Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 286 Follow-up turmoil handling, have a car?

Tuesday, a working day.

Jincheng Law Firm, 25th floor.

In the criminal department, in a separate office with a lot of space facing the south and facing the sun.

"What, Cheng Lisha is dead?"

Just as Zhang Wei picked up today's newspaper, before he poured himself a cup of coffee, he was attracted by the headline on the front page of the newspaper.

"Cheng Lisha, a famous host in the Oriental Metropolis, jumped off the building and died, suspected of being involved in lawsuits"

The first article on the front page, with eye-catching characters and a mosaic photo of the scene, can be said to be quite explosive.

"Zhang Wei, have you read the newspaper?"

Tie Ruyun also rushed over immediately, with a flustered and astonished expression on his face, while holding a newspaper in his hand.

"I will go to the criminal department to find out the situation myself later!"

Zhang Wei held the newspaper and pointed to the headline page with a serious expression on his face.

Because in his prediction, Cheng Lisha couldn't die yet, and she still needed to bear her own responsibilities.

But I didn't expect that such a woman could not bear the pressure and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

"By the way, Zhang Wei, Cheng Lisha is dead now, and the column team may hold a press conference later. Our lawsuit has no defendant, isn't it..."

"Don't worry, let's see what the people in the column team say. If they don't care about Cheng Lisha's lawsuit, then we can still sue them."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, but he wasn't worried much.

Because of the slander of Yang Chuanfang, although Cheng Lisha was the mastermind, her column team also played a role in fueling the flames.

In this matter, Cheng Lisha and the column team can be regarded as the same body of litigation.

Even if Cheng Lisha is gone, Zhang Wei can still file a lawsuit against the column group.

But now that Cheng Lisha is dead, he wants to see if the column team still accepts the lawsuit.


At this moment, he received a reminder on his mobile phone, from the most popular V blog reminder.

"Lisa's interview column group will hold a short press conference, and the identity of the new host will be announced soon"

"She used to be the darling of the media, the beacon of hosts in the Oriental Metropolis, but she did not expect to end up in such a tragic end"

"The old man has passed away, and the new man takes over!" According to the gossip, the new host will be..."

Zhang Wei immediately opened the webpage and began to browse the information.

The content on the top homepage this time is nothing more than Cheng Lisha's departure, who can succeed her as the first sister in the media industry.

As for the news of Cheng Lisha's death, there was not a single message of remembrance.

Cheng Lisha's fans seemed to disappear without a trace suddenly, and there was no splash on the Internet.

There is a saying that death is like a lamp being extinguished, and when the lamp is extinguished, there is no residual light left.

Zhang Wei waited for a while, and the press conference was held soon.

The live broadcast directly appeared at the scene of Lisa's interview, and a young woman in formal clothes appeared in the video.

"Huh?" Zhang Wei looked at this woman with a strange expression on his face: "Isn't this? Isn't that the female assistant who has been following Cheng Lisha all the time? She's in charge?"

No wonder Zhang Wei was surprised.

He has also dealt with Cheng Lisha many times, including the little follower beside her.

This female assistant is submissive in front of others, and looks like she might be fired at any time.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a person to take over Cheng Lisha's position.

After all, this is the No. 1 sister in the media industry of the Oriental Metropolis, the pinnacle of the news media industry.

The first sister died, isn't the second sister the happiest?

Or other hosts from the same TV station.

But now, these people are willing to be green leaves, making way for a completely inexperienced newcomer?

And this newcomer is not a popular niche, but Cheng Lisha's former female assistant, an inconspicuous character who needs qualifications but no qualifications, and credit but no credit, unexpectedly became Cheng Lisha's successor?

In short, this surprised Zhang Wei.

But what he cares more about is actually Lisa's interview column team's attitude towards Yang Chuanfang and him.

If these people don't know good from bad, Zhang Wei doesn't mind giving them winks.

"Hi everyone, I am the former assistant of Host Cheng. My surname is Wang. From now on, I will change my name to Wang Lisha and take over the Lisa talk show in place of the late Host Cheng. Please rest assured, viewers, I will take over the program. This matter has already received the support of the entire column team and even the entire station, and please don’t worry about whether there will be any personnel changes in the future!”

"Next, I will replace the late Sister Cheng and answer the topics that fans are most concerned about recently."

"First of all, the lawsuit that Sister Cheng faced before her death. The Criminal Department Office of Dongfang Capital Jincheng Group has notified our column team that they will sue our column team instead of Mr. Yang Chuanfang, and we also accept this with a sincere attitude and humility. Litigation, we will discuss settlement matters with the other party on the premise of meeting Mr. Yang's litigation requirements as much as possible, and avoid entering into time-consuming and labor-intensive litigation."

"Here, I also issue a statement in person. Although Sister Cheng has passed away, the mistakes she made are the acknowledgments of our Lisa Interview column team. We sincerely admit our mistakes and sincerely apologize to Mr. Yang who has been prejudiced for ten years. Apologies, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"Here, we also inform the Office of the Criminal Department of Jincheng Group that our Lisa Interview column team will definitely handle this lawsuit actively and properly, and we will never make the mistakes made by Sister Cheng again. We also hope that Jincheng Law Firm can cooperate with us. Reach cooperation as soon as possible, and jointly and satisfactorily end this lawsuit..."

During the live broadcast, the new host who announced the name change in public, now known as Wang Lisha's successor, directly announced that he would reach a settlement with Zhang Wei's party.

"Good guy, so fast?"

Zhang Wei himself was surprised.

Not long after Wang Lisha took office, she was able to make a statement for the column team and TV days?

What he wants to claim is not tens of millions, but Cheng Lisha slandered Yang Chuanfang and used Wen Xiaoyun's death to earn so much black-hearted money in ten years, which is a full 1.5 billion.

Even if Lisa's interview team wants compensation, will the TV station's top management agree?

1.5 billion if you say you will pay?

Or is it that they plan to reconcile, but they plan to discuss the price with Zhang Wei?

Anyway, the attitude of the column team has come out.

From Zhang Wei's point of view, the attitude of this column group belongs to the positive side, which is very beneficial to their negotiations.

After watching for a while, Zhang Wei turned off the live broadcast.

When he walked to the office area of ​​the criminal department outside the office, he saw Li Yueqin and Tie Ruyun busy in front of the computer, and Tie Cuilan even ran back and forth.

If the entire office is not busy, only Lin Yumeng is...

"Xiaomeng, are you fishing again?"

"Ah, no way, no way, master, don't talk nonsense, they are serious too!"

The little apprentice was caught by Zhang Wei, immediately X dropped the video page, and then pretended to pick up a document at hand.

"Xiaomeng, although you are cute when you are sneaking around, but when you pretend to be serious, can you be careful, the document is reversed!"

Zhang Wei chuckled and pointed to the folder in the little apprentice's hand.


When the little apprentice was exposed the lie, his face blushed immediately, and he lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to raise his eyes to look around.

"Old Tie, Xiao Li, are these resumes sent over?"

Zhang Wei scanned the documents and knew what they were all about.

"That's right, ever since the recruitment was announced at the press conference after the case, this resume has not stopped since that day!"

Tie Ruyun sighed, this is pain and happiness.

Although they posted a job advertisement relying on the popularity of the case, they didn't expect the effect to be so good.

Now there are more than a few hundred resumes that have been submitted, and the email messages in the background of the mailbox are still being refreshed, and they can't stop at all.

"Then you are busy, I am the ace lawyer, and I am not in charge of recruitment!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and was ready to go.

"Zhang Wei, wait a minute, the front desk has come to inform you that someone is calling for you!"

At this moment, Tie Cuilan suddenly called out to stop Zhang Wei.

"Who is calling for me?"

"They said it's from the Lisa interview column group. It seems to be the new host. They want to talk to you about the reconciliation on the phone. May I tell you to transfer it directly to your office landline?"

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, Sister Cuilan!"

Zhang Wei was only puzzled for a second, then walked back to the office and answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Lawyer Zhang?" There was a crisp female voice on the other end of the phone.

Zhang Wei was no stranger to this voice.

Because he was still watching the other party's live broadcast just now.

"Master Wang, hello, congratulations on your successful promotion."

"Lawyer Zhang was joking. I'm only temporarily taking over the job of Sister Cheng. If I don't perform well in the future, I might find a better host in the station."

"Really, but I saw your performance in the live broadcast. It seems that the column team and the station have no complaints at all."

"Lawyer Zhang was joking. I'm still a newcomer. As for the opinions of the column team and the station, how can I control them?"

Zhang Wei sneered in his heart, it's okay to deceive other people in such a scene, but it would be a ghost if he wanted to deceive him.

If you have no one behind you, who will believe it?

"Host Wang, I believe you didn't call here to be polite to me, did you?"

"Lawyer Zhang is really quick to talk, so I won't hide it."

On the other end of the phone, Wang Lisha took a deep breath, and then said: "Sister Cheng has used Wen Xiaoyun's death to make a big fuss over the past 10 years, spreading rumors, slandering and slandering your client, Yang Chuanfang, what our column team has done to her for, responsible for.”

"After an overnight meeting between our column team and the senior management of Taili, we decided to pay half of the total 1.5 billion profits that Sister Cheng earned through illegal means over the years as compensation to your client, Mr. Yang."

"Half?" Hearing this amount, Zhang Wei was slightly surprised.

It's not that this number makes him dissatisfied, on the contrary he is very satisfied.

Because according to his worst guess, the TV station may not admit this lawsuit after Cheng Lisha's death.

Anyway, everyone is dead, so you have to look for her!

This is the most likely outcome he expected.

But they didn't deny it, and even opened their mouths to pay 750 million in compensation, which is simply...

Zhang Wei and Yang Chuanfang signed a discretionary agency contract. After the criminal lawsuit, the claim for the civil lawsuit is divided into 30% of the compensation.

750 million in damages and 225 million in legal fees.

This is the income for the law firm, and the share ratio of ace lawyers is different from that of ordinary lawyers, even exceeding 50%.

Even if the 11% personal income tax is deducted, Zhang Wei has earned at least a small target share in this single case.

Coupled with the previous sharing income, Zhang Wei has already been worth over 100 million!

But although there was a wave of turmoil in his heart, Zhang Wei's face remained calm throughout.

"This is the final result of your negotiation?"

"Yes, Lawyer Zhang, this is the final result of our negotiation. If you are not satisfied, there is nothing we can do. I know that your expectation at the beginning is 1.5 billion in full compensation, and this figure is also the result of your actuary. Carefully checked."

On the other end of the phone, Wang Lisha pondered for a moment, and explained: "But please also consider, Sister Cheng's own spending power, she lives in the most expensive downtown apartment in the Oriental Capital, travels abroad every year, and spends every month She buys a lot of funds for financial management, she is superstitious about investment, and also buys jewelry, plus the daily expenses to maintain a luxurious life. Compared with these, the expenses and labor costs of our column team are small. "

"I see, I have no objection to this number!"

Now that the opponent has lowered his stance, Zhang Wei doesn't intend to chase after him.

After all, his main firepower is Cheng Lisha. After this woman is dead, it doesn't make sense to focus on the column group.

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, you agree, don't you need to communicate with Mr. Yang?"

"No need, because I know what he wants!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, knowing it already in his heart.

Because Yang Chuanfang's family is not short of money, he doesn't care about money.

What he cares about is always just an answer, an answer that makes him feel wronged.

And this answer, with the help of Zhang Wei, has been found.

"So, Lawyer Zhang, we have reached a settlement?"

"Of course, I was also very surprised by this, but the host Wang called me personally, how can I disagree?"

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, we will send business lawyers to Jincheng Law Firm to sign the settlement agreement later, then..."


Just when Wang Lisha was about to hang up the phone, Zhang Wei suddenly spoke up.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you have any questions?"

"I'm just curious, did this woman Cheng Lisha really jump off the rooftop?"


On the other end of the phone, after Wang Lisha heard this question, a trace of astonishment flashed in the depths of her eyes.

"Hello, host Wang?"

"Oh, Lawyer Zhang, I'm here!"

"Master Wang, is there something wrong with your tone?"

"I...I just miss Sister Cheng. Although her reputation in the column group is not very good, she has taught me a lot..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was talking too much, just pretend that I didn't ask the question just now!"

Zhang Wei said haha, and then hung up the phone on his own initiative.

But at the moment when the phone call ended, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that there are some problems with Cheng Lisha's death..."

"However, what does this have to do with me? Will I seek justice for that woman? Obviously not..."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, and then called Yang Chuanfang again.

"Young Master Yang, the matter has been settled. They are very cooperative and agree to reconcile!"

"I know that you don't care about the settlement amount, and even after Cheng Lisha's death, you don't care too much about it, but this is a matter of the other party's attitude, and we have to cooperate to go through the motions!"

"What, you came to our law firm and waited for me downstairs?"

"What a shame, then I'll come down..."

After Zhang Wei hung up the phone, he immediately took the elevator downstairs, and soon came to the square outside the first floor of Jincheng Building.

On the square, a red off-road vehicle was parked. Yang Chuanfang was wearing sunglasses, with a smile on his lips.

Beside him, Yang Chuannan was still standing with a smile on his face, completely free from the haze before.

"Young Master Yang, Second Young Master Yang, why are you here together?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm here to give you a gift!"


"Yes, a gift!"

As Yang Chuanfang said, he threw away the car keys in his hand, and Zhang Wei picked them up.

"This is..." Looking at the car key in his hand, Zhang Wei froze for a moment.

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't need this car anymore. I think you looked at my vehicle a few more times before. Obviously there is a demand for the car!"

As Yang Chuanfang said, he laughed and said, "Besides, you have come to see me so many times without driving once, so I knew you needed a suitable vehicle."

"Although my car is not of high grade, if the bulletproof modification is removed, the price is only more than one million yuan, but this can be regarded as a little bit of my heart. If Lawyer Zhang doesn't like it, I can give you another car. You want it brand!"

"Young Master Yang, don't worry about it. I think this one is pretty good, but the color is a bit brighter, but I can change the paint myself in the later stage!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, but did not refuse.

After all, I am now an ace lawyer, and I have been commuting by subway, which is really unreasonable.

After discussing the compensation with Yang Chuanfang, the Yang brothers left with a smile.

When they left, there was an indescribable look on their faces.

Zhang Wei waved goodbye to the two, and immediately made a call.

"Smelly brother, the car is here, you can go to work, but I don't like red very much, the color is too bright, you can change it to black for me!"

After Zhang Wei gave an order, he hung up the phone decisively.

After waiting for dozens of minutes, Zhang Xinyan finally arrived.

Zhang Wei threw the key to the other party, and then sat in the passenger seat by himself.

"Looks like I have to take a driver's license test too!"

Although Zhang Qiansheng is a veteran driver with 30 years of driving experience, Zhang Wei needs to drive on the road and has to take a driver's license test.

After all, the name on the driver's license had to be Zhang Wei, not Zhang Qiansheng.

"Go, take me to a place!"

"Where do you tell me to go, I just drive?"

Sitting in the driver's seat, Zhang Xinyan looked and looked at the interior layout of the car, while sighing secretly.

A car worth millions is just different.

Even so, his attitude towards Zhang Wei became more polite.

"Where else can I go, of course to meet my enemy, let's go, go to the morgue of the martial arts association!"

Zhang Wei gave an address, but Zhang Xinyan was stunned for a moment, and goose bumps appeared on his back.

Damn it, you're the only one going to the morgue in broad daylight, right?

after an hour.

Criminal Division, Medical Examiner's Office.

Mo Yuzhu gently lifted a layer of white cloth, revealing an incomplete corpse inside.

Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu were very calm, after all, they had seen too many corpses.

"This stall, could it be her?"

"Yes, it's her!"

"Isn't this too miserable?"

"No way, that unfinished building is more than 100 meters high, and ordinary people will be smashed to pieces if they fall!"

"What did the investigation department say?"

"They said it was suicide, but..."

As Mo Yuzhu said, under her messy hair, her eyes unconsciously aimed at Zhang Wei.

"But what?" Zhang Wei vaguely had a bad premonition.

"But rumors are spreading outside that you forced her to death!"

"Ah, this..."

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