Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 302 Good son recognizes his father? Golden City Club

Wednesday, 4 p.m.

District Attorney's Headquarters, Office of the Felony Division.

In the innermost supervisor's office, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng sat quietly, bowing their heads in silence.

Neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere in the office was extremely dull.

They could occasionally hear a group of newcomers in the office outside talking and chatting.

"Is this all reconciled?"

"Isn't it just that the father went to court, and the supervisor confessed?"

"Although Director Guo is very cowardly when he is reprimanded by his father, isn't this case definitely a conviction?"

"I don't understand why the supervisor wants to reconcile. I don't understand. Doesn't this mean we have lost again?"

"It's useless for us subordinates to guess what the leader means. Maybe there is a deep meaning here?"

"There is no deep meaning. I think there is a py deal. The defense lawyer can even invite Director Guo's father. Who knows if there will be..."

"Hush, keep your voice down, and be careful not to be heard by the supervisor!"

"Even if there is something between the leader and the defense lawyer, we can't talk about it. At worst, just pretend that we don't know!"

"Oh, got it, got it!"

The discussion of the newcomers gradually died down, but occasionally some people could still be seen looking up at the office.


After a long time, Guo Wufeng let out a long sigh.

"Old Zhao, I'd better go and submit my resignation to the Chief Prosecutor!"

Although his heart was full of grief and indignation, and he was not convinced, he felt that these dissatisfaction were meaningless.

He lost to Zhang Wei, and lost such a big face in court, he was ashamed to hang out in the local prosecutor's headquarters.

And the most important thing is that before the case started, the Chief Prosecutor personally called Zhao Chunming to warn him.

Now that the case is a mess, they always have someone to take the blame.

If it was before, it was all the prosecutor's fault.

But now, the main prosecutor of the case is Guo Wufeng!

It's impossible for him to push it to Xiao Chen, the secondary person in charge, right?

They have already been transferred to Beichong Island. People who do not belong to their headquarters, of course, don't have to take the blame.

The failure of the case must be reviewed by someone.

And the one who is responsible can only be him.

"Old Guo, I'm also responsible for losing this case, I can't let you carry it alone!"

Zhao Chunming is still very loyal at the moment, after all, he couldn't bear the pressure, so he had no choice but to give Zhang Wei a chance.

In other words, it was his surrender that led to the defeat of the case.

Zhao Chunming felt that Lao Guo couldn't bear the blame alone if he scored a point.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly, the landline rang.

"It's the Attorney General!"

Seeing the caller ID on the landline, Zhao Chunming sweated on his forehead.

Guo Wufeng, who was sitting on the sofa, didn't even dare to show his air.

Because he knew that once the case was over, the chief prosecutor would personally call to inquire about the matter, and he had no chance.

After all, I lost...

The emotion is the emotion, this call still has to be answered.

Zhao Chunming took a deep breath, then picked up the phone quickly.

"Prosecutor, I know what we did was wrong, Lao Guo and I are willing to accept the punishment!"

"But for this matter, the responsibility lies with me. Lao Guo was also forced to do nothing. You don't know how bad Zhang Wei is, how dare he..."

"Huh? Attorney General, what are you talking about?"

"... You said, it's okay?"

"Sorry, I'll ask for instructions again, we lost the case, but there's no need to..."

"Oh oh oh, I see, I see, I'm going to tell him what you said..."

"Yes, yes, you are right. It's just a case, and it's no big deal. Victory or defeat is the common sense of military strategists. Yes, yes, you are right..."

Under a burst of obsequious laughter, Zhao Chunming waited for the Chief Prosecutor to cut off the call before putting down the phone.

"What did the Attorney General say?"

"The chief prosecutor said that if you lose your case, you will lose it. It doesn't matter... He also asked me to tell you that winning or losing this case is not important. If you lose, you will lose, so you don't have to worry about it. He made it clear I won't blame you..."

Zhao Chunming relayed the original words of the Chief Prosecutor, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Is this still the ruthless Attorney General who can't tolerate any mistakes?

Why are you so easy to talk about today.

In the past, even if he lost a small case, he would call his subordinates to the office for a half-day training.

Lost to Zhang Wei again today, but he just asked a few questions with a smile, and the matter was revealed?

"Then, is my resignation still handed in?"

Guo Wufeng asked tentatively.

"Fuck it, the chief prosecutor said it's all right, so it's all right!"

Zhao Chunming waved his hand, and then supported his forehead. He needed to think about why the Chief Prosecutor had changed his strict attitude from the past.

Could it be because, after losing to Zhang Wei all the time, he has no expectations for himself and others?

Or, is there any shady secret between the chief prosecutor and Zhang Wei?

Or, is it simply that the Attorney General is in a good mood?

All in all, Lao Guo's seat is preserved, which is good.

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the office door.

"Director, someone is calling for you!" A girl shouted outside the door.

This girl is a newcomer to the Misdemeanor Division, and Guo Wufeng knew her.

He also knew that the newcomer who suddenly came to the felony department next door could only be looking for him, not Zhao Chunming.

"What's up?"

"Someone called and said he was looking for you, and said his name was Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei!?!"

Hearing this name, Guo Wufeng's eyes widened.

It was this kid who called his father from the hometown next door and reprimanded him in front of the whole court.

But I can't even talk back, so I can only bow my head and be scolded. This is a great shame!

God knows how much thought Guo Wufeng spent to send his father away.

Now Zhang Wei still dares to call, isn't this looking for abuse?

Guo Wufeng snatched the phone from the rookie girl's hand, and roared directly: "Hey, Zhang Wei, what are you doing calling? The case is over and the settlement agreement has been signed. Are you looking for trouble for nothing!"

"Old Guo, have you forgotten something? There were many people in court before, and I wanted to point you out a lot. Now it's just the two of us on the phone. Shouldn't you honor what you said?"

"What, why can't I remember?"

"Oh, you don't remember, let me remind you, you should call dad!"

"What are you calling dad, I..."

Guo Wufeng was about to reply, but suddenly remembered something.

During the pre-trial motion procedure, because the advantage was too great, I said a few embarrassing things.

"If you can turn things around, I, Guo Wufeng, will leave my words here, and I will call you daddy on the spot!"

These words suddenly rang in Guo Wufeng's ears, the voice was so clear.

Nonsense, because he said it himself!


Guo Wufeng is suffering in his heart, he really said such a thing, does he really want to recognize his father?

"What's the matter, Lao Guo, I remember, hurry up?!"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wei began to urge.

"You, don't bully people too much!"

Guo Wufeng was obviously discouraged, and his tone became a little unnatural.

Let him call Zhang Wei's father, isn't this "accepting a thief as a father"?

This is simply more uncomfortable than killing him, ten thousand times more uncomfortable!

"Okay, since Lao Guo is so dishonest, forget it, but be careful, if any recordings appear on the official website of your local prosecutor's headquarters the next day, don't worry about it, maybe there is some hacker It's a prank~"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Threats? You are really funny. I just mentioned a possibility in the future. If you want to sue me for threats, you can try it!"

Zhang Wei's voice was full of ridicule and ridicule. Anyway, he made this call because he was purely trying to gain power.

I have won all the cases, the client will not go to jail, and the plea agreement has been signed, what else can you do to me?

Now, I just ask you, Guo Wufeng, to fulfill what I said.

If your old Guo doesn't even have this responsibility, then don't blame me!

Guo Wufeng said that if time could be turned back, he would definitely not say such embarrassing things!

Unfortunately, time cannot be turned back!

"You are simply deceiving people too much, I..."

Guo Wufeng gritted his teeth, hating secretly in his heart, but finally managed to squeeze out a sentence between his teeth: "...I will call you daddy today...Dad, did you hear..."

"Hey, dear son, I heard your father!"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wei chuckled, his tone extremely embarrassing.

"You boy, remember it for me. The humiliation I, Guo Wufeng suffered today, must be repaid to you in the future. I..."

"Beep beep..."

Guo Wufeng wanted to say some harsh words, but the phone was already busy.

Zhang Wei hung up the phone.


In the end, thousands of words were combined into one foul language.

Guo Wufeng didn't care whether he was in his office or not, he turned his head to the sky and roared.


Jincheng law firm.

Criminal Department Office.

Inside Zhang Wei's own office.

After he hung up the phone, the smile on his face lasted for a long time.

"Old Guo, Lao Guo, this incident tells you, you must not be too arrogant!"

Thinking of Guo Wufeng's behavior of calling his father just now, he immediately laughed out loud.

Presumably Guo Wufeng should always remember this matter, maybe it will become the psychological shadow of the other party.

"Master, please have a snack!"

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and the little apprentice Lin Yumeng came in with several bags of snacks.

The little apprentice was in a good mood, his big eyes narrowed, and his smile turned into crescent moons.

"Xiaomeng, you are in a good mood today, and you actually want to treat me to a snack?"

"That's right, master, you won the case, of course I'm happy as an apprentice~"

The little apprentice said, and put the snacks directly on Zhang Wei's desk.

"Really?" Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, examining his little apprentice.

"Tell me, how much did you win?"

"5000 yuan!"

The little apprentice replied subconsciously, and found that Zhang Wei was looking at him with a smile.

"Master, I was wrong. I shouldn't participate in gambling, let alone place bets. I'm the team leader. I should stop newcomers from doing such things!"

The little apprentice realized his mistake and apologized quickly.

"Xiaomeng, I'm very disappointed in you..."

Zhang Wei shook his head and let out a long sigh.

"Master, I know I was wrong!"

The little apprentice was about to cry, but Zhang Wei actually said that to himself.

"You didn't notify me when you bet, how could I not participate in such an interesting event!"


Zhang Wei's next words stunned the little apprentice, he opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

"Okay, you go out, I'm joking with you. There are all newcomers outside, and they don't have much money. You really expect me to squeeze some money out of them. They must hate me!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and sent the little apprentice away.

The newcomer bets on this kind of thing, and he has participated in it before.

Things like the atmosphere in the office, such as betting on the outcome of a lawsuit, are the most energizing atmosphere.

Everyone is involved and motivated, which is actually a good thing.

Of course, gambling is inherently wrong.

You can bet, but you need to exercise restraint, and never expect to make money from betting!

Thinking about it, Zhang Wei started to work again.

After a while.

"It's time to get off work!"

After dealing with some things, he looked at the time and it was time to get off work.

After stretching a little and moving his body, Zhang Wei naturally left work on time.

In the criminal department, newcomers are still gathering to discuss.

The content of the discussion was naturally Zhang Wei's case.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect Lawyer Zhang to win like this?"

"Although I can't understand it, I was shocked!"

"Inviting the prosecutor's father to speak, I never thought about such a thing!"

"Why didn't the teachers teach this kind of routine?"

"You're not talking nonsense. We went to law school and didn't learn all the laws. How could the teachers teach us court trial skills?"

"I feel that I can learn a lot from lawyer Zhang. At least this first case shocked me!"

"I heard that Attorney Zhang has called witnesses of the enemy before, and even summoned the public prosecutor to testify in court. It's incredible!"

"Yes, Lawyer Zhang..."

The topic of the newcomers stopped suddenly because Zhang Wei came out.

"Keep talking, I'm off work~"

Zhang Wei waved at them, and then left straight away.

"I'm really envious. Lawyer Zhang is not only strong, but also leaves work so early."

"I heard from the seniors that after they joined the law firm, they didn't get off work earlier than 9 o'clock every day, and they were busy with work every day. Look at Lawyer Zhang, and now he gets off work at 5 o'clock."

"It's called ability. If I can have the strength of lawyer Zhang, I will get off work at 5 o'clock every day and spend weekends on weekends. This is simply a fairy day..."

Facts have proved that as long as you have strength, even if it is some bad things, you will be praised infinitely.

For example, if Zhang Wei does not work overtime, in the eyes of this group of newcomers, it is a performance of strength.

And if it's an ordinary lawyer who doesn't work overtime, then it's definitely not self-motivated.


The next day, early in the morning.

When Zhang Wei came to the office again, he found a golden invitation card on the table.

"What the hell, it actually belongs to the Jincheng Lawyers Club, it's not from the Jincheng Group..."

Seeing the information on the invitation card, Zhang Wei became interested.

He had heard of this club, which was run by the big boss, and it was a platform specially built for lawyers in the Oriental capital.

Of course, not everyone can join this kind of club.

You have to have strength, level, and identity.

For example, the lawyers of the top ten firms and the ordinary small lawyers stationed in the streets, can they be of the same level?

The Jincheng Lawyers Club is a place dedicated to providing services to lawyers from the top ten firms and some mid-to-high-end law firms, where they can communicate with each other.

The conditions for joining must be at least a partner or above in a medium-sized law firm, and the bosses of some small law firms do not even have the qualifications to join.

Of course, with Zhang Wei's current conditions, he can naturally join.

It's just that he didn't have much interest in this club before.

After all, who is the owner of the club? It's Lin Xiangtian.

The boss is only at this level, so what's the point?

But now, people have sent invitation cards over, so he must go there, and it happens to be able to recognize the way.

"Zhang Wei, did you also receive the invitation card?"

Outside the door, the voice of Tie Ruyun sounded.

In his hand, he also held a golden invitation card.

Apparently, the lawyer also sent him the invitation card.

"Old Tie, we received invitation cards, shouldn't we?"

Zhang Wei chuckled with a calm expression.

On the contrary, it was Tie Ruyun, with an excited expression: "This is the invitation card of Jincheng Lawyers Club. I applied for it before, but it was not approved. I didn't expect that this time, I would take the initiative to send me an invitation card."

"Old Tie, have you heard a sentence, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Now you are our partner in Jincheng and the leader of a large department. If you don't have an invitation card, you can't justify it. ?”

As Zhang Wei said, he poked Tie Ruyun's arm, and said with a smile, "Why don't we go over and have a look?"

"It's...not good, it's working time..."

"It's okay, our department is not busy, we are all newcomers now, what case can we have?"

As Zhang Wei said, he pointed to the office and saw that Li Yueqin was leading the newcomers in training and explaining some content.

"Look, Xiao Li can take care of him completely. He is eager to be a leader for a while, so you can satisfy his wish."

Tie Ruyun also looked outside, Li Yueqin was really excited with more than twenty newcomers.

"Then... that's fine..."

Finally, the old iron nodded in agreement.

Together, the two set off immediately.

When the two came to the underground garage to pick up the car, Zhang Wei saw that Tie Ruyun was still driving the old car.

"Old man, you are the head of the department now, and the price of this car has dropped, right?"

"I'm used to driving, and it's not just a car..."

"Farewell, you can take my car today, there is enough space anyway!"

Zhang Wei said, beckoning.

Zhang Xinyan drove over quickly in a black SUV.

"I'll go, this car consumes a lot of fuel, right?"

Seeing this big-brand vehicle, Tie Ruyun froze for a moment.

This kid Zhang Wei is indeed powerful enough. Not only does he have a car worth several million dollars, he even has a special driver.

Those who didn't know, thought that Zhang Wei was the department leader and he was a subordinate.

"Isn't that the case with SUVs? The gas consumption is scary, but I earn enough money, and the gas costs are still affordable. As long as it doesn't raise gas prices every day, which makes me feel nervous, I won't change the car." .”

After the two got into the car, Zhang Wei waved his hand and told the driver, "Let's go to the Jincheng Club!"

Zhang Xinyan naturally activated the accelerator and set off with the two of them.

The destination is naturally the Jincheng Lawyers Club under Lin Xiangtian's name.

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