Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 303 You call this formal?

Oriental Capital, downtown.

In the bustling city center with many skyscrapers, there is a relatively inconspicuous area.

The surrounding area is adjacent to a park and an artificial lake, and the nearest commercial facilities are more than 1km away.

In the city center where cars come and go, this area is relatively quiet, it can be said that it is quiet amidst the noise.

And Jincheng Club is here.

The full name of the club is actually Jincheng Lawyers Club, but in the Oriental Capital, when you mention the word "Jincheng", you can actually think of Jincheng Law Firm, the first of the top ten firms.

The Golden City Club is for lawyers.

The word "lawyer" can be left out.

There is a huge open-air parking lot outside the club, and only registered members can enter.

Originally, Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun were not allowed to enter, but today they took the invitation letter, and the security guard at the gate knew that the person who came was a partner and ace lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm, so he naturally let them through.

As a full-time driver, Zhang Xinyan had to guard the car.

Although he also wanted to enter the Jincheng Club, but he was not an insider, and the club would not let him in, so he could only stay in the parking lot.

Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun walked towards the club side by side.

Jincheng Club, the building is very strange, it looks like a huge square, square.

There is a sign at the gate with the words "Golden City Club, Lawyers Only".

Both Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun are lawyers, so they can go in naturally.

Walking into the gate, the vision suddenly opens up, and the interior space of the entire club comes into view.

The Jincheng Club has three floors, and the space on the first floor is huge.

The entrance is a reception area, with a drink bar on one side, and a row of seats is almost full of people.

The male bartender is showing off his bartending skills at the bar counter, while the good-looking and well-dressed waitresses are wandering around the first floor, delivering drinks and even desserts to the members.

Not far away, Zhang Wei even saw a billiard room and a bowling alley.

He sniffed lightly at the tip of his nose, and also smelled some food aroma, and evaluated it at the level of his professional chef, this cooking must be at the level of a chef.

"One-stop food, drink and entertainment, all entertainment facilities are included!"

Zhang Wei understood the nature of this place just by taking a look.

In the hall, there were groups of people gathered, and Zhang Wei could tell at a glance that they were all lawyers.

They got together, some were joking and gossiping, some were discussing business matters, and some were even drinking and bragging together, chatting.

All in all, there are quite a few lawyers here, and there are dozens of people in the reception area at the entrance alone, not counting those who are playing billiards and bowling inside.

The presence of Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun naturally attracted the attention of the club, and a waitress came forward immediately.

"Hello, both of you, are you registered members? Our Jincheng Club only accepts members. If you have not registered yet, you may wish to follow me to the manager's room..."

"Well, let's go, we are here to register as members today!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and took out the invitation card.

"Two of you, please!"

Seeing the invitation card, the waitress immediately smiled and made a slightly respectful gesture.

"The movements are slight and won't cause other people's resentment. Although the smile is a bit mechanical, at least it looks good. The waitress has an average appearance and figure. The key is that she has a good attitude and can talk. No wonder there are so many people in this club. Come!"

Zhang Wei followed the waitress while looking around carefully.

Walking in, he saw many lawyers, and many of them were whispering and talking in low voices.

Among these lawyers, some of them are quite capable, but some of them are not so good at practice.

It seems that the lawyers in the lobby on the first floor are of average level, ranging from high to low.

The club has three floors, and the really powerful stuff is obviously above the second floor.

Jincheng Club, manager's room.

After learning that it was Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun who came, the manager immediately showed a flattering smile.

"It turned out to be the famous lawyer Zhang, and Jincheng's new lawyer Tie from the criminal department. Welcome!"

As the manager said, he winked at the waitress, and handed the two invitation letters to her.

"Notify the back office to make two signed VIP cards!"

The waitress took the order and left immediately with the invitation card.

Only then did the manager invite Zhang Wei and the two to sit down, and then began to explain.

"Lawyer Zhang, Lawyer Tie, we are all from Jincheng, so I won't be too polite, and I will explain some information about our club to you."

"Our Jincheng Club, as you can see, has three floors. The first floor is the reception area, with the largest space and the most people. It is responsible for receiving registered members. Of course, you are definitely not ordinary members. You can go to the second floor. layer."

"Let me just talk about the first floor. There is an activity area on the first floor, as well as a drink area and a food area. As long as you are a registered member, you can enjoy the services on the first floor."

"There is an information wall in the reception area on the first floor. Our staff will regularly update information on the information wall, which is what the lawyers outside jokingly call a 'post list'. Most of this information is about cases. If you want to accept a case, you can tear off one of the pages and inform the staff, this behavior is also known as 'revealing the list'."

"This is most of the functions of the first floor. Of course, registered members need to pay an annual membership fee of 100,000 yuan, but I can guarantee that this sum of money will not make anyone suffer, even because of the limited number of places for open registration every year. , the annual quota is almost all won by outsiders, and they are all eager to pay this membership fee."

Zhang Wei agrees with the manager's words.

What is most important in the new era, you might say talent.

But Zhang Wei feels that the integration of resources is the most important thing. Otherwise, you have nothing to do but have no stage to display it.

As for the Jincheng Club, it is obvious that for the purpose of resource integration, all the resources of the legal profession in the Oriental Capital are concentrated here.

Just like here, you can often get some well-paid cases.

And there are so many cases in other places.

No wonder Zhang Wei was looking for cases outside by himself. There were not many cases that he could find. It turned out that many cases were concentrated here.

"Of course, for Lawyer Zhang and Lawyer Tie, the ordinary members of this level are certainly not worthy of your status, so the identity you registered this time is a VIP member who can go to the second level."

What the manager said made Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun a little curious again.

What's on the second floor?

"The two of you may think that the posting and unveiling of the list on the first floor is very interesting, isn't it?"

"But in fact, I can tell you that the cases at this level are basically left over by others. The cases that really make money, or the cases that are less difficult but rewarding, are actually not the case at the first level. Those ordinary members."

"The second floor is the real service object of the club. Every time our club receives a good case, it will be selected by the VIP on the second floor. We will have a special person to arrange the list and send all the cases to the VIP for you to screen. "

"Only after the selection of the VIPs on the second floor, will the ordinary members of the first floor turn to the cases that the remaining people look down upon. But just like this, these cases can often attract the attention of those people on the first floor. scramble."

When Zhang Wei heard this, he knew it in his heart.

Of course, good things are given priority to strong lawyers, and those who are not interested in things can go to the turn of those lawyers with a lower level.

In fact, this is also the responsibility to the client, and they all hope to find a good lawyer.

"Speaking of Jincheng Club, are there so many cases?" Zhang Wei was a little puzzled.

The manager seemed to have guessed that Zhang Wei would ask such a question, and replied seriously: "In fact, the number of registered VIP customers of Jincheng Club is more than you imagined!"

"Among the clients we serve, there are not only partners of major law firms, but also well-known entrepreneurs and wealthy businessmen in the East, as well as their friends and partners."

"Of course, for these non-industry people, the registration process is relatively cumbersome, and they need a special referrer to guarantee to join the Jincheng Club, so please rest assured that they are all customers who can afford the money after we have specially checked their identities."

After the manager finished explaining, he looked at Zhang Wei and the two, "Actually, half of the business entrustments that Jincheng Law Firm receives every year are handled by our club and sent people to negotiate in advance."

"Many clients actually like to come to the club to chat with friends before they encounter trouble and need to hire a lawyer, and make a decision after listening to other people's opinions. Our Jincheng Club just provides such an environment."

Zhang Wei nodded and said with a smile, "There's only one Jincheng Club in the entire Oriental City, right?"

"Of course, I can assure you two that there is only one Jincheng Club in the entire East!"

Although Zhang Wei's question and the manager's answer both made Tie Ruyun on the side feel a little baffled, but he always felt that there was something hidden in these words.

"That's good!"

Zhang Wei understood, and the manager also understood the meaning of his question.

There is only one Jincheng Club in the entire Eastern Metropolis, which means that there is only such a place in the Eastern Metropolis where case sources are integrated.

Only here can one be able to receive a large number of big cases with huge profits and amazing rewards.

Of course, cases like the one Zhang Wei took before are actually very profitable, but the difficulty is too great, and no one would dare to take it.

Maybe Ren's Pictures, Sincerity Insurance, also sent people to Jincheng Club to entrust tasks, but no one dared to take it, so they had to release the news.

As a big company in the Oriental Capital, Zhang Wei has no doubt that the presidents of Ren's Pictures and Sincere Insurance must also know about the existence of the Jincheng Club.

Still the same sentence, what makes the most money?

Of course, monopoly is the most profitable.

The existence of the Jincheng Club means that it has monopolized a large part of the resources of the lawyers in the Eastern Capital.

You can only eat meat if you join the club, and those who don't join can't even drink soup.

"Manager, the VIP card is ready!"

Just when Zhang Wei was full of thoughts, the waitress had returned from the logistics department.

And in her hand, there were two more golden VIP cards.

"You two, this is our Jincheng VIP membership card. With this card, you can use this card to enter the second floor of the club. Not only can you receive entrusted missions with lucrative rewards, but you can even post missions for your own cases. Recruit good helpers."

"Similarly, the VIP card not only helps you with cases, but also helps you make connections. Our Jincheng Club organizes business activities every quarter. Not only are the partners of major law firms, but also the rich and well-known companies. The high-level executives will all be present, and even the big boss will appear in person, and the two of you can imagine what effect you can get if you hand out your business card on such an occasion."

The manager's explanation at this moment made Zhang Wei think a lot.

Only people like Lin Xiangtian could afford this routine.

I have grouped all the outstanding entrepreneurs and businessmen of the Oriental Capital into a small circle.

Only those who are registered in my Jincheng club, I will take you to play, those who have not registered, are not eligible to connect with these people.

"I see, thank you manager for reminding me!"

Zhang Wei put away the VIP card with a smile, Tie Ruyun at the side also picked it up, and put it in his pocket solemnly.

"By the way, the annual membership fee for registered members is 100,000 yuan, and the annual membership fee for this VIP is 500,000 yuan, but both of you have invitation cards, so you won't be charged this year. If you earn enough money through the club, next year you want to If you need to renew, we will have a special receptionist to remind you two!"

"Understood, enjoy the benefits first, and collect money later!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, knowing these routines already.

Afterwards, the manager politely sent the two of them out of the manager's room, and the rest was followed by the waitress.

"Old Tie, why don't you go to the second floor first, so as not to get lost next time?"

As soon as he walked out of the manager's office, Zhang Wei's mind became active.

Since the manager spoke so well about the second floor, he must try it out.

"You two, if you want to go to the second floor, I would like to remind you here that the second floor is for VIP members, and these members pay attention to privacy, and sometimes ask the club to provide some 'special' services, so Please keep it secret no matter what you see!"

"We understand this. There is a saying that goes well. Ordinary people learn to speak at the age of 2, but it takes a lifetime to learn to shut up. We all understand this truth!"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, the waitress felt relieved and took the two of them up to the second floor.

Compared with the first floor, the space on the second floor is somewhat depressing and narrow.

But in fact, the building area of ​​the first floor and the second floor is the same, but apart from the reception room at the entrance of the second floor, the interior is divided into separate VIP rooms.

The layout of the reception room is very luxurious, with leather sofas, expensive furniture, and even antique calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls.

Just a whole set of soft furnishings here would cost at least tens of millions, not to mention that there must be a lot of valuable things in the VIP reception room inside.

"You two, there is a room dedicated to receiving VIPs inside. I can lead you to the empty space. If you need service, you can also order."

The waitress led the two into an aisle, shuttling between closed rooms.

"Is it like a maze here?"

Tie Ruyun just glanced around and muttered for a while.

They had circled around a few times, and the doors of the nearby rooms were all closed.

"Old Tie, calm down, there are so many rooms here, but I believe you won't get lost... Well, is this a woman shouting?"

As Zhang Wei spoke, his ears moved, as if he heard some disturbing voices.

In a room beside him, there was a faint sound of a woman's strange breathing, and there were some rhythmic knocking sounds.

"Does your club still provide this?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the room with a curious look on his face.

"Lawyer Zhang, please don't talk nonsense. Our club is a regular place. It's just that occasionally clients come with their female companions, and these clients pay attention to privacy. It's not easy for our club to explore what they do in a secret place."

The waitress was very calm, as if she was used to this kind of scene, listening to those dreamy voices, her face was always calm.

Obviously, she's used to it.

"Is it normal?"

Zhang Wei muttered, and the three moved again.

"Little baby, don't run away, let me touch it again~"

"Mr. Zhu, don't do this, I'm going to call you now!"

"Scream, scream, no one can save you with a broken throat~"

"Ah~ don't, don't~"

After walking for a while, another speechless voice came from the VIP room on one side.

"I'm thinking about it, isn't the sound insulation effect of this room a bit poor?" Zhang Wei complained again.

"Is this the point?" Tie Ruyun on the side quickly interrupted, "It's not the point, it seems to be happening inside..."

"Don't worry, both of you, Mr. Zhu likes this tune, and they make it very loud every time they 'perform', so you two can only hear it when you stand at the door. If you are a little farther away, you can't actually hear it Arrived!"

"And the designers on the second floor specially used sound-proof materials. As long as you are not as outrageous as the customers inside, you will not be able to hear what you are discussing inside."

The waitress looked indifferent, and quickly explained a few words.

"Oh, that's right, this performance is quite exhausting..."

Zhang Wei smiled, but his expression was calm.

Just as the three of them were about to leave this room, they saw a certain VIP room in front of them, and the door of the room suddenly opened.

Three women in bunny girl uniforms with big breasts and upturned buttocks came out with flushed faces.

As an experienced old driver, Zhang Wei just glanced at the walking posture of the three women and knew that they must have been...

"You call this formal?"

He frowned and looked at the waitress again.

"Well, our clients bring all kinds of female companions, and our club will not interfere with what they are playing inside!"

Although the waitress was explaining, she was also a little speechless in her heart.

Bosses inside, can you stop playing so much today, didn't you see that I was bringing two new customers to visit?

On weekdays, I see you all in suits and leather shoes, gentle and gentle, but I didn't expect you to be in a place where no one disturbs you, all of you are dressed like beasts.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei is also used to the behavior of these gentlemen before men and beasts after men, so he can take it easy.

"Then let's continue to visit?"

"Of course, this way please!"

The waitress led the two of them, and just after walking a few steps, the room where the bunny girl had walked out suddenly opened.

"Zhang Wei!"

Then, a startled voice sounded in the room.

"Hehe, it's actually you guys!"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Wei was also surprised.

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