Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 280 Leading Questions, Step by Step!

Just a few minutes and a few questions.

The identity of the defense witness has changed, becoming a hostile witness.

No one thought of this.

But thinking of the conflict between Cheng Lisha and Yang Chuanfang, she felt relieved.

Cheng Lisha was Yang Chuanfang's witness, if this was not considered a hostile witness, then it would be called a ghost.

Now, character witnesses are hostile witnesses.

Everyone looked at the two confronting each other in the court, and there was always an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

Cheng Lisha is now confronting Zhang Wei. The former is a hostile witness. Doesn't it mean...

At this moment, if anyone in the court is the most panicked, it must be Hu Yaode.

He wanted to wink at Cheng Lisha crazily, but unfortunately the latter couldn't see it!

Zhang Wei is like a barrier, erected between the two, preventing them from making eye contact.

In fact, Cheng Lisha didn't think of this at all.

She was still looking at Zhang Wei with a fierce look, not knowing her situation at all.

"Lawyer Zhang, you can start now!"

On the trial seat, Lao Wang waved his hand, motioning for Zhang Wei to continue asking questions.

Anyway, he has changed Cheng Lisha into a hostile witness, so you can do whatever you want.

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Zhang Wei naturally understood.

He was standing in front of the witness stand, and now he looked at Cheng Lisha, who was showing a displeased face, with a surprisingly calm expression.

"Ms. Cheng, I will ask you a lot of questions next, and I hope you can answer these questions in light of the actual situation, on the premise of ensuring honesty, fairness and justice, and without strong subjective consciousness. Is that okay?"

"Hmph, look at my mood!"

Cheng Lisha snorted coldly, showing disdain.

"Ms. Cheng, let me remind you that if you don't cooperate, you will be held legally responsible, especially if you are proven negative or lying in court, you will be held criminally responsible!"

Zhang Wei gave a serious warning.

It's a pity that Cheng Lisha sneered, showing an expression of "who are you scaring?"

In the rear hearing booth, Hu Yaode said inwardly that it was terrible.

What Zhang Wei said is true!

Testifying in the witness stand, even if you are not lying, or the questioner cannot prove that you are lying, but if you show non-cooperation or perfunctory attitude, you will still be sentenced to contempt of court.

Contempt of court, this crime is not too big, but it is not small, and if the circumstances are serious, it may be sentenced to 3 years in prison.

This is no joke!

Once Cheng Lisha does too much, she will go to jail...

Not to mention Hu Yaode's fears, Zhang Wei has already prepared it.

"Ahem, Ms. Cheng, let's start then!"

"Let me start asking 10 years ago, after all, you started to contact my client 10 years ago..."

Zhang Wei said, and whispered: "Although you have never formally met in public..."

"Ms. Cheng, did you accidentally hear about Wen Xiaoyun's disappearance when you were an unknown little reporter 10 years ago, as if you had discovered a new world, and decided to take this matter as an opportunity for you to make a fortune?"

Cheng Lisha rolled her eyes, thinking that you, Zhang Wei, would ask some serious questions.

It turned out to be an old story again.

"What's the matter, I had a professional journalistic eye at that time, don't you agree?"

"Is that why you admitted it?"

"Whatever you want!"

Cheng Lisha sneered with a haughty expression on her face.

Anyway, she has already answered what should be answered. As for how other people understand it, it has nothing to do with her.

At the trial seat, Lao Wang looked at Cheng Lisha's uncooperative attitude, and felt a little unhappy.

Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you are a well-known host, this is the court, and it is my home field!

However, Zhang Wei didn't raise any opinions. Pharaoh felt that he couldn't do it for him, so let's see the situation again.

Zhang Wei asked again.

"Then did you find the parents of Wen Xiaoyun, the missing person, and defrauded you of a letter of authorization that allows you to use this matter to adapt and develop books on the grounds of helping them get justice!"

"What is cheating?"

When Cheng Lisha heard Zhang Wei's words, she immediately said angrily: "The parents also agreed, well, I signed a copyright power of attorney with them!"

"Then after you fooled them into signing the power of attorney, they started to report the matter, and remade the series, published popular books, and even made it to the bestseller list. According to the list of hits, how much money did you make with this case? ? How much money did you distribute to the victim's parents in the end?"


Cheng Lisha couldn't answer Zhang Wei's question.

How much did you earn?

She really hasn't counted, and even if she had to count, the data is still being updated in real time.

Because the website and publishing house, as well as her dramas and books, have purchases and clicks every day, which are actually money.

In other words, unless the books and popular TV series are off the shelves, she can keep earning this money, and this amount can keep growing.

As for how much money was given to Wen Xiaoyun's parents in the future?

Sorry, this answer is 0.

Cheng Lisha has always felt that whether it is hype or filming, publishing books, or even subsequent promotion and selling peripherals, etc., all rely on her own strength.

Of course, she asked someone to customize the book, she couldn't code it herself, she just became a writer after finishing it.

The series also has the credits of directors and actors, but Lisa couldn't afford big names at that time, so she could only hire a few 18th-line actors and unknown directors.

So she believed from the beginning to the end that the success of this drama and this case was due to herself.

As for Wen Xiaoyun's parents, their goal was achieved anyway. Didn't the news of her daughter's disappearance spread throughout the entire Eastern Capital?

Cheng Lisha felt that she had already done what she should do.

If you want to share your profits, dream!

So when Zhang Wei asked about this matter, it was really difficult for her to answer.

"Why, can't you answer?"

Looking at Cheng Lisha's slightly discolored expression, Zhang Wei already knew the answer without guessing.

"be opposed to!"

At this moment, Xiao Baihe stood up.

Although she didn't know, Zhang Wei's purpose for asking these questions.

But she knew one more thing, interrupting the other party's rhythm and breaking the continuity of the other party's questions.

"Your Excellency, the defendant Yang Chuanfang is the presiding judge in this case. What is the purpose of the defense lawyer's questioning? Is it related to this case?"

Xiao Baihe looked at Lao Wang with a serious face.

Lao Wang nodded unconsciously, and was just about to say something to Zhang Wei, but he vaguely noticed the eyes of the jury.

I saw 12 jurors staring at the witness stand with pensive and even curious expressions at this moment.

They wanted to know how much money Cheng Lisha earned was given to the victim's parents.

The jury is very realistic, they don't care about what is there and what is not, and they don't go into the legal principles and laws.

They care about practical things!

Seeing the attitude of the jury, Old Wang hesitated for a moment, "Ahem, prosecutor, this court believes that this issue is actually slightly related to the case, so the objection is invalid!"

Xiao Baihe was stunned, is this also related?

How much money did Cheng Lisha earn, and what does it have to do with Yang Chuanfang's murder and hiding of the corpse?

Why don't you give me a reason?

But Lao Wang has already said so, and the court's eyes have long been on Xiao Baihe.

Now the jury, and even many people in the hearing booth, are all staring at Cheng Lisha.

"What's the matter, Ms. Cheng, aren't you answering?"

Zhang Wei's fingers tapped rhythmically on the wooden railing in front of the witness stand, making a "tuk-tuk-tuk" sound.

Cheng Lisha was upset by the knocking sound, and couldn't help but said, "I don't know how to answer you!"

"It's okay, I know the answer, because I asked the professional accountants and actuaries of Jincheng Group to do the calculations, and I hired 5 people to do the accounts at once!"

Zhang Wei had expected it a long time ago, walked back to the defense seat, took out two documents from the briefcase, and handed them to the trial seat and the prosecution seat respectively.

"It is written in this document that the film and television work "Hotel by the Sea" has become a mainstream hit drama since it was released, and the copyright income plus website dividends and traffic realization income are between 20 million and 45 million per year. Works, peripheral income is calculated separately."

"At the same time, there are literary works, related programs, and the popularity income brought by your personal talk show Cheng Lisha, which is close to 20 million yuan a year. This is not counting the popularity you gained through this hit drama, and the income you brought. advertising endorsement income, etc.!"

Having said this, Zhang Wei concluded: "According to the calculations of the five professionals in Jincheng, you rely on the related derivative products headed by this drama, and the total income you obtained ten years ago, including the realization of traffic and fame, etc. , All together, the total income even exceeded 1.5 billion!"

As soon as this remark came out, the jury was in an uproar.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

Cheng Lisha relied on a case, and her life suddenly took off?

That's a full 1.5 billion, and you earned it just like that?

As I said earlier, the jury is very realistic.

The figure of 1.5 billion is enough to challenge their endurance.

When the number was reported, the jury called it a good guy.

"I earned it all by my own ability, and I did all the marketing and promotion myself..."

"That is to say, Ms. Cheng does not deny it?"

Cheng Lisha rolled her eyes, denied?

Why should I deny, the money I earn by myself, what to deny?

"What about the second question, you made 1.5 billion from Wen Xiaoyun's case, how much did you distribute to the victim's family?"

"We have signed a contract!" Cheng Lisha answered irrelevantly.

"Then I can say, this number is 0?"

"Whatever you say!"

"It seems so, except for the 'aid' you gave when you met Wen Xiaoyun's parents for the first time, you have not given a penny to the victim's family in the past ten years. You are really calculating, Ms. Cheng! "

As soon as this remark came out, the hearing booth was also in an uproar.

They all looked at Cheng Lisha with different expressions.

But in their eyes, there is a trace of disgust, a trace of disgust, a trace of contempt.

Of course, if it was them, if they could really earn 1.5 billion, and they were asked to share hundreds of millions of income, they would not be willing.

But they can't earn 1.5 billion, so they can't think in another way.

They only know one thing, have you made so much money, or did you make it from the case of someone else's daughter's disappearance, and ended up not giving any money to their parents?

Still keep saying that you want to help them get justice?

Your so-called justice is to earn traffic and hot spots from the disappearance of their daughter, and then turn it into money?


More than 70% of the people in the court were full of contempt for Cheng Lisha's actions.

This woman is too careless!

In other words, this woman is too greedy!

The wind direction in the courtroom has changed a lot.

Almost everyone in the audience did not have much affection for Cheng Lisha.

This is also Zhang Wei's purpose, because it also means that part of the jury's hatred has been transferred.

You know hostility to witnesses, does that mean less hostility towards my client?

With Cheng Lisha sharing the firepower, the hostility Yang Chuanfang suffered has indeed weakened a lot.

"be opposed to!"

Xiao Baihe also saw Zhang Wei's "purpose" and got up immediately.

"Your Excellency, and members of the jury, I still mean the same thing. The focus of this case is on Yang Chuanfang, not the witness, Ms. Cheng. What she did is considered immoral, but as long as it is not illegal or criminal, then we will The precious time of the trial should not be wasted to care about these meaningless things!"

Her meaning is already obvious, please calm down and bring your attention back to the court and the case itself.

"Yes, Prosecutor Xiao Baihe is right!"

But unexpectedly, Zhang Wei was the first to stand up and agree.

This baffled many people. How could you be the one who mentioned these things? Now that the prosecution interrupts you, not only do you not object, but you even clap your hands?

"Next, I will ask witnesses about my client, so please rest assured, Prosecutor Xiao Baihe, I will not make it difficult for you!"

Zhang Wei said, so as to show Xiao Baihe a smile.

It's a pity that the latter didn't appreciate it. He just snorted coldly and sat back in his seat.

After saying hello, Zhang Wei walked to the witness stand again and met Cheng Lisha face to face.

"Ms. Cheng, let's start over!"

"The next question, are you fabricating and fabricating my client's personality without his consent, describing him as a murderer and a suspect in hiding the body?"

"Are you kidding me? At that time, in the entire Dongfang City, who didn't know that the murderer was Young Master Yang?"

Cheng Lisha rolled her eyes again, her expression indifferent.

"Then did you accuse my client more than once of being a murderer, the person who murdered Wen Xiaoyun in public, and you also described him as a bloodthirsty and cruel psychopath!"

"What's the matter? I'm not the only one who said this. I don't know how many media reported it at that time!"

"But at that time, you should be the only one who hired the navy to build momentum for you, right?"

"This... I don't know!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's question, although Cheng Lisha is very upset now, it doesn't mean she is stupid.

You can't talk about hiring sailors on the table, after all, it's immoral.

Even in the current network, you can spend money to brush data, but you can't say it.

Because this kind of thing is actually a deceit, and it is disgraceful to say it.

At that time, the mainstream media were only reporting, but there was no such thing as swiping data. This was the first business opportunity she discovered.

Spend some money to hire trolls to brush posts and comments, increase traffic, and pin your related posts to the top.

In this way, the exposure is also gained, and the subsequent page views will definitely increase, and she will also have higher attention.

In the first period of time, after he hired the navy, the number of views and attention came in a hurry.

"you do not know?"

As if Zhang Wei had expected it, he sneered, "But the leader of the water army is from your public relations team, and the IP address will not be faked!"

"Then you say yes!" Cheng Lisha didn't bother to argue, so she replied.

"Okay, please take note of the court clerk, Ms. Cheng admitted to hiring trolls, spreading rumors on the Internet, and slandering my client!"

Zhang Wei raised his hand to signal, and the clerk in the corner naturally wrote down every word.

Hearing this sentence, Hu Yaode in the hearing seat couldn't sit still.

Cheng Lisha, you are so confused.

You didn't refute it in court, do you really think that there is no consequence for saying that?

If this case is won, Yang Chuanfang will be convicted.

But if Yang Chuanfang is not convicted, then what you said will be valid evidence for subsequent civil lawsuits.

After all, you have admitted in court, what more effective evidence is there?

But... the premise of this is that Yang Chuanfang was not convicted.

As for the current situation, although Zhang Wei relied on diverting firepower, he shared a little hatred.

However, most of the jury still believed that Yang Chuanfang was the murderer who killed Wen Xiaoyun.

So the advantage is still on their side. As long as Yang Chuanfang is convicted, then what Cheng Lisha said in the original propaganda and so on are all facts.

And to be honest, it's not a crime.

"The next one is about my original character witness, Pei Linjia, editor-in-chief of Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid!"

"Ms. Cheng, do you hold a grudge against Pei Linjia, then editor-in-chief of Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid, because you were questioned by the then editor-in-chief of Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid at a public press conference 10 years ago?"

"There were so many people asking questions at the press conference that day, how could I remember all of them?"

"Indeed, you may not remember what happened 10 years ago, but if this person is to become Young Master Yang's character witness, you will definitely care about it, right?"

"I don't know, besides, what do I care about them?"

Cheng Lisha denied it again.

Zhang Wei sneered, and asked directly: "Then a few days ago, did you secretly contact the gang member Bao Laosan, and the latter ordered his subordinate Sang Biao to retaliate and threaten Editor-in-Chief Pei, and even took many photos in the newspaper office?" .”

"Are you still hiring trolls to smear Editor-in-Chief Pei's character, accuse him of colluding with gang members, lower his social reputation, and force him to dare not appear in court as a character witness?"

"Do you still remember what happened back then, secretly suppressing the Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid, and using various means to attack this newspaper?"

"Do you……"

As Zhang Wei raised questions one by one, the wind direction of the court changed again.

Hearing Zhang Wei say so many things, it's hard not to think that these things are true.

If it is false, can the defense lawyer say so much at once?

But according to what the other party said, Cheng Lisha is really so narrow-minded?

Just because you brushed off your face 10 years ago, you hated him for so long?

It can only be said that some people's hearts are really small.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I've never…"

"Third Leopard has admitted it, we still have the recording, do you want me to release it for you to listen to?"

Seeing that Cheng Lisha wanted to deny it, Zhang Wei immediately sneered, saying that he had evidence.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience showed a clear look.

Good guy, it's true!

This Cheng Lisha is too narrow-minded!

Today is nucleic acid again, the fifth nucleic acid test, because the test was positive the day before yesterday, many areas in our district mi

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