Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 279: Cheng Lisha Appears in Court, Zhang Wei's Purpose?

(It is not necessary to notify in the future, I will put it in the bottom [Writer's Words], so as not to affect the reading experience of readers.)


"Your Honor, the defense requests that Ms. Cheng Lisha be summoned as a character witness for our client, Mr. Yang Chuanfang!"

When this sentence came out of Zhang Wei's mouth, no one in the court was confused.

Because everyone in Dongfang Capital knew one thing, Cheng Lisha always believed that Yang Chuanfang was the murderer.

Not to mention, those things that the two of you "interact" on weekdays.

Many people in the court have seen or even heard Cheng Lisha attacking Yang Chuanfang in public.

Especially in the recent period, because of a lawsuit between the two of you, there have been a lot of troubles on the Internet.

Now, you want Cheng Lisha to testify in court, and you are still a character witness for your client?

This is really setting himself on fire, and he also took a gasoline bath before, a proper act of courting death.

What's more, many people in the court speculated whether the two of you had a conflict?

You, a defense lawyer, wish your client could die sooner, right?

But when everyone in the audience doubted Zhang Wei's purpose, he was calm and composed, not like a "crazy" person at all.

At the trial seat, Old Wang was depressed.

Are you sure you're not joking?

"Ahem, lawyer Zhang, this court needs to ask you clearly, do you really want to summon Ms. Cheng Lisha to testify in court?"

"That's right, Your Honor, the witness I said just now is Cheng Lisha, you heard me right!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was once again stunned.

Good guy!

You really want to summon the other party!

Alright, let's see what other people have to say now, if their expectations are correct, someone will definitely object...

"be opposed to!"

On the prosecution's seat, Xiao Baihe stood up.

"be opposed to!"

At the hearing stand, Hu Yaode also stood up.

"Your Honor, Ms. Cheng's name is not on the list of witnesses!"

Zhang Wei had expected Xiao Baihe's objection.

He looked at the trial seat and said with a smile: "Judge Wang, I don't know if you still remember that we wanted to add Ms. Cheng to the list of defense witnesses, but the latter refused for some reason. "

"No, Judge Wang, both you and Zhang Wei know that my client's mental condition is not good and he cannot testify in court!"

Hu Yaode also stated the reasons for his objection, and this time his speech was allowed.

After all, the fire is imminent, and his client has been affected. He, a lawyer, must stand up.

"Yes, Lawyer Zhang, you also know that Ms. Cheng has a medical certificate from a psychiatrist. She..."

"Judge Wang, it is precisely because I know this that Ms. Cheng has to go to court, because his psychological diagnosis certificate is fake!"

"What did you say, fake?" Lao Wang asked knowingly this time.

In fact, he has been a judge for so many years, and he still can't see it.

How can there be such a coincidence that the defense just prepared to subpoena you, but you became "mildly depressed" in the end?

And just one night later, a psychiatrist presented a medical certificate to help you shirk it. It’s not clear to tell others that you just don’t want to go to court.

But if you know it, you know that the opponent's routine is actually not flawed.

"Yes, fake!"

Zhang Wei nodded, then looked in the direction of Cheng Lisha and Hu Yaode, but the corner of his eye glanced at Jessica on his seat.

"In fact, I have already asked a professional psychologist, and she told me that although the clinical manifestations of mild depression are almost asymptomatic, Ms. Cheng Lisha can still insist on coming to court, which shows that she can testify in court."

"And she also told me one thing, that is, the doctor who presented the psychological diagnosis certificate to Ms. Cheng Lisha actually has a very bad reputation in their industry. More than ten doctors in the same industry have complained to him, saying that he Money can do anything!"

"So we implore, Your Excellency, to agree to the defense's request and list Ms. Cheng Lisha as a court witness!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's appeal, Lao Wang was depressed, and then looked at Xiao Baihe.

You are the prosecution, and you have also raised an objection, please speak up for me!

But after Xiao Baihe was refuted by Zhang Wei, he didn't intend to speak anymore.

Because she knew that Cheng Lisha was at odds with Yang Chuanfang and even Zhang Wei.

So why should the prosecution object?

And Xiao Baihe didn't find a suitable reason to object for the time being, and she didn't want to destroy this brain cell.

Seeing that Xiao Baihe was indifferent, Hu Yaode in the hearing seat couldn't sit still again.

"Against, our side opposes!"

He immediately walked to the court and expressed his dissatisfaction, "Your Excellency, my client is in poor health and must not go to court!"

"I'm sick, can I go to the gym on weekends, can I come to court today?"

Zhang Wei had already prepared a countermeasure, and broke the news immediately.

"My client is not a physical problem, but a psychological condition..."

"Coincidentally, there is an outstanding psychiatrist in court. If your client really has a psychological problem, how about letting her diagnose it?"

Seeing that Hu Yaode was still struggling, Zhang Wei immediately pointed to the family members of the defense.

"Zhang Wei, who doesn't know that woman belongs to you, and her diagnosis suggestion must not be adopted!"

"Lawyer Hu, what are you talking about? Dr. Jessica is a very good psychologist. She has practiced for more than 5 years, but she has never had a bad review rate. Compared with the psychologist you chose, she It should be better, better, and more professional, right?"



Seeing that Hu Yaode still wanted to refute, Old Wang couldn't sit still, and immediately interrupted him with a hammer.

Afterwards, he winked at Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe, and at the same time hooked his fingers at Hu Yaode.

All three went to court.

Lao Wang looked at the three people in front of him, Zhang Wei, Xiao Baihe and Hu Yaode, and felt a pain in his head.

"Does the prosecution have no objection to the summoning of witnesses?"

"The prosecution has no objection!" Xiao Baihe answered simply and neatly.

Hu Yaode opened his mouth and was about to speak, but Old Wang interrupted him by raising his hand first.

"Lawyer Hu, I know that your client has a psychiatrist's diagnosis certificate, but just like what Lawyer Zhang said, you and I know how much credibility that certificate has. What's more coincidental is that there was a more professional doctor on the scene. The psychiatrist is here, and it will only take a few minutes for people to expose your lies!"

When Old Wang said this, he took a deep breath, and said with a serious expression: "So I won't say more, let your client prepare, if there is no other reason, the court will approve the defense's request! "


Hu Yaode's face was the same as seeing a cockroach in the dish while eating, and the cockroach still looked like it had been bitten off in half.

But when he turned his head, he immediately thought of another point.

"Your Excellency, my client and the defendant are still involved in a civil lawsuit. Judge Ni Qiuping has also accepted the lawsuit, which means that there is an indirect interest relationship between our client and the defendant!"

"Judge Wang, when considering the stakes, we need to clarify Ms. Cheng's occupation. She is a professional media person and should also know the professional ethics of the media. I believe that as one of the authorities in the media industry, she should not do such a thing. Lie in court!"

Zhang Wei had already prepared countermeasures, and at the moment Hu Yaode filed a civil lawsuit, he brought out Cheng Lisha's professional ethics to refute.

"Your Excellency, we just want to ask Ms. Cheng to tell some facts in court. Does Lawyer Hu think that your client doesn't even have this bit of integrity?"

"Ah, this..."

Seeing what Zhang Wei said, Hu Yaode really couldn't answer.

I can't say that I have no confidence in the client's integrity, right?

This is clearly unprofessional.

"I see!"

Lao Wang also knew it well, waved his hand, and asked the three of them to return to their respective positions.

"Ahem, after the friendly negotiation with the three parties just now, this court believes that Ms. Cheng Lisha can testify in court, please invite Ms. Cheng to the witness stand!"

Following Lao Wang's announcement, all eyes were on Cheng Lisha.

The latter looked astonished, and then gestured to Hu Yaode once or twice, but the latter could only shake his head helplessly.

The judge has decided, what do you want me to do?

"Ms. Cheng, what are you still doing in a daze, come up!"

Zhang Wei also waved, signaling Cheng Lisha to hurry up.

The latter was so angry in his heart, he secretly wondered what Hu Yaode was doing, and there was no way to push her away.

She had no choice but to walk to the witness stand with a gloomy face.

"Ms. Cheng, I know that you and the defendant Yang Chuanfang have a litigation rivalry, but this court also knows that you are a senior media person. Please bear in mind your professional ethics in court and at the same time perform your duties and obligations as a witness. You know it all!"

Lao Wang also played the role of a judge and warned Cheng Lisha.

In this way, Zhang Wei and Cheng Lisha faced each other in court.

"Ms. Cheng, hello, although I know your real name, but I don't like telling short stories, so let's call you Ms. Cheng!"

Zhang Wei greeted the other party with a smile, but it was a pity that Cheng Lisha rolled her eyes in exchange.

Don't think that I don't know, you guys are 100% responsible for that black material, and you still want me to cooperate, dream about it!

"Ahem, the first question, Ms. Cheng should be familiar with my client, right?"

"Hmph, it's okay!"

Cheng Lisha crossed her arms and snorted coldly.


But Zhang Wei looked "surprised", and then joked: "If you say it's okay, how could you shoot a hit drama, several spin-off dramas and online movies around my client's affairs, and publish a What about the bestseller in the series?"

"Hmph, that's because I have vision!"

"Oh, you have eyes!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, "It's a good thing to have vision, but if your so-called vision is based on fabricating facts and slandering my client, then let's say something else?"

"You're the one who slanders, you..."

In Cheng Lisha's eyes, there was a smoldering look, and she almost couldn't help but get angry in court.

"No, the question has nothing to do with this case!"

But Xiao Baihe interrupted Zhang Wei and Cheng Lisha's anger first.

"The objection is valid, Lawyer Zhang, now that the witnesses have been summoned for you, you should at least ask questions related to this case!"

Lao Wang also warned.

I know you and Cheng Lisha are at odds, but this case is not about her trial, but about your client, please figure out the status for me!

"Sorry, Your Excellency, I know I was wrong!" Zhang Wei quickly apologized.

But he admitted his mistake with his mouth, but he thought in his heart that he would dare to do it next time!

"Okay then, I'll ask some questions about the case!"

Zhang Wei said and raised a finger: "First of all, I would like to ask Ms. Cheng, do you know Mr. Lin, the last witness for the prosecution?"

"I don't know!" Cheng Lisha sneered, repeatedly guessing that Zhang Wei would ask such a question.


Zhang Wei also smiled slightly, and said: "Speaking of which, Mr. Lin is also a poor man. At such an old age, he has an old son at home, which makes him have to work hard to support his family."

"When I was 40 or 50 years old, I still had to apply for a job as a handyman in the Evergreen Hotel, because my son was so grown up, but he stayed at home all day long, ate his food and used his food every day, and occasionally reached out to ask him what he wanted. money."

"I think, when my client's father, Yang Changqing, gave him 200,000 hush money, it should have solved his urgent need!"

"That's why I'm very surprised. Ten years have passed, did Mr. Lin really choose to testify in court because of his conscience?"

When he said this, he paused for a moment before continuing: "I found out later that someone gave his family a sum of money to testify in court!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court were slightly surprised.

It turns out that this old witness also received money!

"be opposed to!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei began to attack the prosecution witness, Xiao Baihe stood up again.

"Your Excellency, it is not Elder Lin in court, but Ms. Cheng, the defense is wrong!"

"That's right, Lawyer Zhang, even if you can prove that the witness's testimony is questionable, are you summoning a character witness?"

"Sorry, two, I haven't asked the key yet."

Zhang Wei apologized again, but then immediately asked: "Witness, did you bribe Mr. Lin to testify against my client in court?"

"Nothing!" Cheng Lisha sneered and directly denied it.

She is so confident because she did it secretly.

She knew that the person surnamed Lin had indeed received the money, which was also paid by her.

But neither the source of funds nor the person who gave the bribe has any direct relationship with her.

No matter how you search, it is absolutely impossible to find her.

Cheng Lisha put on an expression of "I gave you money, but you couldn't catch me", and looked at Zhang Wei provocatively.

"Okay, please record with the clerk. Facing the accusation of bribing witnesses in court, Ms. Cheng denied it!"

But Zhang Wei had already achieved his goal, and told the clerk.

Although everyone would deny it, Zhang Wei seems to be aiming for this.

"The second question, Ms. Cheng, may I ask if you have published my books, filmed TV series, and even conducted many exclusive interviews with relevant people, so have you had a one-on-one conversation with my client?"

"You ask this... Is it necessary for me to confront a murderer? That's not asking for guilt!"

Cheng Lisha froze for a moment, but still confidently vetoed it.

Just kidding, she still expects to make money by slandering Yang Chuanfang, how can she face this person face to face, looking for scolding?

"Okay, please record with the clerk. Although Ms. Cheng has repeatedly stated that my client is a murderer in public, she has never confirmed the details of this case with my client!"

This time, everyone in the court was stunned, what a matter.

You call a character witness and don't let her say something about your client, so why ask other questions?

"Ms. Cheng, do you think my client is the murderer?"

"Of course, who else could it be if it wasn't her?"

"Then do you have evidence?"

"Didn't the witness admit it? I watched the defendant take Wen Xiaoyun away that night!"

"I mean, ten years ago, when you kept claiming that my client was the murderer, did you have evidence at that time?"


At that time, of course, there was no evidence.

If Cheng Lisha had evidence, she would have shown it long ago, and the show might become even more popular.

At that time, if she had an exclusive inside story, she wouldn't need to spend money to hire so many sailors to build momentum.

"Look at your appearance, so there is no evidence?"

Zhang Wei smiled again, "Clerk, please record that ten years ago, without evidence and without a formal meeting with my client, witnesses repeatedly identified my client as a murderer, and at that time the investigation department only The parties are listed as suspects!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's actions, Hu Yaode at the hearing stand finally reacted.

"Court records must be kept. If Cheng Lisha continues to say this, these statements will be preserved as evidence, and the follow-up may be unfavorable to civil lawsuits!"

When he thought of this, he had to remind Cheng Lisha immediately.

But Zhang Wei was a step ahead of him, standing directly between him and Cheng Lisha, blocking the sight of the two people who might communicate with each other with his body.

"Ms. Cheng, I would like to ask, in your heart, do you wish that my client is a murderer, even if Wen Xiaoyun's body is not found and the case cannot be classified as murder?"

"Hmph, isn't he a murderer? It's all like this now, why are you still struggling?"

"That is to say, you don't deny this, you always think my client is the murderer?"

"Nonsense, he is not a murderer, who else could it be?"

When Zhang Wei heard this answer, a smile finally appeared on his face.

"Scribe, please record. From the beginning to the end, the witnesses listed my client as the murderer. She has not changed her position from the beginning!"

At this time, Hu Yaode had guessed what Zhang Wei was going to do next.

He winked at Cheng Lisha frantically, but unfortunately she couldn't see it.

Naturally, the clerk recorded honestly, including Cheng Lisha's answer and Zhang Wei's speech.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Zhang Wei finally revealed his final goal: "Your Excellency, regarding the witness's answer, the defense requests that she be identified as a hostile witness!"

"As for the reason, the witness has told the court that she identified my client as the murderer and the perpetrator from the beginning to the end, even in the absence of evidence, and she had a huge misunderstanding of my client subjectively. !"

"No, this request is unreasonable!" Xiao Baihe stood up immediately, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"No, this request is actually very reasonable!" But Old Wang waved his hand.

"Since the statement of the defense witness has a strong subjective will, this court approves changing the witness to a hostile witness!"

"Thank you, Your Excellency!"

Seeing that Lao Wang agreed, Zhang Wei finally smiled.

Cheng Lisha, now that you are a hostile witness, I can ask you leading questions.

Cheng Lisha herself has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

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