Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 282 Zhang San again? The truth ten years ago

in court.

No one expected that the person summoned by Zhang Wei was not Yang Chuanfang, but Yang Chuannan.

As the defendant's younger brother, I don't know what Yang Chuannan has to say.

As a witness, Yang Chuannan was also a little dazed at the moment.

Didn't Zhang Wei plan to let himself go to court? What he said before was so righteous, that family members testifying in court didn't work, the jury didn't believe it, and so on.

Isn't it time for me to go to court?

"I have to think about it, what can I say to make them dispel their doubts about my brother. Although my brother behaved a little more recklessly when he was a child, he was a little reckless in his actions, he hooked up with female classmates more frequently, and bullied others in school, but he He has always been a good student. The teachers and the school praise him, and he will be nominated for outstanding students every semester. Do you want to say all these things?"

"Or, let me tell the story of my brother's daily cyberbullying for the past ten years, so that the jury can feel the pressure he has suffered, or tell the story of his doing good deeds all these years, and the words of doing good deeds , should be able to win the trust of many jurors?"

Yang Ershao thought so in his heart, and was ready to accept Zhang Wei's questions at any time.

He believed that as long as he told all the things he knew about his eldest brother, he would be able to win the trust of several jurors.

The eldest brother's innocence depends entirely on his next answer.

He is ready!

"Hello, witness, although all of us know that you are a relative of my client, please introduce yourself to the court!"

"Okay, my name is Yang Chuannan, and I'm Yang Chuanfang's younger brother. The two of us grew up together. Our mother died early when we were young, so we have a very good relationship. After the death of our father, we..."


Seeing that Yang Chuannan was about to explain all the family affairs, Zhang Wei quickly interrupted.

Because of that, the jury didn't like to hear it, and he didn't want to hear it either.


Yang Ershao was confused by Zhang Wei's interruption.

Didn't you summon me up? Why don't you want to hear this?

Then you summoned me up, why?

"Second Young Master Yang, I summoned you to testify in court. I hope you can answer my questions honestly. I don't want you to gossip about your parents!"

"Oh, I see..." Second Young Master Yang glanced at Zhang Wei with an inexplicable innocence in his eyes.

How can we make the jury sympathize with us without talking about our parents?

He doesn't understand.

Before he came here, he had consulted a lawyer, but the lawyer said that, the jury will accept this trick.

"Eat a ghost!"

Zhang Wei seemed to have guessed what Yang Chuannan was thinking, and he shook his head inwardly.

Although the jury will accept the trick of family members selling miserably, it also depends on what kind of family members they are.

If you were Wen Xiaoyun's parents, and you cried a little in court, it would indeed make the jury sympathize.

But you are Yang Chuanfang's younger brother, and you two rich second generations are short on parents here, so it's strange that you can arouse sympathy from others.

You said you had a good relationship when you were young, what do the jury think?

Who let you have a rich father, so that you don't have to worry about making a living, don't worry about having to support yourself when you grow up, blah blah, blah blah.

Anyway, the jury will sympathize with the underprivileged, but definitely not with you.

Zhang Wei didn't even need to look to know that the gang of jurors would not treat Yang Chuannan well.

In fact, Yang Chuannan did secretly look at the jury.

He originally thought that going to court could change the situation, but unfortunately all he saw was indifference.

The eyes of the 12 people in the jury are all indifferent, nothing else.

Yang Chuannan looked at Zhang Wei with hints in his eyes.

You should hurry up and ask questions, so that I can tell them about my and my elder brother's life from childhood to adulthood.

"Ahem, Second Young Master Yang, next..."

Yang Chuannan was finally ready to speak, and began to organize words in his mind.

"...Please sit down next, because I'm going to start telling a story!"


Zhang Wei's words made Yang Chuannan stunned on the spot.

What the hell?

tell a story?

This is completely different from what he expected.

But Zhang Wei didn't care what Yang Ershao thought, he didn't summon the other party to answer questions.

The real big head is all in this story.

"Ahem, everyone in the court, please listen to me tell a story..."

Zhang Wei cleared his throat, and then spoke eloquently.

"Once upon a time there was a poor boy named Zhang San..."

This beginning made everyone in the court feel speechless.

You're fucking Zhang San again, right? Zhang San offended you, right?

You said Zhang San's problem, does Zhang San know it himself?

Xiao Baihe, Tan Yingying, Hu Yaode, Cheng Lisha, and even the Yang brothers were all depressed.

Can you not tell a story, and you have to use Zhang San as an example, you are too...

It's a pity that Lao Wang didn't interrupt, and they didn't dare to say anything, so they could only continue listening patiently.

"Zhang San's family is very poor, so he dropped out of school and went out to work when he was very young. He left his hometown and came to a big city to work hard."

"Just like many young people chasing their dreams, Zhang San couldn't adapt to the big city at first, so he could only work as a handyman in a small hotel. However, relying on his diligence and honesty, he was appreciated by the hotel owner. .”

"The boss married his daughter to him, and the latter is also very upbeat. He has developed a small hotel and is well-known in the local area."

"However, Zhang San has always had a dream, which is to earn a lot of money so that his wife can live a good life, and a small hotel, even if it is perfect, can't make a lot of money."

"So after the innkeeper passed away, he abandoned his relatively stable life although he was not rich. He sold the inn and invested in the construction of the first hotel by the seaside!"

"Zhang San's vision is very good. Because the hotel is near the sea and the economy was good in those years, many people like to travel to the seaside. Therefore, in the first two years of investment, the hotel turned from loss to profit and made a lot of money."

Having said that, Zhang Wei paused.

At the defense table, Yang Chuan was stunned and looked at Zhang Wei in a daze.

On the witness stand, Yang Chuannan did the same, staring blankly at Zhang Wei.

Because the story told by the former is the family history of their husband and wife Yang Changqing.

But what does all this have to do with this case?

But Zhang Wei's story is still going on, and the style of the story has changed sharply.

"Life is so wonderful sometimes. Not only did Zhang San make money, but his wife gave birth to two sons for him. The family is happy and successful, and Zhang San is a winner in life."

"But after making money, Zhang San has changed. He has become less honest and less responsible. He likes to go out and stay overnight when he has nothing to do. He doesn't return all night, leaving his wife alone to take care of his two sons."

"My wife heard that Zhang San had a mistress outside, so she questioned him face to face, but what she got in return was indifference and some perfunctory words. No one knows whether Zhang San has a mistress or not."

"But Zhang San is indeed drifting away. After earning money and fame, he began to enjoy life, or indulge in indulgence. The honest and responsible Zhang San disappeared completely."

"Wife stays alone in the empty room every night, while Zhang San spends time, drinking, and having fun outside. This lasted for several years, and his wife died of illness in depression."

"Zhang San's wife died, and he also realized his mistake. He learned his way back and became a father."

"The two sons grew up slowly. As the old father, Zhang San also gave them all the love, but this also cultivated the two sons, especially the eldest son, who was arrogant."

"Fortunately, Zhang San's honesty saved the family again. Although the eldest son has the bad habits of the rich second generation, he is not bad in nature. At least he will not do too outrageous things. At most, he will provoke female classmates in school. , Sometimes when I talk to the teacher, the voice is just a little louder.”

"However, the main event is coming!"

When Zhang Wei said this, he suddenly increased his tone.

"Among Zhang San's two sons, the eldest son went to college and met a girl in school. Coincidentally, this girl was working and studying during the holidays, and the place where she worked happened to be her own hotel!"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the audience were all on Zhang Wei.

Why is this story so familiar?

Could this girl be Wen Xiaoyun?

So this Zhang San, isn't he just...

In the jury seat and the hearing seat, everyone's eyes were on Yang Chuanfang and Yang Chuannan.

Isn't this three, your father Yang Changqing?

But Zhang Wei does not intend to answer this question, his story is still going on.

"The eldest son was attracted by the girl's simplicity, and he wanted to know her. In fact, he did the same, and he succeeded!"

"This made the eldest son very happy, thinking that he finally found his true love. The girl is very nice, friendly, hardworking and studious, and has a good personality."

"At the beginning, the eldest son, it was like a dream come true..."

Hearing this, Yang Chuan showed a trace of memory, because this was the story of his and Wen Xiaoyun's first acquaintance.

"Unfortunately, there are unpredictable things, and good things often only last for a short time!"

"Later, the girl lost her temper for some unknown reason, the girl got angry for some unknown reason, she would cry when she had nothing to do, and even swear at the eldest son."

"The eldest son doesn't understand, he doesn't know what he did wrong, he doesn't even know why the girl is crying and angry?"

"He doesn't know, the girl's parents don't know, and everyone doesn't know...except Zhang San!"

When Zhang Wei said this, when he mentioned the last name, the audience was stunned.

Zhang San knew why the girl's personality changed drastically?

Who is Zhang San, that is Yang Changqing!

Why does Yang Chuanfang, who is a boyfriend, not know about Yang Chuanfang and Wen Xiaoyun, but Yang Changqing, who is an old father, knows about it?

Similarly, when Zhang Wei said this, Yang Chuanfang on the defense bench had a trace of helplessness, hesitation, and pain in his eyes.

"Young Master Yang, don't you want to know the real answer?"

"Does Lawyer Zhang know the answer?"

"Yes, he knows everything, and he will tell you with his own mouth what happened that year!"

Jessica was persuasive, Yang Chuanfang gritted his teeth, and finally suppressed the thought of standing up and interrupting.

On the witness stand, Yang Chuannan also reacted strongly when he heard the story and the last name, and even trembled involuntarily.

He looked at Zhang Wei in astonishment, with a look of surprise on his face.

No way, those things back then...

As a son, as a younger brother, I don't know, you don't know all about it, do you?

No way, no way...

As for Hu Yaode and Cheng Lisha on the hearing bench, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying on the prosecution bench, and even Old Wang on the trial bench, they all looked blank.

What's going on here?

"You may be wondering why the girl loses her temper, and the eldest son, as a boyfriend, doesn't know anything, but Zhang San does?"

"Let's rewind the time to a few months ago, after the girl just entered the university and knew the tuition fee for one academic year."

"The girl comes from a poor family, and she was admitted to a prestigious university by herself, but the tuition made it difficult for her."

"It's already very difficult for my family to support myself in studying and graduating from high school. The cost of going to college is absolutely beyond my family's resources."

"But the girl also knows one thing, that knowledge can change one's destiny, so she will not give up her dream of going to university. She thought of one thing, that is, work-study program, to work part-time to earn money to pay for tuition."

"By chance, the girl knew that a certain Linhai Hotel was recruiting people, and the treatment was very good, especially during the summer and winter holidays, when the number of tourists increased, so the demand for part-time workers during the peak tourist season of these months is strong."

"The girl quickly applied for the job and went to work in the hotel. She was diligent and honest, and she wanted to make money to pay her tuition."

"But sometimes, things are just so coincidental. Once by chance, Zhang San, the owner of the hotel, came to inspect the front desk and saw the girl who was cleaning at the front desk of the hotel."

"Although the girl is simple, she is naturally beautiful, and the children from poor families don't have so many cosmetics, so they have a different kind of simplicity, which deeply attracted Zhang San's attention."

"Afterwards, Zhang Wei learned that the girl was short of money to pay the tuition fees, so he naturally seized the opportunity to invite the girl to his office and have a chat!"

"What was the content of the conversation this time, no one knows, but after that the girl not only got money, but also got an easier job, she was no longer a handyman, she didn't have to do chores, she became an assistant in the lobby , the work content can be described as "the more money, the less work, the earlier."

"Even the girl goes to school during the day and can work in a hotel at night, and it doesn't affect her rest after work. The girl no longer has to worry about her tuition fees. Even after she hasn't been paid, she still has some spare money to buy things for herself and her family."

Speaking of this, Wen Xiaoyun's parents at the prosecution's family table showed a hint of bewilderment.

No wonder Wen Xiaoyun always brought things home after she went to school. It turned out to be because of this reason...

"No one knows what the girl has paid, but the girl's work in the hotel has been very smooth. Even when she was still working as an assistant, she met the hotel's young boss, and the young boss was also attracted by her temperament and became her boyfriend! "

"But what the young master doesn't know is that although the girl likes being with the young master, there is always one thing hidden in her heart, and that is the deal with Zhang San."

"After a few months, the girl discovered another thing, another thing she couldn't accept!"

"She is pregnant, and the father of the child is Zhang San!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Everyone in the court looked at Yang Chuanfang on the defense table, and their eyes were surprisingly the same.


be strong!

We understand you!

This story has already told us the situation, and we must all understand you.


"My daughter, how could it be..."

At the family table of the prosecution, Wen Xiaoyun's parents were so excited that they couldn't believe it.

My daughter is actually pregnant?

And the child's father is actually that person!

"is this real?"

Yang Chuanfang was also excited, and he was even as shocked as Wen Xiaoyun's parents.

He only saw Wen Xiaoyun's body, but he didn't know that she was pregnant at that time.

"Young Master Yang, although I know you may not be able to accept it, this is true. In the skeleton found under the villa, the pelvis was slightly deformed and tilted forward. I will tell you from the experience of a professional doctor. One of the reasons for the anterior pelvic tilt is that as the fetus gradually increases in weight during pregnancy, the pelvis and abdomen of pregnant women will become more forward than normal."

"And the ilium will also move due to the expansion of the pelvis. The ilium is the bone on both sides of the pelvis. As the uterus grows, the sacroiliac joints will become loose and the ilium will also be stretched. The flesh and blood of the corpse Although it disappeared, the bones are still there, and Dr. Mo is also a professional forensic pathologist, so he naturally noticed this!"

As Jessica told, Yang Chuanfang's expression became extremely exciting.

"It turned out to be like this. It turned out that the reason why she was angry was because of such a thing. No wonder Xiaoyun didn't tell me. It turned out that it was because of my father..."

Yang Chuanfang cried, very sadly.

The jury saw it too, and many shook their heads.

After all, it is really unacceptable for this kind of ethical immorality to be poked out in public.

But they are all people who eat melons, so they don't care.

Isn't it just to listen to it as a story?

"what's the situation?"

Similarly, Hu Yaode and Cheng Lisha in front of the hearing seat, as well as Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying in the prosecution seat, were also stunned.

what happened?

Did this happen ten years ago?

This is too...

"Everyone, the real highlight is coming!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei's voice suddenly increased in decibels: "After the girl found out that she was pregnant, she not only lost her temper with her eldest son, and wanted to break up with him, but also went to find Zhang San, and wanted the latter to pay for it." cost!"

"Zhang San was equally astonished when he learned that the girl was pregnant and that she was dating her eldest son."

"But in the face of threats, what Zhang San did was not to compromise, but..."

Zhang Wei paused for a moment, and after seeing everyone looking at him, he suddenly said: "It's about eradicating the threat of the girl, once and for all!"

"So the person who killed the girl was actually Zhang San, and Zhang San is the real murderer!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy!

This time, there was a shocking reversal!

The real murderer was actually Zhang San!


Who is Zhang San?

Zhang San is just a nickname, but not the real murderer. Isn't the real murderer just...

The third chapter, which was released after staying up all night, still has the code for tomorrow's update, for the sake of the readers, I am sorry...

I strongly request to rest next week...o(╥﹏╥)o

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