Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 300: Witness Father Guo, Zhang Wei's Wang Zha!

Courtroom next door, prep interior.

"Lawyer Zhang, this is the last time I'm calling you a lawyer!"

"If I didn't know that there will be a closing statement, I would terminate the employment contract with you now!"

"But now, I just want to ask, if I plead guilty, what conditions can I get?"

In the preparation room, Gao Xiaoping almost gritted her teeth, suppressing the anger in her heart, and asked Zhang Wei.

"Are you admitting defeat now?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and there was an indescribable banter in his eyes.

You dared to roar in court, but now you are cowardly?

"Otherwise, let the prosecution continue to charge me, and then the jury will vote guilty, and I will be imprisoned for 10 years?" Gao Xiaoping couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Only a fool would sit and wait for death, but now she can only hope for the prosecution's plea conditions.

"Then if I say, I can still keep you out of jail?"

"What did you say?"

Gao Xiaoping almost suspected that she had auditory hallucinations.

Did Zhang Wei just say that he doesn't have to go to jail?

Stop being funny, okay!

As for the situation in the court just now, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came, it would be useless, right?

The way the jury looked at her, coupled with Guo Wufeng's accusations that made her angry, she is definitely guilty.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Gao Xiaoping shook her head, with a face of disapproval, "Although I am not a professional lawyer, I can tell that the jury will not vote not guilty."

"Ms. Gao, I think you have misunderstood something!"

Zhang Wei smiled, with a calm expression on his face: "Sometimes you win a lawsuit without a jury, or even a judge!"

"Let me ask you, what is the purpose of this trial?"

"Judge me?"

Gao Xiaoping pointed to herself.

"Then what is your purpose when you hire a lawyer to defend yourself?"

"Keep me out of jail..."

Gao Xiaoping pointed at herself again.

"That's it. There are actually many ways to keep you from going to jail, and I have already prepared countermeasures."

As Zhang Wei said, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Do you know why I applied for a temporary adjournment just now?"


"Because the witness I invited is still on his way, and now he is about to arrive at the court, so I just went out to meet him..."

"Any new witnesses?"

Gao Xiaoping was stunned.

You have a new witness, you said it earlier, I thought the case was completely over.

I'm in court myself, and you're hiding witnesses, it's just...

Are you playing with me?


at the same time.

On the other side of the courtroom, the prosecution prepares the room.

"Okay, okay, it's Lao Guo, I didn't misread you!"

Zhao Chunming was grinning from ear to ear.

"Director Guo, your performance today is too good!"

"Yeah, Director, I was so excited to hear what you said about the witnesses at the end!"

"Your speech is more powerful than the closing statement I thought of!"

The few newcomers who came in also expressed their compliments. Of course, to them, these were all words from the bottom of their hearts.

They looked excited, as if they saw the moment when Guo Wufeng won.

"Don't get excited, the outcome is still undecided!"

Guo Wufeng waved his hands, but he didn't get carried away.

However, the crazily raised corners of his mouth still betrayed his heart.

No way, this advantage is too great!

He never thought of the possibility of losing.

"Check the time, we can pass!" Zhao Chunming on the side put his hands behind his back, glanced at the wall clock, and urged.

He also couldn't wait to see Zhang Wei's defeat.

"Old Guo, it's all up to you whether you can severely defeat that kid's spirit this time!"

"Don't worry, old Zhao, I will never lose to that kid this time!"

Seeing that Zhao Chunming was full of expectations, Guo Wufeng immediately patted his chest and promised.

The glory of the local prosecutor's headquarters is guarded by him, Guo Wufeng!


15 minutes passed.

The recess is over.

Both the prosecution and the defense returned to the court one after another.

At the hearing booth, the prosecution team returned.

Xiao Baihe, Tan Yingying, Lu Wenwen, Lan Zhengye and others did not get up.

In the front row, the newbies in the criminal department were worried.

Especially Lin Yumeng, with a pale face, as if thinking of something painful, pouting on the seat all the time, looking up at the sky, feeling hopeless, touching her face from time to time, hugging her head, the cute girl The head is getting bigger.

From time to time, she kept chanting words like "one thousand yuan" and "pocket money", and she was a little distracted.

"It looks like the outcome has been decided!"

Similarly, in the last row of the hearing seat, Hua Chaofan was about to lose interest.

But he also has integrity, if he says he wants to watch the trial, then he will watch the trial.

Just in time to watch, the moment when Fatty Lin said that the powerful person lost the lawsuit.

He planned to go directly to the Jincheng Group once the trial results came out... No, he went directly to the golf course to trouble Lin Xiangtian.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Zhang Wei and Gao Xiaoping also came to the court.

The expressions of the two are different.

Gao Xiaoping had some guesses and doubts.

On the contrary, Zhang Wei remained calm.

And his calm expression also made many people in the hearing room feel a little incredible.

You are about to lose the lawsuit, how can you be so calm?

Many people whispered to each other and started whispering.

Boom boom boom!

On the trial bench, Judge Liu tapped the gavel.

"Everyone be quiet!"

He looked around the audience, and after everyone was quiet, he said: "Now that the prosecution and the defense are in place, let's continue the trial!"

"Defense, do you still want to call new witnesses, or can you end your self-examination and prepare your closing statement?"

Although Judge Liu knew the answer to the question, he thought that the necessary procedures still needed to be followed.

The defense has asked the defendant to testify against himself. Obviously, there is no move. It is better to prepare for a long-term pain than a short-term pain, and end it sooner.

So he knew that Zhang Wei's answer must be no...

"Your Honor, we do have to call a new witness!"


Zhang Wei's answer made Judge Liu stunned for a while, and his mouth didn't close for a long time.

"Any witnesses?"

Guo Wufeng next door was also stunned.

The prosecuting party in the hearing booth, the friends from the criminal department, and even other audience members were all stunned on the spot.

You have even called out the witnesses who are the bottom of the box, where are the new witnesses?

"be opposed to!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's request, Guo Wufeng immediately stood up.

Although he knew that this hand should be stable, he also knew that Zhang Wei had a showy routine and a showy operation.

But now, the other party is ready to play tricks.

What he has to do is also very simple, quickly interrupt, so as not to cause further disturbances.

Although he thought it would be useless for Zhang Wei to invite anyone, but he was prosecuting and had to do something.

"Your Excellency, the defense's new witness did not appear in the witness list, which obviously violated the publicity system!"

"Your Excellency, the situation of my witness is a little special. He is a bit old and has limited mobility, so he was delayed a little while on the road. Moreover, when I asked him to testify, I was not sure whether the other party would agree, so I didn't invite him. Add to the list of witnesses."

"This..." Judge Liu fell into hesitation.

Although Guo Wufeng was right, Zhang Wei's explanation also had some truth.

"Your Excellency, my witness has arrived at the court. He is old and it is not easy to come to the east. Don't you just have the heart to let him wait outside?"


Judge Liu couldn't bear it.

"Prosecutor, it's not easy for an old man to come to the East once. Would you please be considerate?"

Guo Wufeng snorted coldly, but he didn't stop it.

Because he didn't want to cause more trouble, Zhang Wei moved out of the way of the old man. If he refused firmly, wouldn't it be a bit unreasonable.

Although the advantage is now on his side, he still doesn't want to make the jury even the slightest bit hostile.

As long as I don't mess around, how can you make a comeback?

Guo Wufeng is very calm, and he has already secretly started to plan how he will cross-examine this witness after he goes to court.

Since Zhang Wei specially invited the witness, and also used "small tricks", he must leave an unforgettable memory for the other party.

In Guo Wufeng's mind, he has already gone through all the interrogation moves of the prosecution, and he is waiting to use them.

Following Guo Wufeng's acquiescence, Judge Liu also nodded.

"Since the prosecution does not raise objections, the court approves that new witnesses can testify in court!"

"Thank you, Judge Liu!" Zhang Wei smiled, and looked to the next door, "Thank you too, Lao Guo, I hope you don't blame me later!"

"Hmph, why would I blame you? I'm still going to say hello to your new witness!"

Guo Wufeng sneered, ready to go.

"Really, but I know you will definitely greet him~"

But Zhang Wei smiled again, with a bit of teasing on his face.

This expression gave Guo Wufeng a bad premonition for no reason.

He always felt that this kid seemed to be hiding something, but he couldn't tell.

"Cough cough, the defense requests to summon a new witness, Guo Laoshi, to testify in court!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, many people in the hearing booth were stunned.

What's the name, Guo Laoshi?

Is this person really honest?

"How come I seem to have heard of this name?"

Zhao Chunming frowned immediately, as if he had heard someone mention this name vaguely.

"The name is Guo, Guo, Guo..."

He looked at the court, looked at Guo Wufeng, and then a flash of lightning flashed in his mind.


Thousands of words, finally merged into these two words.

The door of the courtroom was wide open, and an old man walked slowly into the courtroom with the support of the court guard, leaning on crutches.

The old man's temples were slightly white and his back was a little bent, but his face remained serious.

In the hearing booth, someone seemed to have discovered something.

"Why do I seem to have seen the face of this new witness?"

"When you say that, I also feel that, where have you seen it?"

"Where else could it be? Don't we see it every day? Every time Supervisor Guo walks out of the office, he always has a sullen face."

"Really, the old man's face looks almost exactly the same as Director Guo's!"

"Wait, Director Guo's expression is so strange, it looks like... this old man, can't he really be his father?"

"No way, no way, the defense won't really summon..."

A group of new prosecutors seemed to have discovered something.


In the end, they followed in the footsteps of Zhao Chunming, and thousands of words were gathered into two words.

Lan Zhengye, Lu Wenwen, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying next door also looked at each other in blank dismay, with surprise and amazement flashing in their eyes.

They naturally heard other people's words, and they all understood one thing.


The four shouted wildly in their hearts, secretly thinking that Zhang Wei is so courageous!

"Hey, son, daddy is coming to see you!"

At this moment, the witness suddenly waved to Guo Wufeng in court.

His self-reported family background can also be regarded as an indication of his identity.




The old man's words startled the audience in the hearing booth!

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Guo Wufeng and Zhang Wei in court.


This shit...

This is too awesome wow!

The new witness summoned by the defense turned out to be the father of the prosecution prosecutor.

"Okay, the master is doing the trick again!"

To say that the most excited person in the audience was the little apprentice Lin Yumeng.

After learning the identity of the new witness, she knew that her thousand yuan was safe!


Similarly, Hua Chaofan who was sitting in the back row was also stunned.

He had been in contact with lawyers all the time when he was abroad, but he had never heard of such a flamboyant lawyer.

It was a "surprise" that the prosecutor's father was summoned to testify in court.

Are the lawyers in Dongfang Capital so wild?

Hua Chaofan said that fortunately he did not leave the stage halfway, otherwise how could he have seen such a "shocking, weeping ghosts and gods" operation.

"Zhang Wei, you are so brave!"

In court, someone finally broke out.

But this time it wasn't Gao Xiaoping who broke out, but Guo Wufeng.

Who made the witness in court this time be his father.

He never expected that the witness summoned by the defense was actually his own father.

Whoever it is, probably won't be able to bear it!

"Old Guo, I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it!"

Zhang Wei smiled and responded jokingly.

Guo Wufeng watched his father walk into the court, smiled to himself, and then walked to the witness stand and sat down.

His complexion was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten Lao Ba's secret hamburger.

"Zhang Wei, why is this so?"

He looked at Zhang Wei, and said with stern eyes: "I don't know if you have heard a sentence, keep a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future."

Hearing this familiar line, Zhang Wei squinted his eyes and laughed.

"Hahaha, stay on the front line in life, but have you ever given my client a chance?"

He pointed to the defense panel, and then pointed to Guo Wufeng, "For others, I might give them another chance, but for you, old Guo, then don't talk about it!"


"It's true!"

"Nothing to talk about?"

"Don't mention it again!"

"Really not giving a chance?"

"The opportunity was fought for by yourself, but you gave it up on your own initiative!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he walked directly to the witness stand and showed a smiling face.

"Hello, Father Guo!"

"Hello, little lawyer!"

Old Guo looked at Zhang Wei and said with a smile, "You said you have a good relationship with my son. Is it true? What were you talking about just now?"

"Oh, I have a good relationship with Lao Guo, he talks about me every day!"

"That's good. My son is sitting there, but why does he seem unhappy?"

"He is blaming himself. You have come all the way here, but he is not prepared. Of course he is blaming himself!"

"Oh, that's right, but I'm not so far away. I live not far from the neighboring city. Every year during the holidays, he can drive home for a few hours by himself. Don't have any psychological burden~"

Father Guo waved his hand at Guo Wufeng, signaling his son not to blame himself too much.

Guo Wufeng's face turned green, but he couldn't get angry.

Your father is sitting in the court, what can you do?

"Oh, by the way, let's get back to business!"

As Zhang Wei said, he signaled everyone in the court to look over.

Although everyone is actually looking at Father Guo now, Zhang Wei needs them to look at him.

"Father Guo, did you know that there is a court trial today about a midwife. They want to sue her for practicing medicine without a license, so why not help other people deliver babies?"

"What, there is such a thing?" Father Guo showed a surprised expression when he heard this.

"Yes, many people want to convict the midwife, especially your son, whose reaction is the strongest. He also said that this is a bad habit?"


Father Guo was stunned, and then looked at Guo Wufeng.

In the next second, Father Guo, who was originally amiable, immediately became angry.

"You bastard, what are you talking about? Do you know that back then, your father and I were delivered by the midwife. And you, when you were young, you were also delivered by the princess of the neighboring village. Are you audacious?"

"If there is no midwife, wouldn't I be gone, and you would be gone too, do you know that when your grandma gave birth to me, she almost died of dystocia, you are so courageous, you..."

Father Guo turned into a cannonball, and immediately began to output to Guo Wufeng.

Lao Tzu taught his son that any place is suitable, even in court, he would not hide and hold back, he would just growl and scold whatever came to his mind.

And Guo Wufeng, hearing his father's roar, could only sit silently and endure.

He still didn't dare to talk back, he felt extremely uncomfortable and wronged to death.

Zhang Wei stood where he was, watching this scene, but sneered in his heart.

There's no way, you forced me to do it, and I didn't want to do it so badly.

"Since Dongfang Metropolis was incorporated into the new medical system, all children born in the hospital will be recorded in the system."

"In other words, if it is not recorded in the medical system, then it must not be born in a hospital. I just need to count this information, and then select the person who speaks the most and has the greatest intimidation to you, Guo Wufeng. , let him testify in court."

"Originally, I wanted to find someone with status and let him have a deterrent effect. I didn't expect to find out that your father is also eligible, so Lao Guo, don't blame me. Who made this witness the most important weight!"

After Zhang Wei said a few words in his heart, he looked at the friends in the front row of the hearing booth, the criminal department.

"I neither play the emotional card nor the rational card, because I know that the effect of these two cards is not strong enough!"

"Either I don't fight, or if I fight, I will be king bomb!"

Father Guo is Zhang Wei's Wang Zha!

get up early to prepare nucleic acid

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