Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 276 You are not benevolent, I will dispatch Hanhan!

Sunday morning.

In Lin's room.

Zhang Wei is still sorting out and thinking about the problem.


Suddenly, the vibration of the mobile phone interrupted his thoughts.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Editor Guan, why did you call me because of tomorrow's court hearing?"

"What, Editor-in-Chief Pei was beaten up, where are you? Send me your address, and I'll come right here!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei's face changed and became extremely gloomy.

Someone dared to harass the defense witnesses, and it was at such a critical time as the trial was approaching!

It was Editor-in-Chief Pei who was harassing, Yang Chuanfang's character witness.

Here, if there is no shadow of Cheng Lisha, he himself would not believe it.

Zhang Wei didn't delay and took a taxi directly to the destination.

When he came to the editorial office of the Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid, what he saw was a mess. The entire editorial office had been turned into a utility room, with tables and chair legs everywhere.

Zhang Wei saw that in the inner office, Editor-in-Chief Pei was lying on the only sofa in the editorial department, while Guan Feng was putting a towel on the former's face.

"Editor Pei, how are you doing?"

Zhang Wei hurried in, with a concerned look on his face.

"Lawyer Zhang... I'm not in the way... When I was young, I rushed to the front line, and I was injured a lot at that time..."

Editor-in-Chief Pei said with nostalgia and pride on his face.

"Why, you joined the War Department back then?"

"No, back then I was born as a paparazzi..."

When Editor-in-Chief Pei said this, the old man blushed, a little embarrassed.

"I can be regarded as a monk halfway. I have been a paparazzi for 3 years. I have been scolded a lot and beaten a few times. Fortunately, the old editor-in-chief appreciates me, so I have the status of a regular worker and can step into the news industry..."

"Ahem, Editor Pei, can we get to the point?"

Zhang Wei interrupted with a cough, I'm really not interested in knowing about you being a paparazzi in the past.


Editor-in-Chief Pei let out another long sigh, and then recounted what happened just now.

"Lawyer Zhang, look at them... They didn't hit me hard, but they took a lot of photos... Will these photos affect my appearance in court tomorrow..."

Since Editor-in-Chief Pei asked, Zhang Wei immediately took out his phone and started searching.

In fact, without him searching, a hotspot automatically appeared in the top ten positions of V blog hotspots.

"Is this the media person? Join forces with gang members! "

Click on the hot content to see, it is Brother Biao and his younger brothers, "embracing" Editor-in-Chief Pei intimately.

Although Editor-in-Chief Pei's expression was very bad, the younger brothers were very happy, and Brother Biao even made a yeah gesture.

I can't even read the comments below, it looks like it was written by the navy.

Netizen A: I know this person. Pei Linjia, the editor-in-chief of Dongfangdu Entertainment Tabloid, never thought that he would collude with gang members. This kind of media person should die quickly, it's disgusting!

Netizen B: I also know the person next to me who is more than yaeh, he is a bastard on the road, a proper little gang leader, it is obvious that they have cooperated for a long time, and they are very close!

Netizen C: Disgusting, disgusting, this kind of media person colluding with gang members, why don't you hurry up and die!

Netizen D: This kind of person definitely has no moral bottom line. Since they dare to collude with gangs, they are obviously rubbish and sexy who use money to do things. It's not that I said it, it's because of the existence of such unoffline media people that there are so many false news on the Internet. If such people have any conscience, get the hell out of Dongfangdu!

Netizen E: Garbage media people, get out of Dongfangdu!

Netizen F: Garbage media people, get out of Dongfangdu!

Netizen G: Garbage...

Each of these comments has more than 10,000 likes, and the highest number of likes is 100,000.

Except for these few comments, the other comments only have a few hundred likes at most, and it is estimated that they will not be able to threaten the top of these comments in a short time.

"I know their routine!"

Seeing this, Zhang Wei naturally figured out the intentions of these people.

"What routine?" Chief Editor Pei and Guan Feng looked at each other.

"They want you to not be able to testify in court, not to be a witness of this character!"

Zhang Wei knew the purpose of these people just by glancing at the top hot items.

To be honest, although this trick is effective, it is easy to be discovered by some smart people, so he didn't use this trick more than ten years ago.

However, the effect of this trick is actually immediate.

"Editor Pei, you don't want to appear in court tomorrow, because if you appear in court, this matter will definitely be exposed today."

"Even if Xiao Baihe doesn't point it out in court, Hu Yaode at the hearing stand will fan the flames and tell you about your 'collusion' with gang members."

"Of course, if I were him, I would directly hire someone to ambush you in the hearing booth. Once you go to court, this person will suddenly 'lose control', secretly curse you as a 'trash pornographic media person', and then be arrested The court guard went out."

Editor-in-Chief Pei was dumbfounded after hearing this, and said in a daze, "Is this okay?"

"Why not?"

But Zhang Wei asked back, and raised his eyebrows at the same time: "You don't know, it's the Internet age now, why are those people paying V bloggers to post these news?"

"They just want to damage your integrity, damage your credibility, make the jury think that you are in collusion with gang members, so that your character witness status will probably not be accepted by the court, and the jury will not listen to you. Testimony!"

"This... this is too vicious... Cheng Wumei, this woman, is simply... crazy!"

At this moment, Editor-in-Chief Pei finally understood who the mastermind behind the scenes was.

In order to prevent herself from appearing in court to testify, who is most likely to benefit, and by the method of elimination, she can only know that Cheng Lisha is the only woman.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!

In order to eliminate the last possible threat, Cheng Lisha actually used such a method.

"Lawyer Zhang, I am the one who harmed you, Young Master Yang!"

Editor-in-Chief Pei's face finally couldn't bear it, and he collapsed, "Now I can't testify in court, isn't Young Master Yang..."

"Editor Pei, you are worrying too much. In fact, I already have some clues about this case!"

But Zhang Wei suddenly waved his hand and interrupted the former, "Whether you appear in court or not, the impact on the case is not big enough. The current situation of this case must be reversed by bringing the dead back to life!"

"As for the one who brought the dead back to life, I'm about to take it, but now that something happened to you, I decided to help you get justice first!"

Editor-in-Chief Pei and Guan Feng looked at each other again, "Lawyer Zhang, don't be impulsive. Brother Biao belongs to Mr. Bao, and Mr. Bao is amazing!"

"Don't worry, there is a saying that is good, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and I will not fight unprepared battles!"

"Since they are the first to break the rules and use such indecent means, then I don't plan to follow the rules. To deal with this kind of people, I have to come in person... make this call!"

Zhang Wei said, took out his mobile phone, and hurriedly dialed a number to go out.

"Hello, Hanhan?"

"Yes, I happen to have something to do. By the way, do you still rest on weekends?"

"Are you interested in coming out with me to handle the case today?"

"That's a good relationship. I'll cook for you at noon. Let's go to clean up gangsters and eradicate evil together in the afternoon. How about punishing evil and promoting good?"

"I knew you liked it, so I called you on purpose. Let's clean up the bad guys and then investigate the latest case. Today will definitely make you happy~"

"Well, ok, ok, wait for you, mua~"

After finishing the phone call, Zhang Wei gave the editor-in-chief Pei a reassuring look, and then left.

Brother Biao and his gang are actually very measured in their actions. Editor-in-Chief Pei only has flesh and blood injuries at most. Their purpose is actually to take pictures, tarnish the latter's reputation, and prevent the latter from appearing in court as a character witness.

This trick is indeed a little underhanded, and once verified, it is easy to cause backlash.

But in a short period of time, the effect is indeed immediate.

There are 12 people on the jury, and there must be a lot of people surfing the Internet, and they will definitely see the top hotspots, and that is enough.

So this group of people used dirty tricks, and Zhang Wei also decided to use his own "killer mace" to teach Brother Biao and others a lesson.

There is nothing more effective than asking Hanhan to come.



In the street near Dongfangdu Entertainment Tabloid, there is a warehouse on the street, and Brother Biao and his team have their stronghold in the warehouse.

It used to be a small factory building, with some abandoned machinery and equipment on the first floor, and an office on the second floor.

After Brother Biao regarded this place as his little boss' stronghold, the entire factory building became his lair.

At this moment, he was sitting in the office on the second floor, squinting his eyes and listening to the news reported by his subordinates.

"Brother, all the land rents for the nearby streets have been collected, excluding the part dedicated to the third master, our monthly revenue is this amount!"

The younger brother raised eight fingers with an excited expression on his face.

"Hmph, this is small money!"

Brother Biao smoked a cigarette, sneered, and looked impatient.

Although land rent is a no-cost transaction, after all, the income and expenditure are limited, and there is no big money to be made.

So Brother Biao actually has extra income, and this income is the bulk.

"It's a pity, the site is too small, and there are few opportunities to earn extra money, so there are not many stores that can give me a hand!"

Brother Biao complained again, and then thought of what happened in the morning.

"I really hope to do this kind of work a few more times. Every time I complete the task, I earn a lot of money. Those targets are easy to bully, and I can sell my prestige quickly..."

"Brother Biao, someone is looking outside!"

Just as Brother Biao was feeling emotional, a younger brother hurried up.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, it's a man and a woman who said they came to see you!"

"Hmph, go down and have a look!"

Brother Biao waved his hand and led his younger brothers down the stairs.

Inside the workshop on the first floor.

"This is Sangbiao's territory?"

Zhang Wei asked a younger brother who was leading the way beside him.

"That's right, this is our Brother Biao's venue. He is the boss of the nearby streets. In this area, anyone who sees him will salute!"

"Oh, I see!"

Hearing the younger brother's smug answer, Zhang Wei said to himself that he was right, and then nodded with a smile on Xia Qianyue beside him.

The goal is here.

"Who are you!"

Brother Biao appeared and led his younger brothers to stand in front of Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue with a haughty look on his face.

"Boss, this girl is not bad, she has a pretty face, buttocks, but her breasts are a little small!"

Suddenly, a younger brother whistled and pointed to Zhang Wei's side.

"You don't need to say, I have already seen it!"

Brother Biao scolded, and then said with a malicious look on his face: "Boy, what do you mean, you are here to send a girl to me?"

"Brother Biao, right? I'm just an ordinary enthusiastic citizen. Now I suspect that you are related to gangsters, so I plan to report you. I don't know if it's appropriate to say that?"


Brother Biao was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud on the spot: "Hahaha, I laughed so hard, what did this kid say?"

"Say I'm related to gangsters, and you want to report me, and you say that in front of me?"

The younger brothers on the side immediately chimed in: "Hahaha, this kid is not stupid, is he?"

"Congratulations, you managed to laugh my teeth out!"

But while the group of people were smiling, Zhang Wei decisively took out his mobile phone and dialed the report number.

"Hey, is it the Martial Arts Association? I'm surrounded by a group of people with malicious intentions. They seem to want to beat people. Now I need support, help~"

"Fuck, this kid really reported the crime!"

"Stop him!"

"Go up, go up to me!"

Brother Biao waved his hand, and immediately called the younger brothers to kill him.

Zhang Wei reported the crime on the spot, which was simply not in front of him, which could not teach this kid a lesson.

Brother Biao has decided that Zhang Wei will be caught later, stripped of his clothes, and then thrown into a crowded place to let him die immediately!

The little brothers rushed towards Zhang Wei aggressively.

At this moment, Zhang Wei put away the phone and looked at the people around him with a smile.

"Hanhan, can you figure it out?"

"Don't worry, this kind of thing, I hit ten easily, and twenty can only be said to be a warm-up!"

Since Xia Qianyue entered the factory, she had been gearing up and eager to try. Now seeing a group of younger brothers rushing up, she was even more ecstatic and full of fighting spirit.

The only pity might be that there were fewer opponents, and the food was a little too small for her to move around.

Xia Qianyue's eyes froze, and her figure turned into a bolt of lightning, charging into the crowd.

After a crackling strike, several figures flew out backwards.

In just one breath, Brother Biao's men were all wiped out!

"Ah, my leg, my leg is broken!"

"My arm, my arm!"

"My face, my handsome features are gone!"

"My waist is broken..."

A group of younger brothers lay down on the ground, crying like ghosts and howling like wolves.

However, they were still able to shout, which also showed that Xia Qianyue had controlled his strength and grasped his proportions.

"This..." Brother Biao was stunned on the spot when he saw the scene where his subordinate was instantly killed.

He screamed wildly in his heart: What's the matter with this woman, her arms are so thin, why did all my younger brothers get caught in a blink of an eye?

"Hey, hey, I'm warning you, don't come here, I'm from Mr. Bao, if you dare to touch me, Mr. Bao will not let you go... Hey, hey, what tools are you using, don't come here Ah, don't come here, ah—"

With a scream, Brother Biao finally understood a sentence.

If you come out to hang out, you always have to pay it back.

Zhang Wei looked at Brother Biao who fell to the ground and howled miserably, but walked in front of him, leaned over and said, "You said just now that you are under Lord Bao, right? Then please call him over!"

"Ah?" Brother Biao didn't cry anymore, but froze for a moment.

What do you mean, look down on me, and ask me to ask my elder brother to come over and uphold justice?

But seeing that Zhang Wei was serious, Brother Biao immediately took out his mobile phone and called his boss.

A few minutes later, several cars came outside the factory building.

I saw a man who led the way into the factory building, his back was slightly bent, and his face was vicious and hideous, like a cheetah.

He was wearing a black robe with a golden leopard head embroidered on his chest. He was obviously Sangbiao's boss, Third Leopard.

And beside Third Master Bao, there were more than a dozen younger brothers, each of whom was full of evil spirits, and it was not a good bird at first glance.

Third Master Leopard walked into the workshop with lightning-like eyes. After scanning around, he saw Sangbiao who had fallen to the ground, and the duo of Zhang Wei standing beside Sangbiao.

"what's the situation?"

"Your Excellency is Third Master Bao. I heard that you are under Master Hu. Master Hu is very disciplined. Why did you suddenly become unruly when you came here?"

"Who are you, kid, who deserves to talk to me about the rules?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I only know that your gang has rules, the world is a matter of the world, so I want to ask the third master Bao one thing!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Third Master Bao had a gloomy face and a sharp voice: "It's ridiculous that a mere brat dares to bargain with me!"

"Look at the way here, Sangbiao and the others were punished by you, okay, okay, today I want to let you know what will happen to me if you annoy my third master Bao!"

The third master Bao was not polite, or he felt that he didn't need to be too polite when facing Zhang Wei.

He waved his hand and greeted directly: "Go!"

The younger brothers under him rushed forward and directly killed Zhang Wei and the two of them.

But in their line of sight, a figure turned into a flash, making a move one step faster than them.

The ensuing battle, needless to say, was naturally one-sided.

Seeing the fist wind overflowing in the arena, the air waves dancing wildly, the battle ended in a few breaths.


Third Master Bao stared wide-eyed, with an incredulous expression on his face.

He couldn't imagine that among the dozen or so elites under his command, none of them was that woman's all-in-one enemy.

This girl looks young, why is her combat power so terrifying?

"I heard that the "Martial Arts Tournament" is going to be held in the east recently, could it be a strong player from other places? "

"But how do these people know me? I, Third Master Bao, think that I am well-known in the east, but the strong opponents from other places should not know me..."

Just when Third Master Bao was in a daze, Hanhan sprinted faster, and the man was directly in front of him.

"Both of you, I have something to say...ah——"

He wanted to beg for mercy and say something, but unfortunately a certain idiot didn't give him the chance.

A scream resounded through the entire factory building. Third Master Bao was also killed today!

A few minutes later, people from the Criminal Division of the Wushu Association came, and they received a report to arrest the gang involved in this place.

Although it is common for people like Third Master Bao to enter the detention center, going in and squatting for a few days can also make them calm down for a while.

It's a pity that the operators who came here did not find the reporter.

In fact, the reporter still had a task to do after he took care of Mr. Bao and his party.

If you stay, you have to make a record, so there is no way to investigate other things.

The main task of the reporter today is not to punish the evil and promote the good, but to solve the case!

Cleaning up Sangbiao and Mr. Bao was just to seek justice for Editor-in-Chief Pei.

But not revealing the purpose is also to avoid trouble for Editor Pei and the others.

Zhang Wei: slip away...

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