Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 297 Reason Card, Emotion Card?

Tuesday, a working day.

Jincheng Law Firm, Office of the Criminal Department.

The newcomers gathered in the office area of ​​the criminal department, but they looked up at a certain office from time to time, and after a few glances, they quickly shrank back and continued to work pretendingly.

But for trainee lawyers, their so-called work is just copying notes, writing pleadings, summaries, reports and other written work, which is boring and tedious.

And in the office they were paying attention to, there was a woman roaring.

And that office belongs to Zhang Wei.

Inside Zhang Wei's independent office.

"Lawyer Zhang, are you going to let me be deported like this?"

"In front of so many people in the court, they sent you out, and you didn't say a word?"

"You are my lawyer. I asked you to help me, not to let me be hanged out by the court like a criminal!"

"There is also that doctor surnamed Pang. Her accusations against me are all biased. Just because I stole the business from their hospital, she targets me everywhere!"

"This is especially true for the family surnamed He. The reason why I prevented his wife from going to the hospital at the beginning was because he didn't know the time and didn't arrange for his wife to go to the hospital in advance. It was because I wanted to save hospitalization expenses, and I wanted to wait until the delivery. Go. But he didn't know that because of the previous two births, her wife couldn't bear the hardships of travel and travel, and finally missed the normal delivery time."

"I stopped him to save his wife's life!"

Gao Xiaoping scolded Zhang Wei angrily, roaring at extremely high decibels.

So much so that the newcomers outside couldn't help standing up, wanting to take a peek at the situation in the office.

But due to Zhang Wei's reputation and some rules in the workplace, they had to retreat to their positions, pretending to be "seriously working".

But the newcomers outside have their ears pricked up.

And inside?

Zhang Wei held his forehead with one hand, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Ms. Gao, it's meaningless for you to tell me this, because it's useless for you to persuade me."

Who Gao Xiaoping wants to convince is of course the jury.

It's no use convincing defense attorneys, you have to convince 12 jurors to believe you.

"Another point!"

Zhang Wei then raised another finger and emphasized: "I am your defense lawyer, but I am just a cooperative relationship with you. If you can't control your temper in court and come back and yell at me, Then I will forcefully terminate the employment relationship with you!"

"Ms. Gao, don't think I'm afraid. I have a recording of you yelling at me, and there is also a video of you losing control in court. Even if you complain to the Lawyers Association, I have reason to convince the investigators of the Lawyers Association!"

"If we really come to that point, then our cooperative relationship will come to an end, but I will still let you settle the lawyer's fees, and I will sue you for an additional compensation for my mental damage!"

Zhang Wei said, getting up slowly, with a cold expression: "Ms. Gao, you are facing criminal charges now. If you yell at me again, then I can only ask you to hire another Gao Ming!"

Although there wasn't a single ounce of aggressive words in these threatening words, their power was stronger than Gao Xiaoping's roar.

At least Gao Xiaoping herself felt the pressure, so much so that she restrained her angry expression a little bit.

After a moment of silence, she smiled wryly: "Do you think I haven't looked for it?"

"Before I came to Dongfang Capital, I asked our local lawyer in Beichong Island, and he said that this case cannot be fought because it cannot be won!

"I didn't believe the result, and I scolded him, then came to Dongfangdu, wandered around the court for a long time, asked many people, and they told me that I didn't have to fight."

"In fact, after the day you went to participate in the motion, I contacted several lawyers in private..."

As Gao Xiaoping said, she lowered her head in embarrassment, "They all said that this case doesn't have to be dealt with, so it's better to plead guilty. Maybe the prosecution will see that I have a good attitude of pleading guilty, and I can save a few years in prison..."

After all, it's a bit embarrassing to say such a thing.

You signed a contract with a lawyer, but then went to another lawyer in private. Doesn’t that make it clear that you don’t trust the former?

"Ms. Gao, I'm very happy that you will take the initiative to bring up these things!"

Hearing Gao Xiaoping's words, Zhang Wei smiled slightly and sat back in his seat.

He took out a file bag from the drawer of the desk in front of him, opened it, and took out a stack of photos.

Spread out the photos and place them on the table one by one.

Among these photos, it is a photo of Gao Xiaoping entering various law firms in private to meet lawyers.

"Are you spying on me?!" Gao Xiaoping was shocked and angry.

What surprised me was that I thought these things were done very secretly, but I didn't expect that the young lawyer in front of me had already known everything.

What made him angry was that he was actually being watched, but he didn't find out at all.

"You are my client. Before the case is over, I will absolutely not allow any form of betrayal!" Zhang Wei said coldly.

"I originally planned to keep these photos just in case. If you really complain to the Bar Association, then these photos will be my trump card, enough to keep me from any investigation, and I will even file a claim against you!"

"But now that you've confessed everything, I don't think these photos are meaningful!"

After he finished speaking, he picked up the photo and tore it off in front of Gao Xiaoping.

After tearing up the photo and throwing it into the trash can, Zhang Wei looked at Gao Xiaoping.

"Ms. Gao, I understand your feelings. When a person is used to a certain life, but due to some environmental changes not caused by himself, the original ordinary life becomes unattainable, and even faces prison. Anyone would be outraged!"

"Some people have been screwing all their lives. Suddenly someone told you that screwing is against the law. Our factory merged with a big factory. They stipulated that workers can't screw screws. They have to let the machines come. You will all lose your jobs. Even If you keep turning the screws, you will go to jail, what do you think?"

"The original good life was suddenly replaced. Not only did I lose my job, but I also lost my income and even went to jail. I believe it was me. If I lost my beloved lawyer job, I would also be sent to prison. I will go crazy if I carry out labor reform."

"So, Ms. Gao, I can understand your feelings, but this is not a reason for you to act recklessly in court. You can be angry, but please vent your anger in a reasonable place, instead of risking being sentenced in court. Risk, to satisfy your own self-willedness!"

"I'm here to warn you once. If you still can't control your emotions in the next court session, then I really can only say goodbye to you. I hope you have a good time in Iron Island Prison!"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that in the women's section of Iron Island Prison, the seniors take great care of the newcomers. I wonder if you will be busy every day after you go there?"

The last sentence, although it sounded like a joke, made Gao Xiaoping freeze, and her hands trembled.

Even if she lived on Beichong Island, she had heard of the name of Iron Island Prison.

"Ms. Gao, now please go back and think about it carefully. I will deal with the next thing."

"But when I go back..."

"The main reason is that I feel very irritable when I see you, and you will hinder my train of thought!"

Zhang Wei said a word, and directly refused to give face to the other party.

Gao Xiaoping almost loses control, what the hell are you annoyed by me as a client?

Well, she admits that she has a bad temper, but it's all because she's going to jail, she's afraid!

But Zhang Wei will not spoil Gao Xiaoping, nor will he sacrifice his own interests in order to understand the other party, not to mention that Gao Xiaoping's presence in the office will really hinder his thinking.

"So, please, Ms. Gao!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and saw off the guests directly.

The latter had no choice but to get up and leave.

Now, only Zhang Wei was left in the office.

"Finally gone!"

After he was left alone, he breathed a sigh of relief, and now he could think about the countermeasures.


at the same time.

In the office next door.

Newcomers are also discussing.

But among them, many people are not optimistic about Zhang Weineng's victory.

Among them, the person who reacted most violently was naturally the little apprentice.

"Ah, my thousand dollars, a thousand dollars!"

When Lin Yumeng thought that she had bet a thousand yuan, she felt very unhappy.

Every time she thinks that she will eat bran swallowed vegetables this month and save this pocket money, she is very unhappy.

Wait, you can grab Zhang Wei's meal...

"It's all the master's fault. If he didn't lose the lawsuit, I wouldn't lose a thousand yuan, so the master is responsible for me, my money, and my lunch this month... um, that's right. so……"

After figuring this out, the little apprentice gradually calmed down...

Zhang Wei didn't know that his cute little apprentice was plotting against him behind his back.

He stayed in his office for a morning and a noon, and finally walked out in the afternoon.

As a result, he felt a pair of resentful eyes in the office hall of the criminal department.

"It's strange, why Xiaomeng looks at me with this look, why is this look familiar, I remember that she used this look at me a few times after I didn't give her lunch..."

Zhang Wei looked away from the cute little apprentice, and then looked at the newcomers in the office area.

"Hey, what have you guys been discussing all morning?"


Hearing Zhang Wei's answer, the newcomers fell silent collectively.

They can't say, we are discussing that you will lose to the local prosecutor's headquarters like this, right?

In the end, Su Xiaoqian, who was the liveliest among the newcomers, was the first to stand up.

"Lawyer Zhang, we've been discussing this morning how you're going to fight this lawsuit."

"Oh, what did you think of?" Seeing the girl standing up, Zhang Wei suddenly became interested.

"We thought a lot, and finally came up with two tricks..."

The girl walked to a writing board and wrote down two words with a water pen.

"Sense Card" and "Emotional Card".

"Lawyer Zhang, we all agree that you will use these two tactics to deal with the prosecution."

"Oh, go on..."

Zhang Wei crossed his hands and leaned against the partition of a desk, motioning for the girl to continue.

Su Xiaoqian regained her spirits immediately. Could it be that the leader gave her a chance to perform?

The girl got excited, but forced herself to calm down, don't be nervous, and behave well.

"The card of reason is easy to understand. It is to compare the services provided by the defendant Gao Xiaoping with the services of the local hospital in Beichong Island in many aspects, and then let everyone in the court know that the islanders have no choice but to choose Gao Xiaoping. Delivery."

The girl said, giving an example: "We found that the charges of local hospitals on Beichong Island are about 10%-15% higher than the average charges of some women's and children's hospitals in Dongfangdu. Naturally, it is not a small amount.”

"They chose Gao Xiaoping because the charges of the latter are definitely lower than that of the hospital. At the same time, Gao Xiaoping lives on Beichong Island, so he can be said to be everyone's neighbor. Once they choose to go to Beichong Island Hospital, they have to choose to let the mother be hospitalized. , the cost of hospitalization is a huge expense for fishermen."

"In contrast, if Gao Xiaoping chooses, the mother can give birth at home, without additional hospitalization expenses, and there are no other similar expenses such as food expenses, manual nursing expenses, cleaning fees, and other miscellaneous expenses."

Su Xiaoqian scribbled down a lot of numbers on the clipboard, all of which were fees charged by the hospital.

"That's right, you're right. The islanders chose my client to deliver the baby just for the sake of saving money and convenience. They don't want to go to the hospital to spend that unreasonable money, and they are stingy with money, but they want my client to take the blame. This is true. It’s a good line of reasoning.”

After getting Zhang Wei's exaggeration, Su Xiaoqian's expression became agitated, and her body felt a little swayed.

But she knew that there was still a chance to express herself. She hadn't finished speaking yet, so she had to restrain herself and not get too excited.

"Then there's the emotional card, which is mainly for prosecution witnesses."

"During yesterday's court session, the prosecution used shady tricks. After letting the witness appear in court, he asked him to leave the court on the pretext of taking care of his frail wife. In the end, we didn't even give us a chance to cross-examine."

"So I think that if the court is held next time, we can also summon the residents of Beichong Island, and also summon the wife who gave birth normally, and those families who got the child, and let them tell the experience of the client helping their family bring hope."

"And this witness can't be a couple, it has to be many couples. Let them all tell these warm stories in court, which will definitely impress the jury and make them believe that the client is actually a dedicated medical staff who helped a lot. The family brings laughter."

After the girl finished speaking, she looked at Zhang Wei with an excited expression of "seeking praise".

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you think of what I said? This is the result of our discussion all morning."

Su Xiaoqian felt that Zhang Wei would definitely use these two routines in the court session tomorrow.

For any lawyer, in fact, only these two methods can be used.


Zhang Wei stood where he was, and couldn't help clapping.

"Your ideas are good. I believe that any lawyer can only play these two cards!"

When the newcomers heard Zhang Wei's praise, they couldn't help raising their heads with excitement.

Sure enough, even "Murder Lawyer" Zhang Wei has only such a routine.

Rounding it up, aren't they at the same level as Zhang Wei?

"So, Lawyer Zhang, will you use these two cards? Do we need to help you prepare materials, such as the evaluation of the islanders on the local hospital and the reasons why they are unwilling to go to the hospital. Or we can go to the North Chongdao, help you find a few families who are willing to appear in court, let them come to testify for you in court tomorrow?"


Zhang Wei wanted to say forget it, but seeing the expectant eyes of the newcomers, he was embarrassed to say no.

"Do you really want to go on a business trip to Beichong Island for a day?"

"Of course I want to!" All the newcomers stood up.

Is not this nonsensical?

You can go out for a stroll, who wants to stay in the office and write documents.

"Okay, that's fine!"

Zhang Wei thought about it and agreed.

"I'll help you guys to talk to Lao Tie later, I'm sure I'm happy if you are willing to do me this favor!"


Zhang Wei stopped the newcomers who were eager to try, and changed the tone, warning: "But you have to understand one thing, people are lazy and greedy, and don't treat your opponents as fools!"

"Lawyer Zhang, we understand!"

Su Xiaoqian immediately nodded and agreed.

Zhang Wei smiled irrefutably.

You say you understand, do you really understand?

However, he didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of the newcomers, so he immediately went to Tie Ruyun's office to talk about it.

When the old iron heard that the newcomers were willing to contribute to the case, he made a big deal and agreed to the matter.

The newlyweds immediately cheered and set off in a group to Beichong Island.

As for Zhang Wei, watching them leave, the smile on the corner of his mouth quickly faded away.

"You guys have good ideas, but it's a pity that they think less after all.

Do you really think that the prosecution is stupid, and you can't even consider this point of empathy? "

Zhang Wei naturally disagreed with the newcomers' guesses and ideas.

We can think of rational cards and emotional cards, but wouldn't Guo Wufeng and Zhao Chunming not think of them?

Zhang Wei had already thought about this move to go to Beichong Island to find someone to appear in court.

But in the end, are people willing to travel across mountains and rivers just to say a few words in court?

Moreover, now is a critical moment in the case, will the prosecution let the defense do whatever they want, and go to Beichong Island to pull people casually?

Don't forget, Xiao Chen, Guo Wufeng's assistant, is the assistant prosecutor of Beichong Island. For him, Beichong Island is his home field.

Jincheng's newcomers went to Beichong Island, so it was naturally an away game.

Although the newcomers would like to show this, it plays a positive role in the atmosphere of the office.

But Zhang Wei never thought of using rational cards or emotional cards at all, because these two decks of cards are actually of little effect, and the prosecution has all the means to deal with it.

Litigation, to put it bluntly, is a game and contest between the two sides.

Only by playing the real killing sign, can you win by surprise, kill with one blow, and win the final victory.

Therefore, Zhang Wei prepared another pair of "King Bombs" to fight tomorrow's trial.

As he spoke, the phone rang, and it was Xia Qianyue's call.

"come yet?"

With a sneer on the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth, he immediately connected the phone.

"Hey, is it Hanhan? Have you found all the birth information?"

"Oh, I found it, that's good, just send me the information, and I will contact the other party later."

"You asked me what I asked them to do. Of course, I asked them to testify in court. Only they can act as a deterrent, especially in the face of Lao Guo and Zhao. Only these people can kill them by surprise!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei smiled cruelly.

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