Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 287 Martial arts conference, Hanhan also participated?

The next day, Wednesday.

The first floor of Lin Mansion, in the kitchen room

Zhang Wei sat here eating breakfast, with a newspaper in hand.

After sending a mouthful of porridge to his mouth, he opened the newspaper and turned to the second page.

On the second page, there is a fairly eye-catching title, and the text is marked in red font.

"The Unscrupulous Lawyer's Urgent Charm, The Last Straw That Killed Cheng Lisha!" "


Seeing the content of this page, the porridge in Zhang Wei's mouth spurted out.

"Good guy, you really think of me as a murderer!" He wiped his mouth hastily, and thought to himself.

Fortunately, the second daughter did not have breakfast with me, otherwise...

When he opened the article, he saw that the civil lawsuit Cheng Lisha was facing was mentioned in the article, and Zhang Wei's name was also specifically named.

It is stated in the article that Cheng Lisha was "threatened and warned" by Zhang Wei after being frustrated in criminal proceedings, and faced huge claims in civil proceedings.

This woman was already under tremendous pressure, but Zhang Wei's last warning was like the needle that popped the balloon, the straw that killed the camel.

In the end, Cheng Lisha chose the most sloppy way to end her life in despair.

Although the whole article did not explicitly say that Zhang Wei killed Cheng Lisha, it linked Cheng Lisha's suicide with the civil lawsuit led by Zhang Wei.

The things here have to make people think about it.

At the end of the article, there is an interview between the publisher of the article and an anonymous lawyer in the industry.

"Zhang Wei is an absolute villain. He is not only ruthless, but also unscrupulous. He will do anything to win him."

"Cheng Lisha just offended him a little bit, but she didn't expect to be forced to death by him in the end. Such a person is a lawyer in the East, and it is a discredit to our entire legal industry!"

"He is simply disregarding human life. This kind of behavior of seeking wealth and killing people is outrageous!"

These were the original words of the anonymous lawyer. After careful consideration for a while, Zhang Wei realized who made this post.

"Hu Yaode, you lost the lawsuit and killed your client, so you're going to take revenge on me like this?"

"Why does this method feel like jumping over the wall in a hurry? It's so boring!"

After figuring out who the instigator of this article was, Zhang Wei calmed down.

without him.

Just such an article, what can he do?

Isn't he still going to work?

Instead of wasting energy to pay attention to these media news, it is better to develop a few more clients and earn more lawyer fees.

In the past few days, he has earned hundreds of millions of legal fees. He is not as realistic as he is, so why should he care about these false names.

"Second girl, I'm going to work, remember to wash the dishes for yourself after eating, bye~"

After saying goodbye to Zhao Xiaoxiao upstairs, Zhang Wei went straight to the Zhangjia martial arts gym next door.

Early in the morning, Zhang Xinyan drove the bulletproof off-road vehicle and waited at the entrance of the martial arts hall.

The difference from yesterday is that today the car's paint has been dyed black from the original red, and it has become a little more low-key.

In the passenger seat, the driver is already waiting inside.

"Let's go, take me to the law firm!"

Zhang Xinyan drove Zhang Wei and started his daily commute.

The journey that was supposed to take the subway, with the "help" of the vehicle, perfectly changed from less than 30 minutes to nearly an hour.

If you want to ask about the road conditions in Dongfangdu, the driver's answer will always be... stuck in the road.


Jincheng Law Firm, Criminal Department.

After sending Zhang Xinyan away and making him stand by nearby at any time, Zhang Wei started working.

But his job is actually to fish happily in the office.

Scan the webpage, read the news, maintain the customers in hand, and then look for new cases.

The criminal department is not on the right track yet, and there is no stable source for the source of the case.

However, for Tie Ruyun and the criminal department, what the entire department lacks most at present is not the source of the case, but the people!

So in order to recruit people, Tie Ruyun and the others were busy outside.

After they experienced the baptism of the resume rain yesterday, the task they have to face today is to interview for a job.

Jincheng Law Firm will arrange the personnel department to conduct the initial test and re-test. Once someone passes the two tests, Tie Ruyun will still have to interview in person.

And Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng, as Tie Ruyun's only two "elite soldiers and strong generals", naturally had to participate.

There are only three people in the whole department, and they all have to get busy.

Compared with them, Zhang Wei, who has an independent office, looks more relaxed.

outside the office.

Three figures walked by, it was the old iron trio.

Tie Ruyun looked serious, while Li Yueqin looked excited.

On the contrary, it was the little apprentice, with a mournful face, who followed behind Tie Ruyun.

"Team leader, can you not participate in the interview, you know me, I'm not suitable to be the team leader, and I have to lead people~ o(╥﹏╥)o"

"Today's interview is a department task, you have to go if you don't!"

The cry of the little apprentice was met with Tie Ruyun's indifferent response.

"Also, how many times have I said that I am not the team leader now, but the department head, you have to call me Iron Boss!"

"I'm used to shouting~~~"

Lin Yumeng had no choice but to say it smoothly, and couldn't change it for a while.

The three of them walked past Zhang Wei's office, nodded and greeted Zhang Wei, then walked into the elevator and went to the second floor.

The interview location is on the second floor. The friends are probably busy recruiting new jobs these days.

Even Tie Cuilan has to go to the second floor to pour tea and water these days, and get busy.

On the 25th floor of Nuo Da, only Zhang Wei was left alone.

The office of the criminal department seemed extremely empty.

"Okay, watch the news in the morning, and pay attention to what happened in the Eastern Capital recently, and in the afternoon..."

Zhang Wei has been busy looking for the source of the case all morning.

But it is said that I am busy, but in fact, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "fishing with pay" when browsing information.

But it's a pity that apart from "Cheng Lisha committed suicide by jumping off a building" in the recent major events in Dongfang Metropolis, there is no other consultation that he is interested in.

On the contrary, it is a word called "Martial Arts Assembly", which has been frantically swiping the screen in the community forums of Dongfang Metropolis recently.

Even, Zhang Wei accidentally clicked on this consultation and browsed some information.

Martial Arts Conference.

It is a grand event held by the martial arts circle of the Dragon Country, and it is held once a year.

To put it bluntly, this kind of conference is similar to the ancient martial arts tournament, which competed for the best in the world, but with the development of modern technology, it has become a publicity stunt.

The final conference was nothing more than gathering a bunch of martial arts practitioners together, acting as performers for the audience, playing around and competing for a "predetermined" first place.

And the person who kills the Quartet at the conference will be awarded the title of "Number One in the World".

Of course, a real master has always been unobtrusive.

Those who can participate in this kind of conference usually go for the traffic and hot spots of the conference.

As Zhang Wei often said, now is the Internet age, as long as there is traffic, pigs can take off.

Therefore, in the Eastern Capital, and even in the entire southern region, as long as they are famous martial arts clubs and associations, some martial arts training institutions will sign up to participate in the martial arts conference and become the performers.

As long as you can get a good ranking in the conference, or if you are lucky enough to get the first place, you can get a huge amount of attention, which is naturally a huge boost to the business of martial arts and institutions.

And warriors, why do you practice martial arts all year round? Is it really for strengthening your body?

Give me a break!

Didn't you practice martial arts just to beat the world's invincible opponents? Dare you say that you never thought about doing these things to show off?

And now, the opportunity is at hand!

The number one in the world is right in front of you, don't you want to fight for it?

At the Martial Arts Conference, meet the heroes of the world and compete for the number one in the Dragon Kingdom!

This is the propaganda slogan of the Martial Arts Conference.

These are the few pieces of information that Zhang Wei browsed the most throughout the morning.

after lunch.

Zhang Weigang was about to continue browsing the information, but Xia Qianyue sent a message.

[Xia Qianyue: Zhang Wei, are you there? 】

[Zhang Wei: Hanhan, what do you want from me? 】

[Xia Qianyue: Are you free today? Do you want to watch my game? 】

[Zhang Wei: Competition? 】

[Xia Qianyue: Hmm, our Martial Arts Association also has quotas to participate in the Martial Arts Conference. Today is our internal selection to compete for the quota. I will also sign up. 】

【Zhang Wei: Alright, I'll definitely be there! 】

After chatting with Hanhan, Zhang Wei immediately sent a message to Zhang Xinyan.

After receiving the reply, he glanced at the criminal department's office, turned around and left.

Now that he is an ace lawyer, he has great freedom within the law firm, even if he doesn't report for a few days, it doesn't matter.

Besides, Zhang Wei doesn't need to rely on punch card wages to live now, and he doesn't like this "little money".

Underground parking, off-road vehicles.

Zhang Wei waited for a while, and Zhang Xinyan rushed over.

"Boss, where are you going?"

Since being rescued by Zhang Wei once, Zhang Xinyan has accepted her status as a laborer and became a full-time driver for Zhang Wei.

This is a job that he can't even ask for on weekdays.

More money, less work, close to home, all three things together.

Although he was still a little uncomfortable calling Zhang Wei the boss at first, but who made him really capable.

Moreover, Zhang Xinwu urged him to follow Zhang Wei. Zhang Xinyan had no choice but to compromise.

"Go to the headquarters of the Wushu Association!"


Zhang Xinyan got the order and drove again, driving Zhang Wei to the destination.

However, this journey is still frustratingly congested.

"Boss, are you accepting the case again?"

"I suppose I've been idle for almost two days since Monday's case was over."

Zhang Wei was rather bored, with a dejected expression on his face, "This man, when he is free, he tends to be sentimental. If he doesn't accept a case for the past two days, I feel panicked."

Zhang Xinyan pouted, but didn't say anything.

But he always felt that Zhang Wei was pretending.

"By the way, you are also considered a martial arts master, does the Martial Arts Conference know?"

"Of course, our Zhang's martial arts gym is also a contestant, and my sister signed up for me and herself!"

When it comes to the Martial Arts Conference, Zhang Xinyan gets excited.

"By the way, boss, if the Martial Arts Tournament really starts, can I take a few days off to participate?"

"You don't need to ask for leave, because Hanhan is going too, and I will definitely go to watch the game too!"


A picture emerged in Zhang Xinyan's mind.

A woman kicked him out and sent him flying.

This scene made him tremble all over, because it was really terrifying.

Zhang Xinyan smiled awkwardly, "Is that foolish person you mentioned powerful?"

"It's not a question of whether she is powerful or not. She is a very unique kind of woman who can attract you..."


In the afternoon, Wushu Association headquarters.

An indoor gymnasium at the headquarters was full of people.

A temporary martial arts arena has been set up here, and there are two operators wearing martial arts uniforms, fighting on the stage.

The two sides were quite restrained in their shots, and they paid attention to one point until the end, and there were referees on the stage watching, obviously there would be no major problems.

The martial arts competition here also attracted many operators. They walked into the gymnasium with smiles and excitement on their faces.

There is no way, there are tasks on weekdays, and work is busy, so there is no time to rest.

But today, you can see free martial arts competitions, and it's a competition among your own people, and everyone comes to watch the show for entertainment.

"Good guy, so many people!"

When Zhang Wei walked into the gymnasium, he saw that there were officers and field workers from the Wushu Association everywhere.

There are also girls from the internal affairs and personnel departments, cheering and cheering off the stage, acting as cheerleaders.

The two men competing on the stage obviously heard the cheering sound of the girl, and fought even harder, with vigorous moves, giving people a very powerful look.

"Zhang Wei~"

Not far away, the sharp-eyed Xia Qianyue spotted Zhang Wei and waved immediately.

Today's Xia Qianyue, also wearing a simple martial arts uniform, looks like a contestant.

And by Xia Qianyue's side, Dui Wu and others from Serious Case 7 Team were also like this.

"Hanhan, Team Wu, what are you..." Zhang Wei moved to the side of Group 7 and hurriedly asked.

"Oh, don't mention it!" Lao Xing looked unlovable, "The leader said that the Martial Arts Conference is a time for our serious crime team to gain fame. Let us change the stereotyped image of the serious crime team in the past. Show your face."

"The leader also said, try to let us get a good ranking in the Martial Arts Conference, and tell the citizens of Dongfangdu that the operatives who protect you have good skills, which will increase the sense of security for the people!"

Zhang Wei understood after hearing this.

But he understands the truth, but it is too ostentatious to let all the members of the serious crime team participate in the competition.

After Lao Xing explained, he moved closer to Zhang Wei and said, "Actually, we are participating in this Martial Arts Conference not to complete the task of the leader, but for the ranking bonus!"

"The first place in the martial arts competition is said to have tens of millions of bonuses, and even endorsement contracts with sponsors. The top ten will also have hundreds of thousands to millions of bonuses depending on their rankings. It is very realistic for me to participate in the martial arts competition. It's all about the money!"

Hearing what Lao Xing said, Zhang Wei finally understood.

Although they are all members of the martial arts association and cannot accept commercial endorsements, they can get bonuses.

Tens of millions, their lifetime salary does not have this amount, who would not be tempted?

Zhang Wei looked at Tamu and Ani who were wearing martial arts uniforms, and both of them nodded subconsciously, agreeing to Lao Xing's words.

Sure enough, money touches people's hearts.

"Captain Wu, what about you?"

"I was forced by the leader. I didn't want to participate at first, but the leader said that everyone in the serious crime team should show their faces. Anyway, there are still selections today. There are more than a dozen places in our martial arts association. It's up to me whether I can be selected. What a question!"

Wu Yong waved his hand. He wasn't very interested in the Martial Arts Conference, but since the leader had given him the task, he naturally had to show his face.

"Captain Wu, what are you talking about, don't we know your skills?"

Lao Xing laughed, and nudged Wu Yong with his elbow, "In the entire serious crime team, and even within the Criminal Investigation Division, the only ones who can win against you are the tiger in the first team, and..."

His gaze swept across the audience, and finally settled on Xia Qianyue, who was in his own group.

Lao Xing added in his heart, "And this scarier little girl beside us!"

As for Xia Qianyue's fighting strength, as teammates, Lao Xing and the others are naturally clear.

Although the Serious Case Group 7 is all good players except for themselves, and they all have one-to-many combat effectiveness.

But if you really want to say the limit of the fighting power of the 7th group, it has to be Xia Qianyue.

God knows how this little girl has such a powerful force in her body, this is simply... a monster!

"Hanhan, when are you going up?" Zhang Wei hurriedly approached Xia Qianyue and asked in a low voice.

"Oh, wait for the notification!"

Xia Qianyue waved her hands while moving her joints.

Today she is full of fighting spirit, and every cell in her body seems to be burning.

Standing beside Xia Qianyue, Zhang Wei felt the temperature of his whole body rising.

"Group 7, it's your turn!"

At this moment, a referee shouted from the arena.


Wu Yong took the lead and led 7 groups of people forward.

"Hanhan, come on!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly cheered Xia Qianyue up, but then felt that it seemed redundant.

Xia Qianyue's combat power, not to mention killing the entire martial arts association in seconds, at least beats an ordinary operator, and the battle may be over with a flick of the hand.

He only needs to sit quietly to see Xia Qianyue end the battle.

Group 7 of Serious Cases is not fighting each other. Their opponents are other groups of the Criminal Investigation Section. The opponents in the first round are also a group of five.

There are more than a dozen quotas for martial arts competitions within the martial arts association, and the upper level means that everyone will come to compete.

However, for some people who are recognized as capable, the quota is actually determined by default.

For example, the Serious Crime Squad has pre-determined two quotas, namely Lei Hu, the leader of Team 1, and Lin Ruonan, the deputy leader.

I heard that after Lei Hu learned that his quota had been determined by default, he was still a little unhappy, because he wanted to compete with other groups on stage.

But the other members of the serious crime team were relieved to hear that Lei Hu didn't need to participate.

After all, this person is someone who can smash a table with his bare hands. This kind of combat power is beyond the scope of ordinary people.

In fact, Zhang Wei also really wants to see the duel between the tiger of the serious crime team and a certain humanoid tyrannosaurus, it will definitely be very exciting.

"Martial Arts Conference, it must be very interesting, at least Hanhan will be very happy!"

Looking at Xia Qianyue who was gearing up for the ring and preparing to go up to the competition, Zhang Wei's eyes flashed a trace of old father's kindness.

If there is a chance, Zhang Wei will definitely say to Xia Qianyue: "I will support whatever you want, because I spoil you!"

A few minutes later.


With a scream, a figure vomited blood from the corner of its mouth, and flew upside down.

Xia Qianyue maintained her punching posture with a panicked look on her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't control my strength, I only wanted to use half of my strength, but seeing you yelled, I used more than 10 percent of my strength."

Xia Qianyue was flustered, and apologized repeatedly to the colleague who was sent flying.

Unfortunately, the latter is no longer heard.

"The winner, Xia Qianyue from Group 7 of Serious Cases!"

The referee on the stage hurriedly announced, but then looked at someone with lingering fear.

With the strength of the fist just now, he could feel the strong wind piercing his face while standing beside him.

It's scary!

This is still human?

Beside the ring, Zhang Wei also widened his eyes.

There were quite a few people gasping for air all around, looking at the stage in astonishment.

They were all shocked in their hearts, and they called Xia Qianyue's fighting power so terrifying!

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