Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 285 The press conference, Mr. Zhang, the death of Cheng Lisha

(Important notice: The author's job is busy this week, and I need to buffer it. It is estimated that it will take 3-5 working days, depending on the leadership arrangement. I really have no choice. The district has begun to arrange volunteers, and the number of people who have reported will be counted. , arranging the itinerary is also a cumbersome thing

PS: I'm trying to resume normal updates when I rest this weekend! )


Court, the last moment.

"Premier, has the jury reached a verdict?"

"Your Honor, the jury has reached its verdict!"

"Well, let's read it!"

The chief juror immediately stood up, presented the verdict, and announced loudly:

"After the unanimous verdict of the jury, we believe that in the case of Wen Xiaoyun's disappearance and murder, the defendant Yang Chuanfang did not know what happened to the victim Wen Xiaoyun, nor did he commit the crime ten years ago. Therefore, we believe that Yang Chuanfang was guilty of murder. If it is not established, the crime of hiding a corpse is not established either!"

When the chief juror spoke the last few words, Yang Chuanfang, who was standing on the defense bench waiting for the verdict, was still in a state of confusion.

After a while, he finally covered his face and wept, and slumped in his seat.

"Ten years, a full ten years, I finally obtained my innocence..."

He was excited, but his mood was both happy and heavy.

Because he gained innocence, but his father was burdened with infamy.

Because the person who killed Wen Xiaoyun and hid the body was not Yang Chuanfang, but his father Yang Changqing.

"Young Master Yang, although I know you must be in a complicated mood right now, I still want to congratulate you!"

Zhang Wei walked in front of him and comforted him, "Congratulations, you have cleared yourself of your grievances, at least you don't have to bear the infamy of a murderer anymore!"

"But, I traded my father's reputation for this, but he has to bear this pain!"

"Actually, your father is not a good bird. Young Master Yang, don't look at me like that. I'm just telling the truth. Since your mother passed away, your father has changed and started to be a bad person!"

As Zhang Wei said, he approached Yang Chuanfang and whispered, "According to my investigation, your father maintained improper relationships with more than 20 women after your mother passed away."

"I know you don't know these things, but I still want to say that your father is a scumbag when it comes to women!"

"I see!"

Yang Chuanfang nodded solemnly, and then looked at his younger brother Yang Chuannan who was sitting behind him.

The two brothers looked at each other, but neither of them continued to speak.

"Now that the jury has given its verdict, this court now announces that this retrial court will be dissolved!"

With the final announcement on the trial bench, Lao Wang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's over!

It's finally over!

This difficult case has finally come to a successful conclusion in my own hands.

The final result, although very unfriendly to the prosecution.

After all, Yang Chuanfang was not guilty, and the only murderer was freed from legal investigation because of his death. In other words, no one had to pay the price for Wen Xiaoyun's death.

But innocence is innocence. Yang Chuanfang is an innocent person, and he should not be held responsible for the sins committed by his father.

Anyway, his old king's mission is over, and he can rest for a while.

Judge Wang was in a good mood, humming a little tune, and left the court with a relaxed expression.

But compared to the relaxation of the trial seat, the atmosphere in the prosecution seat is very heavy.

"Bai, Sister Baihe, we have to accept failure calmly. Anyway, in a case, there are winners and losers, and you don't shudder when you lose once in a while..."

Tan Yingying comforted Xiao Baihe while packing up the documents.

There is no way. Losing cases is a common thing. To be a qualified prosecutor, you must learn to accept it calmly and adjust your mentality.

"Shiver, very tm shiver!"

"Especially losing to Zhang Wei, I, Xiao Baihe, refuse to accept it!"

But Xiao Baihe's complexion was frighteningly dark.

She clenched her fists tightly, resisting the urge to punch Zhang Wei in the face, and finally picked up her documents, turned her head and left.

She didn't want to stay in this court for a moment.

The prosecution duo left in despair.

As for the defense seats, there was laughter.

"Master, you are amazing~(*^▽^*)"

The little apprentice was the first to rush forward and gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up.

"Old Tie, my task has been completed, and the burden will now fall on your head!"

Zhang Wei looked at Tie Ruyun who was walking towards him, and patted him on the shoulder.

Yang Chuanfang's case actually has three meanings.

The first meaning, of course, is to help the person concerned seek justice and prove his innocence.

This point, Zhang Wei completed.

The second meaning is to take revenge on Cheng Lisha and damage the prestige of this woman.

This is only half done, and the other half needs to be done.

The third meaning, which is also the most important, is to build a reputation for the criminal department of Jincheng Law Firm.

To accomplish this, there is one more important step.

So, Zhang Wei went to Yang Chuanfang's side.

"Young Master Yang, I have entrusted our Jincheng Group's public relations department to arrange a short press conference outside the court. I hope you will go out with me and say a few words!"

"What am I going to say?"

"Actually, I don't need to remind you of this. You must have a lot of things to say in your heart. Now is your chance!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the door and pointed to the outside of the court, "Now, no one will regard you as a murderer anymore. Now you can appear in Dongfang Capital as an ordinary person. Isn't this your dream?"

Yang Chuanfang raised his head and looked at the court.

His gaze swept across the corner, and he saw Wen Xiaoyun's parents walking out of the courtroom with the support of the court guard.

"Well, Lawyer Zhang is right, I do have a lot to say!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Chuanfang seemed to be touched in his heart.

"Okay then, old iron, you can take Young Master Yang out first, my task can be regarded as completed!"

While Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, he gestured towards Tie Ruyun.

The next thing is up to you!

"Slip away..."

Zhang Wei smiled, and then walked to the defense family, "Jessica, do you want to continue watching the press conference?"

"No need, because I know your purpose. After knowing the result, I lost my sense of expectation. Now I just want to go back to the office, take a good rest, and then continue to work."

"Okay, then I'll see you off!"

As Zhang Wei said, he stretched out his arms very gracefully.

Jessica stretched out her hand lightly, and the two walked out of the court like guests at a ball.

This scene naturally made the friends very envious.

Tie Ruyun pouted even more, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

Why couldn't he find such an excellent and considerate woman, and the other's appearance and figure were even more perfect.

This kid Zhang Wei is so tm enviable.

Wait, he seems to have a girlfriend, this...

How did this kid manage to be on two boats, and still be so calm and not have trouble?

Forget it, forget it, don't think about it, business matters!

Tie Ruyun put away these miscellaneous thoughts, and then started to get busy with business.

"Young Master Yang, this way please, Zhang Wei has already told me how to operate it in advance, you and me come here!"

"Lawyer Zhang is really well prepared. I didn't expect him to have thought of all the details after winning the lawsuit in advance."

"Of course, this kid never fights uncertain battles. By the way, the next press conference will be broadcast live. Young Master Yang, do you need a speech? Zhang Wei has also prepared it for you."

"No need, the words in my heart have been brewing for too long, I need to do it myself!"

"Let's do it too!"

Tie Ruyun led Yang Chuanfang and his party out of the court and came to the gate.

Here, the interview team of Jincheng Group is ready, and the cameras are turned on throughout the process.

Yang Dashao behaved very calmly, walked to the camera, and accepted the interview calmly.

"Hello, everyone. I am Yang Chuanfang. I am the son of Yang Changqing, the real murderer who caused Wen Xiaoyun to be killed and her body hidden. I am very responsible for such a tragedy. At the same time, I would like to say something to Wen Xiaoyun's parents. Sorry for being late."

"On behalf of my father, I would like to extend my sincere apology to them. I don't expect you to understand, because as his son, even if I apologize on his behalf, I cannot forgive him for what he has done."

"Similarly, I can't forgive myself. Why didn't I find out earlier, what happened to Xiaoyun, and what happened between my father and her earlier?"

"If I had discovered the problem earlier, then this tragedy would not have happened, so I can't forgive myself, why didn't I care about Xiaoyun more, why didn't I fulfill the responsibility of a boyfriend..."

Facing the end, Yang Chuanfang burst into tears and voluntarily admitted his mistake.

At this moment, he said all the words that had been sealed in his heart for ten years.

Facing the camera, he began to pour out, or pour out everything.


at the same time.

Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid, Editor-in-Chief.

Editor-in-Chief Pei and Editor-in-Chief Guan were both staring at the live broadcast on the mobile phone.

"...I would like to extend my sincere apology here, because my dereliction of duty has caused all these tragedies to happen. I am sorry for Xiaoyun, and I am sorry for her parents!"

Watching the scene of Yang Chuanfang apologizing in the live broadcast, both editor-in-chief Pei and editor-in-chief Guan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally over, editor-in-chief, although Young Master Yang is apologizing here, he is not the murderer!"

"Yes, Lawyer Zhang is really good. Not only did he clear up Young Master Yang's grievances, but he also specially prepared a press conference to notify the court of the verdict as soon as possible. Such considerations are really thorough!"

Whether it was Editor-in-Chief Pei or Editor-in-Chief Guan, both of them admired Zhang Wei's preparation.

Guan Feng suddenly thought of something, and looked excited: "Editor-in-chief, then, is Cheng Lisha's case next?"

"Yeah, the next step is to clean up this woman!"

Although Editor-in-Chief Pei's face was bruised and purple, and the scraped skin was still covered with gauze, he still showed a long-lost smile.

Yang Chuanfang's case is over, so the next step is to deal with Cheng Lisha.

This woman earned so much money by slandering young master Yang, now it's her turn to pay the price.

"...Thank you Young Master Yang for your speech. The criminal department of Jincheng Law Firm is naturally very supportive of this case. At the same time, our criminal department has also issued an order to recruit talents who are studying criminal law or have become criminal defense lawyers. A person with lofty ideals who has a good development, the door of the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm will be opened for you!"

At the end of the live broadcast, it was Tie Ruyun who walked up to the stage and posted a job advertisement.

This case was known to almost the whole city, and Yang Chuanfang, as the defendant who had been wronged and wronged, naturally received a lot of attention.

And taking advantage of the huge amount of traffic on Yang Chuanfang's body, Tie Ruyun's last advertisement naturally gained a lot of attention.

On V Bo's current affairs hotspot, the search hits of Yang Chuanfang and Wen Xiaoyun's case reached the top again.

And the name of the criminal department of Jincheng Law Firm also appeared on the hot search, ranking very high.

On the contrary, it is Zhang Wei who is the biggest hero in this case, because he did not show his face at the final press conference, but the search enthusiasm is not high.

In other words, he did it on purpose and didn't want such a high reputation.

All in all, the case is finally over.


Monday evening.

Cheng Lisha's apartment in the city center.

"Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer in the criminal department of our Jincheng Law Firm, will represent the client, Mr. Yang, to the famous host of Dongfangdu, or I can change his name now, the biggest rumor-monger and slanderer of Dongfangdu!"

"Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer of our criminal department, will represent Mr. Yang Chuanfang to pursue legal proceedings against Ms. Cheng Lisha's countless slanders, slanders, and even hiring Internet trolls to spread rumors about him killing Wen Xiaoyun ten years ago!"

"Every report she has posted, every interview she has conducted, and even every sentence she has said, every word, we will alternately review these contents, as long as there is any content related to our party, We will record it as evidence to hold Ms. Cheng Lisha accountable!"

"The Internet is not a place outside the law. Please also pay attention to those trolls and Internet trolls who are employed by Cheng Lisha. We will also keep your online speeches in the past ten years, and we will not rule out the right to trace back to you in the future." !"

"Here, on behalf of Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer of my criminal department, I would like to advise Ms. Cheng Lisha..."

"The sky is watching, it's not that we don't report, it's not time yet!"

"Now, you need to pay for what you did, for your greed and arrogance..."


This brand-name TV, which was still broadcasting the live broadcast at noon, finally ushered in the last moment of its lifespan.

A chair hit the LCD screen, causing the screen to make a "click" sound.

And Cheng Lisha, looking at the broken TV, recalled the content of the live broadcast just now, her face became extremely distorted.

" are ruthless..."

She never expected that Zhang Wei would do such a trick.

To cut off all the foundations of her fortune, to trace her back so harshly.

"Since you've done such a great job, don't blame me!"

Cheng Lisha gritted her teeth, took out her mobile phone, and dialed a number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zhang? I'm Cheng Lisha. I need your help now!"

"Okay, I see, I will be there, I will!"

The content of the call was very short, Cheng Lisha hung up the phone, and then dialed a number again.

"Get me a car, I'm going to a place... Wait, you drive here yourself, don't arrange a driver!"

After Cheng Lisha gave an order, she walked to the dressing table and dressed herself up.

30 minutes later, the underground parking lot of the apartment.

Cheng Lisha was wearing a long red dress and a black coat, and walked towards a white car. .

The female assistant was sitting in the driver's seat and had already been waiting here.

The car door opened, Cheng Lisha took her seat, and then ordered in a cold voice:

"Set off!"

The female assistant didn't say much, and drove Lisa to leave the apartment.

Another 30 minutes later.

In the center of the Oriental city, the top floor of an unfinished building.

Cheng Lisha wore a long red dress and came to the top of the building.

And here on the top floor, there is already a person waiting here.

He was wearing a suit and had a straight figure. Although he could only see a back standing with his hands behind his back, this person's demeanor was really extraordinary.

The wind on the roof was very strong, and he was standing on the edge of the roof without guardrails. If he took a wrong step, his body might be smashed to pieces, but he had no fear, and his body was as firm as a mountain.

"Mr. Zhang, I..."

Seeing the man's back, Cheng Lisha opened her mouth.

"You don't need to say anything, I already know the situation!" The man's voice was very cold, without any emotion.

"Mr. Zhang, only you can help me this time!" Cheng Lisha's tone was full of flattery and pleading.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

When Cheng Lisha heard the man say this, her face brightened, and then her eyes became ruthless: "I want that Zhang Wei to die, and this incident, I also want to calm down the storm. After today, I will still be the number one host in the East. I still have the final say in the media world!"

"I understand your request!" The man said without emotion, and didn't even turn around.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, I knew you could do it!" Cheng Lisha's eyes showed joy again.

Because she knows how much energy is in the person in front of her.

How she climbed from an unknown little reporter to where she is today in just ten years is all due to the credit of the people in front of her.

"No, I can't do it!"

But just when Cheng Lisha was imagining that everything would end tomorrow, the man's words interrupted her fantasy.

"Mr. Zhang, how could you not do it, but you..."

"No, you didn't understand me!"

The man finally raised his hand and interrupted Cheng Lisha's words. This was also the first action he made after standing here.

"I just think that, compared to helping you solve this matter, there is another way that is faster!"

"what way?"

"It's very simple. The reason why we supported you in the first place was because we needed to control the voice of the media. You only need to do what we told you to do. But recently you have done some unnecessary things besides completing our tasks. , we think that you, a media agent, are no longer useful."

"Mr. Zhang, you..."

"We will support a new media person to take over. You can retire. As for the trouble you caused, admit your mistakes."

"What, you are looking for someone to replace me!"

When Cheng Lisha heard the man's words, she finally couldn't hold back her face.

"Mr. Zhang, I have done so much for you, but you want to kick me away. You guys, who do you want to replace me with?"

"Of course it's me!"

Behind Cheng Lisha, a slightly cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Little Wang, you..."

Cheng Lisha was very familiar with this voice, because she was her female assistant.

But the female assistant who was submissive to him on weekdays, looked at him today with a hint of coldness.

"The opportunity has been given to you, you make the choice!" The man spoke again, with a hint of command in his tone.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't accept it. I, Cheng Lisha, will never give up everything today. I must..."

Cheng Lisha was about to protest, but the man said displeasedly: "You misunderstood, this sentence was not meant for you!"

"Sister Cheng, have a good journey!"

Before Cheng Lisha could react, she felt her back being pushed hard.

Afterwards, her body was out of balance, and she rushed directly to the edge of the roof, and the charge continued unabated, and she fell down.


A scream pierced the sky, which also heralded the end of a life.

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