Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 298: Everyone Comes to the Theater? No cards to play can only prove themselves?

Wednesday, court day.

The local inspection headquarters, the high inspection office.

As soon as Lan Zhengye picked up the coffee in his hand, he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The door of the office opened and a woman walked in.


"Well, Junior Sister Lu?"

Lan Zhengye hurriedly put down the coffee in his hand, and then looked at the visitor with surprise.

This person is none other than Lu Wenwen, a senior prosecutor from the South Island District Prosecutor's Office.

She also has another identity, the daughter of Judge Lu Zhengting of the South Island Court, and also... Zhang Wei's defeated opponent

Lan Zhengye also had this last identity, and both of them had lost to Zhang Wei.

"Junior Sister, why are you here?"

"Brother, I applied for a transfer order at the end of last month, and now that it has passed, I will officially come to the headquarters of the Eastern Metropolis Procuratorate in the middle of the month!"

As Lu Wenwen spoke, a hint of joy flashed across her face.

Although he was transferred from the South Island District Prosecutor's Office to the Oriental Metropolitan District Prosecutor's Headquarters, his position is still a high-level prosecutor, which is a transfer of equal rank.

But everyone knows that the transfer from the South Island General Administration to the Eastern Metropolis or the No. 1 local inspection headquarters in the southern region is actually an "upgrade".

Moreover, for Lu Wenwen, joining the local prosecutor's headquarters has another meaning, that is, she can be a colleague with her senior brother.

"Then congratulations, junior sister, we will be colleagues from now on!"

Lan Zhengye smiled and congratulated.

"By the way, brother, I did some homework before I came here, and found out that you have a case against Zhang Wei!"

When Zhang Wei was mentioned, both Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen showed a hint of embarrassment on their faces.

There is no way, both of them have lost to this person before, and they are both defeated by the other party.

This record is indeed disgraceful.

"Junior sister also heard?"

At the mention of Zhang Wei, Lan Zhengye immediately regained his spirits.

"Yes, you heard it right, there is indeed a case at our headquarters, and the opponent is Zhang Wei!"

"Also, the prosecutor in this case is Lao Guo, the director of the office. Judging from the current situation of this case, the defense should have no chance!"

Although Lan Zhengye didn't dare to say for sure, the curved corner of his mouth naturally betrayed him.

Judging from his many years of trial experience, this case is actually not worth fighting.

Even if Zhang Wei defends the client against guilt, the concessions he can obtain are limited.

And in Monday's trial, the advantage can almost be said to be on the prosecution's side.

"By the way, brother, today is the second court session, why don't we go and have a look?"

Lu Wenwen suddenly became interested, and pulled Lan Zhengye to walk out the door.

"This is a tough battle for our local prosecutor's headquarters, and the opponent is Zhang Wei again. I will definitely not be absent. If we can win today, our local prosecutor's headquarters will be proud!"

"Junior Sister, don't drag me, I will definitely go to see it, why are you still dragging me?"

Lu Wenwen dragged Lan Zhengye out of the High Prosecutor's Office.

In the felony department on the second floor, in the supervisor's office, Zhao Chunming was also talking to Guo Wufeng.

"Old Guo, this time it's all up to you!"

"Don't worry, Old Zhao, this time I will let him severely frustrate that kid's spirit, and let him know that not everyone can provoke our local prosecutor's headquarters!"

Guo Wufeng said, with a trace of solemnity on his face, his expression was extremely serious.

In today's court session, the opponent is Zhang Wei, and their local prosecutor's headquarters is about to win this difficult victory.

All of this is worth it, because the person they want to defeat is the guy who gave them countless cold eyes.

"Well, I won't say more, I'll let the whole office come over to cheer you on!"

Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng nodded solemnly, and then walked outside.

"Listen to me. Today's trial is the most important battle in our headquarters. Those who don't have a case in hand are not allowed to be absent from me. Even if you sit in the auditorium, you must witness to me until the last moment! "

"Understood, Director!"

"Speak up, you haven't eaten!"

"Understood, Director!!!"

Hearing the loud response from the subordinates in the whole office, Zhao Chunming nodded in satisfaction: "It's not too bad!"

As he walked back to the office, he said loudly: "We are the prosecutors of the local prosecutor's headquarters, and we are the party representing justice. If we can't show our energy, how can we explain to the citizens of the entire Dongfang Capital, and how can we be worthy of your wounds? Holy mission!"

"The supervisor is talking about the scene again!"

In the corner, Tan Yingying leaned over to Xiao Baihe's side, and said in a low voice.

"Sister Baihe, do you have a case in hand, do you want to listen in?"

"Of course, this is Zhang Wei's case, and he is likely to experience a tragic failure for the first time in his life. How can I be absent?"

As Xiao Baihe said, there was a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth.

I really want to see Zhang Wei's face when he loses a lawsuit for the first time.

That's going to be amazing...


Municipal courthouse, a preparation room.

Zhang Wei is having a final conversation with his client Gao Xiaoping.

Of course, the content of the conversation is more of a warning.

"Ms. Gao, although I know it's inappropriate to say this, I still want to remind you that as your defense lawyer, if you lose control in court, I don't rule out letting you leave the court again and go to the next meeting room to calm down !"

"What if the trial ends today and I'm sentenced to jail?"

When Gao Xiaoping thought that the result of the trial might be imprisonment, her mood became much worse in an instant, and her face changed.

"Then what if I promise you that today's trial will save you from danger?"

"Turning danger into safety?"

What Gao Xiaoping actually wanted to hear was to guarantee that she would not go to jail.

However, lawyers absolutely cannot guarantee this in terms of regulations. They can only use words such as "turn the danger into a bargain" and play some word games.

"Lawyer Zhang, let me tell you, as long as I don't go to jail, I can talk about everything else!"

"Understood, I promise you, you will get the fair treatment you deserve!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's promise, Gao Xiaoping was relieved.

Although this promise seemed to be the same as not saying it, at least it made her feel at ease.

"Well, it's almost time, we can go to court and prepare!"

Zhang Wei checked the time, took Gao Xiaoping out of the preparation room, and walked into the court.

As a result, as soon as he came in, he felt a little pressure.

On the hearing stand, countless sharp eyes swept towards him, like murder weapons and daggers, trying to pierce his whole body.

Most of these gazes are hostile.

"Good guy, so many people are here!"

Zhang Wei looked up and saw many familiar faces sitting on the hearing bench.

Not to mention Zhao Chunming from the local prosecutor's headquarters, those newcomers came more than Monday.

And in front of the rookie line, sat Zhang Wei's old acquaintances, Xiao Baihe, and Tan Yingying didn't say anything.

Unexpectedly, even Lan Zhengye, the high-ranking prosecutor, came, and Lu Wenwen was sitting next to Lan Zhengye.

When did the High Prosecutor of South Island also come to listen to the Dongfangdu case?

In the hearing booth, it can be said that there is a mighty group of prosecutors.

The way they looked at Zhang Wei was surprisingly consistent.

Contempt, sarcasm, and a touch of sympathy.

Apparently they all thought that Zhang Wei was doomed today.

In addition to the cheerleading squad for the prosecution, there are also many fellow lawyers sitting in the hearing booth.

Some can be named, some cannot be named, and there are even some faces from the top ten lines.

It seems that they are equally interested in Zhang Wei's possible "first defeat" and want to witness this moment.

It can be said that although today's case is not a major criminal case, it has attracted the attention of the entire legal profession in Dongfang Capital.

These were all present at the scene, and there were obviously more lawyers who did not show up on their own identities, or arranged for their subordinates to attend the scene.

For example, Hu Yaode of Blackfoot and his like, these have confronted Zhang Wei, and even lost miserably in his hands.

Zhang Wei can conclude that this old boy must have arranged for his subordinates to listen in on the scene, and there must be people with such thoughts at the scene.

Zhang Wei took Gao Xiaoping and sat on the defense bench.

Guo Wufeng sneered and walked over.

"Lawyer Zhang, how did you think yesterday? If your client wants to plead guilty, now is the deadline!"

Zhang Wei got up and looked back at the hearing booth.

Except for the first row where the friends came to grab seats in advance, all the other seats were taken by people with "bad intentions".

"Old Guo, why is this so? I don't know if you've heard a sentence, stay a line in life, so we can meet each other in the future."

"Hahaha, stay on the front line?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on Guo Wufeng's lips: "For others, I might give them another chance, but for you, Zhang Wei, then don't talk about it!"



"Nothing to talk about?"

"There's nothing to talk about!"

"Really not giving a chance?"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Guo Wufeng sneered, and glanced at Gao Xiaoping on the side, "Let me tell you a quick word, either let your client plead guilty, sign our plea agreement, or wait for the verdict. Either way, she will have to go to prison for at least 5 years. Bad luck or even 7 to 10 years!"

Hearing this result, Gao Xiaoping's face collapsed.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Wei with a calm expression.

"Actually, what my client can accept is to plead guilty, plus a minimum period of 3 years, and probation for 2 years, and parole in the last year."

"Hmph, you're talking nonsense!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's request, Guo Wufeng sneered.

Plead guilty and go to jail for 3 years, probation for 2 years plus the final year of parole, isn't it the same as not going to jail?

If he, Guo Wufeng, can even agree to such a condition, how can he have the face to meet his colleagues in the future?

"Is this how you treat customers?"

Guo Wufeng looked at Gao Xiaoping, but the latter didn't say anything.

What does this mean? It means that she acquiesced in Zhang Wei's speech.

At this moment, Guo Wufeng understood, and understood Zhang Wei and Gao Xiaoping's conditions.

He sneered, and said sarcastically: "Didn't we make a bet before, I, Guo Wufeng, left the words here today, if I agree to your condition, I will call you daddy on the spot!"

After speaking, he waved his hand and walked directly back to the prosecutor's seat.

"Recognize father, how do you know someone is going to call you father today?"

Zhang Wei touched his nose, and a strange look appeared on his face.

He always felt that today's trial would be wonderful.

Five minutes later, the court time finally arrived.

"stand up!"

The court guard abided by his duties and announced the entry of the judge.

Judge Liu walked up to the trial seat with small steps.

As soon as he sat down, he realized that something was wrong with today's court.

With a sweep, he secretly called out good guy, and felt a chill down his spine.

As soon as he glanced at him, there were many people in the hearing booth, and all of them showed serious expressions as if they were about to kill someone.

Tremendous stress!

No, hitting harder than a mountain is like the sky falling.

And this time, the sky fell and there was no tall man to help resist, so he had to do it himself.

"I'm just a young judge who just transferred from the countryside. I just joined the criminal court. Wow, do you want to do this?"

Xiao Liu said that he has to learn from Judge Ni Qiuping, because he is also depressed, which cannot be cured.

This is just a case of illegal medical practice, and it's not murder, murder, robbery, QJ and arson. Do you need such a big battle?

In front of the hearing booth, the high-level prosecutors from the local prosecutor's headquarters came.

There are several lawyers in the top ten firms who he can name.

Not to mention that Zhao Chunming was staring at him all the time, putting too much pressure on him.

But there was still work to be done, and he still had to announce it.

"What...the court will continue today!"

After the gavel was sounded, Judge Liu suppressed the trace of fear in his heart, forced a smile from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the defense bench.

"However, this court has been notified earlier that the witness, Mr. He's wife, is unable to come to the court because of illness, and he also needs to take care of his wife at home, so he cannot be present today. This court is sorry to inform you that Witnesses cannot be cross-examined at this time."

"Your Excellency, we naturally understand that Mr. He cannot be present, and we also support him to take care of his wife at home!"

Zhang Wei expressed his opinion, which made Judge Liu couldn't help but nodded in approval.

It is said that Zhang Wei is merciless in doing things, obviously others are wrong, this lawyer is obviously a "good guy"!

Even for the witnesses against the parties, he can understand generously. If this is not a good person, what is it?

"Well, does the prosecution need to call new witnesses?"

Judge Liu looked at Guo Wufeng again.

"Your Excellency, we have nothing to explain, and we will end the proof!"

Guo Wufeng had already achieved his goal, so naturally he didn't need to give evidence to the defense.

The next thing he has to do is to deal with Zhang Wei's moves, and try to win in a steady manner.

Therefore, it is also his plan to temporarily hand over the stage to Zhang Wei.

"Well, since the prosecution has finished presenting evidence, the defense please!"

Judge Liu made a "please" gesture, and Zhang Wei got up immediately.

"Your Excellency, and everyone in the courtroom, the defense summoned the defendant Gao Xiaoping to testify in court!"

Zhang Wei's words did not surprise others.

Because everyone knows that the most favorable witness for the defendant is himself.

Gao Xiaoping was going to court sooner or later, but she didn't expect that today it was the defense's turn to testify, so she sent the most important people directly.

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, Gao Xiaoping got up and walked to the witness stand, and he also looked back at the hearing stand.

Su Xiaoqian and other newcomers sitting in the first row all lowered their heads, showing shame.

Because they also said yesterday that Zhang Wei has two cards to play, namely the emotional card and the rational card.

In the end, they wanted to go to Beichong Island to find someone to testify in court, so that the residents of Beichong Island could tell the story of Gao Xiaoping in court.

But what happened?

One day yesterday, they went to Beichong Island, but they couldn't find a single witness in court.

Either because they are busy or because it is inconvenient to ask them to go to Dongfang to testify in court, all of them refused.

Su Xiaoqian and other newcomers asked from door to door, but they couldn't find anyone.

In the end, they came back with disappointment on their faces. Fortunately, Zhang Wei had already left when it was time to get off work.

Otherwise, Zhang Wei would probably laugh when he saw their bad faces.

Similarly, Guo Wufeng, who was on the prosecution bench, showed a meaningful smile when he saw Zhang Wei let the defendant appear in court.

"Not bad, as expected!"

He looked at Xiao Chen who was sitting next door, and the latter immediately understood and moved closer.

"Director Guo, after I went back on Monday, I informed the local residents according to your instructions. I didn't tell them anything else in detail, but I said that the cost of going to Dongfang Capital should be borne by myself. Once the defense lawyer promises to pay, That is bribing witnesses, and those who receive the money will go to jail, and they all avoid it now, no one wants to do something thankless!"

"Of course, defense lawyers cannot bribe witnesses. Once they are found out, it is a crime, and it is a felony. As for the islanders, they will also think about whether it is worth it, and obviously they all think it is not worth it!"

Guo Wufeng sneered, these were all things he expected.

As Zhang Wei said, people are greedy and selfish. If the residents of Beichong Island really wanted to testify, they would have called his office long ago.

Firstly, they are afraid, and secondly, they find it troublesome. Of course, they will not come to the East to do thankless things.

So, let's not talk about playing cards.

"Sense card" and "emotional card", that is neither one.

Zhang Wei had no new witnesses at hand, so he had to summon the defendant himself to testify in court.

"Ms. Gao, hello!"


Gao Xiaoping adjusted and answered Zhang Wei's question.

"I believe that everyone in the court has some misunderstandings about you, and today is your chance to explain these misunderstandings, so Ms. Gao, do you have anything to say to the jury and everyone in the hearing room? "

Gao Xiaoping bowed her head in silence for a while, looking at the jury and hearing seats.

It's a pity that what she saw was obviously not very good.

Because of Monday's trial, neither the 12 jurors nor the limited audience in the hearing booth looked at her very kindly.

After a while, she finally adjusted and said slowly: "Actually, I know that many people have misunderstood me."

"I admit that after the merger of Beichong Island and Dongfangdu, I have a certain rejection of the terms stipulated in the notice, which also makes me feel disgusted about going to Dongfangdu for a license exam."

"Later, because I was busy with work, I couldn't spare time to take the license exam systematically, because I had to take care of expecting mothers, and I also had to help them with basic physical examinations, help them stabilize their pregnancies, help them adjust their schedules, improve their diet, etc. wait……"

Gao Xiaoping began to explain.

But Guo Wufeng, who was sitting on the prosecutor's seat, suddenly laughed, and it was a sneer.

"Excuses are all excuses. I'll come up later and cross-examine. I'll let you see what cruelty is!"

Old Guo couldn't wait any longer, he was already looking forward to the moment when he tore off Gao Xiaoping's mask.

However, he was also a little surprised. Zhang Wei is obviously capable and can teach the parties how to deal with the jury. Why didn't he do so?

Could it be that he is also at the end of his rope?

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