Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 284 Xiao Baihe's Struggle, The Ending Has Been Determined

After all, Cheng Lisha was "invited" out, and she left very restlessly.

But as she and Hu Yaode left, the atmosphere in the entire court became solemn again.

This solemnity is not because of the oppressive feeling of the court, but because of the impact of the truth.

Now the entire court has learned the truth about what happened to Wen Xiaoyun 10 years ago.

Everyone present never expected that such a bloody drama would have appeared 10 years ago.

On the surface, Wen Xiaoyun and Yang Chuanfang are in a relationship and are boyfriend and girlfriend.

But secretly, Wen Xiaoyun had an affair with Yang Chuanfang's father, Yang Changqing, and Wen Xiaoyun was pregnant.

Finally, on the day of the birthday party, Wen Xiaoyun asked Yang Chuannan, the second youngest of the Yang family, to drive her away from the hotel and head to the Yang family's mansion.

Wen Xiaoyun was going to Yang's house to confront Yang Changqing, she wanted to end the ridiculous relationship between the two.

It's a pity that she finally revealed that she was pregnant, and Yang Changqing didn't want the child to be born, and she didn't even want Wen Xiaoyun to be with her eldest son.

In the end, Patriarch Yang, who fell into anger, imprisoned Wen Xiaoyun in the basement when he lost his mind.

As for the final result, Wen Xiaoyun died, died in the basement, and her body was never seen.

In the eyes of outsiders, this girl just disappeared for ten years for no reason.

Today, ten years later, I was able to see the light of day again.

This is the tragedy that happened to Wen Xiaoyun.

Among them, Yang Changqing is naturally the culprit.

The Second Young Master, Yang Chuannan, indirectly killed Wen Xiaoyun, but unfortunately he didn't know that his father would do such a thing.

As for the youngest Yang Chuanfang, his experience is worthy of sympathy.

Because from his bewildered expression, he didn't even know the fact that his girlfriend had died, and he didn't even know the relationship between his girlfriend and his own father.

In the eyes of the jury, there was a faint green light above the rich second generation's head.


So green!

Being cheated on by my own father, this is really... sympathetic...


Be strong!

At this moment, more than half of the 12 jurors cast a sympathetic look at the defense chair.

This scene was also watched by both the prosecution and the defense.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9..."

Zhang Wei whispered, counting the number of people.

"From my vicious point of view, if the trial and ruling are carried out now, my client must be innocent!"

Until this moment, the haze in Zhang Wei's heart was swept away.

The sky is clear again, the sea is calm, and the scenery is beautiful...

"Your Excellency, the jury, and everyone in the auditorium, the above is the truth ten years ago, the truth that has been covered in dust for a whole ten years!"

After Zhang Wei made a conclusion, he looked at Yang Chuannan, "As for the witnesses, we have no more questions to ask!"

The truth has been revealed, Zhang Wei naturally does not need to ask Yang Chuannan again, because the latter has limited knowledge.

Zhang Wei walked back to the defense bench again, and Yang Chuanfang greeted him with a responsible gaze.

Zhang Wei sat down calmly with a calm face, and then patted Young Master Yang on the shoulder.

"Young Master Yang, I have complied with all your requests. Since you don't want to testify, let alone point out the crimes of the late old father, I didn't let you speak!"

"But you let my brother..."

"Young Master Yang, look at your younger brother again. Is his spirit much better than when we first met?"

Yang Chuanfang was stunned, and then looked at the witness stand.

Seeing his younger brother Yang Chuannan's face, although he was in pain, his spirit seemed to have really changed, and he became much more energetic than before.

The originally slightly sad face seemed to be relieved a lot, and it was no longer as gloomy as before.

"Jessica, come and enlighten him." Zhang Wei turned around and smiled at the counselor behind him.

The latter just saw the look in Zhang Wei's eyes, so he understood in his heart, and leaned behind the two of them, "Young Master Yang, your younger brother has always had something on his mind. He was almost out of breath."

"And now, with the revelation of this matter, this stubborn rock has finally disappeared, and now there is nothing to weigh on his heart, and your brother has also been relieved of this matter!"

Zhang Wei also nodded, and added: "Your brother has been under tremendous pressure, on the one hand, your father's reputation, and on the other hand, the guilt towards you and Wen Xiaoyun!"

"He has endured this suffering alone for ten years, so he is also a victim, and now I help him uncover the matter, which is equivalent to helping him open his heart knot, and he is also free!"

"you mean……"

Yang Chuanfang looked at Zhang Wei, and subconsciously said, "Not only do I want to thank you for uncovering the truth, but should I also thank you on behalf of my brother?"

"Young Master Yang, look at what you said, isn't this what I should do?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and then turned his eyes to the court.

"The rest is the finishing work. The prosecution may want to struggle, but they'd better accept the result, otherwise..."

Before Zhang Wei finished speaking, Xiao Baihe stood up from the prosecution seat.

At this moment, she has a complicated heart.

On the one hand, it is because of the impact of the truth.

On the other hand, it is because the truth not only brings impact, but also has a huge impact on the case.

As the trump card prosecutor, Xiao Baihe naturally has a certain ability to read words and deeds.

After watching the jury, she knew it was bad.


"Ahem, let me interrupt!"

Just when Xiao Baihe was about to speak, Zhang Wei stood up and interrupted.

"Although I know it's inappropriate to say this, the truth of this case is already clear. Please accept the facts frankly, stop making unnecessary struggles, and stop accusing our witnesses of perjury in order to distort the truth, etc. These routines will make someone look very cheap~”


When Xiao Baihe heard Zhang Wei's cynicism, she couldn't hold back immediately.

"Defense attorney, it's not your turn to speak now!"

Pharaoh also scolded angrily, with a strong warning meaning.

But Zhang Wei's goal had already been achieved, and his move to add insult to injury was to remind everyone in the court that Xiao Baihe might have to make a move against Yang Chuannan.

This is also the old routine of the prosecution. When a witness testifies in favor of the defendant, the method of prosecution is nothing more than finding loopholes and attacking the witness.

Zhang Wei's pre-judgment and reminder are just to create pressure on the prosecution.

"Good Zhang Wei, you want to block my back!"

A trace of displeasure flashed in Xiao Baihe's eyes.

Obviously, being hit by Zhang Wei, she was really going to do it.

Then, the pressure of choice came to her.

Do you continue to do this, and then get ridiculed by Zhang Wei, or simply end the cross-examination.

Given the option to end, more than half of the 12-person jury sympathized with the defendant.

Ending the trial in this state is extremely detrimental to the prosecution.

Even if you want to lose, you can't lose so embarrassingly.

Moreover, Xiao Baihe looked at the smiling Zhang Wei sitting on the defense bench, and felt angry in his heart.


She subconsciously clenched her fists, suppressing the urge to greet her with a punch, and walked to the witness stand.

"Witness, what you're talking about happened ten years ago. Why have you not reported it after so many years?"

"Because of my father, I always thought what he said was true. He may have sent Wen Xiaoyun abroad, or he may have given her a sum of money to live in other places. I..."

"You mean, you thought Wen Xiaoyun was still alive, but you didn't know that she was dead, and the body was at your house, right under your nose?"

"No, the prosecution is imagining!"

What Xiao Baihe's questioning received was not an answer, but Zhang Wei's objection.

"Your Excellency, the prosecution believes that the witness knew about Wen Xiaoyun's death, so please allow me to interrupt and ask the witness about this matter, is that okay?"

"Are you here to ask?"

Old Wang glanced at Xiao Baihe, then at Zhang Wei, and finally waved his hand.

Forget it, let me do it, I also want to know if this is the case.

"Witness, since Lawyer Zhang has brought it up, please answer this court, do you know about Wen Xiaoyun's death?"

"I didn't know at first, but then I vaguely sensed some problems, but I didn't dare to ask. I didn't know that Wen Xiaoyun was dead until today, when lawyer Zhang told the truth and about the corpse..."

"This court understands!"

Old Dynasty Zhang Wei nodded, "Defense lawyer, are you satisfied?"

"Thank you judge, we have no objection!" Zhang Wei sat down satisfied.

On the other hand, Xiao Baihe was upset. Seeing that the judge was playing herself, she couldn't help it.

"Witness, you said you didn't know. How could you not know? At that time your father said that it was dealt with cleanly and obviously killed Wen Xiaoyun. You must know about this, you must have doubted it, right..."

"be opposed to!"

Just when Xiao Baihe fired at Yang Chuannan, Zhang Wei had expected it and stood up again.

"Your Honor, is the prosecution suspecting our witnesses' failure to report?"

"Isn't it?" Xiao Baihe sneered.

"It seems that the prosecution is jumping the wall in a hurry?" Zhang Wei also sneered.

"What did you say!" Xiao Baihe frowned, her tone became more serious.

"It's very simple. If the prosecution wants to prove that our witnesses did not report the facts, they need to produce evidence, instead of relying on their own mouths to make up in court!"

"You say I'm making things up?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's ridicule, Xiao Baihe's voice increased a few decibels.

"Why, you dare to do it without letting people tell you?"

Zhang Wei is not used to Xiao Baihe, this is a court, not in private, he needs to fight for the parties and clients.

"Your Excellency, the prosecution has asked the defense to shut up. Now is the time for the prosecution to ask questions!"

"Judge Wang, the defense is asking the prosecution to shut up because she has been slandering our witnesses without evidence. too much……"

Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe fired at each other at the same time.

"You two, this..."

On the judgment seat, Old Wang couldn't sit still.

What he was worried about finally happened.

However, in comparison between the two, he still stood by Zhang Wei.

Because the truth of this case has come out, you, Xiao Baihe, are making trouble for no reason.

And ah, now that you are at a disadvantage, you just need to be a witness, right?

When you had the upper hand, although Zhang Wei also recruited witnesses, he was not as aggressive as your prosecution.

Comparing it this way, Zhang Wei's forbearance and self-cultivation are not comparable to yours, Xiao Baihe.

So, after careful consideration, Lao Wang finally made a decision.

"Prosecution, you should know the term "interest of doubt", right? "

"I know, Your Honor!"

"Then you should know that when you want to prosecute someone with a certain crime, you need to produce tangible evidence, otherwise when you can't prove that the person committed a crime, then the court will judge the person on the basis of innocence !"

"However, the witness obviously knew about it, he..."

"Your Excellency, I think what you said is very good, but some people don't listen?"

Just when Xiao Baihe was still thinking about "struggling with reason", Zhang Wei became angry at the side.

"I just don't know, did she really not hear it, or did she hear it but wanted to pretend she didn't hear it?"

"Prosecutor Xiao, as a public prosecutor, can you stop being impulsive?"

Lao Wang didn't care about Zhang Wei's yin and yang, but looked at Xiao Baihe with an unprecedented seriousness.



Xiao Baihe was about to speak, but Old Wang tensed up, his eyes warning!

"Understood, Your Excellency, I take back my statement just now!"

In the end, Xiao Baihe could only succumb to the "desire" of Zhang Wei and the judge, and made a humiliating compromise.

Xiao Baihe swears that she has never been wronged like that just now in her life.

"Yes, applause for the prosecution, dare to do and dare to admit, good job!"

At the defense table, Zhang Wei continued to applaud.

This scene caused Xiao Baihe's forehead to burst into a blue vein, and this time it was not a silver tooth, the back molars were about to be crushed.

"Your Excellency... regarding this witness... the prosecution has nothing to question!"

Almost suppressing her anger, she said this sentence word by word.

"Okay, you've worked hard!"

Lao Wang finally encouraged Xiao Baihe.

While enduring Zhang Wei's cynicism, he also had to suppress his anger, and he couldn't act beyond the rules.

This is really hard for you.

"Defense, do you have any witnesses?"

Old Wang looked at the defense table again, his eyes fixed on Yang Chuanfang.

If there are any witnesses on your side, the defendant will testify in court in person, right?

"Your Honor, we have no witnesses to call!"

But Zhang Wei got up calmly and said slowly.

"Lawyer Zhang, in fact, I can go to court. I still want to say something to myself. You say it like this..."

"No, you don't want to!"

Yang Chuanfang wanted to go up and show his face, but Zhang Wei directly put him on the defense bench.

The latter looked towards the prosecution seat next door, and saw a face that was almost distorted by anger.


Now that Xiao Baihe is still angry, why should he take the risk and let Young Master Yang go up to eat the opponent's firepower.

Now that he has won anyway, why bother?

"That's all right, you guys get ready, and the closing statement will start later!"

Lao Wang waved his hand and sent the two of them to prepare.

Zhang Wei naturally smiled and agreed.


On the other hand, Xiao Baihe on the other side was just about to punch the table.

She thought that at the last moment, when Yang Chuanfang, the last witness of the defense, appeared in court, she could regain some ground.

But she never expected that Zhang Wei didn't even intend to let Yang Chuanfang appear in court.

It's like, Xiao Baihe held back a big move, but the game is over, and the big move still hasn't been played.

Just very angry, very angry, pissed off...


10 minutes later.

in court.

The person who took the lead in giving the closing testimony was Zhang Wei.

He walked to the court, took a deep breath, and began to summarize.

"First of all, I want to explain one thing, and it is also the one thing that needs to be clarified most when ruling this case, and that is the truth!"

"Actually, if my client really murdered Wen Xiaoyun, I will definitely let him actively plead guilty, let him face his fault directly, instead of thinking about opportunistic tricks, deceiving the jury, and delusionally obtaining innocence!"

"But what is the truth of this case? Is he the one who killed Wen Xiaoyun? Obviously not!"

"The truth of this case is that the murderer who killed Wen Xiaoyun was Yang Changqing, my client's father, and he was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end, and he didn't know anything!"

"If you want to say that the only living insider in this case is his younger brother Yang Chuannan, but he has been under tremendous psychological pressure because he has concealed the matter for ten years and has been depressed for ten years."

Having said this, Zhang Wei paused for a moment, and looked at the prosecutor's seat.

"I know what the prosecution's routine is. She will distort the facts, intending to use the last chance to shift the blame to my client, and use the prepared closing statement to try to convince the 12 of you that my client is the The murderer, Yang Changqing, is just a fictional scapegoat created by the Yang brothers."

As soon as this statement came out, Xiao Baihe on the prosecution's seat immediately glared at Zhang Wei.

I just don't know if she was angry because she was hit, or because Zhang Wei slandered her.

"But please also think about it. That is the interest of doubt that Judge Wang said. In court, the interest of doubt belongs to the defendant. When the prosecution cannot find evidence to prove that the defendant is guilty, then you need to treat him as It should be viewed by an innocent person, not a criminal, please keep this in mind!"

"When the prosecution accused my client of being guilty, that he killed someone and hid the body, please look at her and ask yourself, is there any evidence for this accusation?"

"If there is no evidence to prove that my client has committed a crime, then this accusation is meaningless. From the perspective of doubtful interests, my client is innocent!"

"When the prosecution is going to smear my witnesses, you are asking yourself, is there evidence for this allegation?"

"If not, then this accusation is also not established, and I am innocent!"

At the end of Zhang Wei's speech, he looked at the prosecution seat and Xiao Baihe again, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He immediately turned his head, looked at the 12 jurors, and half-jokingly said: "Everything must be based on evidence, if the prosecution wants to put aside the evidence, it is playing hooligans in court, please don't spoil her! "

This speech, which was close to a joke, made many people in the jury laugh.

Similarly, Xiao Baihe's expression became extremely ugly on the prosecution's bench.

Because she knew that the outcome of this case was settled!

Starting tomorrow, the author is really going to rest (preparing for epidemic prevention work), and it may take a few days to adjust the balance between coding and work.

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