Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 277 Yang Family Mansion, Bones in the Basement!

(Chapter 2 will be updated again today, but units 8, 9, and 10 are busy, so we can only update 1 again, and the normal update will resume next Monday!)


Dongfangdu, southeast.

In a seaside residential area, in front of the gate of an abandoned villa.

"This is the old house of the Yang family back then, and this is where we will investigate later!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the only old villa in this area that looked a little old, and said so.

"Then why don't we go in?" Xia Qianyue at the side couldn't help it, eager to try.

Although she moved her hands and feet a little earlier, she was still a little unhappy.

Now at the investigation site again, the detective soul in her body is also burning.

Zhang Wei also had to admire Xia Qianyue's energy. She had just beaten more than 20 gang members, and she still had so much energy.

But what he didn't know was that Xia Qianyue really wasn't lying.

She can deal with 10 effortlessly, and can barely warm up after dealing with 20.

So for Xia Qianyue, she just finished warming up, and now it's time to do business!

"Don't worry, Hanhan, this is the Yang family's famous house after all, even if we go in and investigate, it's nothing but a master's work!"

Zhang Wei grabbed Xia Qianyue, who couldn't help but climb over the wall to get in.

"Hey, what a disappointment..."

This naturally caused the latter to purse his lips and look unhappy.

"Don't worry, the Lord is coming soon!"

Zhang Wei raised his hand and saw a taxi coming, and then a man wearing a mask, sunglasses and a peaked cap came out.

The look of the other party is exactly the same as Xia Qianyue a few days ago, it is a replica.

It was Yang Chuanfang who came, and his brother was not with him.

"Young Master Yang, you are finally here!"

"Yeah, my younger brother drove my car and helped me get rid of a lot of people, which gave me a chance to come out!"

Yang Chuanfang expressed emotion, and then sighed: "But I guess, he has no chance to get away!"

"Did you tell him your purpose?"

"I just said you were looking for me and I was going out for a while, but he said he would drive to help me attract paparazzi's stalking, and he didn't ask me where I was going."


Zhang Wei nodded, then pointed to the old villa in front of him.

"This house was like that ten years ago, and it's still like that now!"

Looking at his ancestral house, Yang Chuanfang showed a disliked expression.

"Young Master Yang, I know you may not like to go back to this home, but this time the place we want to investigate is your home, and you, the master, must agree to it!"

"That's nothing, you go in as you please. This house has been abandoned for several years since my father passed away. The things in it must have been taken care of by the people nearby!"

Yang Chuanfang laughed at himself, and then pushed the iron fence door that was described as false.

There is a lock on the door, but unfortunately the lock has been cut off, so the furniture and objects inside probably won't stay.

After all, taking something from the murderer's house, how can it be considered "stealing"?

Definitely not counting, that's called getting it in a proper way!

The three walked into the Yang family's ancestral house together.

After opening the door, a musty and dilapidated smell flooded into the nostrils.

Zhang Wei fanned it with his hands, and after feeling better, he immediately scanned the entrance hall of the villa.

"It's okay, after all the furniture has been taken away, it is much more spacious, making it easier for us to find clues!"

At first glance, the villa is really quite spacious and bright.

Without the furniture, the line of sight is naturally unobstructed. On the first floor of the villa, outside the entrance hall, there is only a corridor on one side, which leads directly to the kitchen and utility room at the back.

After all, the Yang family started with Yang Changqing. His parents died long ago when he was rich, and the second generation only had two brothers, Yang Chuanfang and Yang Chuannan. The main family only had three members.

So this villa is actually not that big, the owner's house is on the second floor.

"Go upstairs and see if there are any clues!"

Zhang Wei pointed upstairs and took Xia Qianyue to leave immediately.

"Lawyer Zhang, can you tell me what we are looking for?"

Yang Chuanfang became curious, "Although you want to investigate my ancestral house, I have no objection, but I don't think you can find clues here."

"No, there are clues here, and if you are lucky, you may be able to find..."

When Zhang Wei said this, he paused for a while, but did not say the second half of the sentence.

He glanced at Yang Chuanfang, and comforted him, "Young Master Yang, all in all, let's work hard, maybe we can really find clues here!"

The three walked up the stairs, and then groped around on the second floor.

The main target of Zhang Wei's search is the room of the master's house, that is, Yang Changqing's room.

All the bed cabinets here were also emptied, and almost nothing was left. Even some wooden boards in the floor were pried away.

I have to say that the people around here are really plucking their hair, they want to take everything.

"However, if Yang Changqing really has a problem, he won't leave the clues in such a conspicuous place. It's unlikely that he can find clues on the second floor!"

Zhang Wei looked at the empty room and searched around, but naturally found nothing.

He even tapped and groped for a long time on the floor and the walls, but unfortunately he still couldn't find it.

"Zhang Wei, I didn't find it..."

"My side is the same. To be honest, I am very familiar with these rooms. How could there be so-called clues!"

Xia Qianyue and Young Master Yang also came out of the two adjacent rooms.

"Go, go back to the first floor and have a look!"

Zhang Wei didn't care, and led the three of them down the stairs again.

It's still the old routine, knocking on the first floor, groping for a while.

The three of them fumbled in the living room, kitchen, pantry, and even the servant's room, but unfortunately they still found nothing.

"Lawyer Zhang, let me say that there is no clue!"

After the three met again, Yang Chuanfang shook his head, "This is my home after all, if there is a problem, how could I not find it?"

As soon as these words came out, Xia Qianyue didn't respond, but Zhang Wei's eyes flickered.

"Young Master Yang is right, this is your home, you should be familiar with this place and you can't be more familiar with it!"

He looked at Yang Chuanfang, and then asked, "Young Master Yang, did your father warn you that there is something in the house that you must not touch?"

"Absolutely untouchable?"

Yang Chuanfang fell into memory, and then unconsciously glanced at the inside of the entrance hall, below the stairs leading to the second floor.

"There used to be my mother's painting hanging there. My father said that my mother passed away early, so let us never touch that painting. It is the last thought my mother left for him!"

"Your mother's painting?"

Zhang Wei understood, this reason is fine.

He immediately walked to the side of the aisle to check, knocking on the wall.

Boom, boom, boom... boom, boom...


Zhang Wei found that the sound of knocking in one area was obviously different from the surrounding walls.

The surrounding sounds are dull, but the knocking sound here is clear, and the inside is hollow.

He glanced around the wall, up, down, left, and right, but unfortunately, he didn't find any entrance switch or mechanism.

Obviously, things like organs were also destroyed by uninformed intruders.

Even, if there is an internal mechanism, it will be a problem whether it can still function normally after so many years.

But there is no agency, but Zhang Wei is naive.

"Hanhan, you handle this wall and show your true strength!"


Zhang Wei pointed to the wall, then gave Yang Chuanfang a look or two, and asked the latter to back away with him.

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean?"

Yang Chuanfang was puzzled, but he also took a few steps back.

Because he always felt that something dangerous would happen next.

"Young Master Yang, don't talk, just stand back and watch!"

Zhang Wei withdrew several steps in a row, then squatted on the ground to reduce the chance of injury.

At the same time, Xia Qianyue immediately understood and walked to the hollow wall behind.

Holding his breath, he clenched his right fist and pressed it against the wall.


With a soft drink, Xia Qianyue's muscles all over her body seemed to exert strength at the same time.

The power started from the soles of her feet, spread to the upper body, then poured into the right arm, and finally the position of the fist.


Inside the wall, there was an explosion.

Numerous cracks spread from the position where the fist was touching, and spread in all directions.


Under the punch just now... the wall shattered, and the inside gradually shattered.


Seeing this terrifying scene, Yang Chuanfang said secretly: Good guy!

Is this human power?

A woman with slender arms and legs actually shattered the wall with one fist?

This... this is too... against the sky, right?

This is simply a monster, it is simply terrifying!

"As expected of Hanhan, it's really good!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and at the same time thought inwardly: That's what Hanhan wants to use!

The walls have been cracked, and the next thing is much simpler.

Xia Qianyue poked it casually twice with her arm, and a hole was opened in the shattered wall.

Zhang Wei immediately took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and took a photo inside.

Inside is a staircase leading to a certain basement.

Looking at the dark space, Zhang Wei walked in first.

Xia Qianyue and Yang Chuanfang naturally followed, and Young Master Yang politely gave up his position immediately when he saw Xia Qianyue's action.

His polite expression seemed to say again: Boss, please first!

After Xia Qianyue went down, Yang Chuanfang left.

But he also looked at the entrance a few times, with a strange look.

Because he himself didn't know that there was such a secret basement hidden inside the Yang family mansion.

Walking through a not-so-long staircase, Zhang Wei came to a secluded space.

This place gives him the feeling of eerie, the whole room exudes a certain kind of weirdness.

He took his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight mode, and took pictures all the way.

This room is not small, and there are many weird wooden toys piled up at the entrance, as well as some rope tools, etc...

Zhang Wei saw a dusty soft bed, several sofas with damaged skins, and...


He let out an exclamation, because he saw an iron chair, and a thick white bone was tied on the iron chair!

"My God, it's a skeleton!"

"Fuck, Lawyer Zhang, don't scare me!"

From behind, Xia Qianyue and Yang Chuanfang walked in at the same time. When they saw the bones tied to the iron chair, they both exclaimed one after another.

"This bone, judging from the skeleton, should be...a woman..."

Zhang Wei walked up to the skull, looked it over carefully, and then made a judgment immediately based on his years of criminal investigation experience.

Then he let out a long sigh and finally figured something out.

"Young Master Yang, please mourn!"

He walked up to Yang Chuanfang and couldn't help but patted the latter on the shoulder.

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean?"

"Yeah, Zhang Wei, why are you talking so thoughtlessly, why are you consoling others? Could this skeleton be the missing woman... Wait, it can't be true, right?"

Zhang Wei has to admit that although Hanhan is not smart sometimes, his intuition is always accurate.

A woman's intuition is so inexplicable!

With a plop, Yang Chuanfang's legs softened and he fell to his knees suddenly.

His face collapsed in an instant, his shoulders shook, and his face was contorted.

Not long after, a few lines of tears welled up.

He couldn't believe that the bones in front of him were... Wen Xiaoyun!

"Young Master Yang, the truth is still unknown. The only thing we can do is to notify the people in the investigation department, let them seal this place, and then start an investigation!"

As Zhang Wei said, he was going to take Xia Qianyue out of this basement.

But then he paused, as if he had thought of something.

"If you report the case now, once the investigation department comes over, won't it leak the news?"

Zhang Wei glanced at the skeleton in the secret room and fell into deep thought.

This skeleton was helped here, and it was obvious that it had been abused during its lifetime.

And who is the owner of this house, needless to say, everyone knows it is Yang Changqing.

In other words, even if the skeleton was finally found to be not Wen Xiaoyun after comparing its DNA, once this matter was exposed, it would eventually become evidence against the Yang family.

Although Zhang Wei was 90% sure that this woman was Wen Xiaoyun, he didn't want to take any risks.

"We have to find a way to let this body be found, but at the same time not be exposed. If this is the case, we can't let the Serious Case 1 team find out, we have to find someone else!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei suddenly had a plan in mind.

"Hanhan, inform Team Wu that we found an unnamed corpse in the Yang family mansion, whose identity is not known for the time being, and ask him to bring investigators. By the way, let him bring Mo Yuzhu at the same time, we need to know In terms of identity, it must be verified by a forensic doctor, and it must be a trustworthy forensic doctor who will not leak!"


Xia Qianyue took the order immediately and walked out of the basement to make a phone call.

Zhang Wei came to Yang Chuanfang, who was kneeling in pain at the moment, with an extremely sad expression.

"Young Master Yang, I heard that you haven't had a new girlfriend in the past ten years since Wen Xiaoyun disappeared?"

"I think you still love that Wen Xiaoyun back then, right?"

Hearing this, Yang Chuanfang shook his shoulders and said in a trembling voice, "Why...why did this happen...why did this happen..."

"Young Master Yang, please express your condolences!"

Zhang Wei said, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "You cannot come back to life after death. What you need to do is to look forward, not to be helpless here!"

"Oh, by the way, people from Team 7 of Serious Cases will come over later. It's Team Wu and the others I know. If you want to cry, please move away. They need to investigate clues at the scene!"

"You mean, this person may not be Xiaoyun, and she may still be alive?"

"This... all I can say is that there is little hope."

Zhang Wei didn't know how to comfort him anymore, but he knew better that he couldn't give the parties too much hope.

Otherwise, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Once full of hope, it turns into despair in the end, many parties can't bear it, and their spirits will collapse.

Although Yang Chuanfang is an adult male, seeing the bones of his former lover at this moment, he is not the same emotionally broken down, crying bitterly on the spot.

This is the big heart he has developed after so many years of cyberbullying.

If this was an ordinary person, he might just stand there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Anyway, after comforting Yang Chuanfang a few words, Zhang Wei dragged him out of the basement.

Outside, Wu team and the others also came, and they were dressed in casual clothes, and did not call the field staff.

There were a total of three people from the 7th group, including Xia Qianyue, so only Wu Yong and Lao Xing came from the 7th group.

"Zhang Wei, where is the body?"

"What's next!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the entrance of the basement to Wu Yong and Lao Xing.

The two looked at each other and walked in.

"By the way, we contacted Mo Yuzhu from the medical examiner's office, and she said that she will be there by taxi!"

Before Dui Wu went down, he raised his mouth at Zhang Wei.

A few minutes later, a taxi stopped outside the Yang family's mansion.

Mo Yuzhu, carrying a toolbox and wearing casual attire, walked in with a resentful expression on her face.

"Zhang Wei, do you know that I have a rest on weekends?"

As soon as she came in, she couldn't help but shoot at someone.

"I was fishing on the Internet while I was at work, and I cached the drama for a week, just to watch it on the weekend, you disrupted my rhythm!"

"If I don't finish it this week, I have to save it until that week to finish it. Then, during the working hours of the next week, wouldn't I be able to catch fish in the office's net?"

"Besides, I just saw the scene where the hostess and the heroine kiss, and then they're going to have sex, and they're going to have sex. Do you know that I've been looking forward to their sex scene for a week?"

"Seeing the scene of their deep affection, what the two of them did, the feeling that it's a matter of course, do you understand?"

Zhang Wei was stunned by Mo Yuzhu's witty remarks and speech against the sky.

For a moment, he didn't know how to reply.

Well, you Mo Yuzhu, it's too high-sounding to talk about fishing at work!

You're still looking forward to sex scenes, you're a female driver, it's outrageous!

And it's still outrageous. His mother opened the door for Outrageous. Outrageous is home!

But now the female driver is the key to this case.

So Zhang Wei waved his hand and pulled Mo Yuzhu aside.

"Student Xiaomo, I know you are angry in your heart, if you don't, it will be considered that I owe you a favor!"

"How much is your favor worth?" Mo Yuzhu rolled her eyes.

"You can't say that, I can be regarded as Jincheng's ace lawyer now, and my face is still worth a few dollars!"

As Zhang Wei said, he pointed to Yang Chuanfang, who was still recovering, and the entrance to the basement.

"Also, after you go in later, even if you really find out the identity of the corpse, don't say anything for now, I need you to keep this secret for me!"

"It's not as fast as you said. It's not easy to compare DNA. It takes at least 24 hours to verify your identity!"

Mo Yuzhu rolled her eyes again, and said in a bad mood: "Also, I was pulled out to work overtime on weekends, and you will pay for the overtime pay, as well as the hush money that you want me to keep secret for the time being, and you have to pay extra!"

"That's no problem. If you want anything else, overtime pay and hush money, I'll definitely pay you!"

"Hmph, that's about the same!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Mo Yuzhu gave in, and walked into the basement with a cold snort.

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