Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 301 Calling Dad Again? reached a settlement agreement

in court.

Papa Guo is still exporting!

Although he is called Guo Laoshi, he is not really honest, and he scolds people one after another.

The momentum is like a rainbow, and the talk is endless!

Breath through the Changhong, continuous!

Besides, I dare to say anything if I teach my son a lesson.

"You white-eyed wolf, you son of a bitch, when you were born, your mother was pregnant for ten months, and during the month of delivery, Wang Ma was busy and stayed by your mother's side all the time. Have you forgotten all about it? Conscience!"

"And when your grandma gave birth to me, grandpa can say that it was the midwife who guarded us every day and worked hard to keep our mother and child. Otherwise, our old Guo family would have died a long time ago, but you dare to look down on the midwife, you I let dogs eat my conscience!"

"You bastard, ungrateful little bastard..."

After several consecutive rounds of "storm-like output", Guo Wufeng lowered his head and didn't even dare to look at the witness stand.

His face was flushed and flushed, but he couldn't attack.

At the same time, he also knew that after today, he, Guo Wufeng, would have no face to be a human again.

What could be more embarrassing than being scolded in front of so many hearing audiences in front of the court, and he still dare not speak back.


It's your father who cursed, that's fine.

Isn't this more embarrassing?

To be yelled at by my own father in front of the court, in front of the judge, is so fucking embarrassing.

The unilateral output in court lasted for a full 5 minutes.

God knows how Guo Wufeng survived, anyway, he was unable to speak under the sound of "passionate" reprimand.

"Papa papa!"

After the output was over, Zhang Wei couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded.

"Thank you for the wonderful speech of the witness. What I didn't expect was that Lao Guo was also delivered by a midwife... Then your behavior is really a bit ungrateful..."

Although Zhang Wei was emotional, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

And Guo Wufeng, who was sitting opposite, dared not speak at all at this moment.

He lowered his head, not knowing what his expression was.

Anyway, the expression must be very bad.

After all, he was reprimanded by his own father in court for a full five minutes.

God knows if Father Guo wanted to say all the things he scolded his son for the rest of his life in these five minutes.

Anyway, it's over.

"Ahem, I believe that everyone in the court knows after the testimony of the witnesses that there is a need for professionals like my client."

"I know you may think that according to regulations, all midwives were practicing medicine without a license, but in those days, it was difficult for everyone to see a doctor. There was a midwife in the village who took care of women who were about to give birth. A good thing."

"I believe that if there was no midwife Wang Ma, and no midwives of the older generation, Lao Guo sitting on the prosecution bench, including his father, and even the parents of other people, would not have been born in this world, right? "

"The only thing I ask is that when you are going to act strictly in accordance with the law, can you consider a little bit of human touch, such as what the witness said today, which touched me a lot."

Zhang Wei said, looking at the witness stand again.

"Father Guo, your words are as powerful as a rainbow, which makes me think deeply. Thank you again for your speech!"

And as he thanked, his eyes turned to the surroundings.

Seeing the jury and hearing seats, the eyes of many people finally changed.

They may not understand Gao Xiaoping very well, but they obviously understand the hard work of the midwife.

It turned out that in order to help the mother deliver the baby and help the child be born, the midwives worked so hard.

Seeing that many people in the jury hesitated, Zhang Wei smiled again.

Even the way he looked at the witness stand was full of kindness.

This old Guo is really a good elder~

Although the latter didn't understand these things, he knew what he said, which was also helpful to Zhang Wei.

So he smiled too.

"It's okay, I'm just teaching my son a lesson, it's okay!"

As Father Guo said, he was about to get up.

"Witness, please wait!"

But as soon as he moved his butt, Judge Liu quickly interrupted him.

"Well, witness, the prosecution hasn't cross-examined yet!"

"What the hell?"

Father Guo blinked and looked at Zhang Wei.

"Oh, it's your son who wants to cross-examine you, and he wants to ask you questions!"

"Huh? He wants to ask me?" Father Guo pointed at himself, then kicked the prosecution seat viciously, "Hmph, he dares!"

Well, Guo Wufeng really didn't dare.

"I have nothing to ask about this witness..."

He could only lower his head, sit on the prosecution seat, and make a weak voice.


As a son, do I dare to go to court to question my father?

Don't you want me to be struck by lightning?

"Since the prosecution doesn't plan to question, the witness can leave..."

Judge Liu also knew that he was unnecessary, but he had to go through the necessary procedures, and there was nothing he could do.

Father Guo got up, and with the support of the court guard, walked out of the court slowly.

When he walked to the side of the prosecution seat, he snorted coldly, which made Guo Wufeng bury his head even lower in fright.

When the witness finally left, Guo Wufeng dared to raise his head.

All eyes in the audience were instantly focused on his body and face.

They saw something, saw a flushed face, saw a face distorted with excitement, shame, and anger.

At this moment, Guo Wufeng's heart is broken, and he has the desire to kill someone.

If the chair under his butt could be used as a murder weapon, he wished he could smash Zhang Wei's head with it.

This kid, how dare you bully me like this!

Guo Wufeng was roaring in his heart, and he almost couldn't help it.

"Old Guo, what are you doing, are you very angry?"

Zhang Wei glanced at Guo Wufeng, made a joke, and turned to the trial seat.

"Your Honor, the defense requests another 20-minute adjournment to allow the prosecution to adjust its mood!"

"This court...approved!"

Judge Liu struck the hammer again and announced an adjournment.

He also expressed unconditional support for Zhang Wei's request.

If it were him himself, after being trained by his father for so long, it would be a strange thing if he could still maintain a normal mind.

The court is dissolved.


Outside the courtroom, in the hallway.

Zhang Wei calmly walked to the door of a preparation room, and put his ear to the door.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the father of Guo Wufeng, the director of the Misdemeanor Division, is actually you. It is not easy for you to train your son to be the director of the Misdemeanor Division!"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, our grandparents are farmers, so I don't want my son to work in the fields all his life, so I force him to study, but my son was not very up-to-date when he was young, that's all because of me It was beaten out with a stick!"

"That's, that's, my son is too, now he's working as a field worker every day, he's busier than me as a court guard... By the way, this is tea from Xiao Zhang, I'll pour you a cup!"

"That's a good feeling!"

Inside the door, there were two people talking and chatting.

After hearing the movement inside, Zhang Wei was very satisfied.

Tingwei Lao Lu was arranged by Zhang Wei to receive Father Guo. As for the tea, it was just a gift from him.

After hearing that the old man was fine, Zhang Wei walked calmly to the preparation room next door and knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom!

The door of the room opened, and it was a new prosecutor who opened the door.

"It's Zhang Wei!"

After seeing the knocker outside the door, he exclaimed and ran into the preparation room quickly, forgetting to close the door.

Zhang Wei was able to push the door open, walked in calmly, and then saw several sharp eyes.

"How dare you show up, you bastard!"

Seeing Zhang Wei appearing in the preparation room, Guo Wufeng couldn't bear it immediately, and was about to pick up the chair and start.

"Old Guo, hold back!"

Zhao Chunming on the side quickly raised his hand to stop him, and several subordinates immediately stopped him.

"I can't help it, how can I bear it, this kid is such a jerk!" Guo Wufeng struggled, his expression excited.

"This is a court. If you really dare to do something, it will be a criminal case. Don't be fooled by that kid!"

Zhao Chunming hurriedly spoke out, he had already guessed Zhang Wei's purpose.

This kid appeared here now, and then made Guo Wufeng lose control, and even did it.

If the prosecution starts in the court, it will be a proper criminal case, and Zhang Wei promises to use this matter as a threat.

At that time, let alone the case, Guo Wufeng might have to go to jail.

Fortunately, Zhao Chunming and the others were all here, they were all afraid that Guo Wufeng would lose control, so they came here in advance to take precautions.

Zhao Chunming secretly thought that it was dangerous, but fortunately we are here to watch, if Guo Wufeng sees Zhang Wei alone, something might happen.

He immediately looked at Zhang Wei and scolded, "What are you doing here, brat?"

"I'm here to negotiate terms!"


Zhao Chunming and others were astonished.

You have already done that kind of thing, and you still want to negotiate terms?

"Nothing, I just know one thing, and that is that the jury is not on your side now!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, as if he was convinced of Guo Wufeng.

"Old Guo, I'm not talking about you. If we each make closing statements now, and I ask your father to sit in the hearing booth, do you think you can do it?"

As soon as these words came out, Guo Wufeng's eyes widened immediately.

"Fuck, don't stop me, let me go, I want to teach this bastard a lesson!"

Guo Wufeng struggled, but unfortunately he was held up by several people and couldn't break free.

"Old Guo, don't get excited, your father is next door now, if your voice is too loud, it's not good if you startle his old man?"

"Oh, by the way, I'm actually planning to call a new witness. Coincidentally, the old man has a son who was also delivered by a midwife."

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Zhao Chunming with a faint smile in his eyes.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang, it was Zhao Chunming's phone.

"Cousin, what are you calling me for?"

"What, my dad has also received a court summons, are you rushing here?"

Zhao Chunming was stunned, and then looked at Zhang Wei, with a flash of anger in his eyes.


He never expected that Zhang Wei not only summoned Guo Wufeng's father, but also dared to summon his own father.

"You boy, how dare you do that!"

"You guys forced me to do this, I'm just paying it back!"

"The judge won't accept it!"

"That's not necessarily the case. I just invite some families who have received help from midwives to go to court to express their thoughts. I believe that if the court and jury have a whim, they will listen to their stories?"

Zhao Chunming said that Zhang Wei was only a little away from being beaten.

"You boy, if you really want to do this, stay a little bit of a human being, and I really want to see you in the future..."

"Then Director Zhao wants to leave me a front line?"

Hearing what Zhao Chunming said, Zhang Wei immediately laughed and revealed his real intention.

The right to choose now came to Zhao Chunming.

Zhang Wei believed that if Zhao Chunming spoke, Guo Wufeng would definitely listen.

"Director Zhao, I will not hide it anymore. My purpose is actually very simple. My client can plead guilty but not go to jail. You have upheld justice and justice. My client also voluntarily admits his mistakes. Everyone will be punished. Not a bad result, what do you think?"

"Damn you, dare to threaten us!"

"I can't talk about threats. I just want to invite a few old people to the court to have a chat and share some opinions. It just so happens that the old people who came up happen to be the elders of your family!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at Zhao Chunming with a smile, "Director Zhao, I don't know what your father will say after he goes to court. I'm really looking forward to it!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Chunming's expression changed immediately.

He looked at his phone, the phone hadn't hung up yet.

"Damn you..."

He gritted his teeth, and the back molars were almost broken.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally Zhao Chunming finally made a decision.

"Okay, you're so ruthless, I'll just...just... you win!"

Zhao Chunming finally decided not to trouble his father for a trip.

That's too embarrassing, if my father reprimands me in front of everyone in the court, then what's the majesty of me, the head of the serious crime department?

It is enough for Guo Wufeng to go through the embarrassing things alone.

Zhao Chunming sighed and walked towards Guo Wufeng.

"Old Guo, I'm sorry, but I, Zhao Chunming, can't afford to lose this man!"

"Old Zhao, you..."

"Let's reconcile, otherwise this kid might do something crazy!"


"I know, you are angry, but I beg you for this matter, my father is still on the way!"

As Zhao Chunming said, his eyes had changed a little, showing unwillingness and helplessness.

"But, he, hey..."

Guo Wufeng went through an intense ideological struggle, but in the end he could only choose to compromise, and his grief and indignation turned into a long sigh.

It seemed that he was the only one who lost face today.

5 minutes later.

Zhang Wei left the prosecution preparation room and found Judge Liu.


20 minutes later.

The adjournment ends and the court resumes.

Everyone was seated, but Judge Liu's expression this time was indescribably helpless.

"Before the trial begins, this court wants to announce that the prosecution and the defense have reached some kind of settlement on the case, so the trial does not need to continue!"

"This court thanks the jury and everyone in the hearing room for participating, and now you can leave!"

With the final blow of Judge Liu's gavel, the trial finally came to an end.

There were no closing arguments, no jury deliberations, and no final verdict.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

This is the end?

What happened during the 20 minutes of the adjournment?

Why are the prosecutions all compromised?

But it is a pity that it is impossible to tell everyone about the transaction between the prosecution and the defense.

And as the judge announced the end of the trial, the prosecution and his party all left, their faces even more gloomy.

Among them, Guo Wufeng's expression was the most frightening, his face blackened to carbon.

Looking back at the defense, Zhang Wei showed a meaningful smile.

On the other hand, Gao Xiaoping was still in astonishment.

In fact, a few minutes ago, when Zhang Wei told herself that the prosecution had agreed to her side's terms of settlement, she was still in a daze.

She couldn't believe that the aggressive prosecutor would actually agree to let her not go to jail. This is simply...

"Lawyer Zhang, do I really not have to go to jail?"

"Of course, I told you all about the terms of the settlement. You need to pay a fine of 5,000 yuan and then participate in 2,000 hours of local community service. probation for one year, and parole in the last year, so you don't have to go to jail at all, you just need to go through the motions!"

Gao Xiaoping nodded again, with a somewhat astonished expression.

Sentenced to 4 years, but with 3 years probation, plus a final year of parole.

Although she pleaded guilty, she is exempt from jail and only needs to complete 2,000 hours of community service.

"Let's go, let's go to the local prosecutor's headquarters to find Lao Guo and the others. The process of signing the plea agreement still needs to go!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the outside of the court.

"Well, Lawyer Zhang, I'm here to apologize to you. I was too excited before and yelled at you a little louder..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I don't expect anything from you anyway..."

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang, for your understanding... No, what did you just say?"

"It's not important, we still have business to do, hurry up!"

Zhang Wei didn't want to argue anymore, so he hurriedly left the court with Gao Xiaoping.

1 hour later.

The local inspection headquarters, at the gate.

Gao Xiaoping really breathed a sigh of relief this time.

Because just a few minutes ago, she signed her name on the plea agreement, and she also read the terms clearly word for word.

She really doesn't need to go to jail, she doesn't need to go to jail.

"Madam Gao, what are you going to do now?"

"What else can I do, of course, go back and pack my things, and then go back to my hometown. After all, I still have 2,000 hours of community service waiting for me!"

As Gao Xiaoping spoke, she thought of something again.

"By the way, Lawyer Zhang, if I want to leave, can you help me list the house that I have worked so hard to buy for most of my life in Beichong Island? I can also share the agency fee with you for the money from selling the house?"

"No, your house should be calculated according to the market price, I can buy it in my own name!"

"That's a house on Beichong Island. What did you buy it for?"

"I bought it to renovate. It's a house near the sea. It can be used as a small villa. I can have some farmhouse fun during the summer vacation. It will be used by my father-in-law and mother-in-law in the future!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, anyway, such a house is not worth much money.

He, Attorney Zhang, can fully afford it.

"Then I am here to thank you, Lawyer Zhang, you have really helped me a lot!"

After Gao Xiaoping thanked her, she looked up at the sky.

What a pity, the sky of the Eastern Capital.

She may never see it again in the future.

After struggling for most of my life, I didn't expect that I would almost go to jail in the end, if it wasn't for Zhang Wei's help.

This time, she also saw clearly that after managing contacts in Beichong Island for so long, what she got was indifference.

Even without this incident, she doesn't plan to stay on Beichong Island any longer.

It's okay to leave.

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