Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 281 Relying on face to eat? Yang Chuannan is in court!

Hearing that Zhang Wei had evidence, Cheng Lisha was only slightly surprised for a moment.

But she knew that Zhang Wei was actually pretending more, and she was confident in this.

Because of the contact with Leopard's third child, she handed it over to professional people.

There is an undertaker in the middle, in other words, there is a middleman, and no matter how I calculate it, I can't find her.

That's why Cheng Lisha is so confident and doesn't care at all.

"You can't prove that I did it!"

"Indeed, but I can prove that Leopard Lao San followed someone's instructions secretly to deal with Editor-in-Chief Pei, and by the method of elimination, we all know that Editor-in-Chief Pei can't be a character witness, who will benefit in the end!"

"No, the defense lawyers are imagining!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's conjecture, Xiao Baihe was naturally conscientious and exercising the rights of a public prosecutor.

"Lawyer Zhang, although you can ask leading questions, it's not appropriate for you to be daydreaming in court!"

Lao Wang also showed displeasure, his eyes warning Zhang Wei.

Although you are facing hostile witnesses, you can ask leading questions as you like, but asking questions is one thing, and guessing yourself here is another.

But it was Xiao Baihe who kept an eye on him, otherwise he would really have stolen the chicken for you.

"Sorry, Judge Wang, I take back my speculation just now. After all, it was just my constant speculation. Although I have the statement of Leopard's third child, the statement of a gang member is obviously unbelievable!"

Although Zhang Wei apologized, his last words were addressed to the jury.

"Ms. Cheng Lisha, didn't you secretly instigate the gang members to beat my original character witness?"

"Hmph, of course not!"

"And you didn't hire cyber trolls to contribute to his conflict with gang members?"

"No, no, why are you asking these things? I am a person of status, how could I collude with these scumbags!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's repeated struggles, Cheng Lisha frowned and said impatiently.

On the prosecution's seat, Xiao Baihe almost stood up again.

But she knew that these were all leading questions, in line with the way of questioning hostile witnesses.

"Damn Zhang Wei, and that Cheng Lisha are also idiots. If we cooperate a little bit, there will be so many troubles!"

Xiao Baihe frowned, feeling a little melancholy.

She only hoped that this time the questioning would be over quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

For some reason, the wind in the court is still in favor of their prosecution, but she always feels something is wrong in her heart.

Today's Zhang Wei seems to have a little more confidence than when the prosecution made a statement in court.

It was this trace of self-confidence that made Xiao Baihe feel the pressure.

"I hope, this is all pretended by you..."

Looking at Zhang Wei, Xiao Baihe felt a wave of turmoil in his heart.

But Zhang Wei in court didn't care what Xiao Baihe thought.

"Are you a scumbag? Well, I get it!"

Zhang Wei seemed to have "adopted" Cheng Lisha's answer, but didn't really pursue it to the end.

Although he could use rebuttal evidence, and even "invite" Bao Lao San to testify in court in the end, it is unnecessary.

Because his trump card is enough!

"Ms. Cheng Lisha, rumors about you are flying all over the sky recently. There are even rumors that you even use unscrupulous means for the sake of superiority, and even secretly have a relationship with..."

"What do you say, it's just a group of people who are jealous of me and want to blow up my black material!"

Hearing Zhang Wei mentioning these things, Cheng Lisha's face turned cold, and immediately said with disdain: "If you let me know who is behind the scenes, I will definitely make him look good!"

"There are also those villains who follow the trend and break the news. Don't think that if you open the trumpet, I won't be able to find you."

"If I find you, you will die together. I, Cheng Lisha, will do what I say!"

As Cheng Lisha spoke, her gaze even swept across the hearing booth.

After hearing this, several media reporters felt their chrysanthemums tense up, and their backs felt faintly chilled.

Apparently, they also stomped on the trumpet in the matter of following the black Cheng Lisha.

"When I go back, delete those posts, and those who like it, all of them will be canceled, and this woman can't be caught!"

"This woman is unreasonable. As long as she provokes him, no matter who she is, she will take revenge!"

"Editor-in-Chief Pei of the Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid, if he really wants to be the defendant's character witness, then what the defense lawyer said is likely to be true!"

These media people actually have a clear mind.

Whether Cheng Lisha did it or not, they had already vaguely guessed.

It's a pity that there are no insiders in the jury, they don't know these things.

"Ms. Cheng, I shouldn't have asked this question originally, and I also know that everyone is a natural person, but since there are so many scandals out there, I have to ask, I don't struggle with your name, but your face Is it also fake?"

As soon as this remark came out, a trace of anger flashed in Cheng Lisha's eyes.

Well, Zhang Wei, you dare to raise this matter in court, you are dead!

"be opposed to!"

Finally, Xiao Baihe couldn't sit still anymore.

"Your Excellency, please take care of the defense lawyer. This is a holy court. He is really outspoken and dares to ask any questions!"

Xiao Baihe looked at Zhang Wei, glaring wildly, and his originally bright eyes also widened.

Just when Lao Wang was about to question Zhang Wei, he didn't expect the latter to be one step ahead of him.

"Your Excellency, it is actually reasonable for me to ask this question, and I don't think there is anything wrong with this question for Ms. Cheng!"

"What, you still have reason?"

Lao Wang was also dumbfounded.

You are speaking with sincerity, asking if someone’s face is real, this is not a leading question, it’s just exposing someone’s shortcomings.

"Lawyer Zhang, please pay attention, this court will not allow this to happen!"

"Your Excellency, can you give me a reason to explain it!"

"You say, but if you can't convince me, I will give you a warning and forcefully end your question!"

Old Wang Yizheng's words, the tone has a strong sense of warning.

Zhang Wei nodded, then faced the hearing seat, and said loudly: "Everyone in the court, I believe you will also be surprised, why do I ask this question?"

In the hearing booth, countless people whispered to each other and looked at each other.

Yes, everyone is very strange, why do you ask this kind of question?

"But for Ms. Cheng, this issue is actually very important!"

Zhang Wei pointed at the witness stand, pointing at Cheng Lisha.

Still crucial?

Everyone is puzzled, is there any way here?

"Are you curious, why should I ask if her face is fake? Actually, the answer is very simple..."

When Zhang Wei said this, seeing everyone looking at him, he smiled slightly: "Because of the witness, Ms. Cheng, she relies on her appearance for a living!"

This answer made everyone in the court look stunned.


Why haven't we considered it?

Who is Cheng Lisha? She is a sister in the media circle of Dongfang Metropolis and a famous host.

Her program "Interview with Lisa" is an evening and prime-time program of Dongfang Metro Station, and it ranks first in ratings all year round.

Moreover, Cheng Lisha, as the host of this show, went abroad all the way.

The interview guests of this show have changed from batch to batch, but Cheng Lisha is always the host.

She relies on the mirror on her face, and relies on her face to make a living!

Zhang Wei was indeed right, and everyone realized it.

Immediately, all eyes were on the witness stand.

Cheng Lisha couldn't sit still, because of this question, it was tantamount to...

"be opposed to!"

This time, in the front row of the hearing seat, someone stood up and interrupted again.

Hu Yaode, Cheng Lisha's attorney.

"Judge Wang, although my client, Ms. Cheng, is obliged to answer questions as a witness, but if some private issues are involved, the court also needs to protect basic human rights. My client can refuse to answer these unrelated questions!"

This time, Hu Yaode went all out and questioned Zhang Wei and Lao Wang in court.


Judge Wang fell into hesitation, but felt that what Hu Yaode said was not unreasonable.

He looked at Zhang Wei, who smiled slightly.

"Well, since it's not convenient for Ms. Cheng to answer, then pretend I didn't ask!" He waved his hand.

But then, he suddenly muttered "loudly": "But I'm also surprised, if your face is real, why don't you dare to answer it, just deny it?"

The muttering was heard clearly by the people in the front row of the hearing seat and the jury.

It's hard to say he didn't do it on purpose.

Everyone in the audience understood that Cheng Lisa really looked like she had plastic surgery.

If you haven't done it, why don't you deny it directly. If you are more stubborn, we won't doubt it.

But you didn't dare to answer, and even let the lawyer stand up and interrupt, it's obvious that you have a ghost in your heart!

Good guy, I didn't expect you, Cheng Lisha, to rely on your face to make a living. I didn't expect your face to be fake!

This court trial can be regarded as seeing you clearly.

"Your Honor, this..."

Hu Yaode also saw that the situation was not right, and immediately brushed his presence again.

There is no way, this has offended his client so much, if he doesn't show it, maybe Jiang Fengzhen will end up with him.

He, Hu Yaode, doesn't like being fired by his client.

No lawyer likes this kind of thing!

Just when Lao Wang was about to remind him, Zhang Wei was one step ahead of him again.

"Your Excellency, we have no questions to ask about this witness!"

He just accepted it as soon as he saw it, and his goal had been achieved anyway.

slip away...

Zhang Wei walked back to the defense bench and handed over the stage to Xiao Baihe.

Xiao Baihe stood up, and she glanced at Cheng Lisha, and she saw Cheng Lisha's gloomy and angry face.

She sighed slightly, "Your Excellency, the prosecution has nothing to ask about this witness!"

According to Xiao Baihe's intention, the sooner the trial is over, the better, so she didn't bother to make trouble.

Moreover, Cheng Lisha's attitude is obviously unable to be truly fair and just. If she asks a question again, Zhang Wei will easily catch her flaws, so she simply doesn't ask.

Anyway, the advantage is still by her side. Zhang Wei has done so many things before, but in fact, it has little impact on the jury.

Because although the jury's hatred has been transferred, in their hearts, Yang Chuanfang is still the murderer.

As long as this is clear, nothing else matters.

"Since neither side has anything to ask, then..."

Lao Wang saw that the prosecution did not intend to ask questions, so he nodded to Cheng Lisha in the witness stand, indicating that you can leave the seat.

Cheng Lisha got up slowly, but when she looked at the defense seats, she suddenly sneered coldly: "Some people, knowing that they have done something wrong, but still refuse to repent, such people should die sooner!"

Her words were directed towards Yang Chuanfang and Zhang Wei who were in the defense table, and her intentions were obvious.

"Witness!" Old Wang glared at the judge seat.

Well, you are a witness, if you are asked to leave the meeting, you will leave the meeting, and then you will be punished by me?

You are in contempt of court!

"Ms. Cheng, I can't help but pay you back for what you said!"

Zhang Wei is not used to her, since this woman fired first, he naturally has to "reciprocate" one or two.

"Some people don't even dare to face their own past, but ask others to admit something they haven't done. Such unreasonable double standards and pointing at others are just like the group of professional trolls on the Internet. They have no moral bottom line. !"

"Who are you scolding?"

"I'll scold whoever speaks up!"


"Enough, you all give me silence!"

Lao Wang finally couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately snarled and rang the gavel at the same time.

"Ms. Cheng, I asked you to leave the seat, not to let you speak freely. Please go back to the hearing seat and shut up!"

Lao Wang beat the hammer and announced: "This court is now ruling you not to continue to speak until the end of today's trial. If this court hears you say a word, I will directly ask the court guard to detain you and go to the confinement room for self-reflection!"

As he said, he also looked at Zhang Wei, "Lawyer Zhang, you are also an experienced lawyer, and things like scolding witnesses in court..."

"Judge Wang, it was the witness who started it first, I'm just trying to argue with my arguments!"

"Hmph, your reasoning is to scold the street like the grandpas and aunts who grab food in the vegetable market?"

"Judge Wang, if the uncles and aunts in the vegetable market scold you, it will drive you to death!"

"Damn you, you're still talking to me, believe it or not, I'm betraying you for contempt of the court!"

"If the judge thinks I'm wrong, you can do whatever you want, and I accept it humbly."


Old Wang was so angry that he was about to say something more immediately.

But when he thought of Zhang Wei's eloquence and the fact that this kid was not afraid of himself, he felt apprehensive.

Forget it, this kid is about to lose the lawsuit, so I will bear with him once.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are only a little short of getting my 'red card'!"

Pharaoh directly issued a 'red card' warning.

But when Zhang Wei heard this, he laughed in his heart.

As long as the red card is not issued, it will be useless.

Which football player have you ever seen, who would dare not foul because he was afraid of eating a T?

They all fouled first, and then considered whether to eat or not.

"Defense attorney, do you have any witnesses?"

After warning, seeing that Zhang Wei was indifferent, Pharaoh asked again.

"Of course, Your Honor, we still have a witness to call!"

"Okay, let this witness get ready!"

As Old Wang said, he looked at Yang Chuanfang who was sitting on the defense table. It was finally his turn to testify in court.

The entire court is looking forward to this person coming up and telling everyone what happened back then.


Zhang Wei also agreed, and then announced: "Mr. Yang, please prepare!"

Yang Chuanfang got up immediately, straightened his collar for himself, kept a serious face, and prepared to go to court.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Young Master Yang...I didn't make it clear just now, the witness I want to invite is not you, but your younger brother Yang Er Shao!"


First Young Master Yang felt that the serious face he had tried to maintain just now could not hold back at all.


Similarly, at the family table of the defense, Yang Chuannan's face was not tense.

As expected of being brothers, the two opened their mouths wide at the same time, with stunned expressions on their faces.

"Young Master Yang, please sit back!"

Zhang Wei patted Yang Chuanfang on the shoulder, then walked up to Yang Chuannan, "Second Young Master Yang, this time you are the one to testify in court, not your brother!"


After being stunned for a moment, Yang Chuannan felt that he really wanted to go to court.

He believes that there is indeed a certain risk in letting his brother go to court to prove his innocence.

And he and I are brothers, so I should go up and tell about the details of my brother and I from childhood to adulthood.

It seems that the character witness that Lawyer Zhang wants must be himself!

After thinking this way, Yang Chuannan didn't resist any more, straightened his collar immediately, tried to maintain a serious face, and walked to the court.

Zhang Wei and Jessica at the family table looked at each other, and both of them had smiles in their eyes.

Good show, it's only now!

Under the stunned gaze of the audience, Yang Ershao walked up to the court and sat on the witness stand.

Although the expected "true murderer" did not appear in court, the prosecution and the judge could not say anything, because Yang Chuannan was also on the defense witness stand, and his appearance in court was reasonable.

In the audience, perhaps only Yang Chuanfang, who was sitting in the defense seat, was slightly puzzled.

Why didn't Zhang Wei summon himself to testify in court, but his younger brother?


A flash of enlightenment suddenly flashed in Young Master Yang's heart.

"Lawyer Zhang, he wants to..."

"Mr. Yang, my advice is not to act rashly!"

Just when Yang Chuanfang was about to do something, Jessica suddenly came up behind him and reminded him in a cold voice.

"What are you talking about, they are preparing to..."

"Yes, it is indeed as you think, Zhang Wei is going to tell everyone about that, but this is what he should do!"

"But he promised me..."

"I remember that your request to Zhang Wei is that you don't ask about that matter when you testify yourself in court. Are you in court now?"


"It's not you who is going to court now, but your brother. He doesn't violate the verbal agreement with you!"

As Jessica said, a hint of cunning flashed in her blue eyes, "What Zhang Wei is doing now is the best result, please don't interrupt him!"

"I can't allow him to tarnish my father's reputation!" Young Master Yang was about to get up immediately.

"Then, don't you want Wen Xiaoyun to be wronged, let the truth of her death be revealed, and let him return to the eyes of the world?"

Jessica seemed to see the biggest weakness in Yang Chuanfang's heart, and immediately said a name.

Wen Xiaoyun!

For Yang Chuanfang, this name was so lethal that it even made him hesitate.

One side is his father's reputation, and the other side is his former lover.

Yang Chuanfang fell into a dilemma.

Jessica looked at Zhang Wei in court after seeing blood in a daze.

She knew that Young Master Yang was not as determined as before.

That said, no one can stop you from making the truth of the case public.

Next, it will be your stage for Zhang Wei.

I can only help you so far.

Book friends are in a hurry, I am going to stay up late today to type, and I secretly typed a piece during the day, and I will send it out first, and the author will try to guarantee that the case will be finished tomorrow!

But ah, this is the author's overdraft break time to code for the readers, so the update was originally scheduled to resume on the 11th, and now it is two days earlier. When this case is over, I really want to take a break.

The author Zha is really busy these days, and the time control is very unfree. Readers, gentlemen, please be considerate...

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