. In a weekend, I'm sorry you won't be able to make any waves!"

"Even if you want to delay the time and come to the third and third hearings, it doesn't make any sense, because the jury doesn't believe you at all!"

"Zhang Wei, you are doomed to lose. There is no chance of a comeback. I can't wait to see you lose the lawsuit!"

In Hu Yaode's eyes, there was a hint of excitement, a hint of joy, and a hint of pleasure that his revenge was about to be avenged.

"Lawyer Hu, Ms. Cheng is here!"

But an abrupt voice interrupted him, it was the female secretary knocking on the door of the office.

"Oh, let her in!"

Hearing that Cheng Lisha came, Hu Yaode was not surprised at all.

The door of the office opened, and Cheng Lisha, dressed as a lady, walked in, followed by a female assistant holding documents.

"Ms. Cheng, you are here, please sit down!"

"Lawyer Hu is polite!"

The two have a friendly attitude and respect each other as guests.

There is no way, the case has too many advantages, and I really don't know how to lose!

Once a person knows that he is going to win, his mood will also improve, and everything he sees will become pleasing to the eye.

On the contrary, once a person is in a bad mood, trivial things may offend him.

Fortunately, both of them are in a very good mood at the moment.

"Lawyer Hu, is the trial on Monday stable?"

"Ms. Cheng, let me tell you this. I, Hu Yaode, have been in court for nearly twenty years. All these years of experience have taught me one thing. That kid is bound to lose!"

When Hu Yaode said this, he raised his finger and pointed to the sky, and said with a proud face: "Unless the sky falls, he will definitely~absolutely~absolutely can't win!"

Speaking of excitement, he even said three "absolutes".

"That's good!" Cheng Lisha also nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, she also knew the result, so she came here specially, just to ask for an extra peace of mind.

"By the way, this is the information I found through relationships, help me see how to deal with it!"

Cheng Lisha then took a document from the female assistant and handed it to Hu Yaode.

The latter opened the file and saw two photos and some text information.

"This is the information of the defense witnesses? Zhang Wei's defense witnesses, Pei Linjia, editor-in-chief of Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid, and Guan Feng, editor-in-chief..."

Seeing the content of the message, Hu Yaode looked surprised.

This is not to say that the information is very important. As long as he "operates in the dark" in the court, he can actually get some lists that cannot be made public before the trial.

It's just that he doesn't know the purpose of Cheng Lisha revealing these things to herself.

Looking at the documents in Hu Yaode's hands, especially the two photos on the documents, Cheng Lisha fell into memories.

"These two people didn't deal with me before. I still remember that I held a press conference for "Hotel by the Sea". For this press conference, I prepared for a full three months and invited all the media and newspapers in advance. , and secretly discussed with their senior management."

"The entertainment tabloids of the Oriental Metropolis are also one of them, but they are only the low-rate of the mainstream media on the scene. Although they can barely reach the second-rate, the low-rate is the low-rate after all..."

Speaking of this, a trace of viciousness and resentment flashed in Cheng Lisha's eyes.

"What I didn't expect was that at the press conference, these two people dared to dismantle my platform. They asked me in front of the media reporters in the entire Dongfang Metropolis. Why did they slander Yang Chuanfang? Why did they slander Yang Chuanfang? Ask me to make such a drama, conscience and peace?"

"Hahaha, it turns out that my vision is correct. If I hadn't found this traffic code and hyped it as the most concerned topic in the Oriental Metropolis in the next few years, how could I have climbed to the position I am today?"

When she said this, her eyes were full of sarcasm.

The two small editors of the newspaper office back then, how could she have such a vision, seeing everything brought about by traffic and popularity.

As for the so-called truth, only fools care about it. Anyway, Cheng Lisha never cared about it!

You see, can't the current results prove who was right and who was wrong?

They are still two small editors, and she has become the first lady in the media circle of the Oriental Metropolis, gaining both wealth, fame and fortune.

Cheng Lisha looked at Hu Yaode after she finished her twitching.

"Lawyer Hu, help me deal with these two people, can you?"


Hu Yaode showed embarrassment, "Ms. Cheng, you don't know something. Just like the defense cannot contact the prosecution witnesses, we, as the parties involved in the case, cannot contact the defense witnesses either!"

"Also, although Zhang Wei is doomed to lose now, if he finds out that we are trying to get in touch with defense witnesses, it is very likely that he will make use of it and cause unnecessary trouble to the trial!"

"I know this kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he finds out about this, he will definitely use it in court, which may cause the jury to shake!"

When Hu Yaode said this, he said with a solemn expression: "Ms. Cheng, you must know that this time the trial is for murder, and it is murder and hiding the body. This is a major criminal case, and the jury must vote 12 times to be guilty!"

"Once a small matter, even an extremely small matter, may cause one or two members of the jury to vote against, and this will not convict Yang Chuanfang, then our goal will not be achieved! "

"You mean, let them go?"

Cheng Lisha's eyes turned cold, feeling a little upset.

These two newspaper editors dared not give her face back then, but now they are actually witnesses for the defense, speaking for Yang Chuanfang.

Isn't this clearly against her?

And those who opposed her, Cheng Lisha, did not end well!

"Ms. Cheng, for the sake of the overall situation, my suggestion is to bear with it for the time being!" Hu Yaode suggested sincerely.

"But I have such an advantage now, do I still need to endure?"

Cheng Lisha frowned.

Hu Yaode could tell that Cheng Lisha didn't want to bear it.

So he rolled his eyes, and then thought of a way.

"Actually, Ms. Cheng, if you don't want to bear it, there is nothing you can do. We can't contact witnesses in private because we are all parties involved in the case!"

"But if it's a third party, or a person not related to the case, there is no such restriction. And, although you can't contact, there are many ways to put pressure on others without contact. I believe that Ms. Cheng, you are better than I understand this better, right?"

After hearing this, Cheng Lisha understood.

"Lawyer Hu is right. I am very satisfied with your answer. I know what to do!"

After saying that, she got up directly and took the female assistant back.

Because she had to prepare some means to deal with the two editors of the newspaper.

"Ms. Cheng, I'll see you off!"

Hu Yaode hesitated for a moment, but decided to get up and see him off.

There is no way, he is in a good mood today, and everything he sees is pleasing to the eye.


The next day, the weekend.

In Central, an old street, on the second floor along the street.

This is where the editorial department of the Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid is located.

But when it comes to departments, there are only a few desks in total. There is an editor-in-chief's office inside, and the supervisor only has a small independent desk outside the door.

As for the ordinary editors, they were all holding notebooks, and several people were busy working on a table.

As an editor, especially a media editor, weekends are the busiest, because many news headlines appear on weekends.

On the contrary, during the working days from Monday to Friday, everyone is busy with work, and there are few hot news.

"Editor-in-chief, the tea is ready for you, and I put a pack of wolfberry."

Guan Feng not only wanted to be the editor-in-chief, but also acted as the assistant to the editor-in-chief, making a pot of wolfberry tea for the latter.

"Xiao Guan, have you read all the manuscripts written by the young people outside?"

"What kind of manuscripts? People are secretly browsing Moments and V blog headlines. They only handed me two manuscripts this morning, and they were all typos. I typed them back directly!"

Speaking of the newcomers in the office, Guan Feng sighed.

Those who can come to their tabloid office are basically fresh graduates majoring in media who graduated from second- and third-tier schools, or beginners in the media industry who temporarily changed careers but couldn't find a suitable job, and finally entered their small newspaper after a change.

These people sum up in two words, rookie!

The manuscripts sent, not to mention typos throughout, and even some sentences are not readable, and there are a large amount of copied and pasted content plagiarized from Encyclopedia, it is strange that this kind of manuscripts can pass the review.

Editor-in-Chief Pei was also emotional, and couldn't help picking up the thermos and taking a sip.


A long sigh.

"I think back when our newspaper was in its heyday, we had three departments and more than 20 young editors who took turns reviewing seventy or eighty manuscripts for us every day. At that time, we were extremely busy!"

"It's not like now, all these young people don't learn well. They either use their mobile phones during working hours, or secretly browse the web to play games, and even video chat with their girlfriends. How old are they, just like old couples, and check the posts every day? "

"Besides, printing and publishing were all done by ourselves at that time. We didn't need to ask other big newspapers, and we had to pay an extra fee for equipment rental."

As Editor-in-Chief Pei spoke, he pointed to the corner outside.

"The guy wearing glasses in the corner is the most outrageous, and he even secretly watched the film. Isn't the female lead in that film the one named "Tian Yongmei". I heard that her face is straight and her breasts are enlarged. Even in that film The shouting is probably fake, this kind of thing can also be a teacher, we were back then..."

"Ahem, editor-in-chief, I'm still here!"

Just when Editor-in-Chief Pei was about to stop the car, Guan Feng hurriedly blushed and yelled to interrupt.

"Ahem, Xiaoguan, it's all right, it's all a young professional habit, hahaha... A man is a teenager until he dies, so even if he is old, there are still some 'handicrafts' that he can't forget..."

Editor-in-chief Pei hurriedly scratched his head, then took another sip of wolfberry tea, and then dealt with it with a haha.

"By the way, Xiaoguan, why did you come here to find me?"

"Editor-in-Chief, I just want to ask you about being a character witness tomorrow?"

"Oh, what is it, I have no problem, this is what we should do!"

"But if we go to court, why don't we tell Cheng Wumei that woman, are we going to fight her?"

When the name Cheng Wumei was mentioned, Guan Feng's face was very ugly.

"Xiaoguan, you have to know that we offended that woman because of that incident back then, and our newspaper has declined to what it is now, isn't it because of that woman who suppressed us behind our backs?"

Editor-in-Chief Pei then let out another long sigh, "In the final analysis, we couldn't understand her back then, and we exposed her purpose at that press conference in front of the media reporters from the entire Oriental Metropolis!"

"Because of this incident, she hated us for ten years, and for ten years, she never let us go!"

"No, editor-in-chief, I don't think you did anything wrong back then!" Guan Feng shook her head, and then said with a serious face:

"If those of us in the media disregard the facts and deliberately fabricate facts in pursuit of traffic and hot spots, then what kind of chaos will the news and media world be like?"

"I still think that we don't need to pursue hot traffic, we just need to follow the facts. Only the truth is what the public needs to know most, and we are the porters of the truth!"

Hearing what his loyal subordinate said, Editor-in-Chief Pei couldn't help but nodded.

"Xiao Guan, after all these years, I have actually regretted it. I regret the press conference ten years ago. Why did I come to do this early bird? Why I couldn't help but expose that woman in front of so many people. ?”

"I used to be so emotional. If I hadn't said this thing back then, wouldn't our newspaper office not be so miserable?"

"If I hadn't stood up to speak up for Young Master Yang back then, wouldn't I have been suppressed like this? I haven't moved my position for so many years, let alone that the entire editorial department has left batch after batch!"

"If I hadn't stood up back then..."

"Editor-in-Chief, stop talking, if you hadn't stood up back then, I would have followed suit!"

With tears in his eyes, Guan Feng interrupted Editor-in-Chief Pei.

"Xiaoguan, until now, I don't regret doing this, because I know that we must have a bottom line in the press!"

Editor-in-Chief Pei smiled and nodded, but this smile was full of bitterness.

Because when, their news media industry became what it is now.

Those who tell the truth will be bullied and suppressed by others, but a certain woman who tells lies will go smoothly and rise all the way.

Heaven is unfair!

Guan Feng, however, looked solemn and hopeful: "Editor-in-Chief, this is our chance to stand up. As long as we can handle this case, maybe we can bring down that woman!"

It's a pity that Editor-in-Chief Pei made it artificially unrealistic.

He shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Xiaoguan, it's easy for you to say it, but it's actually very difficult, because behind that woman, it is said that there is a big shot..."

"Hey, who are you?"

"What are you going to do?"

"This is our unit, what are you doing, you... ouch!"

"How do you beat people..."

"Editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, someone is beating someone, someone is beating someone!"

There was a commotion at the gate of the editorial office.

I saw a few vicious big men walking in with steps that my relatives did not recognize.

They kicked chairs when they saw them, pushed and shoved people when they saw them, whistled when they saw girls doing internships, and couldn't help but swear and touch their feet.

The editorial department is full of a group of young people, who are just dawdling in a word, and have never seen such a battle.

Editor-in-Chief Pei came out accompanied by Guan Feng, and when he saw the leader among the group of big men, his face immediately changed.

"Brother Biao, why are you here? Didn't we pay this month's 'land rent'?"

"Why, we can't take a look after handing it in?"

The leading man looked arrogant, and kicked the table in front of him as soon as he spoke.

This wooden desk couldn't bear the strength of ordinary people's feet, so it fell apart, and the parts fell to the ground.

But Brother Biao snapped his fingers, and a younger brother next to him immediately moved over a chair, and he sat down with a haughty look on his face.

"Besides, you guys won't eat the meal you ate yesterday?"

Seeing that his subordinates were huddled in the corner in fear, Editor-in-Chief Pei knew that he had to stand up.

Although his calves were spinning, he still faced the difficulties: "Brother Biao, where are you, the land rent is paid once a month, isn't it the rule set by the "Third Leopard" back then? "

"Why, are you teaching me how to do things?" Brother Biao narrowed his eyes, with a malicious expression on his face.

The little brothers behind him all showed fierce faces, full of threats.

"It's nothing, I just want to remind you that there are not many people as ambitious as you."

"Well, I can still talk..." Brother Biao sneered when he saw that Editor Pei was subdued.

"Brother, does he seem to be scolding you?"

But suddenly, a younger brother noticed something strange.

"Ah, this..."

Editor-in-Chief Pei's face immediately changed, as if he had said another irony just now.

He hurriedly waved his hand, apologized and said, "Brother Biao, you misheard me. In fact, I wanted to praise you for your utter loyalty. For the sake of Third Master Bao's rules, you actually came to our place in person..."

"Brother, he seems to have scolded you again?"

This time, there was no need for my brother to remind me, Brother Biao also heard the problem.

"Well, you old wretch, you bullied me to study less, and you dare to curse!"

He immediately shouted angrily, and he stood up with a "crack".

"If you don't give an explanation about today's matter, it won't be good!"

"Ah, this..."

Editor-in-Chief Pei never expected that the man in front of him would actually come here to find fault.

"Brother Biao, since our newspaper office moved here, we have always followed the rules!"

"Hmph, I, Sangbiao, set the rules. If I say you don't follow the rules, then you are not following the rules!"

As Brother Biao said, the "dominant aura" on his face was fully displayed.

"It seems that this old man has not admitted his mistake. If so, then teach him a lesson!"

"Smash his bullshit newspaper for me!"

Following his order, the younger brothers immediately started to act.

For a moment, the entire editorial department was in a mess.

"Brother Biao, you can't do this, you did this, Third Master Bao..."

"Old man, I'm not afraid to tell you that the third master ordered me to do this, and he asked me to warn you that you are going to offend those you can't afford to offend!"

Brother Biao said with a sinister smile on his face.

This time, standing behind him was a big shot, and a big shot that no one on this street would dare to offend!

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