Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 278 Young Master Yang's Persistence, Zhang Wei Has Other Plans

Monday, court day.

In the morning, Zhang Wei was still waiting for news at his residence.

Fortunately, neither Team Wu nor Mo Yuzhu disappointed him.

"That's right, Team Wu, what we found was an unnamed female corpse. It will take some time to check the identity, and in order not to cause panic among the surrounding residents, it is inevitable that the serious crime team will temporarily block the news. All in all, I will wait for your good news. "

"Student Xiaomo, you don't need to tell me the results of the DNA comparison. I already knew that the corpse belonged to Wen Xiaoyun, but it would be better if you could provide the DNA verification report, so that the evidence would be more convincing. Don't worry, I will give you the overtime pay and favor pay that I promised you, and I will remember the favor as well."

After talking on the phone with both sides at the same time, Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

Why is it half a mouthful?

Because the remaining half of the mouth is still upstairs.

Boom boom boom!

There was a sound of footsteps, and Zhao Xiaoxiao was seen bouncing down in blue Jenny Hanhangui pajamas.

"Xiaoxiao, how is the information check going?"

"Here, it's all here!"

After throwing a thick stack of documents on the table, Zhao Xiaoxiao turned her head and went back to her nest.

"I'm in court today, why don't you come and support me?"

"What are you supporting? You can win anyway!"


Hearing what the second girl said, Zhang Wei didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy.

I am happy because the second girl has confidence in me, and I am unhappy because the second girl does not come to support my work.

Look at Jessica, she is so busy at work on weekdays, she can come to support his work, you are lying at home every day, and you don't even bother to go out.

Zhang Wei said that after this incident is over, he should take the second girl out more, and not let her be bored at home all day.

As for now!

"Hey, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!"

Looking at the thick documents stacked on the table in front of him, Zhang Wei smiled.



30 minutes before the hearing.

City Court, a preparation room.

Jessica sat on a chair in the preparation room, looking at the two arguing in front of her, feeling helpless.

She could only stroke her forehead, brush her golden hair, and sighed again.

The other two elders in the room are still arguing at this moment.

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't allow you to do this!"

"Young Master Yang, you are confused. If you don't tell everything you saw at home, you won't be able to prove your innocence!"

"But that is my father. Although he has done so many wrong things, he is my father after all. I will not allow this to hurt his name."

"But this matter will eventually be exposed, after all, the serious crime team has found the body!"

"That's not okay, at least I won't trade my father's reputation for my own benefit!"

"Young Master Yang, you..."

"Lawyer Zhang, stop talking. I beg you, please. I will never do this. Please don't persuade me anymore!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's "pleading", Yang Chuanfang was very firm!

He said solemnly to Zhang Wei: "Lawyer Zhang, I know it's stupid to do this, but I also have my persistence. I don't want my conscience to be punished for the rest of my life!"

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, the court will start in ten minutes, I'll go to the court and get ready!"

Yang Chuanfang then left the preparation room without giving Zhang Wei a chance to stay.


Looking at Yang Chuanfang who left, Zhang Wei's originally unhappy expression suddenly subsided, and then the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc.

"Zhang, what are you thinking about with that smile?"

Seeing Zhang Wei's expression, Jessica on the side was a little curious.

"It's nothing, I just think that Young Master Yang is still childish. After all, there are some things that he can't do whatever he wants!"

"did you mean……"

Jessica blinked her big Kaziran eyes, "You don't seem to want to comply with your client's request, but you are a lawyer, you can't forget your duty..."

"Jessica, you misunderstood, I have never violated the lawyer service agreement, not before, not today, and not in the future!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, showing a hint of insidiousness and cunning, "Since First Young Master Yang told me that he would not say those things in court, why should I ask him to testify in court?"

"But he is the defendant, a witness at the scene, and even more so, a party to this case. If he doesn't speak up, who else can you turn to..."

"Of course it's another young master of the Yang family!"

"Yang Chuannan? But he didn't follow you to the scene. Does he know anything?"

"Of course, I even guessed that this Young Master Yang knows more than us!"

When Zhang Wei said this, a sly smile appeared on his face, "Because he was the one who sent Wen Xiaoyun to the Yang family's mansion that night ten years ago, which means he indirectly killed Wen Xiaoyun."

"I believe that after so many years, he still has guilt in his heart. Otherwise, why would he not even want a project worth hundreds of millions of dollars if something happened to his elder brother, and why would he rush back immediately?"

"But didn't he say it, it's because of brotherhood?" Jessica was a little puzzled.

Zhang Wei shook his head: "No, brotherhood is just one of them, but it's not the main reason!"

"Anyway, our Second Young Master Yang is the breakthrough point of this case!"

He said, making a "please" gesture, "beautiful princess, your knight is about to go to the battlefield, please wait and see and appreciate his victory!"

"Zhang, your mouth is still so sweet!"

"Jessica, you haven't tasted it, how do you know whether my mouth is sweet or not?"

"Okay, you will take advantage of me, find a fight!"

"Why are you like Hanhan, please forgive me, I'm so scared~"

Jessica covered her mouth and smiled slightly, her eyes showed appreciation and joy, and there was a trace of pure joy of a little girl.

She found that when she was with Zhang Wei, she could always experience fun that she couldn't experience in ordinary times.


At the courtroom, there was a surge of people.

Since the trial last Friday, the attention of this case has ushered in the highest peak.

Not only because of the attention of the case, but also because of the opponents of the case.

The identities of the two belong to the ace, one is the ace of the local prosecutor's headquarters, and the other is the ace lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm.

Ace vs. Ace!

But... Judging from the battle situation, a certain trump card seems to be losing!

In the hearing booth, there is a lot of discussion at this moment.

"Have you heard that Zhang Wei is going to lose this time?"

"I've heard that too, otherwise I wouldn't have come!"

"No, the defense will definitely lose this time, because I watched the trial last Friday, and I also carefully observed the expressions of the jury. Their opinions were surprisingly unanimous, and the defendant must be guilty!"

"Unexpectedly, lawyer Zhang Wei is also going to lose. So far, no one in the legal profession in Dongfang Capital has been able to keep fighting against the local prosecutor's headquarters?"

"You can pull it down, beat the local prosecutor's headquarters, you are joking, the local prosecutor's headquarters is pressing you to beat you!"

"Lawyer Zhang, in my opinion, was just lucky. He won those lawsuits after letting him encounter a dead mouse several times. This time he has shown his true colors!"

"That's right, the truth has been revealed. How can anyone be so powerful, they always press down on the local prosecutor's headquarters, and they can come back every time. This is unscientific!"

These discussions also reached the ears of some people in the front row.

The first ones were naturally the three friends from Zhang Wei's department.

"Team leader, these guys are so annoying, they actually say that about my master!"

The little apprentice looked unhappy, his cheeks were bulging, and his sharp canine teeth were showing.

"Yeah, this group of people are really playing around with the wind!" Xiao Li also looked angry and frowned.

"I don't know if Zhang Wei has found a countermeasure!"

Tie Ruyun sighed, his expression equally ugly.

But after all, he is an experienced person and knows these ways.

When you are awesome, whoever you are is a good brother and a good friend.

But once you're upwind. The straightforward attitude of this group of people is... Who are you, I don't know you well!

"Take the rudder according to the wind, Xiao Li is right, but some of them may still say that on purpose!"

As the old iron said, he looked to the other side of the first row.

Sitting there were actually Hu Yaode and Cheng Lisha.

At this moment, Hu Yaode and Cheng Lisha are happily blossoming.

Among them, those who smeared Zhang Wei in court and made sarcastic remarks were actually arranged by him.

Anyway, Zhang Wei is doomed to lose today, so he is now looking for someone to warm up in court and lay the groundwork, which can be regarded as a "meeting gift" for Zhang Wei.

After you lose the case, some of them will be punched in combination, which is guaranteed to make you unable to catch up.

"Ms. Cheng, why do you need to come here? Didn't I show you the medical certificate before, you can..."

"I have to see them lose in person, so I will feel better!"

Cheng Lisha also waved her hand, stop pretending, I just want to watch the enemy suffer with my own eyes.

As for the things like mild depression, they are all fake anyway, I have long since disdained to pretend, and even conspiracies have turned directly into conspiracy.

There is no way, the advantage is too great, I just want to wave!

What can you do to me?

Anyway, according to the calculations of Cheng Lisha and Hu Yaode, Zhang Wei has nothing to do at this moment, and he is 100% sure to lose.

In Hu Yaode's words that day, if you want to make a comeback, unless the sky falls!

Just when Hu Yaode and Cheng Lisha were full of confidence, Yang Chuanfang walked into the court first.

For a while, the courtroom was quiet for a moment, and then the topic of discussion shifted from Zhang Wei to Yang Chuanfang.

"This is that Young Master Yang, right?"

"He's quite handsome, but it's a pity he's a murderer!"

"After today, he is probably going to sit in prison for the rest of his life, right?"

"Who knows, maybe if he has money, he can find a good lawyer to reduce his sentence?"

"It's a pity that the girl is so young, she was murdered by this bastard!"

"Yeah, what a pity!"

Yang Chuanfang has long been used to these discussions.

He just walked into the court with a cold face, and then sat in his seat.

In the family seat behind the defense seat, his younger brother Yang Chuannan was already in place.


He greeted his brother, but unfortunately the former didn't respond, and even his back was a little dark.

Yang Ershao also understood, after all, today is the day when the other party is on trial, and the verdict may even be pronounced, any reaction is normal.

"Brother, I will support you until the end!"

Yang Ershao nodded his head emphatically, cheering up his elder brother.

At this time, another person came to the court entrance.


"I go!"

"This is too big!"

This time, Zhang Wei and Jessica appeared.

They walked side by side into the courtroom.

Everyone saw Zhang Wei, but then they were attracted by Jessica beside him.

That plump figure, that sexy figure, that extremely artistic proportion of a military officer, and most importantly, that huge and stalwart chest...

Countless people gasped and speculated about the relationship between this woman and Zhang Wei.

The old iron trio in the front row were all stunned when they saw this scene.

Then their hearts were like beeping a dog.

Good guy!

Fortunately, the three of us are still worried about you, you are fine with your feelings, and you even found a girl to accompany you!

No more love, no more love!

The old iron trio were really speechless, they didn't even greet Zhang Wei as they walked past, they just sat there with different expressions.

"Good guy!"

Also exclaiming was Xiao Baihe on the prosecution seat.

She also didn't expect that Zhang Wei came here accompanied by Jessica.

"Slut, disgusting, trash, womanizer!"

Seeing the two walking together, Xiao Baihe scolded directly in his heart.

She muttered in a low voice, stepping on high heels and walking in front of Zhang Wei.

"Take it and read it, sign it if you agree, it's the last chance!"

After leaving such a sentence, she turned around directly and gave Zhang Wei an uncomfortable back.

"The prosecution's plea deal?"

Zhang Wei knew what it was without looking, but he handed it to Yang Chuanfang anyway.

The latter glanced down and fell into hesitation...

"What's the matter, Young Master Yang, do you want to plead guilty?"

"It says that if you plead guilty, you only need 20 years?"

"But I have a way. I don't need you to speak out about those things in your mansion, but I can also return your innocence?"

"I really don't need to go to court, have you found another way?"

"Yeah, I found another way, and I can help you solve the trouble if you have to go to court!"

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry, Young Master Yang, let me be a little tricky here!"

As Zhang Wei said, he picked up the plea agreement, "Then I'll take it as if you rejected it. After all, it's still difficult for you to admit to something you haven't done!"

As he said, he crumpled up the plea agreement and threw it into the trash can in front of Xiao Baihe.

This scene naturally made the latter unhappy for a while, and he swore in his heart.

You will have to pay the price later!

"Jessica, you should also sit at the family seat. This is the best place, and you don't need to be crowded with other people."


Naturally, under Zhang Wei's guidance, Jessica sat on the other side of the defense's family table, not far from Yang Chuanfang.

After Jessica sat down, she showed a strange expression, staring at the person next door.

The latter didn't even know what he might encounter next.

Yang Chuannan was really depressed.

He felt the line of sight a few steps away, and fell into a daze.

No, why is this woman looking at me all the time?

You, woman, are not interested in me, are you, looking at me with such straight eyes?

If it was normal, with a beauty of your level, I would definitely strike up a conversation!

But what's going on now, I'm really not in the mood, and I can only appreciate your kindness.

Hey, hey, why are you still looking at me? Your eyes are too...

Yang Ershao was in a lot of pain, the beauty next door looked so alluring, but his brother was about to be tried, how could he be distracted?

Under such a contradiction, he urgently needs someone to rescue him from the sea of ​​suffering.

Fortunately, this person finally came!

"stand up!"

With the appearance of the "savior", the audience was silent.

"Your Majesty, Judge Wang, please come in!"

As a judge, Lao Wang, when he walked into the court, everyone still had to save face.

On the judgment seat, Pharaoh took his seat.

He glanced at the prosecution and the defense, Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe did not speak.

Pharaoh knew well that there was no plea agreement reached.

But it is not difficult to understand why it takes ten years if the defendant is to plead guilty.

"Ahem, since no one is late today, let's start!"

Lao Wang knocked on the gavel and announced.

"Prosecution, do you have any witnesses to appear in court?"

"Your Excellency, the prosecution has no more witnesses to call, and will end the statement of the case, and will not provide further evidence!"

No one was surprised by Xiao Baihe's speech.

Because the advantage of the prosecution is already too great, so big that everyone in the court thinks that it is impossible for the defense to come back.

Why bother to provide evidence in this case, isn't this a waste of time?

Next, just appreciate how the defense struggled.

Anyway, that's what Xiao Baihe planned. He wanted to see how Zhang Wei struggled, but then he had to accept his fate of failure.

The only pity is that neither Zhao Chunming nor Guo Wufeng were present.

It's not that the two leaders are busy, but that they are afraid.

Every time they came to supervise the battle, Zhang Wei always made a comeback.

So this time they tried not to go to the scene, and wanted to see if the loss of the lawsuit by the local prosecutors headquarters was because of the two of them.

But although they were not present, they arranged for a trainee prosecutor to sit in on the hearing, and the two of them also kept an eye on the court's wind direction in the office.

After all, this trial is very important!

on the bench.

"Since the prosecution has finished presenting evidence, it's the defense's turn..."

Lao Wang muttered something, then turned to look at the defense bench.

"Lawyer Zhang?"

Zhang Wei straightened his collar, then stood up calmly.

"Your Excellency, our character witness cannot appear in court due to some minor accidents yesterday!"

As Zhang Wei spoke, his eyes turned to the back of the hearing booth.

Cheng Lisha and Hu Yaode naturally met his gaze.

There was a sneer on the corners of their mouths at the same time.

Yes, that's what we do!

We don't hide anymore, but what can you do to us?

Of course Zhang Wei can't do anything, but he still has a plan.

"Then, Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean the trial will be postponed?"

"No, Your Honor, we have other candidates for character witnesses!"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Yang Chuannan at the family table straightened his collar.

It seems that it has to be me!

This trial can't do without me!

Just when Yang Chuannan was about to get up, Zhang Wei finally announced.

"Your Honor, the defense requests that Ms. Cheng Lisha be summoned as a character witness for our client, Mr. Yang Chuanfang!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!


Both Hu Yaode and Cheng Lisha were dumbfounded.

The Yang brothers also grew their mouths.

Even Xiao Baihe in the prosecution seat and Lao Wang in the trial seat were shocked.

Who is it wrong for you to summon?

You must summon the person at the scene who most hopes your client will be convicted!

Everyone was muttering, did you, Zhang Wei, want your client to die on purpose?

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