Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 283: Yang Chuannan Confesses, The Sky Is Falling!

The court was finally blown up.

Because Zhang Wei's last words were tantamount to throwing a large stone weighing several hundred catties on the lake which was not calm.

The splashing water was ridiculously big and surprisingly high!

In the hearing booth, many people even stood up and looked into the field.

They wanted to see why Zhang Wei dared to say that, and whether he had any evidence.

After Zhang Wei said these words, everyone's thoughts changed in the audience.

On the judgment seat, Lao Wang's old face was wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.

No, no, this kid won't really discover the truth, will he?

What is this, a Jedi comeback?

On the prosecution table, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying looked at each other, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

Zhang Wei, is it possible that he is going to turn around again?

Why do you say again?

Because when he played against the local prosecutor's headquarters, he would always come back!

In the front row of the hearing seat, Hu Yaode and Cheng Lisha's hearts "thumped" at the same time.

A trace of fear of the unknown was born in their hearts.

What Hu Yaode was afraid of was, if Zhang Wei didn't die in this wave, what would he do in the next court trial?

What Cheng Lisha feared was that if Yang Chuanfang was not the murderer, wouldn't all the things she did become false and slanderous?

On the contrary, the other people in the courtroom were not involved in the incident, so they were not so afraid.

Tie Ruyun, Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng were not afraid this time, nor were they worried.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, all with the mentality of eating melons, and began to watch the trial.

It would be even better if they had popcorn and Feizhai happy water at hand at this time.

It must be a beautiful thing to see Zhang Wei eloquently eloquent in the court, killing the Quartet~

Not to mention what other people in the audience thought, Zhang Wei in court had already finished telling the story at this moment.

He told the secret that had been kept in the dust for ten years, the story that happened in the Evergreen Hotel ten years ago.

"Zhang San killed that girl, this is an indisputable fact."

"Because he knows that the child in this girl's womb can't be born, otherwise he, Zhang San, would have no face in the circle anymore. What would his son think of him?"

"As for how Zhang San and the girl talked about it, we don't know, but the final result obviously didn't work out, so Zhang San decided to silence it!"

"In the end, the girl was gone, and Zhang San was able to hide this secret forever. Even after his death, no one knew about it!"

Having said that, Zhang Wei looked around.

Everyone in the audience is digesting this story.

"be opposed to!"

Unsurprisingly, objections arose, from the prosecution's bench.

"This is all groundless speculation by the defense lawyers, and there is no evidence to prove the truth of this story!"

Xiao Baihe spoke righteously. At this point, she took a special look at Zhang Wei, and then asked: "And the defense lawyer, who are you referring to Zhang San?"

"Zhang San can be anyone. When necessary, you can be Zhang San, and I can be Zhang San. There is a Zhang San in everyone's heart!"

"However, if you want to talk about this case, then I can tell you clearly that this Zhang San is Yang Changqing, the former owner of the Evergreen Hotel!"

Everyone already knew the answer.

"But you have no evidence..."

"Who said I didn't have one?"

Facing Xiao Baihe's questioning, Zhang Wei smiled slightly, his face extremely teasing.

Xiao Baihe's breathing was stagnant, but she still pretended to be calm and said: "Then, what about the evidence? The court needs solid evidence!"

"Isn't the evidence always in court?"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the witness stand.

The gazes of Xiao Baihe and the whole audience focused on the witness stand, or Yang Chuannan.

"Me?" The latter pointed to himself, his face became extremely astonished, and also extremely exciting.

"That's right, Young Master Yang is the proof, a living proof!"

Zhang Wei said, looking towards the trial seat, "Your Excellency, the defense requests to summon the witness Mr. Lin again, because I want to do a small experiment!"

"What experiment?" Old Wang suddenly became interested.

"This experiment still lacks a heroine!"

Zhang Wei didn't pay attention to Lao Wang, but turned his eyes to the prosecutor's seat.

In the audience, there were not many places where there were girls. Although there were girls in the hearing seats, the prosecution seats were closer.

"Xiao Tan, are you busy?"


Tan Yingying was originally sitting on the prosecution bench, but when Zhang Wei suddenly asked her, she was shocked.

"I... I'm actually... very busy..."

Tan Yingying wanted to say, I still have to look at the laptop in front of me, I'm too busy to take my time off!

But Zhang Wei had already walked in front of her, "Come on, stand up and take off your clothes!"


Tan Yingying was horrified, this is a court scene, you want me to take off my clothes?

"What are you thinking, take off your coat, you're wearing a shirt, it's okay, you come to be that girl!"


"Hurry up, it's you, come over and get you!"

Tan Yingying was about to refuse, but Zhang Wei directly pulled her up.

Tan Yingying said, I was also forced to be helpless, it was Zhang Wei who forced me.

"Young Master Yang, Second Young Master Yang, please come here too, I need to ask you to wear a piece of clothing."

"And Judge Wang, can you please send court guards to move over the screen in the preparation room? The screen is needed for the experiment."

Lao Wang thought for a while, and finally winked to the left and right.

The two court guards immediately took orders and went to the next door to move things.

15 minutes later.

Elder Lin came to the court again, and looked around strangely.

His complexion was not very good, and he came to the court with the support of court guards.

"Mr. Lin, we meet again!" Zhang Wei walked to the witness stand and greeted with a smile.

"Hello..." Elder Lin looked at Zhang Wei with a bewildered expression.

He didn't know why he had to appear in court, and he also heard that someone seemed to have found out about his family affairs.

"Mr. Lin, don't worry, let's ignore your affairs first. I invited you here to repay a person's innocence!"

"Who is it?"

"That person is right in front of you!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to a screen in the courtroom.

"Come on, show Lin Lao!"

As soon as Zhang Wei finished speaking, two people, a man and a woman, walked out of the screen.

Their backs were facing the witness stand. The women were wearing white shirts, and the men were wearing floral shirts. They were colorful, and the clothes were very colorful.

"This, isn't this the young master's house?"

Seeing a man and a woman, or the man in the floral shirt, Elder Lin was stunned.

"You said this is the young master, that's how you saw him back then, right?"

"Yeah, I still remember this dress, it's this one, the color is very bright!"

"Okay, let's switch groups!"

Zhang Wei nodded, and then ordered.

A man and a woman walked into the screen with their backs to the witness stand, and then walked out again.

"Old Lin, can you take a look again?"

"This...isn't it still the young master?"

Elder Lin took a closer look and found nothing wrong. Aren't they still in the same group?

But his words caused an uproar in the hearing audience.

Because a man and a woman in court had their backs to the witness stand, but they were facing the hearing stand.

And everyone in the hearing booth saw a scene, that is, after entering the screen, the woman was still the same woman, but the man was changed.

"Mr. Lin, are you sure you read it correctly, is that still the original young master?"

"Yeah, I have good eyesight, and besides, that dress was only one at the time, so I can't admit my mistake!"

"Oh, it's impossible to admit mistakes, isn't it?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, "Two big brothers, please take the screen away!"

The two court guards listened to the order and resisted the screen and took it away.

And as the screen left, the person hiding behind the screen was also exposed to the witnesses.

"Hey, why are there two young masters and two floral shirts?"

"Of course, didn't your old club always have two sons?"

Facing Elder Lin's exclamation, Zhang Wei smiled, "You two young masters, please turn around!"

As soon as his words fell, Yang Chuanfang and Yang Chuannan turned around at the same time.

After all, the two are brothers. Although one has a slightly gloomy face and a thinner figure, he doesn't show his figure in a loose floral shirt.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, the two people's bodies are almost the same.

Especially the back view, even if Zhang Wei looked at it, there was almost no difference.

"Old Lin, let me ask you again now, the back view you saw ten years ago was Young Master Yang or Second Young Master Yang, can you tell the difference?"


When Elder Lin heard this, he couldn't answer immediately.

"Witness, please answer this question!"

Lao Wang also spoke at the right time, reminding the witnesses to answer.

After hesitating for a while, Elder Lin still sighed and said frankly, "I...I can't tell..."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

In the hearing booth, many people whispered to each other.

In the jury seat, several people looked thoughtful.

Obviously, there are problems with the previous ironclad evidence of the prosecution.

"But... Ten years ago, this floral shirt was obviously only owned by Young Master Yang..."

"Wrong, there have always been two of this floral shirt, but Er Shao Yang has never worn it in front of people, and he also brought this shirt into the car that day on a whim!"

Having said that, Zhang Wei looked at Yang Chuannan: "I'm right, Young Master Yang!"

"Yes... yes..." At this moment, Yang Chuannan was a bit hard to say.

"Old Lin, please leave your seat, your duties have been fulfilled!"

After Zhang Wei took Lin Lao off the witness stand, he asked Yang Chuannan to sit on it again.

Everyone takes their seats.

Yang Chuanfang returned to the defense seat, Tan Yingying returned to the prosecution seat, and the court returned to its previous appearance.

"Yang Ershao, I remember you said that you are the host of the birthday party, and you are also in charge of planning, right?"


"At the party that day, I remember Young Master Yang and Wen Xiaoyun had another fight, right?"


"After the quarrel, the two of them almost fought. You used to fight, right?"


"When you were fighting, the wine spilled all over you, right?"

"Yes, that's why I..."

When Yang Chuannan said this, he paused.

"That's why you went back to the car, put on the floral shirt that you haven't worn all this time, and then you were about to walk back to the mansion to continue the party, but you happened to meet Wen Xiaoyun on the way, didn't you?"


Sensing the gazes from all directions, Yang Chuannan hesitated for a moment, and glanced at the eldest brother at the defense seat.

"Yes, I happened to meet her."

"So it was you who drove Wen Xiaoyun out of the hotel, right?"

" is indeed me..."

When Yang Chuannan answered this question, his face slowly lowered.

And hearing this answer, the audience was in an uproar again.

turn out to be……

It turned out that someone really took Wen Xiaoyun away.

"Second Young Master Yang, you brought Wen Xiaoyun to the Yang family's mansion, didn't you?"

"how do you know?"

"So, you admit it?"


Yang Chuannan looked surprised and shocked, and couldn't believe it.

This happened ten years ago, why would Zhang Wei know.

"Do you know that Wen Xiaoyun died in the mansion, in the house where you have lived since childhood?"

"I don't know, I just listened to her request and took her to see my father. She said she wanted to make a break with him, and I never saw her again after that!"

"Then did you ask your father later?"

"I asked, and he said it was done, but he didn't say how, never!"

"You said just now that it was Wen Xiaoyun who asked you to take her to see Yang Changqing at her request, right?"

"Yes, I just know that she seems very sad. When I was driving, I saw her crying the whole time, but I didn't want to ask, because I thought it was my brother who made her cry again."

"But in fact, it was because of her pregnancy that Wen Xiaoyun wanted to make a break with your father, but you sent her to the Yang family's mansion. Unexpectedly, she was killed by your father!"

"I don't know. If I had known, I wouldn't have sent her there. I wish I hadn't met her at that time, then she would definitely be alive, really..."

When Yang Chuannan said this, his throat was a little hoarse, and his face was slightly crying.

"Really, I didn't know it would be like this. I asked my father at the time, but he really didn't tell me anything. I didn't expect that what he said was solved. He killed her. I really don't know... "

"So you kept this secret for ten years, and for ten years, you watched your elder brother being wronged, but you didn't have the slightest idea of ​​helping?"

"Father said at the time that Wen Xiaoyun is in a place where no one can find her. As long as I don't tell her, no one will be able to find her, and no one will be able to slander my elder brother!"

"But you didn't expect that there is a woman who is so insane. She discovered the huge amount of traffic hidden in this case, and even in exchange for profit, she would not hesitate to wrong an innocent person!"

Having said that, Zhang Wei looked at Cheng Lisha in the front row of the hearing seat.

At this moment, Cheng Lisha's face was ashen, her eyes were filled with endless hatred, but also mixed with a trace of fear.

Because at this moment, she finally understood one thing, Yang Chuanfang didn't seem to be the murderer!

In other words, what she has said and done for so many years has actually chosen the wrong target.

The real murderer is not Yang Chuanfang, but his father Yang Changqing!

"No, it's not true, it's not true!"

Thinking of those consequences, she immediately stood up and roared in court.

"Ms. Cheng, you are wrong, this is the truth!"

Facing a crazy woman, Zhang Wei sneered and retorted.

"You have no evidence. This is a drama you directed and acted yourself. You just want to make Yang Chuanfang innocent, so let his brother put the blame on a dead man. It must be like this. This is all your trap!"

Although Cheng Lisha was a little crazy, what she said did make sense.

"I knew you would ask that, so I have already prepared the evidence!"

Zhang Wei sneered again, because he had considered all the possibilities.

He walked quickly back to the defense bench and took out a document from his briefcase.

"This is an interview record from a black market clinic in Dongfangdu ten years ago. There is a female interview report. The test item is a pregnancy test. This woman is none other than Wen Xiaoyun!"

"I have spoken to the doctor at the clinic and she has provided a sworn statement which I will present to the court now!"

After Zhang Wei handed the document to the trial seat, his eyes turned to Yang Chuanfang's position: "Young Master Yang, do you still remember the first time you and Wen Xiaoyun met?"

"Of course I remember, it was one day in early August, I saw her in the hotel lobby..."

"According to the pregnancy test records, Wen Xiaoyun was pregnant in July, and she and Young Master Yang didn't even know each other at that time!"

Zhang Wei said in court: "So the person who made Wen Xiaoyun pregnant is none other than Yang Changqing, the old owner of the Evergreen Hotel!"

"With the testimony of Elder Lin and Second Young Master Yang, the latter did take Wen Xiaoyun away that night, took her out of the hotel, and took her to the Yang family's mansion!"

"Then in the house, Wen Xiaoyun, who was pregnant, confronted Yang Changqing, and finally annoyed the latter, killed him, and hid the body underground!"

"This is the truth ten years ago, and it is also the truth of the whole incident. The person who could kill Wen Xiaoyun and had reasons and motives to kill Wen Xiaoyun was not my client Yang Chuanfang, but his father Yang Changqing. The last place where the body was hidden was in Yang In the family mansion, only Yang Changqing can hide the corpse here!"

"My client is innocent from beginning to end. He doesn't even know why he made Wen Xiaoyun unhappy, and he doesn't even know why he can never make Wen Xiaoyun like him."

"Why Young Master Yang is angry, because he doesn't know, why he is confused, because he doesn't know, and it is impossible for Wen Xiaoyun to tell him the truth, it is impossible to tell First Young Master Yang, I have an affair with your father, right?"

"It is precisely because Wen Xiaoyun kept these things in her heart that such a tragedy happened, and my client, he is actually a victim of the tragedy!"

Zhang Wei pointed at the audience, and summed it up word by word, eloquently.

As soon as he said that, everyone in the audience couldn't help but nodded.

Unfortunately, there are always people who cannot accept this result.

"No, it's not true, Yang Chuanfang is the murderer, he is the murderer!"

Standing on the hearing stand, Cheng Lisha screamed hoarsely, pointing at Yang Chuanfang and scolding her with red eyes.

She won't allow it, she won't allow it to happen, it will be fatal to her.

"Ting Wei, send her out!"

Lao Wang finally couldn't take it anymore and lost his patience with this woman.

The left and right court guards got busy again, supporting Cheng Lisha from left to right, and "invited" her out.

It can only be said that today's audience is the best: Ting Wei

The court finally died down.

But everyone knows that the storm is still brewing!

Hu Yaode also walked out of the court in despair.

But his heart was equally heavy, and he couldn't help but look up at the sky.

At this moment, he felt like the sky was falling!

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