Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 296 Enraged, send the client away in person?

on the witness stand.

A middle-aged woman wearing glasses was seated. She was Ms. Pang.

She also has another identity, a gynecologist at the local hospital on Beichong Island.

"Doctor Pang, could you please tell us about Mr. He's wife, her situation?"


Ms. Pang replied professionally: "His wife had symptoms of postpartum hemorrhage during her second delivery. When she was sent to the hospital, she was already in hemorrhagic shock."

"For this patient, we carried out emergency treatment. After using a speculum to detect the cause, we confirmed that she had uterine atony, soft birth canal laceration, and weak body leading to decreased coagulation function in the body."

"Later, we helped her stop the bleeding problem through surgery and treatment injections, and the patient was discharged after the usual 6 weeks of treatment and adjustments."

After hearing the witness's answer, Guo Wufeng nodded.

"Then I would like to ask Dr. Pang, if the patient chooses to give birth in the local hospital from the beginning, will she have such a situation?"

Dr. Pang thought for a while and replied: "Of course postpartum hemorrhage is unavoidable, because it is related to a person's constitution, but we can prevent it to a certain extent."

"For example, regular pregnancy checkups before giving birth can confirm the situation in the mother's uterus and the growth and development stage of the fetus. Physical examinations can also detect the mother's physical fitness, whether there will be bleeding reactions during delivery, and so on."

Guo Wufeng interjected immediately: "Doctor Pang, according to your opinion, if Mr. He took his wife to your hospital to give birth, what would the result be?"

Dr. Pang thought for a while and replied: "If Mr. He's wife had undergone a physical examination in our hospital during the second delivery, then we would not have had such a large-scale hemorrhage if we were fully prepared, and even less so. There will be hemorrhagic sequelae."

"Wait until the third delivery, and there will be no complications..."

Dr. Pang glanced at the family members, and heaved a sigh of relief: "If we knew the situation at the time, we might have avoided another tragedy. Maybe not only the mother, but even the child would have survived!"

As soon as this conclusion came out, Guo Wufeng laughed.

He looked at the jury box and the hearing box, and saw that all 12 jurors were thoughtful, and many people in the hearing box were also whispering and whispering.

What does this mean? It means that they all believe that the witness is right!

One party died again, and the wife fell to the root of the disease and could not continue to have children.

On the other hand, the wife is in good health, the child can be born normally, and both mother and child are safe.

Then everyone can see what the defendant Gao Xiaoping did.

She made the Witness family completely extinct.

A sin, or a heinous crime!

The audience's eyes were focused on the defense seats, and their naked and undisguised contempt, disdain, and even a trace of sarcasm all flocked to Gao Xiaoping.

These eyes and gazes made her feel scared.

"Lawyer Zhang, these people, they..." Her emotions became tense and excited again.

"My suggestion is to keep calm. If you don't want to be expelled by the court, I suggest you talk less and don't get excited!"

Zhang Wei remained calm and responded calmly.

But he knew that Gao Xiaoping might not be able to endure it, but if she really went berserk, it would be good for him.

At least the roots of the ears can be cleaned up.

And today is the prosecution's case statement, which does not require the defense and the defendant to speak.


"I believe that everyone has seen the results and heard Dr. Pang's speech!"

Guo Wufeng said, his eyes swept to the family seats.

At the family table, Mr. He and Mrs. He were next to each other, and they embraced each other.

He hurriedly winked at the two of them, and they immediately understood.

"You pay for my child, you pay for my child, wow..." Mrs. He immediately burst into anger, pointing at the defense bench and yelling hoarsely.

"Honey, don't get excited, don't let others read the joke..."

Although Mr. He was consoling, he also stared at Gao Xiaoping fiercely with his eyes.

His eyes seemed to say: It's all your fault, because you and I have no children at all, and you have to pay the price!

"Your Honor?"

Zhang Wei stood up calmly, pointed to the accused Fang's family seat, and raised two more fingers.

His gestures also said: Xiao Liu, did you see that, you warned me once, this is the second time, did people not hear your warning?

"Witness, please pay attention!"

Judge Liu immediately gave a warning, but his warning had no effect.

Mrs. He's wife, should I cry or cry.

"Wow, my child, my child who could have been born, mother misses you..."

Not only did the crying not weaken, but it became more and more intense and gradually strengthened.


A faint drop of sweat fell on Judge Liu's forehead.

What's the matter with this witness, how dare he ignore himself?

And the defense lawyer was still looking at him, and everyone in the court was paying attention to the trial seat.

If this is not done well, what might others say?

A mere judge can't even maintain order in the courtroom. Isn't he incompetent?

If this is the case, if it really spreads to the leader's ears and makes the other party unhappy, wouldn't he have to be transferred back to the countryside?

Thinking of this, Judge Liu made a decision in his heart.

Boom boom boom!


When the gavel sounded, Judge Liu immediately gestured left and right with his eyes.

"Tingwei, send Mr. He's wife to the preparation room next door to rest. Don't let her come here before the trial is over!"

The left and right court guards acted immediately and invited Mrs. He out slowly.

When Mr. He saw his wife being taken away, his eyes naturally followed him all the way until his wife left the court.

Later, he saw Guo Wufeng winking at him.

He immediately understood and stood up directly: "Judge, my wife is not in good health, I have to take care of her!"

"be opposed to!"

Zhang Wei naturally interrupted Mr. He's words.

Just kidding, you are a witness for the prosecution and I have to cross-examine you.

Do you want to leave?

Where is the court, the canteen downstairs or the canteen on the street?

Mr. He looked at Guo Wufeng again, who nodded again.

"Judge, I beg you, my wife has been weak since she gave birth three times, and I am the only one who can take care of her!"

"I kneel down for you. My wife is really not in good health, and she has also suffered from mild depression since giving birth. If she suddenly can't see me, she will be very scared."

"Judge, I beg you, let me take care of my wife, she can't live without me!"

Mr. He was about to kneel down immediately, but fortunately Guo Wufeng who was standing aside had "quick eyes and quick hands" to stop him one or two.

"Mr. He, why is this so?" Then he put on a sympathetic expression and said a word of comfort.

After consoling him, Guo Wufeng sneered, and then looked at Zhang Wei.

"Defense lawyer, you can't be so inhumane, you have to do this for your cross-examination?"

"It's not easy for a husband and wife to come to the East. Both Mr. He and his wife have been harmed by your client, but you still want to force him to leave his wife. If something happens to you, your conscience will be offended." are you going?"

At this moment, Lao Guo almost pointed at Zhang Wei's nose and cursed.

He angrily reprimanded, and at the same time supported Mr. He who was crying, like a righteous man facing evil forces.

It's just that in court, Guo Wufeng represents justice, while Zhang Wei represents evil!

"Your Excellency, Judge Liu, I, Guo Wufeng, don't usually ask for help, but please take a look at this husband, he is just a poor man, can you please consider him and his wife, they..."

Guo Wufeng then looked at the trial seat, and at Judge Liu.

Although Lao Guo was begging, his eyes were warning Judge Liu.

If you disagree, you are evil too!

Judge Liu was under a lot of pressure. He looked at the jury box and the hearing box.

He had no doubt that as long as he uttered a wrong word, he might be scolded by these people in his heart.

"Ahem, after careful consideration, and considering the situation of Mr. He and his wife, this court has decided to temporarily let the witness Mr. He accompany his wife. If you object, the defense lawyer, this court..."

"Judge, you just make the decision!"

Just when Judge Liu opened his mouth and was about to ask Zhang Wei for his opinion, Zhang Wei waved his hand directly.

Don't think I can't see what you're thinking, you want to blame me for being this villain, do you really think I don't understand?

Judge Liu wiped off his sweat again, and thought to himself, "Good guy."

It seemed that Zhang Wei didn't intend to be this villain, so he didn't seem to offend the jury and the hearing seats.

"Witness, this court has made a decision, you can leave now!"

"Thank you judge for your understanding!"

With the judge's approval, Mr. He immediately left the courtroom to join his wife.

And as he left, the court looked at Zhang Wei and Gao Xiaoping with a hint of unkindness.

Even the judges were affected.

Although he was the biggest in the court, the audience and the jury could maintain respect on the surface, but how they looked at it in their hearts was their freedom.

At least at this moment, in their hearts, the judge is also a helper.

As for Guo Wufeng, because of his repeated performances of "justice" just now, he earned enough impression points from the jury for himself.

"Prosecution, do you still want to ask questions?"

"Let me think about it!"

Guo Wufeng seemed to be thinking, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

The witness most likely to be overthrown has already left the court early under his trick.

It is equivalent to saying that Zhang Wei has lost his pain point.

How do you cross-examine when the witnesses are gone?

Now the only witness in court is Dr. Pang, who has little to do with the case.

And he also made a wave of emotional cards with the help of witnesses' selling tricks.

It can be said to greatly increase the winning chips.

"Your Honor, I have nothing more to ask about this witness!"

Now that the goal has been achieved, Guo Wufeng also knows to give Zhang Wei a chance to speak.

He wanted to appreciate the opponent's struggle before "dying".

Guo Wufeng walked back to the prosecution seat and sat down, at the same time he turned his head and nodded to Zhao Chunming in the hearing seat.

The latter naturally responded with a smile, and both of them saw a trace of joy that victory was at hand in each other's eyes.


Judge Liu signaled Zhang Wei to get up.

And Zhang Wei looked depressed.

Because Mr. He, the witness he really wanted to cross-examine, had already left the court with his wife.

He has no chance of cross-examining.

"Good guy, Lao Guo, you are really poisonous!"

He looked at Guo Wufeng with contempt in his eyes.

But Guo Wufeng sneered back, as if to say: I'm cheating on you, what can you do to me?

After all, everyone in the court supported me at that time, and I had the upper hand in the righteousness. If you dare to say "no", you will be drowned in spit.

show off!

Guo Wufeng was very embarrassed at the moment.

He couldn't wait to see Zhang Wei jumping his feet in a hurry, but he looked helpless.

What about Zhang Wei?

He walked up to the witness stand and looked at Dr. Pang with a very calm expression, not at all like a defense lawyer who had lost the opportunity for cross-examination and might be helpless and desperate.

"Hello, doctor."

"To be honest, your appearance surprised me, because I was not prepared to cross-examine you at all!"

Dr. Pang also smiled, "I was also surprised, because the prosecution also notified me to appear in court."

"Okay then, I'll just ask you a few questions."

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the defense chair, "Excuse me, do you know my client?"


Ms. Pang glanced at Gao Xiaoping, "I have heard about her a little bit. Before our hospital landed, most of the families on Beichong Island were delivered by her."

"Then, what do you think of my client's medical skills?"

"It's okay. It shouldn't be a big problem to deal with some minor problems, but when encountering problems like postpartum hemorrhage, without the assistance of formal medical equipment, it is easy to cause tragedy."

Dr. Pang added, "To be honest, I think if the defendant is willing to take the time to obtain a Dongfangdu medical license, he can save a lot of trouble."

"However, she chooses to engage in illegal medical practice for a long time because she is stingy with tens of thousands of training fees. This is tantamount to putting the life and death of herself and the patients in danger. She is irresponsible to the patients!"

Dr. Pang's words, or rather accusations, made Gao Xiaoping's forehead congeal with blue veins.

She is angry!

"Doctor Pang, are you prejudiced against my client?"

"Of course there is!"

Dr. Pang nodded, "Without your client, all the residents of Beichong Island would come to our hospital to give birth, so Beichong Island would not have such a high infant mortality rate!"

"So you think my client is a villain?"

"Yes, I think Gao Xiaoping needs to be responsible for those children who died young. A large part of them can be born smoothly. She didn't think about the children or those families at all..."

"You fart!"

Dr. Pang's last words made Gao Xiaoping unable to bear it.

An angry shout resounded through the court.

At this moment, Guo Wufeng smiled.

Zhao Chunming on the hearing bench also laughed.

Even Zhang Wei on the defense bench laughed.


Zhang Wei also laughed?

Guo Wufeng and Zhao Chunming looked towards the court as if they sensed something was wrong.

Zhang Wei did indeed smile.

What are you laughing at?

Your client is going to be expelled. Wow, you can still laugh?

"Your Excellency, my client has lost control again, please ask the court to deal with it seriously!"

But Zhang Wei went beyond everyone's expectations and looked directly at the trial seat.

He obviously was, giving up treatment.

His meaning was also simple. The person involved couldn't control his emotions all the time, so he had to go to the confinement room next door to think about it.


Judge Liu was also speechless.

Are you still a defense lawyer?

Why do you want to expel your client?

You made the prosecution not know what to do, okay?

They wanted to speak up, but you came first, have you already learned how to steal the show?

"That's fine..."

Judge Liu picked up the gavel and hit it hard.

Boom boom boom!

"Defendant, because you lost control again, in order to maintain court order, this court has to ask you to sit in the 'confinement room' next door for a while!"

"Tingwei, take her down!"

After ordering the left and right court guards, the two dragged Gao Xiaoping, who was a little excited, and left the court directly.

The court scene was also a little stunned. People who knew the business looked at Zhang Wei, wondering why the defense lawyer would expel his client?

"Finally gone!"

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, heaved a sigh of relief, because this meant that the "time bomb" on his side had finally left.

Didn't you see that now, the jury lost its focus?

They were originally full of hostility towards Gao Xiaoping because of the witness's speech.

And as the hostile people left, the firepower covered the target, and the hostility subsided a lot.

"Your Excellency, we have no problem with this witness!"

Seeing that the "purpose" was achieved, Zhang Wei also ended the interrogation.

When he walked back to the defense table, his expression was extremely calm, almost calm.

"The prosecution?"

Judge Liu looked at Guo Wufeng again, suggesting that you can continue calling witnesses.

"Good boy!"

At this moment, Lao Guo fell into hesitation.

Because his purpose of summoning witnesses was actually to anger Gao Xiaoping and let the jury see the scene where the woman lost control.

As for selling miserably, it's just incidental.

Although the jury is easily influenced, it is enough to sell miserably once or twice, and it is not good if there are too many.

So he originally prepared several witnesses, all to stimulate the defendant.

But now that the defendant is gone, how exciting is it?

So he instantly understood, Zhang Wei's purpose of forcing the party to leave.

Just avoid your own firepower.

Gao Xiaoping has a bad temper and is easily agitated.

This is a disadvantage.

But if Gao Xiaoping leaves the arena, he will avoid the risk of being attacked and losing control.

Guo Wufeng felt that Zhang Wei sent his client away on purpose.

"This kid, you have already guessed this step, you have even considered my purpose of subpoenaing witnesses, so sacrifice the parties and block my formalities?"

He thought about it, and felt that calling witnesses would not make much sense.

Because the next few witnesses he prepared were all residents of Beichong Island, and their families all had the problem of children dying.

Therefore, Guo Wufeng winked at the trial seat, then shook his head.

"This is going to adjourn!" Judge Liu looked helpless when he saw this.

"Ahem, this court feels that it is a bit late today, and the defendant has left the meeting, so this court announces that the court will be temporarily adjourned today. The trial will continue on Wednesday morning. I hope that neither of you will be late!"

Judge Liu beat the hammer to announce the adjournment, and the court began to dissolve.

"Hmph, the most powerful lawyer in the East is nothing more than that..."

In the farthest corner of the hearing booth, Hua Chaofan looked at this scene with a little disappointment in his heart.

Regarding Zhang Wei's performance today, I can only say that it is a little amazing, but it is not as good as his foresight.

As for Wednesday's trial, that's for the future.

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